15 research outputs found

    Razvoj ideje za Centar kompetencija inovativnih prehrambenih proizvoda u Koprivnici

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    Ideja o Centrima kompetencija kao dijelu znanstveno-tehnoloÅ”ke infrastrukture TehnoloÅ”kih platformi Republike Hrvatske, inicirana je krajem 2012. godine od strane države, radi poticanja gospodarskog razvoja putem primjene istraživanja i razvoja i komercijalizacije inovacija u poslovnom sektoru, koriÅ”tenjem bespovratnih sredstava u okviru Operativnog programa Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014. ā€“ 2020. godine. Prema kriterijima za osnivanje Centara kompetencija, umrežavanjem sudionika javnog, privatnog i znanstveno-istraživačkog sektora (Triple Helix), poticaj za osnivanje Centra kompetencije inovativnih prehrambenih proizvoda u Koprivnici, dolazi od Podravke d. d., kao regionalnog gospodarskog lidera u razvoju prehrambenih proizvoda s dodanom vrijednoŔću. Cilj članka je prikazati razvoj projektne ideje za Centar kompetencija u Koprivnici od 2013. godine kroz analize, ključne nositelje ideje i partnere na projektu, u kojem će djelovati budući Centar kompetencija za inovacije u hrani ā€“ Innotech d. o. o

    Perceived barriers and motives to reading nutrition label among label ā€˜non-usersā€™ in Croatia

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine barriers and motives associated with reading nutrition information among label ā€˜non-usersā€™ in Croatia and relationship with demographic and health factors of recruited sample.Label ā€˜non-usersā€™ are subjects reported that had never or do not know or wish to tell aboutreading nutrition label during food purchasing (n=375) and were recruited from representative sample telephone interviewed Croatian, for assessing nutrition label attitudes. It is found that main reasons of not reading nutrition labels are: no interest (more often mentioned among male, younger, smokers and subjects without special diet), lack of responsibility for food purchasing (often pointed among subjects aged 55 and over, those with the lowest educational and social status, on a special diet) and no time (more frequently mentioned among participants who are already on special diet due weight problems). 43% of nutrition label ā€˜non-usersā€™ do not know which motives would encourage them to start reading nutrition label. Nevertheless, young participants (up to 34 years) more than other mentioned health problems as probable motive to start with that practice. Identified barriers and motives of nutrition label ā€˜non-usersā€™ gives clear message for establishing nutrition education programs that would encourage ā€˜non-usersā€™ to change their behavior. For the first time, attitudes of nutrition label ā€˜non-usersā€™ were examined in Croatia and these findings together with previously reported results among label ā€˜usersā€™, could contribute understanding food consumer behavior in Croatia, new EU Member State

    Vegetable by-products in the European food legislative framework

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    Vegetable by-products are a source of many useful bioactive compounds, dietary fiber, fatty acids and proteins that have a great potential in the development of new food products and the promotion of the circular economy and sustainability. Considering processed pepper by-products as an example, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of EU food legislation that should be taken into account before placing such products on the market, as well as of the voluntary labeling of functional, nutritional and sustainability benefits important for consumers

    A practical application of sensory and rheological measurement in the development of fish pĆ¢tĆ© quality attributes

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    The flavor and texture of fish pĆ¢tĆ© are the most important attributes for consumers. The aim of the study was to analyze and compare commercial fish pĆ¢tĆ© with a laboratory prototype by combining sensory and rheological measurements. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis and Texture profile were established by expert sensory panelists, while the texture was additionally examined through rheological measurement. The results show a statistically significant difference between samples in relation to four flavor characteristics (color, fish odor, flavor saltiness, p < 0.05) and five texture characteristics (surface, plasticity, spreadability, density, graininess, p < 0.05). Regarding texture profile, the commercial fish pĆ¢tĆ© showed firmer density, and spreadability than does the laboratory prototype. Sensory and rheological data for both samples were highly positively correlated. Although the laboratory prototype has reached a certain level of desirable characteristics of fish pate (color, taste, spices) the acceptability of the observed differences in texture should be examined on a representative sample of consumers

