264 research outputs found

    Evaluation of radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1- histidine) on the wound healing in rats

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1-histidine) on the wound healing in rats. Therefore, 48 male rats were submitted to a surgical procedure to perform a rectangular wound in the anterior-dorsal region. The animals were divided into 4 experimental groups randomly chosen: control; irradiated; carnosine irradiated and carnosine group. The irradiated and carnosine irradiated group were exposed to a dose (6Gy) of gamma irradiation, in the whole body, 72 hours after surgery. The carnosine and carnosine irradiated groups, in addition to the surgical procedure and the irradiation, received two doses of carnosine aqueous solution, the first one being injected 48 hours after surgery, and the second one 1 hour and 30 minutes before irradiation. The tissue repair of the 4 groups was evaluated at 4, 7, 14, and 21 days after inflicting the wound, by morphological, histochemical and histophysical methods. At all examined periods, it could be observed that the animals from the carnosine irradiated group presented a better developed granulation tissue than the irradiated group and closely similar to that of the control group. Thus, under the experimental conditions used, it was possible to conclude that carnosine is an effective radioprotective substance.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito radioprotetor da carnosina (beta-alanil-1-histidina) no processo de cicatrização em ratos. Para isto, 48 ratos machos foram submetidos a um procedimento cirúrgico para realização de uma ferida retangular na região dorsal anterior. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos experimentais: controle, irradiado, carnosina irradiado e carnosina. Os grupos carnosina e carnosina irradiado foram exposto a uma dose de corpo todo de 6 Gy de radiação gama, 72 horas após a cirurgia para confecção da ferida. O grupo carnosina e carnosina irradiado, adicionalmente, ao procedimento cirúrgico e a irradiação, receberam duas doses de solução aquosa de carnosina, a primeira sendo injetada 48 horas após a cirurgia, e a segunda 1 hora e 30 minutos antes da irradiação. A reparação tecidual nos 4 grupos foi avaliada 4, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a realização da ferida, por métodos morfológicos, histoquímicos e histofísicos. Em todos os períodos examinados, pode ser observado que os animais do grupo carnosina irradiado apresentaram um melhor desenvolvimento do tecido de granulação do que o grupo irradiado e muito similar ao do grupo controle. Logo, de acordo com as condições experimentais usadas, foi possível concluir que a carnosina é uma substância radioprotetora efetiva

    Mandibular destructive radiolucent lesion: the first sign of multiple myeloma

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    The occurrence of a mandibular lesion as the first sign of multiple myeloma (MM) is uncommon. This report describes a case of MM diagnosed because of a mandibular lesion. A 62-year-old woman presented a destructive radiolucent lesion in the right mandibular ramus. The lesion caused rupture of the anterior cortical bone and extended from the retromolar area to the coronoid process. An incisional biopsy was performed. Histopathological examination revealed numerous pleomorphic plasma cells, some with binucleated nuclei. The tumor cells showed kappa lightchain restriction. Bone marrow biopsy showed findings of massive infiltration of neoplastic plasma cells, besides lesions in the vertebrae. The diagnosis of MM was established. The patient underwent autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Currently, the patient is under regular follow up after 40 months of initial treatment. In conclusion, MM should be considered in the differential diagnosis of destructive mandibular lesions

