1,035 research outputs found

    Impiego di batteri lattici autoctoni per il miglioramento igienico-sanitario del Pecorino Siciliano DOP

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    Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 considerato il pi\uf9 antico formaggio prodotto in Sicilia e, probabilmente, d\u2019Europa. Le citazioni storiche sulla sua antica origine risalgono al IX secolo a.C. in uno dei passi pi\uf9 famosi dell\u2019odissea di Omero, quando Ulisse incontra Polifemo. In seguito, anche Aristotele e Plinio esaltano il gusto unico di questo formaggio. In particolare, proprio Plinio, nella sua opera \u201cNaturalis Historia\u201d, redige una carta dei formaggi nella quale vengono citati, tra i migliori pecorini,quelli provenienti da Agrigento. Fra le caratteristiche peculiari del Pecorino Siciliano DOP vanno annoverati il sapore leggermente piccante e l\u2019incantevole profumo di pascolo. Il Pecorino Siciliano DOP \ue8 un formaggio a pasta dura, semicotto, prodotto con latte intero crudo di pecora. L\u2019areale di produzione si estende su tutta la regione Sicilia. La forma \ue8 cilindrica a facce piane o lievemente concave, pesa dai 4 ai 12 kg, lo scalzo \ue8 di 10-18 cm. La crosta \ue8 bianca-giallognola,con la superficie rugosa per la modellatura lasciata dal canestro in giunco dove avviene la formatura, spesso viene cappata con olio. La pasta \ue8 compatta, di colore bianco o giallo paglierino, con occhiatura scarsa. Il sapore \ue8 piccante e caratteristico, l\u2019aroma \ue8 intenso. La stagionatura minima prevista dal disciplinare \ue8 di 4 mesi. Il Pecorino Siciliano ha acquisito la certificazione DO nel 1955 e la DOP nel 1996 con regolamento CE n. 1107/96 della Commissione del 12 giugno 1996 (Gazzetta Ufficiale Comunit\ue0 Europea L 148 del 21/6/1996). Attualmente, le attivit\ue0 di promozione, valorizzazione e vigilanza sono affidate al Consorzio di tutela del Pecorino Siciliano DOP, che \ue8 stato riconosciuto dal ministero delle Politiche agricole, alimentari e forestali (Mi- Paaf) dal 2005 a oggi. L\u2019elevata eterogeneit\ue0 del prodotto osservata nelle forme presenti sul mercato \ue8 dovuta sia ai metodi di produzione artigianali sia al vecchissimo disciplinare di produzione, risalente al 1956. Ci\uf2 ha indotto il consorzio di tutela a intraprendere una proficua collaborazione tecnico-scientifica con l\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo prima e l\u2019Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia, il Corfilac e l\u2019Universit\ue0 di Catania successivamente, con l\u2019obiettivo di migliorare la qualit\ue0 igienico-sanitaria del formaggio Pecorino Siciliano DOP e ridurre l\u2019eccessiva variabilit\ue0 qualitativa fra le forme ottenute da differenti caseificazioni

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) for the prevention of migraine in adults

