57 research outputs found

    Effects of Resistance Circuit-Based Training on Body Composition, Strength and Cardiorespiratory Fitness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    We assessed the effects of resistance circuit-based training (CT) on strength, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body composition. A systematic review with meta-analysis was conducted in three databases, ending on March, 2020. Meta-analysis and subgroup analysis were used to analyze the effects of pre–post-intervention CT and differences from control groups (CG). Of the 830 studies found, 45 were included in the meta-analysis (58 experimental groups (n = 897) and 34 CG (n = 474)). The CT interventions led to increases in muscle mass (1.9%; p < 0.001) and decreases in fat mass (4.3%; p < 0.001). With regard to cardiorespiratory fitness, CT had a favorable effect on VO2max (6.3%; p < 0.001), maximum aerobic speed or power (0.3%; p = 0.04), and aerobic performance (2.6%; p = 0.006) after training. Concerning strength outcome, the CT increased the strength of the upper and lower extremities. Only the magnitude of strength performance appears to be influenced by the training (number of sessions and frequency) and the training status. Moreover, low and moderate intensities and short rest time between exercise increase the magnitude of change in fat mass loss. Therefore, CT has been shown to be an effective method for improving body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, and strength of the lower and upper limbs

    Comparison between traditional and reverse periodization: swimming performance and specific strength values

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    International Journal of Swimming Kinetics 2(1): 87-96, 2013. Periodization of athletic training is conceptualized as a pedagogical process, which involves varying volume, intensity and frequency of training in attempt to optimize sporting performance. The primary purpose of this research was to compare changes in 100m swim performance (t100c), specific swim power output (SSP) and maximum drag charge (MDC), after 14 weeks of training traditional periodization (control) and reverse periodization (treatment). There were 26 volunteer swimmers (16.02±0.6 yrs. 1.72±9.3 cm 64.1±9.3 kg) divided in two groups traditional periodization (TP) and reverse periodization (RP). Results at the 14th week showed significant improvements (p\u3c0.05) in values of t100c (6.9%), SSP (20.9%) and MDC (10.0%) by RP above TP values. The results demonstrated that reverse periodization is specific and an efficient strategy of training for sprinters at time to reduce significantly load volume

    Gender variability in electromyographic activity, in vivo behaviour of the human gastrocnemius and mechanical capacity during the take-off phase of a countermovement jump

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyse gender differences in neuromuscular behaviour of the gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis during the take-off phase of a countermovement jump (CMJ), using direct measures (ground reaction forces, muscle activity and dynamic ultrasound). METHODS: Sixty-four young adults (aged 18-25 years) participated voluntarily in this study, 35 men and 29 women. The firing of the trigger allowed obtainment of data collection vertical ground reaction forces (GRF), surface electromyography activity (sEMG) and dynamic ultrasound gastrocnemius of both legs. RESULTS: Statistically significant gender differences were observed in the jump performance, which appear to be based on differences in muscle architecture and the electrical activation of the gastrocnemius muscles and vastus lateralis. So while men developed greater peak power, velocity take-offs and jump heights, jump kinetics compared to women, women also required a higher electrical activity to develop lower power values. Additionally, the men had higher values pennation angles and muscle thickness than women. CONCLUSION: Men show higher performance of the jump test than women, due to significant statistical differences in the values of muscle architecture (pennation angle and thickness muscle), lower Neural Efficiency Index and a higher amount of sEMG activity per second during the take-off phase of a CMJ.Actividad Física y Deport

    Supplementation of re-esterified docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids reduce inflammatory and muscle damage markers after exercise in endurance athletes: a randomized, controlled crossover trial

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    This study aimed to analyse the e ect of 10 weeks of a highly concentrated docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) + eicosapentaenoic (EPA) supplementation (ratio 8:1) on strength deficit and inflammatory and muscle damage markers in athletes. Fifteen endurance athletes participated in the study. In a randomized, double-blinded cross-over controlled design, the athletes were supplemented with a re-esterified triglyceride containing 2.1 g/day of DHA + 240 mg/day of EPA or placebo for 10 weeks. After a 4-week wash out period, participants were supplemented with the opposite treatment. Before and after each supplementation period, participants performed one eccentric-induced muscle damage exercise training session (ECC). Before, post-exercise min and 24 and 48 h after exercise, muscle soreness, knee isokinetic strength and muscle damage and inflammatory markers were tested. No significant differences in strength deficit variables were found between the two conditions in any of the testing sessions. However, a significant effect was observed in IL1 (p = 0.011) and IL6 (p = 0.009), which showed significantly lower values after DHA consumption than after placebo ingestion. Moreover, a significant main effect was observed in CPK (p = 0.014) and LDH-5 (p = 0.05), in which significantly lower values were found after DHA + EPA consumption. In addition, there was a significant effect on muscle soreness (p = 0.049), lower values being obtained after DHA + EPA consumption. Ten weeks of re-esterified DHA + EPA promoted lower concentrations of inflammation and muscle damage markers and decreased muscle soreness but did not improve the strength deficit after an ECC in endurance athletes

