46 research outputs found

    Application of Critical Literacy to Anticipate the Spread of Fake News by Residents of Karang Taruna Medan Amplas

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    The purpose of this community service activity is to anticipate the spread of false news and acts of hate speech committed by youth members of the Medan Amplas District, Medan City. Spreading false news and acts of hate speech is a crime that has recently become increasingly widespread and has been in the spotlight of various groups. This is due to the inevitability that Indonesia is a developing democratic country. Moreover, this country is a country whose population is a multicultural society, and is very vulnerable to the threat of social conflict caused by the act of spreading false news and acts of hate speech. As a multicultural country, the reality of diversity is a potential that has two sides. It can be positive or negative, depending on how it is managed. To manage socio-cultural diversity, it can be done by avoiding the spread of fake news and acts of hate speech. Prevention of these two things can be done by utilizing critical reading strategies. Therefore, specifically, this service activity is targeted to contribute to partners' knowledge and understanding of critical language awareness to prevent the spread of false news and hate speech. This method of community service is carried out in the form of field counseling through lectures on the use of reading strategies and critical literacy to prevent the spread of false news. The results of this service activity show that the residents of Karang Taruna, Medan Amplas Sub-district, already know about the problems of multicultural society in Indonesia and have succeeded in applying critical literacy strategies


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    This paper aims to identify the different types of language disorders that a man with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially Asperger Syndrome (AS), can experience. The information was in the form of phonemes, words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that he used in his everyday utterances as the leader of a local conservation group. The objective of this research is to classify different types of pragmatic impairment in AS characters and to clarify the pragmatic impairment that AS individuals face in his everyday life which conclude unresponsive, unbalanced, mismatched, lack of control and lack of playfulness based on the research problems. Academically, this analysis is intended to make substantial contributions to the fields of psycholinguistics and pragmatics. It's relevant to the psycholinguistics perspective because it's about the disability. It is a practical guide that professionals, lecturers, students, physicians, language pathologists, therapists, and readers from a variety of fields can use

    Training In Writing Abstracts of Scientific Works at Jam’iyah Mahmudiyah Islamic High School (STAI-JM), Tanjung Pura, Langkat District

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    Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah Islamic College (STAI-JM) is located in Tanjung Pura, Langkat district, which has five fields of study. At this high school there has never been any training in writing scientific works, either from within the high school itself or from outside the school. One form of writing scientific works is writing abstracts. An abstract is a short summary of scientific work (such as a thesis, dissertation, or research article). The abstract is a very important part of writing scientific works. The abstract form can be packaged nicely and attractively, so that readers can understand the entire contents of the research. The aim of the community service team (PKM) program activities is to practice writing abstracts of scientific work so that students are able to create abstracts from the results of their research briefly, clearly and measurably. The approach used is to collaborate with partners, the Government and STAI-JM teaching staff with training activities and mentoring methods for writing abstracts of scientific papers. This training was considered successful in increasing partners' knowledge and skills in writing abstracts

    Feminist stylistic analysis and LGBTQA+ representation in Lady Gaga’s born this way

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    This study is intended to find out the exact meaning of the lyrics at different levels of language, and phonetic devices, as well as to reveal how these stylistic devices work on Lady Gaga’s Born This Way (LGBTQA+). This study employed qualitative content analysis. The source of the data was the song Born This Way by Lady Gaga and the data were the linguistics aspects of the song, which are the words, phrases, clauses and sentences, as well as the discourse unit of the song. It was found that the song aims to speak to as many perspectives as possible, through different races, sexualities, and gender expressions, through the language uses that are represented in the song. By then, this song has completely succeeded to not only raising up feminist voice, but also, most likely, if there was no song with all the impact and events, understanding about gender and equality would not develop as it is today. The song strongly emphasizes the equality notion by accepting who we are as we are all born this way. The choices of word, phrase, clause and sentence as well as the discourse unit credit about self-liberation, and loving every part of oneself, no matter what race, belief, or sexuality one is on. This also proves that this song is not solely an LGBTQA+ community anthem, instead, it is a song for all kind of self-acceptance

    Indian Contribution to Language Sciences in Non-Western Tradition: With Reference to Arabic

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    Language study relates itself to both ontology and epistemology. Both ontological and epistemological investigations have been the subject of debate and discussion in different civilizations producing a number of grammatical traditions other than the West. Arab, China, India and the ancient Near East can also boast of language traditions of greater antiquity. In terms of richness of insight and comprehensiveness of scope, both India and the Arab compete on equal terms with the West, where each grew independently of the others and for the most part developed separately, drawing on the resources of the culture within which it grew. Hence, there is strong need to have a study of comparative grammatical theory to which Indian, Arabs and Chinese also belong, centring on the questions of: What has been the importance of these theories explanatory categories appear in historically unrelated linguistic theory, and if they do, why? This perspective would bring new dimension to the study of linguistic theory and would not remain at the level of redressing the overwhelming emphasis on the European tradition in the study of history of linguistics

