6,303 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of foot orthosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis related to quality of life and pain. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Foot pain and deformity is almost ubiquitous in RA and results in considerable physical and psychosocial impairment. Epidemiological studies consistently suggest a 90% prevalence of foot pain despite advances in pharmacological therapy. Mechanical and other non-pharmacological interventions such as orthoses and footwear, have an important role in managing foot pathology in patients with their systemic disease controlled. The effectiveness of treatment with insoles, especially in early periods, was studied in a randomized controlled trial, which results suggested an immediate clinical improvement, reducing foot pain, disability and limited functionality.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Geographical forms as etymology of the urban landscape: a contribution to the (re)design of Arrábida (Porto, Portugal)

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    The current reading of the different landscapes idealised for Arrábida by the twentieth century, regard them divergent, insofar it does not recognise their similarities. The reading formulated from the perspective of the transformation of the Arrábida's landscape in the "long term" proposes that, beyond the appearance of the forms, a common perspective unites the various landscapes idealised for the place during that century. These landscapes are part of a design tradition that dates back at least to the 14th century and has its deepest reasons in geography. Geographical forms nourish the architectural creativity that designs Arrábida from the 14th to the 20th century; these forms are the heritage of a long succession of designers to modernity. The essential question of the future of the Arrábida landscape is a certain sense of geographical order that the architect inherits and reformulates to represent the quintessence of his contemporaneity

    High temperature volcanic gas uptake by rhyolite

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    Decisiones robustas en la producción agrícola para dos períodos : Primera aproximación a las estrategias adaptativas

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    La presentación se basará en el desarrollo y análisis de una Metodología de Decisiones Robustas con el propósito de ayudar a los productores agrícolas a decidir qué cultivos implantar para dos campañas de producción. El objetivo principal del trabajo es hacer una primera aproximación para agregar al planteo de Decisiones Robustas la posibilidad de evaluar y modificar las decisiones en escenarios que duren más de un período, logrando de esta manera elaborar planes a largo plazo. Asimismo, trabajar con estas Estrategias Adaptativas da la posibilidad de hacer correcciones en las decisiones de cultivo en base a los resultados obtenidos en períodos anteriores. Se presentará una primera aproximación del enfoque, con sus resultados preliminares.The presentation will review the development and analysis of a Robust Decisions Methodology in order to help farmers decide which crops introduce in two production campaigns. The main objective of this work is to make a first step to apply Adaptive Strategies into a Robust Decision Methodology. This will permit decision maker to assess and change decisions in scenarios that last more than one period in order to achieve long term planning goals. In addition, working with these adaptive strategies gives the opportunity to make corrections in planting decisions based on the results obtained in previous periods. We will present a first approach with its preliminary results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Decisiones robustas en la producción agrícola para dos períodos : Primera aproximación a las estrategias adaptativas

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    La presentación se basará en el desarrollo y análisis de una Metodología de Decisiones Robustas con el propósito de ayudar a los productores agrícolas a decidir qué cultivos implantar para dos campañas de producción. El objetivo principal del trabajo es hacer una primera aproximación para agregar al planteo de Decisiones Robustas la posibilidad de evaluar y modificar las decisiones en escenarios que duren más de un período, logrando de esta manera elaborar planes a largo plazo. Asimismo, trabajar con estas Estrategias Adaptativas da la posibilidad de hacer correcciones en las decisiones de cultivo en base a los resultados obtenidos en períodos anteriores. Se presentará una primera aproximación del enfoque, con sus resultados preliminares.The presentation will review the development and analysis of a Robust Decisions Methodology in order to help farmers decide which crops introduce in two production campaigns. The main objective of this work is to make a first step to apply Adaptive Strategies into a Robust Decision Methodology. This will permit decision maker to assess and change decisions in scenarios that last more than one period in order to achieve long term planning goals. In addition, working with these adaptive strategies gives the opportunity to make corrections in planting decisions based on the results obtained in previous periods. We will present a first approach with its preliminary results.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    The relevance of results in interpretive research in information systems and technology

