15,397 research outputs found

    La educomunicación en la democratización sociocultural: los documentales

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    Abordamos esta discusión en un primer apartado, valorando desde la perspectiva de democratización de la comunicación la propuesta llamada «educomunicación»; después analizamos la posibilidad que para innovar el conocimiento en ciencias sociales tiene el documental social, específicamente latinoamericano; la coyuntura de crisis de la educación universitaria española y la necesidad de dinamizar las CCSS, para acabar con discusión en torno a la potencialidad del documental social y político para reflexionar sobre la globalización. Presentando, para concluir, una propuesta para trabajar estos aspectos con la Red Eurolatinoamerica de Sensibilización social y Comunicación Ciudadana

    Affection and Healthy Housing: A Reflection about the House in Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The mandatory domestic reclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic enabled a unique space experience The home s welcoming space became a citadel for the invisible enemy s protection COVID-19 Using the rhizomatic methodological approach of Deleuze and Guattari through the cartography practice about forces and affections he recognized the crossing flow s forces and affections agency by the bodies human and architectural identifying lines of action and lines of scapes to imagine the post context -pandemic in promoting health for healthier housings with the construction of healthy environments When thinking about contamination making the difference notorious and weaving into the open fissures and gaps in the lived spatial experience enables the creation of other territories stimulating healthy environments to enhance healthy housing In the same way when inhabiting the rhizome house it activated connections with the subjective city of the post-pandemic in addition to the functionality enabling the resingularization of meetings and disagreements in the public space and enhancing healthy housing in the shared construction of a healthy cit

    Ideas sobre la adolescencia entre padres, profesores, adolescentes y personas mayores

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    Aunque el estudio de las ideas acerca del desarrollo infantil es una de las áreas de investigación más productivas en la Psicología Evolutiva, han sido pocos los trabajos que han centrado en el análisis e las ideas acerca de la adolescencia. El objetivo principal del presente estudio era investigar las ideas acerca de la adolescencia en una muestra compuesta por 80 padres con hijos adolescentes, 80 profesores de educación secundaria, 85 personas mayores de 60 años, y 102 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y los 17 años. Los participantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario con 55 items referidos a características o conductas que pueden presentar los adolescentes. Los resultados obtenidos permiten acercarnos al conocimiento de las ideas que predominan en nuestra sociedad acerca de la adolescencia, e incluyen tanto elementos positivos como negativos, aunque con una supremacía de estos últimos. El dato más llamativo de la comparación entre los cuatro grupos que componían la muestra es la imagen más negativa sobre la adolescencia mostrada por el colectivo de educadores, especialmente cuando se los compara con padres y adolescentes.The study of beliefs about child development is one of the most prolifi c research areas in developmental psychology, but only a few works focused on ideas about adolescence. The main aim of this study was to research beliefs about adolescence in a sample composed by 80 parents of adolescents, 80 teachers of secondary schools, 85 elders with more than 60 years and 102 adolescents from 13 to 17 years. All of them completed a questionnaire including 55 items referring to behaviors and characteristics that can be attributed to adolescents. Results give a picture of the dominant ideas in society about adolescence, including both positive and negative elements, but with a higher incidence of the second. The most remarkable fi nding coming from the comparison among the four groups included in the sample was that teachers had more negative beliefs about adolescence, specially when compared to parents and adolescents

    ¿Con voz pero sin voto?: movimientos sociales y lobbies en los desarrollos recientes de la gobernanza europea

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    Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la AdministraciónFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu

    Depolarizing collisions with hydrogen: neutral and singly ionized alkaline earths

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    Depolarizing collisions are elastic or quasielastic collisions that equalize the populations and destroy the coherence between the magnetic sublevels of atomic levels. In astrophysical plasmas, the main depolarizing collider is neutral hydrogen. We consider depolarizing rates on the lowest levels of neutral and singly ionized alkaly-earths Mg I, Sr I, Ba I, Mg II, Ca II, and Ba II, due to collisions with H. We compute ab initio potential curves of the atom-H system and solve the quantum mechanical dynamics. From the scattering amplitudes we calculate the depolarizing rates for Maxwellian distributions of colliders at temperatures T <10000 K. A comparative analysis of our results and previous calculations in the literature is done. We discuss the effect of these rates on the formation of scattering polarization patterns of resonant lines of alkali-earths in the solar atmosphere, and their effect on Hanle effect diagnostics of solar magnetic fields.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Summitted to ApJ (2014

    The VISHMOD methodology with hydrochemical modeling in intermountain (karstic) aquifers: case of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico

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    "Hydrogeochemistry can be studied qualitatively using graphics such as scatter plots and Piper, Durov, and Schoeller diagrams, among others, and quantitatively by applying mass balance mixing models. The VISHMOD methodology (Virtual Samples in Hydrochemical Modeling) combines these two forms of hydrogeochemical characterizations. It is performed by applying hydrogeochemical modeling to virtual samples. This method makes standardization and control possible in order to demonstrate the extent to which a model is able to reproduce field measurements. Therefore, hydrogeochemical models of hydrogeological systems must be calibrated. This methodology was applied to carbonate and homogeneous media in the Sierra Madre Oriental in Mexico. Using the VISHMOD methodology in this region resulted in the classification of the water type as calcium bicarbonate (Ca-HCO3), representing a ternary mixture in which 45.5% was associated with local flow, 38.5% to intermediate flow and 16.5% to water-rock interaction. The main mineral phases were saturated calcite and sub-saturated dolomite, both from limestone contained in the Tamaulipas Formation.

