637 research outputs found

    Development of a Framework for Ontology Population Using Web Scraping in Mechatronics

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    One of the major challenges in engineering contexts is the efficient collection, management, and sharing of data. To address this problem, semantic technologies and ontologies are potent assets, although some tasks, such as ontology population, usually demand high maintenance effort. This thesis proposes a framework to automate data collection from sparse web resources and insert it into an ontology. In the first place, a product ontology is created based on the combination of several reference vocabularies, namely GoodRelations, the Basic Formal Ontology, ECLASS stan- dard, and an information model. Then, this study introduces a general procedure for developing a web scraping agent to collect data from the web. Subsequently, an algorithm based on lexical similarity measures is presented to map the collected data to the concepts of the ontology. Lastly, the collected data is inserted into the ontology. To validate the proposed solution, this thesis implements the previous steps to collect information about microcontrollers from three differ- ent websites. Finally, the thesis evaluates the use case results, draws conclusions, and suggests promising directions for future research

    La administración tributaria en el estado autonómico. Visión crítica del modelo actual y propuesta de reforma

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    One of the issues that have been considered in all the reforms regarding the Spanish regional financing system, which will be taken into account in the upcoming one, is the redistribution of administrative power to collect taxes. This is to say, Tax Administration. The aim of the following essay is to introduce some theoretical considerations involving the advantages and disadvantages of centralized and decentralized models of Tax Administration, and to describe the current Tax Administration model in Spain. This will allow us to assess the aforementioned model and its development through the years, and it ultimately will lead us to put forward some arguments in favor of a centralized and shared Tax Administration in Spain.Uno de los aspectos que se han tenido en cuenta en todas las reformas del sistema de financiación de las comunidades autónomas y que estará presente en la que, de acuerdo con el calendario de revisiones quinquenales, se avecina a corto plazo, es el rediseño de las potestades de aplicación de tributos, esto es, la configuración de la Administración tributaria. Las líneas que siguen intentan, de entrada, construir un marco teórico para valorar las ventajas de los distintos modelos de Administración tributaria en los Estados descentralizados, a lo que a continuación se describe el modelo de Administración tributaria existente en la actualidad en España. El discurso de los dos primeros capítulos nos permitirá lanzar, en el tercero y último, una mirada crítica a dicho modelo actual y a su tendencia evolutiva, para proponer seguidamente la construcción de un sistema de Administración única y compartida

    IoT aplicado a la agricultura y ganadería (IOTA2F).

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Grado en Ingeniería Informática. Curso académico 2020-2021.[ES]Sistema de monitorización sobre diferentes condiciones que intervienen en un entorno agrícola-ganadero, y la gestión y control de diferentes usuarios que pueden hacer uso de este[EN]Monitoring system over different conditions that intervene in an agricul tural-farming level, and the management and control different users can make out of it

    Online political participation of young people in Mexico, Spain and Chile

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    Digital media are present in all areas of society, even configured as a new space for political socialization. This is especially applicable in the case of young people due to their high use of new technologies, as they are also trained with the necessary skills to do so. In this context, social networks have prompted the emergence of a new type of political participation: which takes place online. Therefore, this study delves into the relationship between the socialization that occurs in the network, digital skills and political participation online and offline. A quantitative survey-based methodology was used with university students from three Ibero-American countries: Mexico, Spain and Chile. The fieldwork was conducted between the months of December 2017 and June 2018. The results obtained show that young people consume mainly digital media, which does not prevent them from being critical with the quality they deserve. In this sense, the political participation actions in which they are involved are mostly developed in the network, thus participating to a lesser extent offline. Therefore, young people enter the world of politics through the consumption of information on the Internet, which favors a subsequent online political participation