    Physico-chemical properties, spreadability and consumer acceptance of low-sodium cream cheese

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    Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se istražila mogućnost smanjenja natrija u krem siru, djelomičnom redukcijom odnosno zamjenom natrija pomoću kalijevih soli. Preliminarnim ispitivanjem odabrana su 4 načina soljenja: 100 % NaCl (kontrola), NaCl snižen na 65 % (T1), 35 % NaCl-a zamijenjeno KCl-om (T2), i mjeÅ”avina soli SalutĀ® na bazi KCl-a koja sadrži i tvari za prikrivanje stranih okusa (T3). Istraživanjem su ispitivana fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, boja, mazivost, prihvatljivost, kao i stupanj intenziteta specifičnih svojstava krem sira sa sniženim udjelom natrija. Snižavanje udjela natrija nije utjecalo na udio proteina, mliječne masti i vode, aktivitet vode, kiselost i boju krem sira (P>0,05). Međutim, redukcija natrija je značajno utjecala na mineralni sastav, mazivost i senzorska svojstva. Primjena mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija značajno povećava vrijednost omjera K:Na. Sirevi koji su sadržavali mjeÅ”avinu soli SalutĀ® od potroÅ”ača su dobili ocjene najbliže kontrolnom siru, u usporedbi s ostalim zamjenama. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je moguće smanjenje udjela natrija u krem siru za 35 % primjenom nutritivno vrijednih mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija, bez naruÅ”avanja prihvatljivosti proizvoda.The present study was performed to investigate the possibility of sodium reduction in cream cheese by partial reduction and substitution of sodium by potassium based salt. Four salt treatment were selected by preliminary study: 100 % NaCl (control), NaCl reduced to 65 % (T1), 35 % of NaCl substituted by KCl (T2), and KCl-based salt mixture SalutĀ® which contains offflavours masking compound (T3). The study was evaluated physico-chemical attributes, colour, spreadability, sensory acceptance, as well as level of intensity of specific attributes of low-sodium cream cheese. Sodium reduction not influenced on the protein, fat and moisture content, water activity, acidity and the colour of cream cheese (P>0.05). However, sodium reduction significantly influenced to mineral composition, spreadability and sensory properties. The use of potassium salt substitutes significantly increased the value of K:Na ratio. Cheese containing commercial salt replacer SalutĀ® had the closest hedonic score to control cheese compared to other replacers. The current research demonstrates that sodium content can be reduced by 35 % in cream cheese using a nutritionally valuable potassium-based salt mixture, without compromising the consumer acceptance

    The impact of smoke point and aroma profile of sweet red pepper seed oil on culinary application and consumer acceptance

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    The category of edible plant oils with additional health and sustainable benefits is growing steadily. However, this category still represents a relatively small market segment known as ā€˜niche oilsā€™. Oils derived from byproducts, especially seeds, are considered as functional foods due to their properties. However, to increase their usage, it is necessary to examine their sensory acceptability among consumers. The results of this research demonstrate that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil (Capsicum annuum L.), from the Podravka and Slavonka cultivars, is acceptable to consumers as an ingredient in meal preparation and in various processed food products, due to its favorable organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics. The quality of oil is highly dependent on the quick manipulation of pepper seeds. Pepper seeds, that have been dried for a shorter time, yield oil that has a higher smoke point (230 Ā°C), which makes it suitable even for frying food. Aroma profile analysis revealed that cold-pressed sweet pepper seed oil is rich in terpene trans-Ī²-ocimene (40%), as dominant component. Trans-Ī²-ocimene plays a crucial role in the plantā€™s protective mechanisms their during growth and development. Consequently, sweet pepper seed oil represents a potential natural resource for isolating this terpene to be used as a biopesticide. Notably, this innovative oil is entirely produced from byproducts (seeds) and thus it provides an additional benefit for consumers who seek to contribute to the sustainability of our planet through their dietary choices. Therefore, this oil holds significant potential for closing the loop in the circular bioeconomy

