382 research outputs found

    Improving the Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L by Introducing Quality Control and Integrating TTO and DCE

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    Improving the Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L by Introducing Quality Control and Integrating TTO and DCE

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    PIH25 Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions Against Childhood Obesity

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    La percepción de la socialización paterna y materna sobre la resiliencia de adolescentes

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    Parent-child relations are a key aspect in adolescent development, since feelings of parental acceptance or rejection have been found to be associated with teenagers’ psychological adjustment. Resilience, usually conceptualised as the ability to manage or adapt to challenges and adversity, is a fundamental factor in adjustment during adolescence, a period characterised by numerous simultaneous changes and challenges in different aspects of life. The aim of the present study is therefore to analyse the predictive capacity of different dimensions of parental socialisation (affection-communication and criticism-rejection) on adolescent resilience. Meth-od:Participants were 899 adolescents (50.4% female), aged 12 to 19 years (M= 14.68; SD= 1.73). Linear regressions were performed to analyse the predictive capacity of the different dimensions of parental socialisation on adolescent resilience. Results:Paternal dimensions, especially paternal criticism-rejection, were revealed as relevant factors for predicting resilience scores. Discussion:The results point to the important impact of the criticism-rejection felt by adolescents, especially if perceived from the father. Different possible interpretations of these dimensions are discussed, in accordance with whether they are perceived from the mother or the fatherLa relación con los progenitores es un aspecto clave en el desarrollo adolescente, pues el sentimiento de aceptación o rechazo por parte de estos se ha visto relacionado con el ajuste psicológico de la descendencia. A su vez, la resiliencia, habitualmente conceptualizada como capacidad para gestionar o adaptarse a los retos y la adversidad, resultaría fundamental para el ajuste en dicho periodo, caracterizado por numerosos cambios y re-tos simultáneos en distintos aspectos vitales. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la capacidad predictiva de las dimensiones de socialización parental afecto-comunicación y crítica-rechazo sobre la resiliencia adolescente. Método: Participan 899 adolescentes (50.4% mujeres) de entre 12 y 19 años (M= 14.68; DT= 1.73). Mediante regresiones lineales se analiza la capacidad predictiva de las dimensiones de socialización parental sobre la resiliencia filial. Resultados: Se comprueba que las dimensiones paternas, especialmente la crítica-rechazo, resultan más significativas a la hora de predecir las puntuaciones en resiliencia. Discusión: Los resultados apuntan a la relevancia de la crítica-rechazo sentida por los y las adolescentes, especialmente en el caso de proceder del padre. Se discute la posible interpretación diferencial de los y las adolescentes de las dimensiones en función del sexo de los progenitores

    Improving the Valuation of the EQ-5D-5L by Introducing Quality Control and Integrating TTO and DCE

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    Background: Recently, a new version of the standard EQ-5D questionnaire called EQ-5D-5L with 5 levels on each dimension was developed. To make the EQ-5D-5L suitable for use in economic evaluations, national value sets need to be developed. A standardized valuation protocol has been suggested for that purpose, to enable comparison of values across countries. This protocol included two elicitation techniques, the ‘composite time trade-off’ (C-TTO), and ‘discrete choice experiments’ (DCE). This thesis describes experiences with first use of that standardized protocol and major evolvements happening to it since, with a focus on the following three questions: 1) What problems may be encountered in the use of the EQ-5D-5L valuation protocol to generate national value sets? 2) How can the protocol be improved? 3) How can the produced data best be modelled to develop a value set? Conclusions: The studies presented in this thesis, together with similar work accomplished elsewhere, have resulted in an evolved valuation protocol for the EQ-5D-5L instrument, paired with a quality assurance procedure and novel analytical approaches. The updated protocol has enabled teams from all over the world to successfully establish EQ-5D-5L value sets

    Los espacios intermedios de los equipamientos de comercialización en el área Metropolitana de Huancayo - 2022

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    La investigación sobre los espacios intermedios de los equipamientos de comercialización en el área metropolitana de Huancayo-2022, tiene como objetivo principal establecer las diferencias que existen en el espacio intermedio de los equipamientos de comercialización en el área metropolitana de Huancayo-2022. El alcance o nivel de la investigación será descriptiva comparativa. El método de investigación será de tipo aplicada, con nivel descriptivo y diseño comparativo no experimental transversal, de enfoque cuantitativa, la técnica de recolección de datos será una encuesta, el instrumento que se utilizará será el cuestionario, las unidades de análisis serán los espacios intermedios de los equipamientos de comercialización en el área metropolitana de Huancayo, se argumenta que existen diferencias significativas en el espacio intermedio de los equipamientos de comercialización en el área metropolitana de Huancayo2022, basado en las teoría de Suárez (2014) y también en las evidencias empíricas después de haber observado los resultados en investigaciones similares

    Discursos y representaciones de la mujer compositora en el cine: el caso de Clara Wieck

