655 research outputs found

    Conformal smectics and their many metrics

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    We establish that equally spaced smectic configurations enjoy an infinite-dimensional conformal symmetry and show that there is a natural map between them and null hypersurfaces in maximally symmetric spacetimes. By choosing the appropriate conformal factor it is possible to restore additional symmetries of focal structures only found before for smectics on flat substrates

    Supersymmetry Breaking in Warped Geometry

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    We examine the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters in supersymmetric theories on a slice of AdS_5 which generate the hierarchical Yukawa couplings by dynamically localizing the bulk matter fields in extra dimension. Such models can be regarded as the AdS dual of the recently studied 4-dimensional models which contain a supersymmetric CFT to generate the hierarchical Yukawa couplings. In such models, if supersymmetry breaking is mediated by the bulk radion superfield and/or some brane chiral superfields, potentially dangerous flavor-violating soft parameters can be naturally suppressed, thereby avoiding the SUSY flavor problem. We present some models of radion-dominated supersymmetry breaking which yield a highly predictive form of soft parameters in this framework.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, uses JHEP clas

    Accounting for Multiple Comparisons in a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS)

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    Background As we enter an era when testing millions of SNPs in a single gene association study will become the standard, consideration of multiple comparisons is an essential part of determining statistical significance. Bonferroni adjustments can be made but are conservative due to the preponderance of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between genetic markers, and permutation testing is not always a viable option. Three major classes of corrections have been proposed to correct the dependent nature of genetic data in Bonferroni adjustments: permutation testing and related alternatives, principal components analysis (PCA), and analysis of blocks of LD across the genome. We consider seven implementations of these commonly used methods using data from 1514 European American participants genotyped for 700,078 SNPs in a GWAS for AIDS. Results A Bonferroni correction using the number of LD blocks found by the three algorithms implemented by Haploview resulted in an insufficiently conservative threshold, corresponding to a genome-wide significance level of α = 0.15 - 0.20. We observed a moderate increase in power when using PRESTO, SLIDE, and simpleℳ when compared with traditional Bonferroni methods for population data genotyped on the Affymetrix 6.0 platform in European Americans (α = 0.05 thresholds between 1 × 10-7 and 7 × 10-8). Conclusions Correcting for the number of LD blocks resulted in an anti-conservative Bonferroni adjustment. SLIDE and simpleℳ are particularly useful when using a statistical test not handled in optimized permutation testing packages, and genome-wide corrected p-values using SLIDE, are much easier to interpret for consumers of GWAS studies

    Self-gravitating domain walls and the thin-wall limit

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    We analyse the distributional thin wall limit of self gravitating scalar field configurations representing thick domain wall geometries. We show that thick wall solutions can be generated by appropiate scaling of the thin wall ones, and obtain an exact solution for a domain wall that interpolates between AdS_4 asymptotic vacua and has a well-defined thin wall limit.Solutions representing scalar field configurations obtained via the same scaling but that do not have a thin wall limit are also presented.Comment: 10 pages, revte

    Collapsing Perfect Fluid in Higher Dimensional Spherical Spacetimes

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    The general metric for N-dimensional spherically symmetric and conformally flat spacetimes is given, and all the homogeneous and isotropic solutions for a perfect fluid with the equation of state p=αρp = \alpha \rho are found. These solutions are then used to model the gravitational collapse of a compact ball. It is found that when the collapse has continuous self-similarity, the formation of black holes always starts with zero mass, and when the collapse has no such a symmetry, the formation of black holes always starts with a mass gap.Comment: Class. Quantum Grav. 17 (2000) 2589-259

    A Solution to the Hierarchy Problem with an Infinitely Large Extra Dimension and Moduli Stabilization

