3,124 research outputs found

    Improving ergonomic conditions and productivity: a case study in a PVD coating production area

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    Introduction: Due to demographic variation, fewer young workers are available and the overall number of workers will decrease. The length of absenteeism, especially due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), increases with higher age (Müglich et al., 2015). According to Neumann and Dul (2010), if effectively applied in the design of operation systems, Human Factors can improve system performance while reducing health hazards for employees. The aim of this work is to evaluate “How productivity is affected after the implementation of ergonomics improvements?” The case study takes place in a PVD coating production area, where workers’ complaints due to shoulder pains were rising considerably. These complaints come mainly from the processes of loading and unloading pieces from the suspension, before and after the product entering the PVD machine, respectively. This is a repetitive job and involves two awkward postures: flexion of the arms above 60º (from now on “arms up”) about 30% of the time and the difficulty to move manually a full suspension of 6kg, on average, from the machine carpet to a table every 3 minutes and vice-versa depending if it is an unloading or a loading process

    Internal Logistics Process Improvement using PDCA: A Case Study in the Automotive Sector

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    Background: The Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle methodology for a continuous improvement project implementation aims for the internal logistics upgrade, which is especially important in the industrial context of a component manufacturing company for the automotive sector. Objectives: The goal is to quantify the gains from waste reduction based on the usage of the PDCA cycle as a tool in the implementation and optimisation of a milk run in an assembly line of a company in the automotive sector by determining the optimal cycle time of supply and the standardisation of the logistic supply process and the materials’ flow. Methods/Approach: The research was conducted through observation and data collection in loco, involving two main phases: planning and implementation. According to the phases of the PDCA cycle, the process was analysed, and tools such as the SIPOC matrix, process stratification, 5S, and visual management were implemented. Results: Using Lean tools, it was possible to reduce waste by establishing concise flows and defining a supply pattern, which resulted in a reduction of movements. The transportation waste was reduced by fixing the position of more than half of the materials in the logistic trailers. The developed Excel simulator provided the logistic train\u27s optimal cycle time. Conclusions: The assembly line supplied by milk-run was fundamental to highlight a range of improvements in the process of internal supply, such as better integration of stock management systems, greater application of quality, or the adoption of better communication systems between the different areas and employees

    Products of pairwise totally permutable groups

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    [EN] In this paper finite groups factorized as products of pairwise totally permutable subgroups are studied in the framework of Fitting classesA.M.-P. and M.D.P.-R. were both supported by Proyecto BMF20001-1667-C03-03, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa and FEDER, Spain.Hauck, P.; Martínez Pastor, A.; Pérez-Ramos, M. (2003). Products of pairwise totally permutable groups. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 46(1):147-157. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0013091502000299S14715746

    Policy Effects on the Quality of Public Health Care: Evaluating Portuguese Public Hospitals’ Quality through Customers’ Views

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    In this paper, public health care administration issues are reviewed and public hospital patients’ views on quality of health care are empirically tested. The purpose is to support the recommendation of new public policies that lead to better performance, if necessary. Hospital patients’ views on service quality were assessed through a questionnaire to estimate a global customer satisfaction measure. We argue that customer satisfaction should be measured through multiple indicators, as a latent variable. Thus, we considered the latent segment models (LSM) approach to assess customer service satisfaction. We found a two segment latent structure: segment 1, the satisfied, with 48 percent of patients, mostly male and middle-aged patients; and segment 2, the unsatisfied, with 52 percent of patients, mostly female and youngest/oldest patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First report of Puccinia thaliae causing rust on Canna spp. in Europe

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    Disease Notesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fourth International Congress of CiiEM : Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century

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    Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.The 4th edition of the CiiEM Congress “HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND AGEING IN THE XXI CENTURY” followed the trend of previous editions and kept the open and demanding spirit of Egas Moniz scientific dynamics, with the participation of a 15 high-quality communications from 15 world-renowned speakers, and about 200 communications focussing on subjects of importance to the scientific activity of Egas Moniz. This spreads across the biomedical and human sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of entrepreneurial propensity of students from the Viseu pole of Portuguese Catholic University

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    Este artigo pretende mostrar a importância do ensino superior na promoção do empreendedorismo. Assim, começa-se com uma análise teórica dos conceitos de empreendedorismo e de empreendedor e dos principais motivos que conduzem ao empreendedorismo, bem como dos obstáculos que o dificultam. Salienta-se também a importância que o ensino superior tem na promoção do empreendedorismo. Faz-se, por fim, uma breve evolução histórica da educação para o empreendedorismo no ensino superior e do que tem sido feito em Portugal nesta área. Em termos metodológicos, apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo efetuado com 348 alunos do Pólo de Viseu da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo conhecer a propensão empreendedora dos seus alunos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que os alunos têm pouca tendência empreendedora, o que se poderá dever aos receios e às dificuldades em desenvolver um negócio próprio, assim como a alguns fatores que condicionam a criação e o sucesso de uma empresa. Assim, é fundamental evidenciar a importância do empreendedorismo, quer para os indivíduos, quer para a sociedade, e, por isso, é indispensável fomentar a sua promoção, sobretudo junto da comunidade escolar.This article aims to show the importance of higher education in promoting entrepreneurship. So, we start with a theoretical analysis of the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur and the main reasons that lead to entrepreneurship, such as the obstacles to it. Also highlight the importance that higher education has to promote entrepreneurship, and, finally, a brief historical development of entrepreneurship education in higher education and what has been done in this area in Portugal. In methodological terms, we present the results of a study conducted with 348 students from Viseu pole of the Portuguese Catholic University. This study aimed to know the entrepreneurial propensity of their students. The results of this study suggest that students have little entrepreneurial trend, which could be due to the fears and difficulties in developing their own business, as well as some factors that influence the creation and success of a company. Thus, it is crucial to highlight the importance of entrepreneurship, both for individuals and for society, and therefore it is essential to foster its promotion especially among the school community.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resultados da intervenção de enfermagem na prevenção e cicatrização da dermatite associada à incontinência (DAI): revisão sistemática da literatura

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    A dermatite associada à incontinência (DAI) trata-se de uma complicação frequente nas pessoas com perda de continência de esfíncteres, que induz irritação e rotura da pele, com impacto na qualidade de vida e vulnerabilidade para úlceras por pressão e infeções secundárias


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    In the trajectory of the person with cancer, the presence of uncontrolled symptoms are the main and frequent cause of demand for health services, which increases with the advanced stage of the disease. The modernization of health systems advocates the domiciliation of health care, with proximity assistance, where informal caregivers assume a role of relevance. Persons with cancer prefer this typology of service, as well have positive impact in economic health outcomes. However, it is essential to reflect in the shapes of the professional support, health policies and incentives, which are needed with the finality to prevent burnout of the caregiver. As ensure the resources to certify the self-care and quality of life of the person with cancer and informal caregivers
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