    Stylistic analysis on Douglas Malloch’s “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” poem

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    The current study aims to analyze the stylistic devices and describe their realization in constructing the theme and meaning in Douglas Malloch’s “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” poem. This descriptive qualitative study applied critical content analysis as an approach. Leech & Short’s (2007) stylistic theory was adopted as an analytical tool to examine the levels of language (style) in the poem. Based on the findings, there are 67 items found in the phonological level, 60 items found in the graphological level, 7 items found in the morphological level, 151 items found in the lexical levels, 30 items found in the syntax level, and lastly, there are 13 items found in the semantic level. The stylistic realization has revealed that Malloch uses varied linguistic elements in constructing the theme of this particular poem. Importantly, Malloch, through this poem, conveys a message of hope and motivation for people of all ages to always remember that a complex reality and negative aspects in life can be juxtaposed with the positive ones such as being the best version of ourselves and share it to the world


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    The euphemism in texts of different genre is the most focused on this research. Because of nowdays mass media are no longer censor or even selected the material that they served to public although it is too harsh. and The using of euphemism itself are also lower and lower from years to years. Thought there are a few words can’t be spoken cause the words are too taboo to spoken. that’s why the writer choose to analysis this euphemism in different texts. The method of this research used qualitative research to analized the data from written text. The instrument of this thesis was document analysis. The subject of the study were fiction and non-fiction texts (Sir Erich Segal’s novel, Love Story. Short story of Ashley Marks,Eighth Moon. And scientific articles ,Now You See It, Now You Don’t by Paula McGee. Forced Marriage And Health by Asma Ashraf).After collecting the data , the writer finds out only 8 types of euphemism used in the texts above and fiction texts(novel & short story) uses euphemism more than non-fiction text. because it shows the skill and techniques of writing and speaking in literature, while non-fiction texts (scientific articles) only use few of euphemism, because the contain of text talking about science, knowledge, technology and even about reality. So, the words used in scientific articles must clear and show the meaning directly although it is rather harsh. That means for the reader or the audience do not misunderstand the contain of the texts

    Korean- English Code Mixing and Code Switching Of New Jeans’s Song

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    This paper reviewed code-mixing and code-switching along with the worldwide recognition of K-Pop songs by analyzing the English usage of "Hype Boy" and "OMG" by New Jeans, a fourth-generation K-Pop group. All songs were examined using Muysken's (2000) code-mixing theory, Stockwell's (2007) code-switching theory, and Fernandez-Martinez et al.'s (2014) and Kwon's (2019) comment analysis. The results revealed that the majority of code-mixing in "Hype Boy" was insertion and the majority of code-mixing in "OMG" was alternation, but there was no congruent lexicalization found in the two songs. However, the majority of code switches in "Hype Boy" were inter-sentential, whereas "OMG" was intra-sentential, and two tag-switching data were found. Aside from that, based on audience responses in the comment section, the audience responses showed up that they were impacted by the singers' word pronunciation errors, however, a lot were also impressed with their easy-to-listen-to songs. The study finds that the accurate pronunciation and the new English language switching function seem to have played a significant role in the success of "Hype Boy" and "OMG" among bilingual audiences


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    The study aims to figure out the phonological variations of sounds elision realized by Taiwanese university students in pronouncing several English phrases. Eight native Taiwanese students were chosen to support the analysis of the study. They consisted of 8 males and 8 females from the college of humanities and literature of Chung Chen University and from the faculty of foreign languages of Asia University, Taiwan. The study used a descriptive qualitative design. According to Ary, Jacob and Sorensen (2010), qualitative researchers seek to understand a phenomenon by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables. The goal is a holistic picture and depth of understanding rather than a numeric analysis of data. After analyzing the data, it was found that the pronunciation of the elision of initial /h/, final /t/ and final /d/ sound realized by the Taiwanese university students were varied. Some still pronounced them and some elided them

    Reading Comprehension Problems on English Texts Faced By High School Students in Medan

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    In the English teaching and learning process, there are four skills that are identified as very important; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The Indonesian government places English as a compulsory subject for junior and senior high school. But in practice, teaching English is not too maximal. Reading skills in this case reading English texts is very important because by reading it is open the opportunity to absorb other existing knowledge. Reading comprehension is an advanced level of reading skills. Senior high school students are expected to have mastered the comprehension skills of reading English texts at an advanced level. This is because most likely at the level of lectures these students are required to read English reference books. Therefore, research that reveals the problems that exist in the teaching and learning process of Reading Comprehension English texts needs to be done. Data sources were the articles about teaching English, focusing in the problem of reading comprehension. Data were words and sentences from the articles. The analysis technique used was thematic analysis. Based on the research, problem face by student in reading comprehension of English text was majoring in three theme; 1. Problems from the student self, 2. Problems from the teacher, and 3.External problems. Problems from the student self consist of three part; student basic English ability, less attraction on the subject and not motivated. Problems from the teacher were not using any method while teaching and used inappropriate method. External problems were material and environment.     Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Thematic Analysis, English Teaching and Learnin