84 research outputs found

    Le néocriticisme d'Henri Bois

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    The neocriticism of Henri Bois is part of the French Neocriticism, founded by Charles Renouvier and François Pillon, whose stated purpose was to provide a philosophy and a moral to the French Republic. Protestantism was for them an alternative religion to Catholicism, as well as it was Kant's religion. Bois thinks this criticist legacy can provide the foundations of a theological renewal of French Protestantism. The Bois' neocriticism is characterized essentially by two points: a conception of time redefined as a category of reason as a form of mind or spirit and not as a spatial form of sensibility; an insistence on the centrality of moral conscience and of belief in the theory of knowledge. The highets Being is not defined by his act or his doing, but by his relationships to other beings. In theology, the God that the believer encounters in religious experience is anthropomorphic, included in the limits of the knowable; he is not the deus absconditus of the pantheism and the agnosticism. The determination of the undetermined proceeds to the psychology and not to the theory of knowledge, and all the phenomena are already determined as objects. The neocriticism logically leads to the "psychology of religion". According to Bois, it is expressed by the importance given to the temporality of God and to the historicity of his action, including the critical dimension of history applied to Christ, who is the center of the faith, but also by the fundamental role of language, taking the form of beliefs, in any religious experience and spirituality.Le nĂ©ocriticisme d'Henri Bois fait partie du nĂ©ocriticisme français, fondĂ© par Charles Renouvier et François Pillon, dont le but avouĂ© consistait Ă  donner une philosophie et une morale Ă  la RĂ©publique. Le protestantisme constituait pour eux une religion alternative au catholicisme : c'Ă©tait la religion de Kant. Bois pense trouver dans cet hĂ©ritage criticiste les fondations d'un renouveau thĂ©ologique du protestantisme français. Le nĂ©ocriticisme de Bois se caractĂ©rise essentiellement par deux points : une conception du temps redĂ©fini comme catĂ©gorie de la raison en tant que forme de l'esprit et non plus spatialisĂ© en tant que forme de la sensibilité ; une insistance sur le rĂŽle central de la conscience morale et de la croyance dans la thĂ©orie de la connaissance. L'Être ne se dĂ©finit pas par son agir ou par son faire, mais par ses relations avec d'autres ĂȘtres. En thĂ©ologie, le Dieu que le croyant rencontre dans l'expĂ©rience religieuse est anthropomorphe, inscrit dans les limites du connaissable ; il n'est pas le deus absconditus du « panthĂ©isme » et de l'agnosticisme. La dĂ©termination de l'indĂ©terminĂ© se fait sur le plan psychologique et non sur celui de la thĂ©orie de la connaissance, et les phĂ©nomĂšnes sont tous dĂ©jĂ  dĂ©terminĂ©s en tant qu'objets. Le nĂ©ocriticisme conduit logiquement Ă  la « psychologie religieuse ». Cela s'exprime, chez Bois, par l'importance accordĂ©e Ă  la temporalitĂ© de Dieu et Ă  l'historicitĂ© de son action, notamment Ă  la dimension critique de l'histoire appliquĂ©e au Christ centre de la foi, mais aussi par le rĂŽle fondamental du langage sous forme de croyances dans toute expĂ©rience religieuse et dans toute spiritualitĂ©

