3,622 research outputs found

    K-theory for Cuntz-Krieger algebras arising from real quadratic maps

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    We compute the KK-groups for the Cuntz-Krieger algebras OAK(fμ)\mathcal{O}_{A_{\mathcal{K}(f_{\mu})}}, where AK(fμ)A_{\mathcal{K}(f_{\mu})} is the Markov transition matrix arising from the \textit{kneading sequence }K(fμ)\mathcal{K} (f_{\mu}) of the one-parameter family of real quadratic maps fμf_{\mu}.Comment: 8 page

    Iteration of quadratic maps on matrix algebras

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    We study the iteration of a quadratic family in the algebra of 2 × 2 real matrices, parameterized by a matrix C. We analyze and classify the existing cycles (periodic orbits) and their dependence on the parameter matrix. We discuss how new dynamical phenomena occur as a consequence of the noncommutativity of the matrix product. In particular, we show that the commutator of the initial condition with parameter matrix C has a decisive role in the overall dynamics

    Orbit Representations from Linear mod 1 Transformations

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    We show that every point x0[0,1]x_0\in [0,1] carries a representation of a CC^*-algebra that encodes the orbit structure of the linear mod 1 interval map fβ,α(x)=βx+αf_{\beta,\alpha}(x)=\beta x +\alpha. Such CC^*-algebra is generated by partial isometries arising from the subintervals of monotonicity of the underlying map fβ,αf_{\beta,\alpha}. Then we prove that such representation is irreducible. Moreover two such of representations are unitarily equivalent if and only if the points belong to the same generalized orbit, for every α[0,1[\alpha\in [0,1[ and β1\beta\geq 1

    Exames complementares de diagnóstico não invasivos na síndroma de Takotsubo

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Cardiologia, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraINTRODUÇÃO: A Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo apresenta-se como uma disfunção aguda e transitória do ventrículo esquerdo, com hipercinésia do segmento basal e acinésia apical. Afeta principalmente mulheres na pós-menopausa, normalmente em consequência de um significativo stress emocional ou físico, continuando por esclarecer muitos dados da sua fisiopatologia. A sua apresentação clínica assemelha-se ao Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio, contudo, não existe obstrução significativa das artérias coronárias. Definimos como OBJETIVOS desta revisão, a avaliação da utilidade prática dos meios complementares de diagnóstico não invasivos na Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo, determinação das suas limitações e identificação de critérios que permitam um diagnóstico diferencial com o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Pesquisa bibliográfica na base de dados PubMed usando como palavras-chave Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, diagnosis e non invasive methods para as datas entre 2005 e 2012. DESENVOLVIMENTO/RESULTADOS: As publicações analisadas avaliaram os dados epidemiológicos, as características clínicas e antecedentes dos doentes, os possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos e o interesse do uso de exames complementares não invasivos (eletrocardiograma, biomarcadores cardíacos, ecocardiograma e ressonância magnética cardiovascular) com o objetivo de diagnosticar a Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo, excluindo com segurança o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio. DISCUSSÃO: Atualmente não é possível realizar o diagnóstico de Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo e excluir o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio, recorrendo apenas a exames complementares não invasivos, não existindo nenhum parâmetro que permita realizar um diagnóstico seguro. Perante um caso suspeito de Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo considera-se ser necessário a realização de cateterismo cardíaco. O desconhecimento dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos, é uma limitação na orientação preventiva, diagnóstica e terapêutica dos doentesBackground: Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy is an acute and transitory dysfunction of the left ventricle, which results from a hyperkinesia of the basal segment and apical acinesia. It typically affects postmenopausal women subjected to significant emocional and physical stress, although it remains unclear the real pathophysiology of this illness. Its clinical presentation bears a resemblance to Acute Myocardial Infarction even though there is no significant blockage of coronary arteries. Objectives: Evaluate the clinical utility of non-invasive methods to diagnose Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, but also determine their limitations and identify criteria that allow differential diagnosis with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Methods: Bibliographic research in PubMed using key-words Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, diagnosis and non invasive methods during the period of 2005 and 2012. Results: The analyzed documents evaluated epidemiology data, their clinical features and ill’s past medical history, the possible pathophysiology mechanism and the importance of non-invasive methods of diagnosis such as Electrocardiography, Cardiac Biomarkers, Echocardiography and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance assembling a definite diagnosis of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and excluding with conviction Acute Myocardial Infarction. Conclusion: Nowadays, it is not possible to diagnose Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and exclude with certainty Acute Myocardial Infarction simply using non-invasive complementary methods since there are no parameters that provide an indubitable diagnose. Against a suspicious of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy it is mandatory to perform a Cardiac Catheterization. The uncertainty of the pathophysiology mechanism in this illness is a limitation to preventive orientation, diagnosis and therapeutic approach