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    Background: This is an updated version of the original Cochrane review published in 2005 on selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for preventing migraine and tension-type headache. The original review has been split in two parts and this review now only regards migraine prevention. Another updated review is under development to cover tension-type headache. Migraine is a common disorder. The chronic forms are associated with disability and have a high economic impact. In view of discoveries about the role of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in pain mechanisms, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been evaluated for the prevention of migraine. Objectives: To determine the efficacy and tolerability of SSRIs and SNRIs compared to placebo and other active interventions in the prevention of episodic and chronic migraine in adults. Search strategy: For the original review, we searched MEDLINE (1966 to January 2004), EMBASE (1994 to May 2003), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL 2003, Issue 4), and Headache Quarterly (1990 to 2003). For this update, we applied a revised search strategy to reflect the broader type of intervention (SSRIs and SNRIs). We searched CENTRAL (2014, Issue 10), MEDLINE (1946 to November 2014), EMBASE (1980 to November 2014), and PsycINFO (1987 to November 2014). We also checked the reference lists of retrieved articles and searched trial registries for ongoing trials. Selection criteria: We included randomised controlled trials comparing SSRIs or SNRIs with any type of control intervention in participants 18 years and older of either sex with migraine. Data collection and analysis: Two authors independently extracted data (migraine frequency, index, intensity, and duration; use of symptomatic/analgesic medication; days off work; quality of life; mood improvement; cost-effectiveness; and adverse events) and assessed the risk of bias of trials. The primary outcome of this updated review is migraine frequency. Main results: The original review included eight studies on migraine. Overall, we now include 11 studies on five SSRIs and one SNRI with a total of 585 participants. Six studies were placebo-controlled, four compared a SSRI or SNRI to amitriptyline, and one was a head-to-head comparison (escitalopram versus venlafaxine). Most studies had methodological or reporting shortcomings (or both): all studies were at unclear risk of selection and reporting bias. Follow-up rarely extended beyond three months. The lack of adequate power of most of the studies is also a major concern. Few studies explored the effect of SSRIs or SNRIs on migraine frequency, the primary endpoint. Two studies with unclear reporting compared SSRIs and SNRIs to placebo, suggesting a lack of evidence for a difference. Two studies compared SSRIs or SNRIs versus amitriptyline and found no evidence for a difference in terms of migraine frequency (standardised mean difference (SMD) 0.04, 95% confidence interval (CI) -0.72 to 0.80; I2 = 72%), or other secondary outcomes such as migraine intensity and duration. SSRIs or SNRIs were generally more tolerable than tricyclics. However, the two groups did not differ in terms of the number of participants who withdrew due to adverse advents or for other reasons (one study, odds ratio (OR) 0.39, 95% CI 0.10 to 1.50 and OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.13 to 1.34). We did not find studies comparing SSRIs or SNRIs with pharmacological treatments other than antidepressants (e.g. antiepileptics and anti-hypertensives)

    Insights on the bacterial composition of Parmigiano Reggiano Natural Whey Starter by a culture-dependent and 16S rRNA metabarcoding portrait

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    : Natural whey starters (NWS) are undefined bacterial communities produced daily from whey of the previous cheese-making round, by application of high temperature. As a result, in any dairy plant, NWS are continuously evolving, undefined mixtures of several strains and/or species of lactic acid bacteria, whose composition and performance strongly depend on the selective pressure acting during incubation. While NWS is critical to assure consistency to cheese-making process, little is known about the composition, functional features, and plant-to-plant fluctuations. Here, we integrated 16S rRNA metabarcoding and culture-dependent methods to profile bacterial communities of 10 NWS sampled in the production area of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. 16S rRNA metabarcoding analysis revealed two main NWS community types, namely NWS type-H and NWS type-D. Lactobacillus helveticus was more abundant in NWS type-H, whilst Lactobacillus delbrueckii/St. thermophilus in NWS type-D, respectively. Based on the prediction of metagenome functions, NWS type-H samples were enriched in functional pathways related to galactose catabolism and purine metabolism, while NWS type-D in pathways related to aromatic and branched chain amino acid biosynthesis, which are flavor compound precursors. Culture-dependent approaches revealed low cultivability of individual colonies as axenic cultures and high genetic diversity in the pool of cultivable survivors. Co-culturing experiments showed that fermentative performance decreases by reducing the bacterial complexity of inoculum, suggesting that biotic interactions and cross-feeding relationships could take place in NWS communities, assuring phenotypic robustness. Even though our data cannot directly predict these ecological interactions, this study provides the basis for experiments targeted at understanding how selective regime affects composition, bacterial interaction, and fermentative performance in NWS

    Mapping the dielectric properties of unknown targets by using a network of microwave sensors: A proof-of-concept

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    The subject of this paper is the possible use of a network of microwave sensors to achieve a map of the electromagnetic properties of unknown targets. The basic idea is to use a set of microwave sensors to illuminate a region of interest and to measure the resulting axial component of the electric field. Measurements are then processed by means of a technique based on inverse-scattering, which provides an estimate map of the dielectric values of the area under examination, allowing to discriminate among possible targets. In order to initially evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach, numerical results in a simulated environment are preliminarily considered and discussed. Furthermore, an initial test on experimental data in a simplified configuration is also presented

    FoodOmics as a new frontier to reveal microbial community and metabolic processes occurring on table olives fermentation

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    Table olives are considered the most widespread fermented food in the Mediterranean area and their consumption is expanding all over the world. This fermented vegetable can be considered as a natural functional food thanks to their high nutritional value and high content of bioactive compounds that contribute to the health and well-being of consumers. The presence of bioactive compounds is strongly influenced by a complex microbial consortium, traditionally exploited through culture-dependent approaches. Recently, the rapid spread of omics technologies has represented an important challenge to better understand the function, the adaptation and the exploitation of microbial diversity in different complex ecosystems, such as table olives. This review provides an overview of the potentiality of omics technologies to in depth investigate the microbial composition and the metabolic processes that drive the table olives fermentation, affecting both sensorial profile and safety properties of the final product. Finally, the review points out the role of omics approaches to raise at higher sophisticated level the investigations on microbial, gene, protein, and metabolite, with huge potential for the integration of table olives composition with functional assessments