    Using Gaia to derive distances to embedded objects

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    In this thesis, we present distance measurements to embedded stars by using the wealth of astrometric data from Gaia DR2. Our methodology is based on the Bayesian techniques and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling by modelling the extinction towards the region of interest to infer the distance to the target source. We model the Ag extinction in the line of sight to provide reliable distance measurements. We also use the Av extinction derived by Anders et al. (2019) to see the improvement in the distances when using additional catalogues. The distance is subsequently inferred from the jump point on the extinction from the Off-cloud to On-cloud stars as each extinction measurement has its corresponding distance. We inferred distances to Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) selected from the literature and to the sub-regions of the high mass star formation region, Cygnus X (DR20, DR21, DR22, DR23, and W75N). We found that Gaia can provide a reliable distance to an object associated with a molecular cloud with moderate-sized extinction, showing a small systematic uncertainty of less than 5%. For dark clouds, however, our extinction models inferred lower distances compared to maser distances, kinematic distances, and the extinction distances of Foster et al. (2012). This is because there are multiple extinction breakpoints towards those selected regions, and our models provide distances to the first jump. We also found that the sub-regions of Cygnus X are located at a similar distance of ∌1kpc according to Ag, and at ∌1.6kpc according to Av. This suggests that the idea of using additional photometric data with Gaia in the Av model improves the distance as it added many input stars for the models. Our methodology failed to measure distances to object in a cloud with complex extinction distribution that differs from our simple dust screen model. We stress, however, that the advent of the full Gaia Data Release 3 will significantly improve our distance measurements as many more data will be available

    Etat Des Lieux Des Affections Ophtalmologiques PĂ©diatriques Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Tambohobe Fianarantsoa

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    Introduction : Les affections ophtalmologiques peuvent compromettre le bon dĂ©veloppement visuel chez l’enfant, mais Ă©galement son dĂ©veloppement psychosomatique. Notre objectif Ă©tait d’étudier les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et cliniques des diffĂ©rentes pathologies oculaires des enfants vus au centre hospitalier universitaire Tambohobe Fianarantsoa.MĂ©thodologie : Une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur une pĂ©riode de 3 ans, de 2018 Ă  2020. La population d’étude Ă©tait constituĂ©e d’enfants de 0 Ă  15 ans vus en consultation ou hospitalisĂ©s au site d’étude ayant Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s dans le registre avec dossier mĂ©dical. Les paramĂštres Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, sociodĂ©mographiques ainsi que la corrĂ©lation entre affections ophtalmologiques et dĂ©ficience visuelle ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s.RĂ©sultats : Nous avons inclus 340 patients, dont la moyenne d’ñge Ă©tait de 8.9±4.9 ans, avec des extrĂȘmes de 7 jours et 15 ans. Le sex ratio Ă©tait de 0.78. Le principal motif de consultation Ă©tait le flou visuel. Les pathologies les plus frĂ©quentes Ă©taient les amĂ©tropies (54%) dominĂ© par l’hypermĂ©tropie (61%), venaient ensuite les conjonctivites allergique (12%) puis infectieuse (7%). Les principales pathologies responsables d’une dĂ©ficience visuelle non amĂ©liorable Ă©taient les tumeurs du globe oculaire, le glaucome congĂ©nital, et la cataracte congĂ©nitale.Conclusion : Les affections oculaires pĂ©diatriques sont variĂ©es, dominĂ©es par les amĂ©tropies. Certaines dĂ©ficiences visuelles sont corrigeables afin de prĂ©venir l’amblyopie. Une visite ophtalmologique systĂ©matique avant l’ñge scolaire constitue une stratĂ©gie de dĂ©pistage et de prĂ©vention des dĂ©ficiences visuelles chez l’enfant

    Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to the drugs used to treat severe malaria (quinine) and to prevent malaria (mefloquine, cycloguanil) in Comoros Union and Madagascar

