212 research outputs found

    Papel del tejido adiposo, sensibilidad insulínica e ingesta lipídica en la gestación y su implicación en el riesgo de padecer diabetes en la edad adulta

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    Papel del tejido adiposo, sensibilidad insulínica e ingesta lipídica en la gestación y su implicación en el riesgo de padecer diabetes en la edad adulta

    Validación de un instrumento en español para medir habilidades parentales promovidas en una intervención de educación parental

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    Las intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España, este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes, pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Este estudio presenta la validación de un instrumento para medir habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y 6 dimensiones y utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en varios territorios de España. Se ha recogido información cualitativa de 44 profesionales expertos y datos cuantitativos de 84 padres/madres participantes de un programa de apoyo parental. Este proceso ha permitido reducir y adaptar el cuestionario inicial a una nueva versión con 19 ítems, pilotado por 10 familias y 12 profesionales. Los resultados indican que la nueva versión del cuestionario recoge las dimensiones básicas de habilidades parentales, con un lenguaje comprensible y muestra unas propiedades psicométricas adecuadas (α entre 0,71 en subescala 2 y 0,80 en subescala 5; todos los ítems tienen un peso r > 0,40 en el primer factor, y la variancia total para los factores extraídos es superior al 50 %)

    REIRE : revista d'innovació i recerca en educació

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLas intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Se presenta la validación de un instrumento para la medida de habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y seis dimensiones utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en diversos territorios de España.ES

    Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress: Focus in Obese Pregnancies

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    The prevalence of obesity in women of childbearing age around the globe has dramatically increased in the last decades. Obesity is characterized by a low-state chronic inflammation, metabolism impairment and oxidative stress, among other pathological changes. Getting pregnant in this situation involves that gestation will occur in an unhealthy environment, that can potentially jeopardize both maternal and fetal health. In this review, we analyze the role of maternal obesity-induced oxidative stress as a risk factor to develop adverse outcomes during gestation, including reduced fertility, spontaneous abortion, teratogenesis, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction. Evidences of macromolecule oxidation increase in reactive oxygen species generation and antioxidant defense alterations are commonly described in maternal and fetal tissues. Thus, antioxidant supplementation become an interesting prophylactic and therapeutic tool, that yields positive results in cellular, and animal models. However, the results from most meta-analysis studying the effect of these therapies in complicated gestations in humans are not really encouraging. It is still to be analyzed whether these therapies could work if applied to cohorts of patients at a high risk, such as those with low concentration of antioxidants or obese pregnant women

    Perceived competence in the face of death in nursing degree students

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    Objetivo : Investigar la influencia de los estudios de grado en Enfermería sobre la competencia percibida de los estudiantes ante la muerte. Metodología : Se ha utilizado la Escala Breve de Bugen de Competencia ante la Muerte modificada (EBBCAM-M). La muestra fue de 140 sujetos, 92 sujetos de primer curso de grado en Enfermería de la UCV y 48 de segundo curso. Resultados : Los estudiantes de primer curso obtienen menor puntuación (127,2/27,5) que los de segundo curso (133,3/23,4) en competencia percibida ante la muerte, aunque sin alcanzar la significación estadística ( p = .17). Conclusiones : No existen diferencias en competencia percibida ante la muerte entre los estudiantes de primer y segundo curso de grado en Enfermería.Objective : To research on the influence of nursing degree studies on perceived competence in the face of death. Methodology: The Bugen Brief Scale of Death Competence Modified (EBBCAM-M). The sample was 140 subjects, 92 subjects from first year of Degree in Nursing of the UCV and 48 from second year. Results : The 1st grade students obtained a score of 127.2 (27.5) and those in the 2nd year of 133.3 (23.4) in perceived competence in the face of death. With a non significant p (0.17). Conclusions : There are no differences in perceived competence in face of death among the first and second year students of Nursing Degree.Medicin

    Relationship between nailfold videocapillaroscopic findings and cardiovascular risk factors

