1,443 research outputs found

    Towards a collocation writing assistant for learners of Spanish

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    This paper describes the process followed in creating a tool aimed at helping learners produce collocations in Spanish. First we present the Diccionario de colocaciones del español (DiCE), an online collocation dictionary, which represents the first stage of this process. The following section focuses on the potential user of a collocation learning tool: we examine the usability problems DiCE presents in this respect, and explore the actual learner needs through a learner corpus study of collocation errors. Next, we review how collocation production problems of English language learners can be solved using a variety of electronic tools devised for that language. Finally, taking all the above into account, we present a new tool aimed at assisting learners of Spanish in writing texts, with particular attention being paid to the use of collocations in this language

    Alameda : un modelo estructural-funcional del cultivo de Vicia faba L

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    El modelo estructural-funcional ALAMEDA de un cultivo de Vicia faba L se ha construido dentro del formalismo de los sistemas de Lindenmayer o sistemas-L, es decir, dentro de unas de las teorías metaméticas del desarrollo relacionada con las gramáticas de crecimiento. ALAMEDA incluye explícitamente la morfología de las plantas y de la arquitectura de la cubierta del cultivo complementando a los modelos clásicos de simulación de cultivos, que simulan la cubierta como un medio homogéneo.su conexión a los modelos de procesos es clave para su aplicación en agronomía y en este trabajo se inicia y se habilita esta posibilidad. El objetivo del trabajo es la obtención de una base de datos morfológica detallada sobre Vicia faba L. Que permite la escritura de un modelo estructural, así como su conexión con un modelo de crecimiento empírico, y una primera validación a través de la simulación del área foliar. La descripción cualitativa y cuantitativa de la geometría y topología de plantas y cultivos se ha obtenido de ensayos en campo y en ensayo bajo condiciones controladas. Las técnicas utilizadas para la obtención de datos han sido las usadas en fisiología de cultivos junto con la digitalización electromagnética. Esta técnica permitió capturar la geometría y topología de la cubierta así como su evolución a lo largo del ciclo. La alta plasticidad de las habas dificulta la obtención de relaciones universales sobre número y tamaño de los órganos, encontrándose sin embargo que información válida para la planta entera sobre parámetros morfológicos como longitud, área foliar y ángulos, puede derivarse de observaciones hechas únicamente en el tallo principal o en uno de los secundarios. La expresión del filocrono y de las fenofases en unidades térmicas posibilitó la evolución hacia el modelo estructural-funcional, al permitir la conexión con un modelo de crecimiento. La simulación del área foliar del cultivo se realiza en ALAMEDA por órganos o módulos, permitiendo la localización espacial (3D) de dichos órganos y la simulación de la evolución de sus dimensiones. El modelo ALAMEDA se calibró con una de las series de datos disponibles de los ensayos de campo. En las primeras versiones del modelo, la simulación de la superficie foliar y de la intercepción de radiación fotosintéticamente activa no mostró diferencias significativas en comparación con las determinaciones de campo. En la última versión (ALAMEDA V.3), ya en fase estructural-funcional, las simulaciones de las longitudes de los órganos vegetativos y del área foliar se contrastaron con ensayos de diferentes fechas de siembra. La calidad de la simulación del área foliar y de su distribución en la cubierta es función de la simulación de dichas longitudes. La vocación final de ALAMEDA es el progreso hacia una modelización más mecanicista. La conexión con el modelo de crecimiento ha demostrado la viabilidad de este enfoqu

    Climate variability effects on summer cropping systems on the Iberian Peninsula

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    Climate variability and changes in the frequency of extremes events have a direct impact on crop yield and damages. Climate anomalies projections at monthly and yearly timescale allows us for adapting a cropping system (crops, varieties and management) to take advantage of favorable conditions or reduce the effect of adverse conditions. The objective of this work is to develop indices to evaluate the effect of climatic variability in summer cropping systems of Iberian Peninsula, in an attempt of relating yield variability to climate variability, extending the work of Rodríguez-Puebla (2004)

    Explorando la frecuencia léxica para el Diccionario de colocaciones del español

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos explorar la funcionalidad del concepto de frecuencia léxica en un diccionario de colocaciones, más en particular en el Diccionario de colocaciones del español (DiCE, Alonso Ramos 2004, 2010, Vincze et al. 2011)

    Determining the impact of economic activiy in Asturias on greenhouse gas emissions

