8,130 research outputs found

    Los ballesteros del rey, los arneses empeñados y otros nuevos documentos sobre Pero Niño

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    RESUMENSe presentan cuatro documentos hasta ahora desconocidos sobre Pero Niño, datados entre 1404 y 1431, que arrojan luz sobre algunos episodios poco detallados o silenciados en El Victorial, la biografía caballeresca que le dedicó Gutierre Díaz de Games.PALABRAS CLAVEPero Niño, Gutierre Díaz de Games, El Victorial.ABSTRACTThis study presents four unknown documents about Pero Niño, dated between 1404 and 1431. They shed light on several episodes that are undetailed or silenced in El Victorial, the chivalric biography written by Gutierre Díaz de Games.KEYWORDSPero Niño, Gutierre Díaz de Games, El Victorial

    A vueltas con la Crónica del rey don Rodrigo

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    Se discute la problemática del género literario de la Crónica sarracina desde una perspectiva peninsular y europea, en la órbita de un nuevo tipo de ficción, ligado a la historia y a un incipiente realismo que se va imponiendo a lo largo de la primera mitad del siglo XV. Además, se revelan nuevos pasajes retomados por Pedro de Corral de la versión catalana de las tragedias de Séneca y del Libro de los doce sabios

    How triathletes mount their bikes after first transition (T1). A proposal of classification

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    A proposal is submit for the classification referring to the different ways in which triathletes mount their bikes to start pedalling. This action happens at the end of the transition area (T1) after having gone across on foot, with the bikes at their side, or, led across by hand, in a specific way (Fernández, Romero, Merino and April, 2015). These are unique aspects of this sport, compared to other sports in which a bike is also used. The purpose of this research was concentrates in describing and classifying the motor behaviours that occur at the end of the transition area, in front of the “judge’s line”. This study was bassed on participants of 3 Spanish Elite Championships of different distances (407 triathletes). It was filmed in the moment when they picked up their bikes, passed through the transition area and mounted their bikes. Eleven different ways were discovered on how to mount a bike when passing the judge’s line.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Nitrogen metabolism and gene expression landscape in maritime pine

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    This work was supported by the ProCoGen grant (FP7-KBBE-2011-5) and by the MicroNUpE grant (BIO2015-73512-JIN).Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) is one the most important conifer species in the southwestern Mediterranean region because of its economic and environmental potential. For this reason, a work program in functional genomics has been developed in the frame of the ProCoGen project. One objective was to complete the knowledge about P. pinaster transcriptome with the tissue-specific localization of the gene expression of the low accumulated transcripts in sharper regions (Cañas et al. 2017). In order to reach these objectives total RNA was obtained from isolated tissues through laser capture microdissection (LCM). Due to the limiting amount from these extracts, the RNA samples were reverse-transcribed and the resultant cDNA amplified using our CRA+ protocol (Cañas et al. 2014). The obtained reads were assembled to improve the previous reference transcriptome. Reads were mapped against this transcriptome and the read accounts analyzed in order to found gene co-expression networks using the WGCNA software. These results have allowed us the characterization of nitrogen metabolism in maritime pine during the seedling stage stablishing relationships between the different components. This include the identification of new genes with low or very localized expression as occurred for the PpGS1c gene encoding a new cytosolic glutamine synthetase. From this starting point, we are developing a new project, MicroNUpE, to identify and study the genes involved in ammonium uptake and regulation in different root tissues that will be isolated through LCM. Cañas et al. (2017). Plant J, doi:10.1111/tpj.13617. Cañas et al. (2014). Tree Physiol, 34:1278-1288.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Organización espacial de la arquitectura religiosa Postridentina: el confesonario en algunos ejemplos españoles

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    Este artículo trata sobre el impacto de los decretos del Concilio de Trento en la transformación del espacio de la arquitectura eclesiástica a través del confesonario, haciendo referencia a ciertos ejemplos españolesThis paper deals with the impact of the Council of Trenton the space and function in ecclesiastical architecture of confessionals. Reference is made to several Spanish example

    The Crucified of the Blood: a work by Martín Alonso de Mesa in Lima

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    Se da a conocer una nueva escultura de Martín Alonso de Mesa en Lima. En el proceso de restauración del Crucificado de la Sangre, se encontró en su interior un pergamino con los nombres del escultor y el comitente y la fecha de realización.We publish a new sculpture of Martín Alonso de Mesa in Lima. A parchment with the names of the sculptor and the sponsor and the date of realization was found inside the Crucified of the Blood during the process of restoration

    El urbanismo alfonsí

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    Plan Nacional I+D+i HAR 2008-01941 ART