    HIV/HCV coinfection at an university hospital in Recife, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and risks factors associated with coinfection in HIV-positive individuals. METHODS: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 343 HIV patients attended at a university hospital in Recife, Northeastern Brazil, from March to December 2003. A standardized questionnaire about risk factors was administered. Serum samples were analyzed for anti-HCV antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), HCV-RNA using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and genotyping using the ABI 377 (PE Biosystems®). Univariate and multivariate analyses and multiple logistic regression were performed. RESULTS: HCV prevalence was 4.1% (14/343) using ELISA and 3.2% (11/343) using RT-PCR. The most common genotypes were 1b (45%), 3 (33%) and 1a (22%). Co-infection was higher among those aged 30 to 39 years, and predominantly in males (64.3 %). In the multiple logistic regression, the variable blood transfusion was the single remaining risk factor for HCV (OR=4.28; 95% CI 1.44;12.73). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of HIV/HCV coinfection was low. Blood transfusion was a risk factor and HCV genotype 1b was the most frequently found.OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de virus de hepatitis C (HCV) y factores de riesgo asociados con la coinfección en personas seropositivas para HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudio de tipo transversal, descriptivo y analítico, con 343 portadores de HIV atendidos en un hospital universitario de Recife (Noreste de Brasil), en el período de marzo a diciembre de 2003. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a un cuestionario estandarizado sobre los factores de riesgo. En las muestras de suero fueron pesquisados el anti-HCV por ELISA, el HCV-RNA por medio de la RT-PCR y la identificación de los genotipos fue realizada en el equipo ABI377 (PE Biosystems®). Los análisis estadísticos utilizados fueron la univariada, la multivariada y la regresión logística múltiple. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia encontrada para el HCV fue de 4,1% (14/343) por ELISA y de 3,2% (11/343) por RT-PCR. Los genotipos mas frecuentes fueron 1b (45%), 3 (33%) y 1a (22%). El rango de edad con mayor proporción de coinfectados fue la de 30-39 años, con predominio del sexo masculino (64,3%). Posterior a la regresión logística múltiple, sólo la variable transfusión sanguínea permaneció como factor de riesgo para el HCV (OR=4,28; IC 95%: 1,44; 12,73). CONCLUSIONES: La prevalencia de la coinfección HIV/HCV fue baja, la transfusión sanguínea fue un factor de riesgo y el genotipo 1b de HCV fue el más frecuente.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do vírus da hepatite C (HCV) e fatores de risco associados com a co-infecção em pessoas soropositivas para HIV. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, descritivo e analítico, com 343 portadores do HIV atendidos em um hospital universitário de Recife (PE), no período de março a dezembro de 2003. Os pacientes foram submetidos a um questionário padronizado sobre os fatores de risco. Nas amostras de soro foram pesquisados o anti-HCV pelo ELISA, o HCV-RNA por meio da RT-PCR e a identificação dos genótipos foi realizada no equipamento ABI377 (PE Biosystems®). As análises estatísticas utilizadas foram a univariada, a multivariada e a regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: A prevalência encontrada para o HCV foi de 4,1% (14/343) pelo ELISA e de 3,2 % (11/343) quando utilizada a RT-PCR. Os genótipos mais freqüentes foram 1b (45%), 3 (33%) e 1a (22%). A faixa etária com maior proporção de co-infectados foi a de 30 a 39 anos, com predomínio do sexo masculino (64,3%). Após regressão logística múltipla, apenas a variável transfusão sangüínea permaneceu como fator de risco para o HCV (OR=4,28; IC 95%: 1,44;12,73). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da co-infecção HIV/HCV foi baixa, a transfusão sangüínea foi um fator de risco e o genótipo 1b do HCV foi o mais freqüente

    E-DESAFIO – Uma proposta de capacitação de tutores para a gestão do conhecimento na Educação a Distância

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os primeiros passos da implantação do E-Desafio na PUCRS VIRTUAL (unidade de Educação a Distância da PUCRS). O E-Desafio é, um jogo interativo criado para a gestão de conhecimento na capacitação de tutores. Relatamos a experiência da formação de uma equipe multidisciplinar para a elaboração, o desenvolvimento e a implantação do jogo, bem como, dos aportes teóricos emetodológicos. É o resultado da iniciativa de unir a formação de pessoas com a tecnologia, inseridos na cultura da função do tutor em Educação a Distância

    The relationship between temporomandibular dysfunction and head and cervical posture

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of any correlation between disc displacement and parameters used for evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine: craniocervical angle, suboccipital space between C0-C1, cervical curvature and position of the hyoid bone in individuals with and without symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The patients were evaluated following the guidelines set forth by RDC/TMD. Evaluation was performed by magnetic resonance imaging for establishment of disc positioning in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 30 volunteer patients without temporomandibular dysfunction symptoms and 30 patients with symptoms. Evaluation of skull positioning in relation to the cervical spine was performed on lateral cephalograms achieved with the individual in natural head position. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Fisher's exact test at 5% significance level. To measure the degree of reproducibility/agreements between surveys, the kappa (K) statistics was used. RESULTS: Significant differences were observed between C0-C1 measurement for both symptomatic (p=0.04) and asymptomatic (p=0.02). No statistical differences were observed regarding craniocervical angle, C1-C2 and hyoid bone position in relation to the TMJs with and without disc displacement. Although statistically significant difference was found in the C0-C1 space, no association between these and internal temporomandibular joint disorder can be considered. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results observed in this study, no direct relationship could be determined between the presence of disc displacement and the variables assessed