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    This paper analyzes the life and work of the composer, performer, teacher, editor and arranger Clara Wieck-Shumann in cinema through four biographic films. The aim is as well to quantify the presence or absence in the filmic account of the professional activities in the field of music that the historical evidence attributes to her as well as possible historical distortions in their representation. For this purpose, the compositional corpus offered by the films is compared with the one attributed by historiography and primary sources to Clara Wieck as well as the one referred to Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms. Through a critical analysis of the film text, the representation of the female model from the perspective of gender studies and feminist musicology is addressed. It confirms the lack of visibility of Clara Wieck-Shumann's professional facets except the one as a performer and the insistence on a model of a woman devoted to her husband's happiness. Finally, this study adds new data to the catalogue of Clara Wieck's work in cinema as a new proposal.Estudios de géneroEste trabajo aborda la representación de la vida y obra de la compositora, intérprete, docente, editora y arreglista Clara Wieck-Shumann en el cine tomando los cuatro filmes sobre su vida como objeto de estudio. Se pretende cuantificar la presencia o ausencia en el relato fílmico de las actividades profesionales en el ámbito de la música que la evidencia histórica le atribuye así como sus posibles distorsiones históricas en su representación. Para ello se coteja el corpus compositivo que ofrecen las películas respecto al atribuido por la historiografía y las fuentes primarias a Clara Wieck así como el referido a Robert Schumann y Johannes Brahms. Mediante un análisis crítico del texto fílmico, se aborda la representación del modelo de mujer desde los estudios de género y la musicología feminista. Se confirma la falta de visibilidad de las facetas profesionales de Clara Wieck-Shumann salvo la de intérprete y la insistencia de un modelo de mujer abnegado a la felicidad de su marido. Por último, este estudio aporta nuevos datos a catalogación de la obra de Clara Wieck en el cine con una nueva propuesta de atribución

    Using a stated preference discrete choice experiment to assess societal value from the perspective of patients with rare diseases in Italy

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    Background: Decision makers have huge problems when attempting to attribute social value to the improvements achieved by new drugs, especially when considering the use of orphan drugs for rare diseases. We present the results of a pilot study aimed to investigate patient preferences regarding public funding for drugs used to treat rare diseases. Methods: An online questionnaire was used as a discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey to explore the preferences of patients with cystic fibrosis and haemophilia in Italy. The questionnaire focused on relevant issues that were defined in a review of the literature. A conditional logistic model showed preferences for specific attributes. Results: A total of 54 questionnaires (20% response rate) were completed. The issues that received the greatest attention were improvement in health, treatment cost and value for money. However, disease severity and the availability of other treatments were important social values that could not be ignored. Conclusions: The findings presented here provide evidence as to what patients with cystic fibrosis or haemophilia think are the most important considerations on which to base decisions in health technology scenarios, and regarding the priorities for funding

    Quality Control Process for EQ-5D-5L Valuation Studies

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    Background: The values of the five-level EuroQol five-dimensional questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L) are elicited using composite time trade-off and discrete choice experiments. Unfortunately, data quality issues and interviewer effects were observed in the first few EQ-5D-5L valuation studies. To prevent these issues from occurring in later studies, the EuroQol Group established a cyclic quality control (QC) process. Objectives: To describe this QC process and show its impact on data quality. Methods: A newly developed QC tool provided information about protocol compliance, interviewer effects, and mean values by health state severity. In a cyclic process, this information is initially used to evaluate whether new interviewers meet minimal quality requirements and later to provide feedback about how their performance may be improved. To investigate the impact of this cyclic process, we compared the quality of the data in Dutch and Spanish valuation studies that did not have this QC process with that in the follow-up studies in the same countries that used the QC process. Data quality was measured using protocol violations, variability between interviewers, the proportion of inconsistent responders, and clustering of composite time trade-off values. Results: In Spain, protocol violations were reduced from 87% in the valuation study to 5% in the follow-up study and in the Netherlands from 20% to 8%. In both countries, interviewers performed more homogeneously in the follow-up studies. The number of inconsistent respondents was reduced by 23.2% in Spain and 23.6% in the Netherlands. Values were less clustered in the follow-up studies. Conclusions: The implementation of a strict QC process in EQ-5D-5L valuation studies increases interviewer protocol compliance and promotes data quality

    EQ-5D-5L valuation project for the Spanish population: a descriptive overview and preliminary results

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    The latest EQ-5D instrument, EQ-5D-5L, needs new country-specific valuation studies to obtain a value set adapted to the characteristics of the updated instrument. Eight countries from Europe, North and South America and Asia have participated on pilot exercises to develop a final protocol which will be commonly used to perform the valuation studies in each country. Spain is the first country where this protocol has been introduced as part of the Valuation Project for the Spanish Population. This discussion paper reports a descriptive overview of EQ-5D-5L valuation results in the Spanish population and its preliminary results.The survey has a two-stage sample plan. The first stage concentrates on the selection of Spanish regions. The 50 Spanish regions were ordered by population size, and the first 20 regions covering 80% of the total Spanish population were selected. In the second stage, a simple random sampling strategy on each of the selected regions was conducted. The sample size on each region was calculated multiplying the total sample size (1,000) by the percentage of the population on the region respect the total population of the select 20 regions. Data will be collected between 21st May and 15th June 2012 using the final agreed protocol by the EuroQol group. Primary data collection will be conducted by a specialist survey company with a second company conducting a strict quality control process to ensure interviews and data collection of highest quality. The final survey has three blocks of questions. The first block includes patient characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status and so on), and a respondent valuation of own health using the EQ-5D-5L. The second block contains 10 composite time trade-offs (TTO) questions, for states better than death classic TTO is used and the “Lead Time” TTO is used for those health states considered worse than death. In this case the lead time (period in full health) is 10 years and the time in the disease is another 10 years to be comparable with the classical TTO were there are 10 years in full health and 10 years in the disease. The last block contains 7 discrete choice experiments questions, where the participant has to choose between two states. Finally some questions about the difficulties of the survey are also included. Descriptive statistics of the final sample are reported. A detailed overview of summary statistics for the health state valuations is included. Different models were explored; hybrid TTO and DC model and DC conditional logistic rescaled with TTO values were used and compared