882 research outputs found

    Reinvention and the Principal-Agent Model

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    Existe una interesante polémica en el sector público, derivada de las tensiones existentes entre desempeño y flexibilidad administrativa por un lado, y rendición de cuentas y control, por el otro. El propósito de este artículo es discutir la utilidad del modelo agente principal para un mejor entendimiento de las tensiones entre desempeño y rendición de cuentas, así como analizar las similitudes y contradicciones de esta perspectiva teórica en comparación con el movimiento de "reinvención del gobierno" de la década de los noventa en Estados Unidos.Existe una interesante polémica en el sector público, derivada de las tensiones existentes entre desempeño y flexibilidad administrativa por un lado, y rendición de cuentas y control, por el otro. El propósito de este artículo es discutir la utilidad del modelo agente principal para un mejor entendimiento de las tensiones entre desempeño y rendición de cuentas, así como analizar las similitudes y contradicciones de esta perspectiva teórica en comparación con el movimiento de "reinvención del gobierno" de la década de los noventa en Estados Unidos

    Toward a Public Administration: Minnowbrook III. A Reflection and Proposal

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    Se exploran algunas de las ideas más importantes que, respecto a la definición del campo de estudio de la administración pública, fueron desarrolladas en las reuniones de Minnowbrook y se proponen algunos temas que debieran ser considerados para un siguiente congreso.There has long been a polemical discussion within the field of Public Administration regarding that field’s theoretical basis. This discussion especially emphasizes the field’s seeming absence of subject. Academics have long sought to explain and define that the field of Public Administration is and what it should be. Two of the biggest efforts to do so are represented by the first two Minnowbrook meetings. This brief paper explores some of the important ideas about the field of Public Administration that were developed in the course of these meetings, and proposes some topics to be covered in the Minnowbrook III conference

    Influencia de los Gastos de campaña en los resultados de las elecciones federales de 1997

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    The concern for the control of the actual campaign expenses by the different political parties has been recently increased. It is argued that the excessive expenses cause inequity among the different political forces, since they strongly infl uence the citizen's decision to vote for the partisan option that spends more during the campaigns. The use of public resources for the fi nancing of these political campaigns has also been questioned. This study analyzes the incidence of the campaign expenses in the electoral results. The relationship betweaen the campaign expenses and the vote is statistically signifi cant, both the parties in its group explaining in some way the abstentionism and each one of the individual political forces, showing in a preliminary way the effi ciency in the use of these expenses. However, in both cases the estimated coeffi cients show a weak causal relationship

    A Collaborative Governance Approach to Partnerships Addressing Public Problems with Private Data

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    The recent explosion of data, which is generated, collected, and exchanged, opens up new opportunities and poses new challenges. Actors in different sectors have recently began to explore how they can work together and leverage these data to help address ‘wicked’ problems. A novel form of cross sector partnership emerges, labelled “data collaborative”, which is normally focused on accessing private sector data and using it to address public problems. While there is emerging knowledge about how data can be shared in such partnerships, less is known about the collaboration dynamics of these partnerships. Are there any distinct collaboration mechanisms and challenges that come into play? In this paper, we examine this problem from the perspective of collaborative governance and propose a framework for understanding collaboration around data sharing for public good

    Being smart: Emerging technologies and innovation in the public sector

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    Smart government is used to characterize activities that creatively invest in emergent technologies coupled with innovative strategies to achieve more agile and resilient government structures and governance infrastructures. However, there is no consensus in terms of what this term includes and how it is related to emergent technologies and innovation in the public sector. This introductory paper provides readers with ways to think about smart government and summarizes findings from twelve articles included in this special issue. These articles, which are the best papers of the 6th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2012), contribute to emerging understanding of being smart in government settings. The articles span a great diversity of related topics such as smart cities, open government, and participation mechanisms. Collectively, the articles provide perspectives on the nature of smart governments and illustrate exemplar practices and initiatives on how governments are opening up and transforming service delivery to become smarter. The special issue in its entirety contributes to understanding governance structures, technical infrastructures, and other requirements geared toward supporting the operations of smarter governments around the world

    Assessing the Role of Executive Involvement and Information Needs as Socio-Technical Determinants of Governance in IIS Success

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    This paper systematically assesses two determinants of governance in IIS initiatives: information needs and executive involvement. As literature suggests and our hypotheses imply, those determinants are perceived to hold close relationships to the success of information sharing and collaboration initiatives through the mediation of governance mechanisms. By taking a quantitative stand to a US-based national survey data, we use structural equation modelling (SEM) techniques to verify to what extent those determinants are significantly associated with governance. We also propose a framework to explain the relative relevance of these two variables in determining the success of IIS (Information Integration and Sharing) project using governance as a mediator. Overall, this study puts the concept of governance in perspective, opening paths to expand theoretical and conceptual boundaries associated to the role it plays on the success of IIS in the public sector