768 research outputs found

    Structural and Solution Properties of Rhodoximes: the Rh Analogues of Cobaloximes, a Vitamin B12 Model

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    Cobaloximes, LCo(DH)2 where L = neutral ligand, DH = monoanion of dimethylglyoxime and X = monoanionic ligand, have been widely studied in solution and in the solid state. Since then, they have been proposed as a model of the vitamin B12 system. These studies have furnished a foundation for understanding the mechanism of the Co-C bond cleavage in the vitamin B12 coenzyme. However, problems relating to the role played by the electronic and steric properties of the ligands around Co require further investigation. Therefore, the study has been extended to the pyRh(DH)2R complexes (rhodoximes). In fact, the ionic radius of Rh, larger than that of Co, should diminuish the steric interaction between the ligands. The NMR and kinetic results indicate that the transmission of the electronic effects from R to the trans neutral ligand in rhodoximes is similar to that observed in cobaloximes: the frans-influence and the irons-effect have the same trend as already found in the Co analogues. Structural data agree about a less hindered coordination around the metal centre than in the corresponding cobaloximes. Variation of the M-C distances with an increase in the bulk of axial ligand is significantly smoother in the Rh than in the Co complexes. Correspondingly, the irans-influence and -effect appear to be more enhanced in rhodoximes. Comparison between the behaviour of cobaloximes and rhodoximes is discussed on the basis of electronic and steric influences

    Translation and Language Teaching: Translation as a useful teaching Resource

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    Both language teaching experts and translation theorists have proposed detailed analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of using translation in language teaching. However, in order to make translation a useful teaching resource, they have provided new and challenging insights into the nature of translation itself. Some of the principles among these insights will be outlined and discussed in this paper

    Writing skills: theory and practice

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    didattica della scrittura in inglese come seconda lingua a livello teorico, in un arco temporale che va dagli anni Cinquanta agli anni Novanta del secolo scorso. Successivamente si analizzano i principi organizzativi che governano la teoria della scrittura in inglese come seconda lingua. Di seguito, oltre al materiale usato in aula, si presenta la lezione che introduce la parte del mio corso di inglese dedicato alla scrittura (livello B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento) per gli allievi del primo anno che studiano inglese come terza lingua presso la Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori dell’Università di Trieste. Infine si cercherà di trarre alcune conclusioni sulla base dell’analisi dei temi scritti dagli studenti.The aim of this paper is threefold. First, a diachronic development of ESL (English as a Second Language) composition theory from the 1950s to the 1990s will be outlined. Second, the organising principles relevant to ESL composition theory will be analysed. Third, a survey of the material used in my English classes and a presentation of the introductory unit on writing skills will be given. Finally, some tentative conclusions derived from my students’ compositions will be drawn

    Forms of identity. Ireland, Language and Translation

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    Questo volume include una serie di articoli su lingua, traduzione e identit\ue0 in Irlanda raccolti con un 'call for paper' internazionale e selezionati con un processo di 'double-peer blind review'

    The perception of obstacles to innovation. Multinational and domestic firms in Italy.

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    This paper looks at the perception of obstacles to innovation of both multinational enterprises (MNEs) and domestic firms located in Italy. Drawing on data from the firm-level Italian CIS3, we first explore to what extent innovative behaviours are both firm- (i.e. foreign- versus nationally-owned multinationals, MNEs versus single domestic firms) and region-specific. We then examine whether the perception of obstacles to innovation varies among types of firms and regions.obstacles to innovation, multinational firms, innovation processes, regional location

    Museum Audio Description: Multimodal and 'Multisensory' Translation: A Case Study from the British Museum

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    This paper first illustrates the major revisions, such as a new view of society, the nation, and education, introduced by the New Museology or Museum Studies in the 1980s and 1990s. These changes certainly favoured the development of museum audio description. As museum audio description can be included in the new forms of interactivity, the change of paradigm of interactivity in new museums is analysed and examples are given. Then, a general overview of audio description and its process creation are briefly illustrated in their strengths and limitations. This overview anticipates the two complementary studies on museum audio description as multimodal and multisensory translation. Both studies see the museum and its audio description as an interactive multimodal communicative event but the former focusses more on the grammar of multimodality, whereas the latter emphasises aspects of artistic fruition and the importance of a creative and interpretative language. The paper concludes with my analysis of a museum audio description from the British Museum, focussing in particular on cohesion and coherence