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    We construct a class of solutions to the Einstein's equations for dimensions greater than or equal to six. These solutions are characterized by a non-trivial warp factor and possess a non-compact extra dimension. We study in detail a simple model in six dimensions containing two four branes. One of each brane's four spatial directions is compactified. The hierarchy problem is resolved by the enormous difference between the warp factors at the positions of the two branes, with the standard model fields living on the brane with small warp factor. Both branes can have positive tensions. Their positions, and the size of the compact dimension are determined in terms of the fundamental parameters of the theory by a combination of two independent and comparable effects---an anisotropic contribution to the stress tensor of each brane from quantum fields living on it and a contribution to the stress tensor from a bulk scalar field. One overall fine tuning of the parameters of the theory is required ---that for the cosmological constant.Comment: 16 pages 1 figure. Conclusion about naturalness of hierarchy without bulk interactions changed. Section added on obtaining a natural hierarchy with bulk scalar field. References added. Minor editin

    Restoration of a Severely Impacted Riparian Wetland System - The Pen Branch Project

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    The Savannah River Swamp is a 3020 ha forested wetland on the floodplain of the Savannah River and is located on the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (SRS) near Aiken, SC (Fig. 1). Historically the swamp consisted ofapproximately 50% baldcypress-water tupelo stands, 40% mixed bottomland hardwood stands, and 10% shrub, marsh, and open water. Tributeries of the river were typical of Southeastern bottomland hardwood forests. The hydrology was controlled by flow from four creeks that drain into the swamp and by flooding of the Savannah River. Upstream dams on the Savannah River have caused some alteration of the water levels and timing of flooding within the floodplain(Schneider et al., 1989)

    Universal contributions to scalar masses from five dimensional supergravity

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    We compute the effective Kahler potential for matter fields in warped compactifications, starting from five dimensional gauged supergravity, as a function of the matter fields localization. We show that truncation to zero modes is inconsistent and the tree-level exchange of the massive gravitational multiplet is needed for consistency of the four-dimensional theory. In addition to the standard Kahler coming from dimensional reduction, we find the quartic correction coming from integrating out the gravity multiplet. We apply our result to the computation of scalar masses, by assuming that the SUSY breaking field is a bulk hypermultiplet. In the limit of extreme opposite localization of the matter and the spurion fields, we find zero scalar masses, consistent with sequestering arguments. Surprisingly enough, for all the other cases the scalar masses are tachyonic. This suggests the holographic interpretation that a CFT sector always generates operators contributing in a tachyonic way to scalar masses. Viability of warped su- persymmetric compactifications necessarily asks then for additional contributions. We discuss the case of additional bulk vector multiplets with mixed boundary conditions, which is a partic- ularly simple and attractive way to generate large positive scalar masses. We show that in this case successful fermion mass matrices implies highly degenerate scalar masses for the first two generations of squarks and sleptons.Comment: 23 pages. v2: References added, new section on effect of additional bulk vector multiplets and phenomenolog

    Dimension in a Radiative Stellar Atmosphere

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    Dimensional scales are examined in an extended 3+1 Vaidya atmosphere surrounding a Schwarzschild source. At one scale, the Vaidya null fluid vanishes and the spacetime contains only a single spherical 2-surface. Both of these behaviors can be addressed by including higher dimensions in the spacetime metric.Comment: to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Defects in Chiral Columnar Phases: Tilt Grain Boundaries and Iterated Moire Maps

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    Biomolecules are often very long with a definite chirality. DNA, xanthan and poly-gamma-benzyl-glutamate (PBLG) can all form columnar crystalline phases. The chirality, however, competes with the tendency for crystalline order. For chiral polymers, there are two sorts of chirality: the first describes the usual cholesteric-like twist of the local director around a pitch axis, while the second favors the rotation of the local bond-orientational order and leads to a braiding of the polymers along an average direction. In the former case chirality can be manifested in a tilt grain boundary phase (TGB) analogous to the Renn-Lubensky phase of smectic-A liquid crystals. In the latter case we are led to a new "moire" state with twisted bond order. In the moire state polymers are simultaneously entangled, crystalline, and aligned, on average, in a common direction. In the moire state polymers are simultaneously entangled, crystalline, and aligned, on average, in a common direction. In this case the polymer trajectories in the plane perpendicular to their average direction are described by iterated moire maps of remarkable complexity, reminiscent of dynamical systems.Comment: plain TeX, (33 pages), 17 figures, some uufiled and included, the remaining available at ftp://ftp.sns.ias.edu/pub/kamien/ or by request to [email protected]