    Muscle damage, physiological changes and energy balance in ultra-endurance mountain event athletes

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    The biological response to ultra-endurance mountain race events is not yet well understood. The aim of this study was to determine the biochemical and physiological changes after performing an ultra-endurance mountain race in runners. We recruited 11 amateur runners (age: 29.7 ± 10.2 years; height: 179.7 ± 5.4 cm; body mass: 76.7 ± 10.3 kg). Muscle damage, lactate concentration, energy balance, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), body composition changes, and jump performance were analyzed before, during (only lactate, HR, and HRV), and after the race. Athletes completed 54 km in 6 h, 44 min (±28 min). After the race, myoglobin and creatine kinase concentration increased from 14.9 ± 5.2 to 1419.9 ± 1292.1 μg/L and from 820.0 ± 2087.3 to 2421.1 ± 2336.2 UI/L, respectively (p < 0.01). In addition, lactate dehydrogenase and troponin I significantly increased after the race (p < 0.01). Leukocyte and platelet count increased by 180.6% ± 68.9% and 23.7% ± 11.2%, respectively (p < 0.001). Moreover, after the competition, athletes presented a 3704 kcal negative energy balance; a significant increase in RPE values; a decrease in countermovement and squat jump height; and a decrease in body mass and lower limb girths. During the event, lactate concentration did not change and subjects presented a mean HR of 158.8 ± 17.7 beats/min, a significant decrement in vagal modulation, and a significant increase in sympathetic modulation. Despite the relative “low” intensity achieved, ultra-endurance mountain race is a stressful stimulus that produces a high level of muscle damage in the athletes. These findings may help coaches to design specific training programs that may improve nutritional intake strategies and prevent muscle damage.Actividad Física y Deport

    Neuromuscular and mobility responses to a vibration session in hypoxia in multiple sclerosis

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of vibration training (WBVT) under hypoxic and normoxic conditions on the voluntary rate of force development (RFD), balance and muscle oxygen saturation (SMO2) in persons with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 10 participants completed the study (30 % males, 44.4±7.7 years, 164.3±8.9cm, 65.2±11.1kg, 2.5±1.3 Expanded Disability Status Scale, 24.1± 4.0 kg.m− 2 BMI). Maximal force, RFD during isometric knee extension, static balance with eyes open and closed and sit-to-stand test were evaluated before and immediately after one session of WBVT (12 60-s bout of vibration; frequency 35Hz; amplitude 4mm; 1-min rest intervals) under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. In addition, SMO2 of the gastrocnemius lateralis was assessed during each condition. No changes were found in force, static balance and sit-to-stand test. Time-to-peak RFD increased in the left leg (p = 0.02) and tended to increase in the right leg (p = 0.06) after the hypoxic session. SMO2 resulted in significant increases from the initial to final intervals of the WBVT under both hypoxic and normoxic conditions (p < 0.05). Increases in SMO2 during WBVT demonstrates muscle work that may contribute to the observed muscle adaptations in long-term WBVT programs without inducing decreases in neuromuscular activation, physical function and balance within a session

    Psychological and Sleep Effects of Tryptophan and Magnesium-Enriched Mediterranean Diet in Women with Fibromyalgia

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    Anxiety, mood disturbance, eating and sleep disorders, and dissatisfaction with body image are prevalent disorders in women with fibromyalgia. The authors of this study aimed to determine the effects of tryptophan (TRY) and magnesium-enriched (MG) Mediterranean diet on psychological variables (trait anxiety, mood state, eating disorders, self-image perception) and sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia (n = 22; 49 ± 5 years old). In this randomized, controlled trial, the participants were randomly assigned to the experimental group and the placebo group. The intervention group received a Mediterranean diet enriched with high doses of TRY and MG (60 mg of TRY and 60 mg of MG), whereas the control group received the standard Mediterranean diet. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Questionnaire, Body Shape Questionnaire, State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Profile of Mood States (POMS-29) Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test-26, and Trait Anxiety Inventory were completed before and 16 weeks after the intervention. Significant differences were observed between groups after the intervention for the mean scores of trait anxiety (p = 0.001), self-image perception (p = 0.029), mood disturbance (p = 0.001), and eating disorders (p = 0.006). This study concludes that tryptophan and magnesium-enriched Mediterranean diet reduced anxiety symptoms, mood disturbance, eating disorders, and dissatisfaction with body image but did not improve sleep quality in women with fibromyalgia