    TraducciĂłn del teatro de Fogazzaro : Il ritratto mascherato. El retrato de la mĂĄsca

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    La produzione teatrale di Antonio Fogazzaro Ăš stata spesso trascurata ed emarginata dagli studi sull'autore. In quest'articolo si presentano, attraverso un percorso di testimonianze tratte dal suo epistolario, le vicende antecedenti e le motivazioni che portarono lo scrittore vicentino ad avvicinarsi al mondo della letteratura teatrale, con tre brevi opere, la seconda delle quali, Il ritratto mascherato, si presenta qui in edizione critica e, per la prima volta, in traduzione spagnola. Nel suo complesso l'esperienza teatrale fu valutata, a suo tempo, come un chiaro fallimento per lo scrittore, ma per lo studioso dell'opera fogazzariana, al contrario, risulta una fonte interessantissima di studio e approfondimento, soprattutto per i forti legami con i temi e le idee presenti nella sua opera narrativa.The dramatic works of Antonio Fogazzaro have frequently been neglected and marginalized in the studies on the author. This article, reviewing the testimonies found in the author's collection of letters, presents all the previous circumstances and motivations that led the writer from Vicenza to approach the world of theatrical literature, by means of his three short pieces, the second of which, Il ritratto mascherato, is presented here in the critical edition, and for the first time, in Spanish translation. Fogazzaro's theatrical achievements, taken as a whole, were at that time perceived as his complete failure as a playwright. In contrast, to Fogazzaro scholars they represent an interesting and rich research source, primarily for their strong links with the themes and ideas present in his narrative works


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    Ibam forte via sacra... Una presenza comica nella letteratura italiana dell’Ottocento: dal seccatore di Orazio all’Uomo-Colla di Carlo Lorenzini

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    Lo studio intende evidenziare, in una prospettiva storico-letteraria, la presenza caricaturale del tipo umano dell’importuno, che, a partire dalla celebre satira di Orazio, si ù perpetuato nei secoli, fino a trovare nella scrittura umoristica di Carlo Lorenzini (Collodi), e nel suo personaggio, l’Uomo-Colla, una nuova vitalità narrativa. In particolare, ricostruendo il percorso letterario segnato dalle fonti precedenti e contemporanee al Lorenzini, e alla luce delle teorie  sulla caricatura e i tipi comici, si vuole mostrare la modernità della riproposizione da parte dello scrittore toscano di questa fisiologia, che, a sua volta, ha proiettato il soggetto comico verso nuove e attuali reinterpretazioni narrative.Lo studio intende evidenziare, in una prospettiva storico-letteraria, la presenza caricaturale del tipo umano dell’importuno, che, a partire dalla celebre satira di Orazio, si ù perpetuato nei secoli, fino a trovare nella scrittura umoristica di Carlo Lorenzini (Collodi), e nel suo personaggio, l’Uomo-Colla, una nuova vitalità narrativa. In particolare, ricostruendo il percorso letterario segnato dalle fonti precedenti e contemporanee al Lorenzini, e alla luce delle teorie  sulla caricatura e i tipi comici, si vuole mostrare la modernità della riproposizione da parte dello scrittore toscano di questa fisiologia, che, a sua volta, ha proiettato il soggetto comico verso nuove e attuali reinterpretazioni narrative

    Intramolecular Cyclization Reactions in Haloalkyl-Cobalt Complexes with Macrocyclic Equatorial Ligands

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    Organocobalt complexes containing axial haloalkyl groups afford metallacycles of different size by N or O alkylation of the macrocyclic equatorial ligands. The reaction mechanism involves the intra-molecular nucleophilic attack of a negatively charged atom of the equatorial ligand on the axial XCH2 haloalkyl group with simultaneous detachment of a halide ion, X−. In imino/oxime and amino/oxime derivatives, the generation of the negatively charged nitrogen requires the abstraction of a proton and the reaction occurs only in alkaline medium. In bis(dimethylglioximato) and Schiff base complexes, a negatively charged oxygen is present in the equatorial ligand and the reaction occurs even in neutral medium. Three-, six- and seven- membered metallacycles are obtained, with the common feature that the Co–C bond is shorter and more resistant toward homolysis than in parent complexes or in closely related derivatives. Keywords
