278 research outputs found

    Public Speaking Catch Phrase: Reinforcing good public speaking skills through an interactive in-class gaming experience

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    Public Speaking Catch Phrase is an interactive in-classroom game derived out of the word guessing party game, Catch Phrase. Public Speaking Catch Phrase intends to make students aware of their communication habits and to develop and reinforce good public speaking skills. Speakers, or “clue-givers,” from two teams will alternate turns and deliver clues to get their team to say the words displayed on the electronic game device. However, students must follow “rules” promoting good public speaking practices in order to receive points. This includes maximizing metaphors and punctuation with gestures, and minimizing non-words (e.g., “um,” “uh,” “er”) and fluency disruptions (e.g., stammering, slurred articulation). This activity challenges students to focus, think quickly, and build a speaker-audience relationship in an interactive, fun, and energetic way

    Heat transfer in turbulent shear flow

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    The problems of heat transfer in turbulent shear flow along a smooth wall are discussed from the point of view of von Karman's well-known 1939 paper on the analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer. Methods for extending the analysis to higher Prandtl Numbers are suggested

    Unsteady flows in axial turbomachines

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    Of the various unsteady flows that occur in axial turbomachines certain asymmetric disturbances, of wave length large in comparison with blade spacing, have become understood to a certain extent. These disturbances divide themselves into two categories: self-induced oscillations and forced disturbances. A special type of propagating stall appears as a self-induced disturbance; an asymmetric velocity profile introduced at the compressor inlet constitutes a forced disturbance. Both phenomena have been treated from a unified theoretical point of view in which the asymmetric disturbances are linearized and the blade characteristics are assumed quasi-steady. Experimental results are in essential agreement with this theory wherever the limitations of the theory are satisfied. For the self-induced disturbances and the more interesting examples of the forced disturbances, the dominant blade characteristic is the dependence of total pressure loss, rather than the turning angle, upon the local blade inlet angle

    Migration of lymphocytes to normal and inflamed tissues in the rat

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    Hak Prerogatif Presiden di Indonesia Pasca Perubahan UUD 1945

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    Jika ditinjau lebih lanjut dari konsep awalnya, penggunaan maupun implementasi hak prerogatif Presiden di Indonesia, selaku kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan telah salah kaprah, begitu juga dengan pemahamannnya. Jenis penelitian hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian normatif, yaitu penelitian dengan melakukan pengumpulan data melalui penelusuran bahan-bahan pustaka berupa aneka literatur dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan penelitian ini. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sejarah (history approach), pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), pendekatan analisis hukum (analythcal approach), dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Dari hasil analisis penelitian didapatkan hasil, ternyata hak prerogatif Presiden masih termuat dalam UUD 1945 pasca perubahan. Pasal 22 ayat 1 merupakan pasal yang masih dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai hak prerogatif Presiden. Dalam pasal tersebut, disebutkan bahwa Presiden mempunyai wewenang untuk mengeluarkan peraturan presiden pengganti undang-undang (perppu) dalam hal ikhwal kegentingan yang memaksa dalam keadaan yang mendesak atau darurat menurut tafsiran presiden sendiri. Wewenang yang dimiliki Presiden tersebut, dalam implementasinya tidak dapat dicampuri oleh lembaga negara manapun

    Summer Air Temperature and Number of Vascular Species in Arctic Canada

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    Exceptionally high correlations (r=0.90-0.97) between number of vascular species and various indices of summer warmth at 38 localities in the Canadian Arctic support Young's contention that summer thermal regime is the most important ecological factor controlling the broad zonation of arctic flora. Highest correlations (r=0.97) are with July mean temperature and mean number of degree-days above 0 degrees C in July. Regression equations relating July mean temperature and number of species indicate a diversity gradient of about 25 species per degree. These equations provide estimates of species numbers or July temperatures in areas with poor climate or botanical data and may also be used to identify anomalous conditions.Key words: vascular species, floristic diversity, Canadian ArcticMots clés: espèce vasculaires, diversité florale, Arctique canadie


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    Information has become an ever-increasing needs. The public consumes information every day, from anywhere and in any way. The need for this communication is increasingly facilitated by the development of communications technology. Encouraged the community to have the communication tools that its content and not yet fully understand the functions and benefits or (regrettably) only inedible prod trendsetters and are tempted to follow the pattern of urban lifestyle. Lower class people who want to follow the lifestyle of leisure group class then becomes 'victim'. They became consumptive and hunting for items they do not really understand fully. They became consumptive and trying to follow the class leisure lifestyle they do not really understand fully

    The Standardized Memory Assessment: A Psychometric Evaluation Of A Computerized Cognitive Battery

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    The purpose of this study was to begin developing and to examine psychometrically a computerized assessment of memory: the Standardized Memory Assessment (SMA). Computers open the door to great opportunities for the field of psychological testing, offering many advantages for purposes of standardized assessment. Of foremost advantage is that computers allow for testing constructs that were previously difficult or impossible to test, such as comprehensive measure of memory.;The psychometric properties of the SMA were examined by analyzing the data obtained from a sample of 227 undergraduates. It was determined that most subscales and scales of the SMA had moderate reliabilities. The construct validity of the SMA was examined by observing how well the obtained relationships between the subscales was explained by the information processing theory upon which the SMA was based. It was found that the information processing theory, more specifically a hierarchical version of the theory, explained the data very well. The SMA results were compare to those from intelligence test. Results indicated that memory can be viewed as distinct from the construct measured in traditional intelligence tests, although there is a strong relationship between the two psychological constructs. The SMA was also administered to a sample of 80 elderly individuals. Evidence for a general decline in cognitive ability was found, but little evidence that memory deficits associated with aging are localized to one aspect of memory. Overall, the results of the study are encouraging for further research and use of the SMA

    Excessive cases of lateral refraction

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    Throughout its history, Indonesia has held general elections many times from 1955 to 2019. During that long period of time, Indonesia implemented a different electoral system at each election. The arrangement of the electoral system in Indonesia always changes from time to time in each election administration. In the process of changing the laws and the regulations for every election, there has always been legal political dynamics. After the 2014 elections, there have been changes regarding the conduct of elections in Indonesia. The Constitutional Court (MK) granted the petition for a judicial review of Law Number 42 of 2008 concerning the Election of President and Vice President in 2014, so that the implementation of elections in Indonesia entered a new phase in 2019 and beyond. In 2019, for the first time Indonesia held simultaneous elections. The methodology used in this study is normative. The approaches used in this study are the historical approach, the statute approach, the legal analysis approach, and the conceptual approach. Legal arrangements regarding the conduct of elections always change, starting from the highest level of legislative regulations to the lowest (from the laws to the General Election Commission regulations, presidential decrees, ministerial regulations, or other regulations). The changes in the regulations regarding the implementation of elections in Indonesia have been present since the time of the 1955 elections until the 2019 elections. Since the implementation of the 1955 elections, Indonesia has always practiced a proportional electoral system, the electoral system that is considered suitable to be applied in Indonesia. This proportional electoral system is practiced with various modifications (both the open proportional electoral system and the closed proportional system). There are even district elements in the proportional electoral system in Indonesia, for example there are electoral districts that can be equated with districts in the district electoral system. The practice of the electoral system to be used in the elections in Indonesia is almost always subject to debate, both among constitutional law intellectuals and politics