    Influence of input data uncertainty in school buildings energy simulation

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    In developed countries, the building sector is responsible for a very significant share of the total energy consumption. A more detailed and rigorous analysis of building energy performance became possible due to the building simulation software improvement. Traditionally, buildings energy simulation requires the definition of a set of input parameters, which are usually considered as deterministic, neglecting the fact that in reality they have a stochastic nature. Hence, if one intends to evaluate the uncertainty in simulation due to the uncertainty of the input parameters, stochastic methods, such as Monte Carlo simulations should be employed. This paper presents a methodology for the stochastic simulation of school buildings for tackling input data uncertainty. The Monte Carlo method application in the evaluation of the uncertainty of the heat demand of a school building provides an example case where the opportunities and difficulties of the method are explored. The methodology includes parameter characterization, sampling procedure, simulation automatization and sensitivity analysis. Its application results in increased knowledge of the building, allowing to define targets that include the stochastic effect

    Intercultural competence in conflict mediation: a mixed-methods approach on training design and outcome assessment

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    PsycINFO Codes: 2900 Social Processes & Social Issues; 2930 Culture & Ethnology; 3410 Professional Education & Training; 3450 Professional Ethics & Standards & Liability; 3530 Curriculum & Programs & Teaching Methods; 4250 Mediation & Conflict ResolutionThe role of cultural diversity has been recently considered as it potentially challenges the process of conflict mediation. The field have acknowledged the need to culturally sensitive practices, however, guidelines and impact assessment of intercultural competence training is scarce. Hence, we implemented a Delphi methodology (study 1) resorting to a panel of mediation experts to gather a consensual proposal on intercultural competence criteria. The results suggest not only a stratification of intercultural training outcomes within awareness, knowledge, and skills dimension, but also an embedded progression across developmental stages. From these guidelines, we planned and implemented a brief intercultural training program to mediators, following a mixed methods approach in a sequential explanatory design to assess training impact (study 3 and 4). Evidence is presented that intercultural training was effective in improving conflict mediators' perceived cultural competence and promoting changes in case conceptualization. The self-report measures (study 2) revealed an increased post-test perception of global intercultural competence, and particularly within factors related to the mediator awareness about their own values and prejudices, and perceived skills for culturally appropriate intervention strategies. The case-vignette thematic analysis also revealed qualitative differences in topics such as conflict characterization, suggested mediator strategies, case and mediator facilitative/hindering characteristics, and supervision needs. Several arguments are discussed for the need to infuse cultural issues in mediation training curricula and to adapt practices to cultural diversity challenges.O papel da diversidade cultural tem sido recentemente considerado como potencialmente desafiador do processo de mediação de conflitos. O campo reconheceu a necessidade de práticas culturalmente sensíveis, no entanto, a directrizes e avaliação de impacto da formação em competência intercultural são escassas. Assim, implementámos uma metodologia Delphi (estudo 1) recorrendo a um painel de especialistas em mediação para reunir uma proposta consensual sobre critérios de competência intercultural. Os resultados sugerem não apenas uma estratificação dos resultados do treino intercultural dentro da dimensão de consciência, conhecimento e competências práticas, mas também uma progressão em vários estadios de desenvolvimento. A partir dessas diretrizes, planeámos e implementámos um breve programa de treino intercultural para mediadores, seguindo uma abordagem de métodos mistos num desenho sequencial explicativo para avaliar o impacto do treino (estudo 3 e 4). São apresentadas evidências que o treino intercultural foi eficaz em melhorar a competência cultural percebida dos mediadores do conflito, e promoveu mudanças na conceptualização de casos. As medidas de auto-relato (estudo 1) revelaram uma maior percepção da competência intercultural global, particularmente em fatores relacionados à percepção do mediador sobre seus próprios valores e preconceitos, e estratégias de intervenção culturalmente apropriadas. A análise temática de caso-vinheta também revelou diferenças qualitativas em tópicos como caracterização de conflitos, estratégias de mediador sugeridas, características facilitadoras / obstrutivas de caso/mediador e necessidades de supervisão. Diversos argumentos são discutidos para a necessidade de infundir questões culturais nos currículos de treino de mediadores, e a adaptação das práticas aos desafios da diversidade cultural