    Prevenção e resolução de conflitos: o papel das Organizações Regionais Africanas no espaço lusófono

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    A institucionalização da União Africana (UA) e da Nova Parceria para o Desenvolvimento de África (NEPAD), a ligação entre ambas as organizações e destas com as organizações sub-regionais, associadas aos inovadores mecanismos de alerta precoce da UA e de avaliação da governação pelos pares do NEPAD, materializam uma nova arquitectura de segurança, reveladora de uma grande ambição dos líderes africanos, no sentido de, através das organizações regionais africanas, trilharem o caminho da paz e da estabilidade durável, pondo fim aos conflitos armados, cuja origem tem causas profundas muito ligadas ao difícil contexto sócio-económico que se vive no continente. As próprias organizações sub-regionais têm demonstrado semelhante dinamismo, desenvolvendo esforços no domínio da prevenção e resolução de conflitos, quer através de “intervenções de paz”, quer da institucionalização ou melhoria de mecanismos existentes no seu âmbito. Neste trabalho, analisa-se a arquitectura de segurança que envolve o espaço africano lusófono e prospectiva-se o seu impacto neste espaço, estimando-se que as Organizações Regionais Africanas podem jogar um papel importante na promoção da paz e segurança, desde que sejam ultrapassados certos constrangimentos políticos e económicos internos e externos. Estima-se ainda que a prevenção de conflitos, no contexto africano, deve englobar o desenvolvimento como condição necessária para ser eficaz, e que Portugal, no âmbito da cooperação militar com os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, deve ajustar as suas prioridades a esta nova realidade, de forma a valorizar o espaço africano lusófono e a tirar o melhor partido da actual conjuntura internacional, que parece querer animar uma nova dinâmica geopolítica em África. Abstract: The institutionalisation of the African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the link between both and with the sub-regional organizations, as well as the innovator evaluating mechanisms implemented, all together materialize a new architecture of security, illustrative of a greater ambition of the African leaders on trail the peace road and the stability duration, concluding the armed conflicts, which origin come from profound causes most related with the hard socio-economical context experienced in that continent. The sub-regional organizations have demonstrated similar dynamism, developing efforts in the domain of prevention and conflicts resolution, either through support actions to peace, or trough the amelioration of the existing mechanisms. The present work, analyses the institutional capacities and constraint, as well as the lessons learned from the African Regional Organizations interventions that involve the African Portuguese speaking territory and prospecting there impact in this territory, estimating that these can play an important roll on promoting peace and security, with the condition of overcoming certain internal and external politic and economic constraint. Estimates as well that the conflicts prevention, in the African context should attend to the development has a necessary condition to be effective, and that Portugal should adjust its priorities in the subject of military cooperation in order to take the better benefice of the actual international conjecture that seems to entertain a new geopolitical dynamic in Africa

    De cuartel militar a laboratorio de vida alternativa: el ecobarrio de Vauban en Friburgo

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    La experiencia de la ciudad de Friburgo destaca, además de porque lleva décadas gobernada por Los Verdes, y por una gran socialización de las energías renovables, por acoger una experiencia muy innovadora de regeneración urbana: el proceso del ecobarrio Vauban. En 1993 un grupo de jóvenes okupó unos antiguos cuarteles de la OTAN. Tras un proceso de negociación con el Ayuntamiento, obtuvieron permiso para permanecer en algunas de las naves. De esa iniciativa nació SUSI, una cooperativa autogestionada de vivienda para jóvenes y personas con bajos ingresos, así como espacios para iniciativas sociales. El proyecto de la Administración local era demoler el resto para reedificar un nuevo barrio. Distintos activistas del ecologismo y del movimiento antinuclear plantearon y lograron poner en marcha una alternativa al proyecto oficial a través de una asociación ciudadana, Forum Vauban, que ha logrado participar en el proceso de renovación del resto del barrio y dinamizar un intenso proceso de participación ciudadana orientado a convertir el futuro barrio en un asentamiento lo más ecológico posible

    Economía solidaria y participación ciudadana: un balance de la innovación iberoamericana

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    Se analizan aquí los elementos que algunas experiencias (promovidas tanto por las administraciones públicas como por la sociedad civil) aportan a la hora de pensar la relación entre democracia participativa y economía solidaria. Durante las últimas dos décadas se han extendido considerablemente iniciativas de participación ciudadana, que abordan un amplio abanico de temáticas y que se han producido prácticamente en todos los campos de las políticas públicas. Más allá de la tendencia general de consolidación de una democracia de baja intensidad, se desarrollan diferentes iniciativas de profundización democrática reflejadas, por ejemplo, en algunos de los nuevos textos constitucionales latinoamericanos en los que se habla de democracia representativa, participativa y comunitaria