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    To fulfil the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol, public authorities with responsibility for the environment, need to design and implement policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, whose pollution impact is highly relevant. Hence it is necessary to develop reliable data bases, indicators and tools in order to determine the reach of such an impact. In Spain, the Autonomous Communities have powers and responsibility for dealing with environmental affairs. Thus, the aim of this paper is the construction of an environmental Input-Output Table for the Regional Government of Asturias, with useful information with respect to environmental aspects of the regional economy. Concretely, the consequences of economic activity on the greenhouse gas emissions will be studied. The specific targets will be: to define and calculate the emission coefficients for every production sector and the final demand of the Asturian regional economy; to account for the quantities of the greenhouse gas emissions by sectors for a specified year; and to construct an environmental IO accounts system for Asturias starting from the pollution coefficients matrixes. Once these matrixes have been developed, it will be possible to carry out a conventional IO analysis, including the environmental aspects. As a result, the quantity of the pollutants generated directly in the economy by each of the production sectors and by the final demand will be determined, as well as the additional indirect emissions belonging to the output production. Finally, the multiplier analysis will be extended to obtain the induced effects resulting from consideration of household consumption, financed by incomes from the domestic production sectors, as endogenous.

    A comparison of updating algorithms for large N reduced models

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    We investigate Monte Carlo updating algorithms for simulating SU(N)SU(N) Yang-Mills fields on a single-site lattice, such as for the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model (TEK). We show that performing only over-relaxation (OR) updates of the gauge links is a valid simulation algorithm for the Fabricius and Haan formulation of this model, and that this decorrelates observables faster than using heat-bath updates. We consider two different methods of implementing the OR update: either updating the whole SU(N)SU(N) matrix at once, or iterating through SU(2)SU(2) subgroups of the SU(N)SU(N) matrix, we find the same critical exponent in both cases, and only a slight difference between the two.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Os newen nos processos políticos de produção e socialização de conhecimentos-ontologias

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    (Esta publicación es una traducción al portugués del artículo ya publicado en francés en Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec) No marco da proposta cosmopolítica, centrada nas articulações possíveis entre mundos ou ontologias divergentes, este trabalho propõe-se a pensar o parlamento ou Futa Trawün mapuche-tehuelche como uma instância de produção, transmissão e socialização (ngulantuwün) de conhecimentos-ontologias. No ano de 2002, as comunidades e organizações indígenas da província de Chubut (Patagônia argentina) decidem retomar essa prática ancestral, em face do avanço da propriedade privada e da mineração sobre seus territórios. O interesse nesses encontros políticos reside, por um lado, no fato de sua própria existência ter sido definida a partir de uma epistemologia entendida como mapuche-tehuelche, e, por outro, no modo como o conhecimento-ontologia é ali reatualizado como uma prática política. Portanto, o Futa Trawün é um interessante ponto de partida para levar a cabo uma reflexão acerca da relação entre os processos políticos e outras formas epistêmicas de entender a política.Fil: Ramos, Ana Margarita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro; ArgentinaFil: Sabatella, María Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro; Argentin

    Evaluating uncertainty in climate change impacts on crop productivity in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Using a multi-model ensemble of climate-change impacts over the Iberian Peninsula, we identified regions and cropping options for which the uncertainty levels of projected impacts on crop productivity were either high or low. The ensemble consisted of 10 members per combination of scenario, climate model, location and cropping option, and was used to quantify the uncertainty of impacts on crop yield. CERES wheat and maize simulation models were linked to the control run and 1 scenario provided by 10 regional climate models (RCMs): control (1969–1990) and A2 future (2070–2100) climate. The contribution of RCMs, locations and cropping options to uncertainty on yield projections was analysed. Differences between the sign of the response and 30 yr time series of projections generated by each member of the ensemble were compared. The largest response to A2 scenarios also resulted in the smallest uncertainty, and vice versa. Low uncertainty was found for the sign of the yield response, which was mainly positive for spring and winter cropping options and negative for the summer option. Uncertainty was lower for A2 than for control projections. Uncertainty was largest in northern, coastal and mountain regions, and smallest for inland southern regions, and depended on seasonal cropping options. Minimum and maximum uncertainty were found for maize and irrigated spring wheat, respectively. Water availability was the determinant for interannual variability and its uncertainty. Choice of RCM contributed less to uncertainty than choice of location, and choice of cropping option contributed more to uncertainty than both of these factors. Interannual variability showed larger uncertainty than mean impact magnitude, and this uncertainty was larger than that of the sign of the yield response. Regions with high uncertainty could benefit from higher-resolution simulations