    Cost-Free LTC Model Incorporated into Private Pension Schemes

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    Long-term care coverage is not integrated into an individual’s retirement strategy. It is an additional public health service that is not considered into private pension funds. Nevertheless, this coverage is not sufficient due to the problems of financial sustainability of the public pension systems. However, there are large sums in pension plans dedicated to paying retirement pensions that can be transformed into support for long-term care coverage. This paper develops a mechanism of pension transformation through the different mortality of the beneficiary when becoming a dependent beneficiary. This mechanism allows the beneficiary to convert their pension to LTC support at their own choice, without increasing the cost of the private pension scheme. The proposed model provides consistency in the pension that a retiree receives and adapts it to a retiree’s life expectancy: the retiree receives a higher pension when he/she needs it most.This research was funded by Consolidated Research Group Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco EJ/GV grant number IT 897-16

    Más allá de las limitaciones económicas y legales de la dependencia: caso de Castilla y León

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    The lack of independence is a frequent problem faced by the elderly population. In order to combat this situation, the Spanish Dependent Persons´ Law decrees that benefits for elderly people be managed by the private sector and/or local government. Among the Spanish regions, Castilla and León being a region with one of the highest number of elderly citizens in the Spanish state, has a vested interest in providing adequate coverage for the elderly. The current economic climate has led to severe cuts in public spending. Spending on Dependent Persons´ benefits has been particularly affected. As the result of a concurrent increase in the cost of those services contracted in this area, the public funds available are no longer sufficient to meet demand. Consequently, it is a matter of need that a study of complementary options is undertaken. The Dependent Persons´ Law grants a universal right of benefits to citizens whilst also providing the necessary framework for the provision of private services in order to satisfy this universal right. This paper suggests that in accordance with central government and regional government laws, the development and application of financial and actuarial products might ameliorate the differences in coverage between the different Spanish regions.La falta de autonomía es una situación que se presenta con mayor frecuencia dentro del colectivo de personas mayores. Para paliarlo en España se encuentra vigente la Ley de Dependencia, donde se confiere un grado de gestión de prestaciones al sector privado y a las Comunidades Autónomas. Entre ellas, Castilla y León debido a su población tan envejecida debiera ser uno de los territorios más interesados en desarrollar la normativa relativa a la dependencia. Por otra parte, el momento económico actual ha dado como resultado fuertes recortes del gasto público. En particular, el capítulo de Atención a la Dependencia ha sido especialmente afectado. Además, el incremento en los precios de los servicios que se prestan en este ámbito, lleva a considerar que las ayudas públicas no son suficientes. Por ello, se deberían estudiar opciones que las complementen. El desarrollo normativo de la dependencia otorga un derecho subjetivo de carácter universal a los individuos y otorga a las empresas, la seguridad jurídica necesaria para poder operar en los mercados. Del estudio del marco normativo tanto a nivel estatal como a nivel regional, se puede concluir que es factible desarrollar productos financieros y actuariales que limen las diferencias entre los territorios de las comunidades autónomas

    Transforming Private Pensions: An Actuarial Model to Face Long-Term Costs

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    A common response in public pension systems to population ageing is to link pensions to observed longevity. This creates an automatic stabiliser that arises from the valuation of a private actuarially funded system. However, no private pension plan mechanism has been articulated to adapt to this ageing in relation to the increased costs it entails. Private pension plans focus on saving for retirement; capital is accumulated to pay for it. However, perceptions of health status change over time and, as retirement age approaches, concerns about long-term care (LTC) increase. Moreover, there is not enough time to plan for it sufficiently in advance. This paper proposes to incorporate a mechanism to add an allowance to the financial pension (retirement, disability, rotation) to cover LTC within a private defined benefit pension plan, in the case of a pensioner becoming dependent. Depending on a pensioner’s health status, both the expected number of payments and their intensity are transformed. For this purpose, a mechanism is defined (through Markov chains) to adapt the amount of LTC support to a beneficiary’s health-related life expectancy. The study’s main contribution is that it establishes a private pension plan model that offers to incorporate dependency aid through this mechanism into the economic pensions without increasing the total cost of the plan. It adapts to life expectancy according to a person’s state (healthy, disabled, dependent).This research was funded by the Cliobasque Consolidated Research Group Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco EJ/GV grant number IT1523-22