    Microbial stability of sausage products with reduced salt content

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    Cilj ovog rada je validacija roka trajnosti proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli i koriÅ”tenjem zamjene za sol, s obzirom na njegovu mikrobioloÅ”ku stabilnost. MikrobioloÅ”ke analize su provedene na Kranjskoj kobasici koja je predstavnik skupine polutrajnih kobasičarskih proizvoda. Kontrolni uzorak je proizvod proizveden prema dosadaÅ”njoj ā€žklasičnojā€œ recepturi. Deset pakovina kontrolnog uzorka je analizirano odmah nakon vakuumiranja, zatim sredinom deklariranog roka trajanja (35. dan u roku), na dan isteka roka (45 dana od datuma proizvodnje) i 65. dan od datuma proizvodnje. Svi navedeni uzorci su analizirani i dva dana nakon otvaranja pakovina i čuvanja u hladnjaku na propisanoj temperaturi. Na taj s način validira i način konzumacije proizvoda deklariran na pakovini (nakon otvaranja upotrijebiti u roku 2 dana). Na isti je način ispitana i Kranjska kobasica sa smanjenim udjelom soli. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena pretraga na sljedeće mikroorganizme: aerobne mezofilne bakterije, Enterobacteriaceae, koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke/S. aureus, Salmonella spp., bakteriju Listeria monocytogenes i sulfitreducirajuće klostridije. U analizi navedenih pokazatelja koriÅ”tena je ISO metodologija. Ispitivanje mikrobne stabilnosti proizvoda sa smanjenim udjelom soli, provedeno je kroz 140 mikrobioloÅ”kih analiza. U uzorcima sa smanjenim udjelom soli te u kontrolnim uzorcima nisu izolirane bakterije roda Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, niti je zabilježen porast ostalih pretraživanih mikroorganizama, osim aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija. Prema dobivenim vrijednostima aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija, tri uzorka (4 %) proizvedena prema ā€žklasičnojā€œ recepturi daju prihvatljiv rezultat, dok se kod pet uzoraka (7 %) sa smanjenim udjelom soli rezultati analize tumače prihvatljivima prema odredbama propisa. Analiza svih preostalih uzoraka je zadovoljavajuća te nije dobiven niti jedan nezadovoljavajući rezultat. Svi analizirani uzorci su mikrobioloÅ”ki ispravni tijekom cijelog roka trajnosti proizvoda. Smanjeni udio soli u proizvodu koriÅ”tenjem zamjene za sol (SalutĀ®), nije utjecao na mikrobnu stabilnost proizvoda. Odsutnost patogenih mikroorganizama u analiziranim uzorcima potvrda je uređenog sustava sigurnosti hrane, poÅ”tivanja HACCP principa te kontinuiranog provođenja dobre proizvođačke i dobre higijenske prakse.The objective of this paper was to validate the shelf life of a product with reduced salt content containing a salt substitute, with regards to its microbiological stability. Microbiological analyses were carried out on Kranj sausage (Kranjska kobasa), as a representative of the group of semi-permanent sausage products. The control sample was manufactured according to the ā€œclassicā€ formula. Ten packets of the control sample were analysed immediately after vacuuming, then within the stated expiration period (day 35), on the expiration date (45 days from the date of production) and 65 days from date of production. All samples were also analysed two days after opening the packet and storage of the product in the refrigerator at the prescribed temperature. This also validates the manner of product consumption as declared on the packaging (after opening, use within two days). The version of the Kranj sausage with reduced salt content was also tested in the same manner. The study covered the following microorganisms: aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, positive staphylococci coagulase/S. aureus, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and sulfite-reducing clostridia. ISO methodology was applied in the analysis. Testing the microbial stability of the reduced salt product was performed on the basis of 140 microbiological analyses. In samples with reduced salt content and in control samples, no bacteria were isolated from the genus Salmonella or Listeria monocytogenes, nor were there any increases in the numbers of other microorganisms, with the exception of aerobic mesophilic bacteria. Three samples (4%) produced according to the ā€œclassicā€ recipe gave an acceptable result for aerobic mesophilic bacteria, while five samples (7%) with reduced salt content were readily acceptable according to the regulations. The analysis of all remaining samples was satisfactory, and no unsatisfactory result was obtained. All the analysed samples were microbiologically suitable throughout the entire shelf life of the product. Reduced salt content was achieved with salt substitution (SalutĀ®), which did not affect the microbial stability of the product. The absence of pathogenic microorganisms in the analysed samples confirms the regulated food safety system, compliance with the HACCP principles and continuous implementation of good manufacturing and good hygiene practices