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    The rigor and relevance of the results is central to the process of scientific investigation, even in areas where the practice prevails, as is the case of the scientific area of information systems and technology. This issue is also particularly relevant when the underlying epistemological orientation is the interpretivism. Based on a literature review focused on interpretive research in the field of information systems and technology, we find that the generalization of research resulting under the interpretive paradigm are valid and are not exclusive to the positivist orientation. This paper explores the importance of interpretative research in the information systems and technology field. As a result we discuss the different perspectives around the generalization and its interpretation in an interpretative research, supporting the investigator in the grounds of validation of their results.- (undefined

    Narrativas experimentales en la formación de docentes de Ciencias

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    El trabajo propone la producción de relatos narrativos producto de las prácticas de laboratorio como instrumento para mejorar la didáctica de las ciencias y conocer la forma en que los futuros profesores construyen su identidad como docentes de ciencias. La investigación se realizó en la asignatura de Didáctica de las Ciencias de 1er curso, carrera: "Titulación de Maestros Especialidad Lengua Extranjera", impartida en inglés utilizando enfoque: CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), en la UAB. La actividad consistió en entregar a 37 estudiantes cinco semillas de judías para que trataran de hacerlas crecer en un contexto familiar usando estrategias que consideraran convenientes. Después escribieron una historia de redacción libre que compartieron en el grupo clase como incio para la socio construcción del modelo: ser vivo. Los propósitos fueron conocer características de la estructura de las narraciones para identificar elementos de reflexión y conocer cómo surge la identidad docente: relaciones dinámicas entre "yo estudiante" y "yo docente"; y valorar la eficacia del uso de la narrativa experimental dentro de la formación del docente de ciencias. Identificamos que las narrativas experimentales representan una fuente valiosa para el acercamiento de la construcción de la identidad de los futuros docentes de ciencias ya que su análisis estructural permite identificar la movilización de los elementos del tránsito del "yo aprendiz" al "yo docente". Consideramos que la identidad está determinada por la negociación de las posiciones de poder que varían según el contexto en que se mueve.The paper presents a teaching innovation undertaken within the course of Science Education offered in the undergraduate programme of Primary teaching in a foreign language. The proposal is about using alternative writing strategies such as narrative writing in relation to laboratory work as a way to promote the development of both the model of living beings and the identity as professional teachers of the participating students. Thirty seven students participated in the experience of germinating five beans at home in the ways they wished. As a result of the process they were requested to write a story of their five beans and how these beans helped them become science teachers. The narratives were analyzed in relation to either its content and also its structure to see in what ways students construed the natural world, used pass experiences and projected themselves as science teachers in an english context

    Electrical vestibular stimulation in humans. A narrative review

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    Background: In patients with bilateral vestibulopathy, the regular treatment options, such as medication, surgery, and/ or vestibular rehabilitation, do not always suffice. Therefore, the focus in this field of vestibular research shifted to electri- cal vestibular stimulation (EVS) and the development of a system capable of artificially restoring the vestibular func- tion. Key Message: Currently, three approaches are being investigated: vestibular co-stimulation with a cochlear im- plant (CI), EVS with a vestibular implant (VI), and galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS). All three applications show promising results but due to conceptual differences and the experimental state, a consensus on which application is the most ideal for which type of patient is still missing. Summa- ry: Vestibular co-stimulation with a CI is based on “spread of excitation,” which is a phenomenon that occurs when the currents from the CI spread to the surrounding structures and stimulate them. It has been shown that CI activation can indeed result in stimulation of the vestibular structures. Therefore, the question was raised whether vestibular co- stimulation can be functionally used in patients with bilat- eral vestibulopathy. A more direct vestibular stimulation method can be accomplished by implantation and activa- tion of a VI. The concept of the VI is based on the technology and principles of the CI. Different VI prototypes are currently being evaluated regarding feasibility and functionality. So far, all of them were capable of activating different types of vestibular reflexes. A third stimulation method is GVS, which requires the use of surface electrodes instead of an implant- ed electrode array. However, as the currents are sent through the skull from one mastoid to the other, GVS is rather unspe- cific. It should be mentioned though, that the reported spread of excitation in both CI and VI use also seems to in- duce a more unspecific stimulation. Although all three ap- plications of EVS were shown to be effective, it has yet to be defined which option is more desirable based on applicabil- ity and efficiency. It is possible and even likely that there is a place for all three approaches, given the diversity of the pa- tient population who serves to gain from such technologies