    Body composition features in different playing position of professional team indoor players

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    The aim of the present research was to analyze the body composition (BC) and the differences in BC among different playing position in professional basketball, handball and futsal players. BC was assessed in 70 professional indoor team sport players. Players were divided in 4 groups depending on the playing position: group 1, point guard, center/wings and defense; group 2, shooting guard/small forward, handed and midfielder; group 3, power forward/center, pivot and forward; and group 4 goalkeeper. Significant differences between playing positions in basketball in body mass (BM), height, proteins, minerals and arms, legs and trunk BM were found. In handball, significant differences between center/wings and pivot in BM and muscle mass, and between goalkeepers and handed in percentage of fat were measured. Significant differences were also found in BM of each playing position groups in the three sports and in arms and legs BM in groups 1 and 2, and trunk BM and height in group 2. Group 3 presented significant differences between futsal and basketball in skeletal muscle mass and trunk BM, and between basketball and handball in left leg BM and total BM. In group 4 significant differences in BM, height and trunk and leg BM between futsal and handball were found. BC in indoor team sports depend on the playing position and the sport discipline, the BC being result of the specific game actions of each playing position.Actividad Física y Deport

    Whole-body vibration training and bone health in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: The aims of the present systematic review and meta-analysis were to evaluate published, randomized controlled trials that investigate the effects on whole-body vibration (WBV) training on total, femoral neck, and lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women, and identify the potential moderating factors explaining the adaptations to such training. Methods: From a search of electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane) up until September 2017, a total 10 studies with 14 WBV groups met the inclusion criteria. Three different authors tabulated, independently, the selected indices in identical predetermined forms. The methodological quality of all studies was evaluated according to the modified PEDro scale. For each trial, differences within arms were calculated as mean differences (MDs) and their 95% confidence intervals between pre- and postintervention values. The effects on bone mass between exercise and control groups were also expressed as MDs. Both analyses were performed in the total sample and in a specific class of postmenopausal women younger than 65 years of age (excluding older women). Results: The BMD of 462 postmenopausal women who performed WBV or control protocol was evaluated. Significant pre-post improvements in BMD of the lumbar spine were identified following WBV protocols (P = .03). Significant differences in femoral neck BMD (P = .03) were also found between intervention and control groups when analyzing studies that included postmenopausal women younger than 65 years. Conclusions: WBV is an effective method to improve lumbar spine BMD in postmenopausal and older women and to enhance femoral neck BMD in postmenopausal women younger than 65 years

    Efectos agudos de una sesión de entrenamiento vibratorio sobre la espasticidad en personas con Esclerosis Múltiple: resultados preliminares.

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    Resumen: La esclerosis múltiple (EM) es una enfermedad neurológica progresiva, que conduce a un declive de la función física, siendo la espasticidad uno de los síntomas más recurrentes en esta población. En los últimos años, el entrenamiento vibratorio de cuerpo completo (WBVT) ha mostrado beneficios en la capacidad funcional, la función neuromuscular o la calidad de vida en personas con EM. Sin embargo, los efectos agudos de una sesión de WBVT sobre variables como la espasticidad son todavía desconocidos. Por ello, los objetivos principales de este estudio fueron analizar los efectos agudos del WBVT sobre la espasticidad de la rodilla, así como conocer las diferencias en esta variable entre la pierna más y menos afectada tras la sesión en personas con EM. 13 sujetos formaron parte de este estudio. La sesión de WBVT consistió en 12 series de 1 minuto de vibración con 1 minuto de descanso entre series en posición de sentadilla estática. La frecuencia y la amplitud fue fijada en 35 Hz y 4 mm respectivamente. Para medir la espasticidad de la articulación de la rodilla, el Test del Péndulo fue utilizado antes y después de la sesión. No se encontraron diferencias pre-post en ninguna de las variables. Sin embargo, el tiempo de oscilación mejoró significativamente en el post-sesión en la pierna menos afectada en comparación con la más afectada. Basándonos en nuestros resultados, se evidencia que la respuesta ante una sesión de WBVT es diferente dependiendo tanto del grado de discapacidad como de la pierna analizada de un mismo paciente. Estos resultados muestran que la individualización del WBVT es una cuestión de vital importancia en población con EM