    Educação sexual na adolescência: Relato de experiência de três anos no Programa Educacional Pequeno Cientista

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a experiência de extensão do projeto “Saúde do Adolescente: educação sexual, contracepção e infecções sexualmente transmissíveis”. Este relato apresenta a trajetória metodológica e experiências acadêmicas de atividades educativas desenvolvidas no programa educacional “Pequeno Cientista”, coordenado pela Casa da Ciência da Fundação Hemocentro de Ribeirão Preto, no período de 2017 a 2019. O projeto contou com a participação de 23 alunos da rede básica de ensino, orientados por pós-graduandos e docentes da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto. As atividades foram desenvolvidas semestralmente em pequenos grupos, com a realização de um encontro semanal de uma hora de duração, consumando o total de 12 encontros. Foram empregados como recursos: aulas expositivas argumentativas e práticas, dinâmica de grupo, jogos didáticos, infográficos e vídeos. Os adolescentes participaram ativamente das atividades propostas e realizaram a simulação de vivências através de teatro, elaboraram histórias em quadrinhos e redações. A aproximação da temática com a realidade dos estudantes, por meio de estratégias pedagógicas alternativas propiciou a apropriação de conhecimentos, assimilação de conceitos e a reflexão crítica a respeito da importância da educação sexual na adolescência, favorecendo a adoção de práticas de comportamento preventivo. O desenvolvimento das atividades educacionais contribuiu significativamente para o processo de formação dos adolescentes e difusão de conhecimentos, além de contribuir com a formação e aproximação com a comunidade, e aprimoramento didático do pós-graduando para o exercício da docência e desenvolvimento de atividades de extensão. Palavras-chave: Gravidez na Adolescência, Prevenção Primária, Relações Comunidade-Instituição, Ensino   Sexuality education for adolescents: a report of three years on "small scientist" program Abstract: This study aims to report the extension program's experience: "Adolescent Health: sexuality education, contraception, and sexually transmitted infection." The paper presents a methodological direction and academic experiences of educational activities developed on the "Small Scientist" education program. The House of Science (Casa da Ciência) at Hemocentro Foundation of Ribeirão Preto conducted the activities from 2017 to 2019. The total number of participants was 23 students from elementary and high school. They were carried out by graduate students and professors of Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing – University of São Paulo (EERP/USP). The activities were developed biannually in small groups and one-hour weekly meetings – counting 12 days. The students could learn from argumentative and practical expositive lessons, group dynamics, educational games, and videos throughout the extension program. The adolescents joyfully participated in the proposed activities, played performances, and wrote comics and essays. The approach of the theme with the students' reality provided: the appropriation of knowledge, assimilation of concepts, and critical reflection on the relevance of sex education. Therefore, the program encouraged the adoption of preventive behavior practices by adolescents through alternative pedagogical strategies. As a result, the development of educational activities has contributed significantly to the instruction process for adolescents and the dissemination of knowledge on it. Moreover, it contributes to the training, can reach the non-academic community, and helps the didactic material improvement of the graduate student for the practice of teaching and development of extension program. Keywords: Adolescent Pregnancy; Primary Prevention; community-institutional relations; Educatio

    Inequality of gender, age and disabilities due to leprosy and trends in a hyperendemic metropolis: Evidence from an eleven-year time series study in Midwest of Brazil

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    In the 2019 report, Brazil had a detection rate of 13.23 per 100.000 inhabitants far from the goal of less than 1 leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) case per 10,000 inhabitants describe by the World Health Organization. The present study aimed to investigate the epidemiological situation of leprosy and its trend between 2008 and 2018 in a hyperendemic metropolis in the Central-West region of Brazil. A total of 9.739 leprosy cases were reported between 2008 and 2018. The majority of cases were male (58.37%), with a predominant age of 15 to 59 years (87.55%). The predominant level of education was incomplete elementary school (43.96%). The disability grade at diagnosis showed that 40.19% had G0D and for the G2D was 8.06%.There was a predominance in operational classification of multibacillary cases (72.85%). While detection rate trends in females and the majority of the age groups are decreasing, increases are seen in the detection of male patients and patients already suffering from disabilities. Although declining trends were presented, the metropolis is still not close to elimination showing the need prioritize leprosy actions and to improve care for this disease