    Motivation for health behaviour: A predictor of adherence to balanced and healthy food across different coastal Mediterranean countries

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    This cross-sectional study aimed to assess perceptions of healthy food and motivation for health behaviour (MHB) in different Mediterranean countries. Multiple linear regression was used to identify the association between perception of healthy food and MHB in different countries. The highest MHB was observed in Portugal (median 38.0; IQR 7.0) and the lowest in Greece (median 34.0; IQR 8.0). Compared to Portuguese respondents, respondents from Croatia (Ɵ=0.35; p < 0.001), Egypt (Ɵ=0.24; p < 0.001), and Greece (Ɵ=0.10; p < 0.001) had a higher probability of a better perception of healthy food. Slovenia respondents had reduced perception of healthy food (Ɵ=-0.10; p < 0.001) and MHB (Ɵ=-0.22; p < 0.001), despite higher adherence to a healthy diet (Ɵ=0.22; p < 0.001). Lifestyle habits, such as physical exercise, showed a weak association with MHB (Ɵ=0.14; p < 0.001) and adherence to healthy food (Ɵ=0.18; p < 0.001). The presence of most chronic diseases was negatively associated with MHB. The association between the perception of healthy food, MHB, and adherence to a balanced and healthy diet across different countries could be useful for implementing strategies to promote healthy eating and prevent chronic diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emotions and Food Consumption: Emotional Eating Behavior in a European Population

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    Emotion can reflect in the perception of food consumption. An increase in food intake during emotional and psychological conditions may have a negative impact on human health. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the associations between food consumption, emotional eating behavior, and emotional conditions such as stress, depression, loneliness, boredom eating, maintaining vigilance and alertness, and emotional food consolation. We used a Motivations for Food Choices Questionnaire (Eating Motivations, EATMOT) to determine the emotional aspects of food consumption in 9052 respondents living in 12 European countries between October 2017 and March 2018. Ordinal linear regression was used to identify the associations between the emotional eating behavior and emotional conditions such as stress, depression, loneliness, emotional consolation, and reasons to improve physical and psychological conditions. The regression models confirmed the associations between food consumption, emotional conditions, and emotional eating behavior. Associations were found between the emotional eating behavior and stress (odds ratio (OR) = 1.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.07ā€“1.60, p = 0.010), depressive mood (OR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.40ā€“1.43, p < 0.001), loneliness (OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.58ā€“1.62, p < 0.001), boredom (OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.36ā€“1.39, p < 0.001), and emotional consolation (OR = 1.55, 95% CI = 1.54ā€“1.57, p < 0.001). Emotional eating was associated with an effort to improve physical and psychological conditions, such as controlling body weight (OR = 1.11, 95% CI = 1.10ā€“1.12, p < 0.001), keeping awake and alert (OR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.19ā€“1.20, p < 0.001) and consumption to feel good (OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.21ā€“1.22, p < 0.001). In conclusion, emotions might provoke emotional eating behavior. The appropriate way to handle stress, depression, or other emotional states is important in conditions of being emotionally overwhelmed. The public should be educated on how to handle different emotional states. The focus should be moved somehow from emotional eating and the consumption of unhealthy food to healthy lifestyle practices, including regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Thus, it is necessary to halt these negative health effects on human health through public health programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)