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    Background: Nailfold Videocapillaroscopy (NVC) is a valuable tool in the differential diagnosis of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP), present in certain Rheumatic diseases (RD). Knowing that many people have cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), the main objective was to demonstrate that CVRF and carotid plaques produce NVC alterations. Methods: Cross-sectional unicentric study carried out from 2020 to 2023. Four groups were formed: subjects with RD and RP, participants with RD without RP, subjects with RP without RD and finally participants without RP or RD (study group). Each subject exhibiting CVRF presented only a single risk factor. The variables collected were: sociodemographic, CVRF (diabetes, tobacco, alcohol (ALC), obesity (OBE), dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension (AH)), diseases, RP, treatments, tortuosities and NVC alterations (ramified capillaries, enlarged capillaries, giant capillaries, haemorrhages and density loss) and carotid ultrasound (CU). Results: 402 subjects were included (76 % women, mean age 51 ± 16 years), 67 % had CVRF, 50 % RP and 38 % RD. Tortuosities were present in 100 % of CVRF participants. A statistically significant association was found between the presence of CVRF and all the NVC alterations: ramified capillaries (OR = 95.6), enlarged capillaries (OR = 59.2), giant capillaries (OR = 8.32), haemorrhages (OR = 17.6) and density loss (OR = 14.4). In particular, an association was found between giant capillaries with AH (p = 0,008) and OBE (p 〈0,001), and haemorrhages and density loss with ALC and OBE (p < 0,001). On the other hand, 40 subjects presented CU plaques (9.9 %), associated with enlarged capillaries (OR = 8.08), haemorrhages (OR = 4.04) and ramified capillaries (OR = 3.01). The pathological intima-media thickness was also associated with haemorrhages (OR = 3.14). Conclusions: There is a clear association between CVRF and ultrasound atherosclerotic findings in carotid with NVC alterations. These findings are of special interest for a correct NVC interpretation and to avoid false positives in the diagnosis of primary and secondary R

    Perceived competence in nursing students in the face of death

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    Objetivo. Analizar la competencia percibida del alumno de Grado en Enfermería en la atención en el final de la vida. Método. Investigación cualitativa, de tipo fenomenológica interaccionista. La muestra teórica pertenecía a los estudiantes de los cuatro cursos de enfermería de una universidad privada de España. Se recogieron datos de cuatro grupos focales. Se realizó un análisis inductivo descriptivo-interpretativo. Resultados. Emergieron 7 categorías: formación teórica y práctica recibida, valores éticos, capacidad de autonomía, problemas con el entorno, frustraciones y valor de la profesión, y por último objetivos a largo plazo. Los participantes se perciben a sí mismos como poco competentes en el área del duelo y la muerte. Sienten, asimismo, que poseen pocos conocimientos y que la educación de corte teórico es poco aplicable en la práctica. Conclusiones. Los estudiantes del Grado en Enfermería sienten que la formación teórica recibida no es suficiente para enfrentarse a la realidad asistencial en el área del duelo y la muerte y que es muy difícil sentirse competentes en relación a los cuidados al final de la vida; independientemente de las didácticas que se empleen, pero consideran la práctica como elemento fundamental.Objective. To analyze the level of perceived competence of nursing students in relation to end of life. Method. Qualitative research, of phenomenological interactionist type. The theoretical sample belonged to the students of the four nursing years of a private university in Spain. Data was collected from four focus groups. An inductive descriptive-interpretative analysis was carried out. Results. Seven categories emerged: theoretical and practical training received, ethical values, capacity for autonomy, problems with the environment, frustrations and the value of the profession. Finally, long-term objectives. The participants perceive themselves as not very competent in the area of mourning and death. They also feel that they have insufficient knowledge and that theoretical education is hardly applicable in real life. Conclusions. Nursing students feel that the theoretical training received is not enough to face the reality of care in the area of grief and death and that it is very difficult to feel competent in the face of death; regardless of the didactics that are used, but they consider the practice as a fundamental element

    Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter linked to microbial (Bacteria and Archaea) diversity in the main water masses of the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean

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    The microbe-dissolved organic matter (DOM) interactions include microbial uptake and DOM reworking and release, affecting the composition of the heterogeneous DOM pool. In turns, this distinct DOM composition can select for microbial assemblages. We investigated the diversity of microbial (both Bacteria and Archaea) communities (combining Illumina tag sequencing of 16S rRNA gen -amplicon sequencing variants, ASVs- and metagenomics) and the chemodiversity of dissolved organic molecules (extracted by solid phase extraction and analyzed by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, FT-ICR-MS) in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean off the Galician coast (43oN, 9o-15oW). Sampling ranged from 100 m to 5000 m, thereby encompassing a wide variety of water masses with contrasting origins and different aging. Applying diversity ecological metrics to both organic compounds and ASVs, we found that microbial diversity and richness were negatively correlated with DOM concentration and chemo-diversity. Besides, our results demonstrated the link between this trend and water mass aging, which enhances biosphere taxonomic diversity but reduces molecular variety. DOM diversity, decreasing along the water mass aging gradient, would likely reflect the persistence of the most refractory molecules, generated as by- product of the DOM degradation by microbes. In two PCoAs based on the metagenomic data, combined PCoA axis 1 and PCoA axis 2, explained the 80% and 20% of the microbial gene ́s structural variability among water masses. The oldest water masses, originated at high latitudes, such as NADW and LDW, were associated to higher abundance of genes involved in metabolism of aromatic compound. Intermediate waters such as ENACWst were related to sulphur/iron/phosphorous metabolism related genes. Surface waters were linked to genes involved in photosynthesis, autotrophy and cell division. Taken together, the observed increase of DOM homogenization along water mass aging was associated to differences in the functional diversity of microbial communities

    In vitro culture of ovine embryos up to early gastrulating stages

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    Developmental failures occurring shortly after blastocyst hatching from the zona pellucida constitute a major cause of pregnancy losses in both humans and farm ungulates. The developmental events occurring following hatching in ungulates include the proliferation and maturation of extra-embryonic membranes - trophoblast and hypoblast - and the formation of a flat embryonic disc, similar to that found in humans, which initiates gastrulation prior to implantation. Unfortunately, our understanding of these key processes for embryo survival is limited because current culture systems cannot sustain ungulate embryo development beyond hatching. Here, we report a culture system that recapitulates most developmental landmarks of gastrulating ovine embryos: trophoblast maturation, hypoblast migration, embryonic disc formation, disappearance of the Rauber's layer, epiblast polarization and mesoderm differentiation. Our system represents a highly valuable platform for exploring the cell differentiation, proliferation and migration processes governing gastrulation in a flat embryonic disc and for understanding pregnancy failures during the second week of gestation. This article has an associated 'The people behind the papers' interview


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    La sarcoidosis es una enfermedad sistémica de etiología desconocida que se caracteriza por el desarrollo de granulomas epiteloides no caseificantes. Los pulmones son los órganos más afectados (>90 % de los casos), seguidos de los ganglios linfáticos, la piel y los ojos. Esta revisión resume las principales manifestaciones clínicas y las opciones actuales de farmacoterapia. Los glucocorticoides son la primera línea de tratamiento para la sarcoidosis. Para los pacientes con las formas más severas de sarcoidosis (que necesitarán glucocorticoides durante largos períodos de tiempo) y para aquellos que son intolerantes o resistentes al tratamiento, se utilizan medicamentos inmunosupresores como agentes ahorradores de glucocorticoides. El manejo de la sarcoidosis extratorácica debe adaptarse al órgano u órgano específico involucrado;sin embargo, hay datos limitados de ensayos controlados para guiar el tratamiento de estos pacientes. La aparición de terapias biológicas ha aumentado el arsenal terapéutico disponible para tratar la sarcoidosis, siendo los agentes anti-TNF monoclonales los más prometedores, pero su uso todavía está limitado por la falta de licencias y costos.Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease of unknown etiology characterized by the development of non-caseating epitheloid granulomas. The lungs are the most commonly involved organ (>90% of cases), followed by the lymph nodes, the skin, and the eyes. Areas covered: This review summarizes current pharmacotherapy options and future directions for the development of new therapies. Glucocorticoids are the first-line therapy for sarcoidosis. For patients with the most severe forms of sarcoidosis (who will need glucocorticoids for long periods) and for those intolerant or refractory, immunosuppressive drugs are used as sparing agents. The management of extrathoracic sarcoidosis must be tailored to the specific organ or organs involved;however, there is limited data from controlled trials to guide the treatment of these patients. The emergence of biological therapies has increased the therapeutic armamentarium available to treat sarcoidosis, with monoclonal anti-TNF agents being the most promising, but their use is still limited by a lack of licensing and costsFil: Retamozo, Maria Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; Argentina. Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Biomédicas de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Brito Zeron, Pilar. Hospital Cima-sanitas; EspañaFil: Pérez Álvarez, Roberto. Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna; EspañaFil: Achad, Mario Oscar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Pallarés, Lucio. Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna; EspañaFil: Cuestas, Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Ramos Casals, Manuel. Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna; Españ