    A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study of Photodouble Ionization of Water at 32 eV Excess Energy and Unequal Energy Sharing

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    In this paper we present a part of our investigation of the photodouble ionization (PDI) of gaseous water. Synchrotron radiation from ELETTRA storage ring was used to ionize the water molecule, and the two emitted electrons were collected in coincidence after angle and energy selection. We have compared the measured dication states with those known from literature and showed the angular distributions of the two photoelectrons measured for the first time, for different excess energies and under different energy sharing conditions. A detailed comparison with theoretical calculations is given to help understand some details of the PDI mechanism.Fil: Penson, Conner. Embry-riddle Aeronautical University; Estados UnidosFil: Turri, Giorgio. Full Sail University; Estados UnidosFil: Avaldi, Lorenzo. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Randazzo, Juan Martin. Comisión Nacional de Energí­a Atómica. Gerencia del Area Investigación y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia de Física (Centro Atómico Balseiro). División Colisiones Atómicas; Argentina. University of Central Florida; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; ArgentinaFil: Ancarani, Lorenzo Ugo. Université de Lorraine; FranciaFil: Bolognesi, Paola. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Itali

    A clinical pilot study on the effect of the probiotic Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus TOM 22.8 strain in women with vaginal dysbiosis

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    Lactobacilli with probiotic features play an essential role in maintaining a balanced vaginal microbiota and their administration has been suggested for the treatment and prevention of vaginal dysbiosis. The present study was aimed to in vitro and in vivo investigate the probiotic potential of the Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus TOM 22.8 strain, isolated from the vaginal ecosystem of a healthy woman. For this purpose, safety and functional properties were in depth evaluated. The strain exhibited a broad spectrum of antagonistic activity against vaginal pathogens; adhesion capacity to both the vaginal VK2/E6E7 and the intestinal Caco-2 cells; anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, suggesting its promising probiotic features. In addition, an in vivo pilot-study was planned. Based on both clinical and microbiological parameters, the oral or vaginal strain administration, determined a significant pathogens reduction after 10 days of administration and a maintenance of eubiosis up to 30 days after the end of the treatment. Therefore, the L. rhamnosus TOM 22.8 strain can be proposed as valuable oral and/or vaginal treatment for vaginal dysbiosis

    Construction technology and raw materials for the restoration of Gian Lorenzo Bernini's Cornaro Chapel Vault, Rome (Italy)

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    The scientific and multidisciplinary approach to the restoration of Bernini's Cornaro Chapel, at Santa Maria della Vittoria church in Rome, is reported as a fruitful example of the synergic cooperation between scientists and restorers for the planning and implementation of suitable conservative interventions. This study reports the cycle of scientific and diagnostic investigations carried out on the great Baroque masterpiece before the restoration started in 2020. Before the restoration, the technique of execution, the raw materials, and the state of preservation of Bernini's extraordinary sculptural cycle were scrupulously investigated with different and complementary analytical techniques on suitably selected micro-samples. Specifically, the original constituent materials were characterized, sometimes together with those resulting from decay processes or previous restoration interventions, through different techniques such as polarizing optical (OM) and fluorescence microscopy (FM), Electron Probe Microanalyses (EPMA) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Particular attention was paid to the frescoed vaulted ceiling of the chapel, enriched by scenes modeled in white stucco and gilding, to better understand the manufacturing as well as the accuracy adopted by Bernini in layering, investigating from the most superficial to the innermost layers. Scientific and diagnostic analyses were successfully performed to design the most convenient restoration intervention, to verify its correctness and ensure the use of non-invasive cleaning and conservative procedures. The results obtained from nine micro-samples, mainly composed of stucco and fragments of frescoes, contributed to dispelling the doubts raised by restorers, especially regarding the use of specific raw materials (notably the gilding, type of binder and aggregates, superficial patinas, etc.) and the presence of retouches in certain areas of the masterpiece, deriving from previous conservation interventions. The identification of these raw materials and the layering of the samples supported cleaning and restoration interventions through the use of suitable materials compatible with the originals
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