    Computational Aided Acetaminophen – Phthalic Acid Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Design for Analytical Determination of Known and New Developed Recreational Drugs

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    This is a manuscript version of the article.[Abstract] In recent times, abuse drug consumption rates have been increasing. In addition, authorities have detected a trend in the development of new substances expressly created to avoid legislation. These novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are non-registered formulations, closely chemically related to outlawed ones to maintain the same psychotropic effects while circumventing legal restrictions. This issue arises enormous social, sanitary, and road safety problems since there is no way to detect nor quantify these non-registered substances. The aim of this work is the development of a high selective material able to pre-concentrate and detect NPS. On that account, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) designed with an imprinted cavity that matches the cathinones structural shape were proposed to detect both conventional and new cathinone derived recreational drugs. The increasing number of illicit drug modifications that is being reported requires developing a receptor valid for not only known molecules but also for incoming ones; thus, a virtual procedure must be carried out to take a step forward towards future modifications. Accordingly, a computational MIP design is proposed as the most appropriated method to effectively design this receptor. By means of molecular dynamics and molecular docking, several combinations are studied regarding their pre-polymerization complex stability but also their rebinding capacity against the proposed analytes. Hence, a phthalic acid – acetaminophen MIP is selected as the most well-suited receptor, valid for current and forthcoming cathinone recreational drugs.Authors wish to thank Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) for the financial support through the research project CTQ2016-80473-P cofinanced with FEDER (UE) programm

    El jardín botánico y la botánica farmacéutica en la Habana del siglo XIX

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    The Botanical Garden of Havana, founded in 1817, was an institution designed at the beginning as a centre for the study, classification and analysis of existing plants on the island, using the acquired knowledge to improve crop profitability. Progressively, it would take shape as an institution linked to the scientific world, where the study of Botany, essential in many fields of study such as that of Pharmacy, would be established. The Garden underwent its closest bond with Pharmacy under the direction of Pedro Alejandro Auber, which would lend special importance to Botany from a pharmaceutical point of view, focusing on the creation of a Cuban Flora. Subsequently, the Garden would be directed by various institutions until it became part of the university, where Botany would be part of the curriculum in several schools, such as the School of Pharmacy, where it was a key subject in pharmaceutical education.The aim was to delve into the study of Botany during the nineteenth century emphasizing its closest link to Pharmacy, using the history of the Botanical Garden in Havana as a connecting thread. We try to gather more specific pharmaceutical and medical information about the island’s Botany and to establish a chronology of how the study of this matter evolves throughout the century using bibliographic and archive sources.El Jardín Botánico de La Habana, fundado en 1817, fue una institución diseñada en sus comienzos como un centro de estudio, clasificación y análisis de las plantas existentes en la isla, mediante la aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos a la rentabilización de los cultivos. Poco a poco, se iría configurando como una entidad vinculada al mundo científico, consolidándose el estudio de la Botánica, indispensable para la Farmacia. La alianza Botánica y Farmacia tuvo su máxima relación en el Jardín durante la dirección del mismo por Pedro Alejandro Auber, valedor de la Botánica Farmacéutica, e interesado en la realización de una flora cubana. Posteriormente, el Jardín sería dirigido por diversas instituciones hasta llegar a la Universidad, en la cual la Botánica formaría parte del estudio en diversas facultades, entre ellas la de Farmacia, convirtiéndose en una materia clave en la formación de los farmacéuticos.El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es profundizar en la Botánica en la isla durante el siglo XIX, analizando su relación con la Farmacia y utilizando como hilo conductor la trayectoria histórica del Jardín Botánico de La Habana. Pretendemos concretar la información médico farmacéutica sobre la Botánica en la isla y establecer cronológicamente cómo se va configurando su estudio en base a fuentes bibliográficas y archivísticas
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