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    Objectives. To monitor the sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to the drugs used to treat severe malaria and to prevent malaria in Comoros and Madagascar. Design. We used the in vitro isotopic method to test the sensitivity of P. falciparum to quinine, mefloquine and cycloguanil.Results. We tested fresh isolates of P. falciparum, collected from patients living in urban, suburban and rural areas and suffering from uncomplicated malaria in 2001, against at least one of the antimalarials cited above. In both countries all of the successfully tested isolates were sensitive to quinine (N = 243) and to cycloguanil (N = 67). The mean IC50 ranged from 85.7 to 133.7 nM for quinine. For cycloguanil, the mean IC50 ranged from 1.4 to 20.2 nM and the highest IC50 value (102.5 nM) was recorded in Comoros. Only 0.9% (1/110) of the informative isolates from Madagascar were mefloquineresistant (0/18 in Comoros). The mefloquine mean IC50s were 8.2 nM, 14.1 nM and 11.6 nM respectively in the rural, suburban and urban areas of Madagascar, and 5.9 nM in Comoros. A positive correlation was found between quinine and mefloquine IC50s (N = 127, r = 0.48, p < 10 6 ), but in vitro mefloquine was 6 -16 times more potent than quinine. No correlation was noticed between the activities of quinine and cydoguanil or between the activities of mefloquine and cycloguaniL Conclusion. We therefore advocate the use of a full-course regimen of quinine, as recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO), to treat above all severe malaria in Madagascar and Comoros. Our results also demonstrate that the use of mefloquine- and cycloguanil-based antimalarials is still justified to prevent malaria in both countries, mainly in the case of travellers

    IntĂ©rĂȘts De L’échographie Au Cours Des Traumatismes Oculaires

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    Objectifs : justifier la place de l’échographie oculaire au cours des lĂ©sions traumatiques de l’Ɠil et par la suite prĂ©ciser ses intĂ©rĂȘts.MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : Ă©tude rĂ©trospective au service d’ophtalmologie du CHU JRA sur une pĂ©riode de 4 ans, de 2008 Ă  2011 .Elle s’est portĂ©e sur 36 traumatismes oculaires ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s  d’une Ă©chographie. Des sondes Ă  haute frĂ©quences de 10Mhz ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es.RĂ©sultats : La moyenne d’ñge Ă©tait de 25 ans avec une nette prĂ©dominance masculine Ă  91,33%. Les circonstances des traumatismes sont dominĂ©es par les accidents domestiques. Le mĂ©canisme lĂ©sionnel Ă©tait surtout les plaies lamellaires et les contusions. L’échographie oculaire a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des cataractes (58,77%) ,des hĂ©morragies intra-vitrĂ©ennes (58,77%), des dĂ©sorganisations vitrĂ©ennes (8,33%), des dĂ©collements de la vitrĂ©(2,77%), des dĂ©collements de la choroĂŻde (13,8%) , des dĂ©collements  rĂ©tiniens partiel (19,44%) et total (l5,55%), une endophtalmie (2,77%), et des corps Ă©trangers intraoculaires(8,33%).Conclusion :  L’échographie est un examen non invasif et accessible, permettant de faire le bilan initial en cas de traumatisme oculaire dans le cas de trouble des milieux transparents pour Ă©valuer surtout le segment postĂ©rieur, ceci afin de guider les dĂ©cisions thĂ©rapeutiques et le suivi

    Comportement De Territorialité De Propithecus Deckenii Dans Les Aires Protégées Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty Et Mandrozo

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    This study aims to understand the behavior territoriality of the lemur Decken's Sifaka Propithecus deckenii in the Protected Areas (PAs) Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty and Mandrozo in the central-west of Madagascar between November 2017 and April 2018, and between July and October 2018. The continuous focal animal sampling method was used to monitor eight groups of Sifakas, two groups of the intact habitat and two groups from the disturbed habitat in each PA. Scent marking frequencies per focal groups differs between the two habitats types and is influenced by sex in favor of males. Season does not impacted this activity. The home range (define by MCP and 95% Kernel density estimate) and core area varies between monitored groups and the daily path length can reach 234 ± 98 m to 362 ± 110 m. These parameters are not influenced by season and habitat types. However, the intensity of territory use does not have any variation among the studied groups. The mean average « defensibility index » value for P. deckenii is 1.74 ± 0.70 (n = 8). The studied species has ability to adjust their territorial behavior, despite the degradation of habitat in sustainable use zone

    Differential responses of amphibians and reptiles to land-use change in the biodiversity hotspot of north-eastern Madagascar

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    Large expanses of tropical rainforest have been converted into agricultural land- scapes cultivated by smallholder farmers. This is also the case in north-eastern Madagascar; a region that retains signiïŹcant proportions of forest cover despite slash-and-burn shifting hill rice cultivation and vanilla agroforestry expansion. The region is also a global hotspot for herpetofauna diversity, but how amphibians and reptiles are affected by land-use change remains largely unknown. Using a space- for-time study design, we compared species diversity and community composition across seven prevalent land uses: unburned (old-growth forest, forest fragment, and forest-derived vanilla agroforest) and burned (fallow-derived vanilla agroforest, woody fallow, and herbaceous fallow) land-use types, and rice paddy. We con- ducted six comprehensive, time-standardized searches across at least 10 replicates per land-use type and applied genetic barcoding to conïŹrm species identiïŹcation. We documented an exceptional diversity of herpetofauna (119 species; 91% endemic). Observed plot-level amphibian species richness was signiïŹcantly higher in old-growth forest than in all other land-use types. Plot-level reptile species rich- ness was signiïŹcantly higher in unburned land-use types compared with burned land-use types. For both amphibians and reptiles, the less-disturbed land-use types showed more uneven communities and the species composition in old-growth for- est differed signiïŹcantly from all other land-use types. Amphibians had higher for- est dependency (38% of species occurred exclusively in old-growth forest) than reptiles (26%). Our analyses thus revealed that the two groups respond differently to land-use change: we found less pronounced losses of reptile species richness especially in unburned agricultural habitats, suggesting that reptiles are less suscep- tible to land-use change than amphibians, possibly due to their ability to cope with hotter and drier microclimates. In conclusion, our ïŹndings emphasize existing con- servation opportunities – especially for reptiles – in extensive agricultural land- scapes while highlighting the precarious situation of amphibians in disappearing old-growth forest

    Longitudinal survey of malaria morbidity over 10 years in Saharevo (Madagascar): further lessons for strengthening malaria control

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Madagascar has been known for having bio-geo-ecological diversity which is reflected by a complex malaria epidemiology ranging from hyperendemic to malaria-free areas. Malaria-related attacks and infection are frequently recorded both in children and adults living in areas of low malaria transmission. To integrate this variability in the national malaria control policy, extensive epidemiological studies are required to up-date previous records and adjust strategies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A longitudinal malaria survey was conducted from July 1996 to June 2005 among an average cohort of 214 villagers in Saharevo, located at 900 m above the sea. Saharevo is a typical eastern foothill site at the junction between a costal wet tropical area (equatorial malaria pattern) and a drier high-altitude area (low malaria transmission).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Passive and active malaria detection revealed that malaria transmission in Saharevo follows an abrupt seasonal variation. Interestingly, malaria was confirmed in 45% (1,271/2,794) of malaria-presumed fevers seen at the health centre. All four <it>Plasmodia </it>that infect humans were also found: <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>; <it>Plasmodium vivax</it>, <it>Plasmodium malariae </it>and <it>Plasmodium ovale</it>. Half of the malaria-presumed fevers could be confirmed over the season with the highest malaria transmission level, although less than a quarter in lower transmission time, highlighting the importance of diagnosis prior to treatment intake. <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria has been predominant (98%). The high prevalence of <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria affects more particularly under 10 years old children in both symptomatic and asymptomatic contexts. Children between two and four years of age experienced an average of 2.6 malaria attacks with <it>P. falciparum </it>per annum. Moreover, estimated incidence of <it>P. falciparum </it>malaria tends to show that half of the attacks (15 attacks) risk to occur during the first 10 years of life for a 60-year-old adult who would have experienced 32 malaria attacks.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The incidence of malaria decreased slightly with age but remained important among children and adults in Saharevo. These results support that a premunition against malaria is slowly acquired until adolescence. However, this claims for a weak premunition among villagers in Saharevo and by extension in the whole eastern foothill area of Madagascar. While the Malagasy government turns towards malaria elimination plans nowadays, choices and expectations to up-date and adapt malaria control strategies in the foothill areas are discussed in this paper.</p
