2,746 research outputs found

    Model-based analysis for the thermal management of open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cell systems concerning efficiency and stability

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    In this work we present a dynamic, control-oriented, concentrated parameter model of an open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cell system for the study of stability and efficiency improvement with respect to thermal management. The system model consists of two dynamic states which are the fuel cell temperature and the liquid water saturation in the cathode catalyst layer. The control action of the system is the inlet air velocity of the cathode air flow manifold, set by the cooling fan, and the system output is the stack voltage. From the model we derive the equilibrium points and eigenvalues within a set of operating conditions and subsequently discuss stability and the possibility of efficiency improvement. The model confirms the existence of a temperature-dependent maximum power in the moderate temperature region. The stability analysis shows that the maximum power line decomposes the phase plane in two parts, namely stable and unstable equilibrium points. The model is capable of predicting the temperature of a stable steady-state voltage maximum and the simulation results serve for the design of optimal thermal management strategies.Postprint (author's final draft

    Adaptive online parameter estimation algorithm of PEM fuel cells

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    Since most of fuel cell models are generally nonlinearly parameterized functions, existing modeling techniques rely on the optimization approaches and impose heavy computational costs. In this paper, an adaptive online parameter estimation approach for PEM fuel cells is developed in order to directly estimate unknown parameters. The general framework of this approach is that the electrochemical model is first reformulated using Taylor series expansion. Then, one recently proposed adaptive parameter estimation method is further tailored to estimate the unknown parameters. In this method, the adaptive law is directly driven by the parameter estimation errors without using any predictors or observers. Moreover, parameter estimation errors can be guaranteed to achieve exponential convergence. Besides, the online validation of regressor matrix invertibility are avoided such that computation costs can be effectively reduced. Finally, comparative simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach can achieve better performance than least square algorithm for estimating unknown parameters of fuel cells.Postprint (published version

    Parameter estimation algorithm of H-100 PEM fuel cell

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    Best Oral Communication Award for Young Authors, atorgat pel comitè científic HYCELTEC 2019Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have been recognized as one of the most promising eneygy conversion devices for commercial application due to their specific advantages, such as low operation temperature, zero pollutant emission, and high efficiency, etc. Since PEMFC is a highly nonlinear system and some parameters are related to the operation condition, most existing models are difficult to accurately predict the PEMFC characteristics. Thus, it is necessary to exploit parameter estimation methods for PEMFC to online determine the unknown model parameters by using easily measurable data to obtain concrete models. Most of the parameter estimations schemes for PEMFC have been designed based on intelligent optimization techniques. However, optimization methods cannot address the estimation problem online since they focus exclusively on offline searching procedure, which introduces heavy computational costs in the practical implementation and thus cannot be used in the real-time applications. Therefore, this paper aims to exploit real-time adaptive parameter estimation methods for a nonlinear parametric PEMFC system.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (author's final draft

    Stability analysis of solid oxide fuel cell systems

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), with entirely solid structure and high operating temperatures, have attracted research interest in recent years. Unlike other types of fuel cells, low electrode corrosion and low electrolyte looses are assumed due to its solid structure. Furthermore, the high operating temperatures enable SOFC to reach up to 50% to 65% efficiency with excellent impurity tolerance. However, there are several degradation mechanisms in SOFC, such as electrode delamination, electrolyte cracking, electrode poisoning, etc. Most of these degradations are related with the operation conditions, which can be optimized by appropriate control. Since most control algorithms are developed based on the mathematical models, it is important to obtain SOFC control-oriented models. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a SOFC control-oriented model, including the dynamics of inlet manifold, SOFC stack and outlet manifold. Moreover, equilibrium points are characterized and a stability around these equilibrium points analysis is performed. This information can provide guidelines for control strategies design.Postprint (published version

    Comparison of different repetitive control architectures: synthesis and comparison. Application to VSI Converters

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    Repetitive control is one of the most used control approaches to deal with periodic references/disturbances. It owes its properties to the inclusion of an internal model in the controller that corresponds to a periodic signal generator. However, there exist many different ways to include this internal model. This work presents a description of the different schemes by means of which repetitive control can be implemented. A complete analytic analysis and comparison is performed together with controller synthesis guidance. The voltage source inverter controller experimental results are included to illustrative conceptual developmentsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    National Identity and the Preference for State Opting-Out in the Basque Country

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    We argue that preferences for secession are the expression of common unobserved factors determining national identity, and accordingly that identity matters. This paper examines the hypothesis of support for secession (independent Euskadi) and Basque national identity as being dependent in the light of a reformulation of Akerloff and Kranton (2000). We examine observed economic determinants of individuals national identity (and their perceived imagined community or nation) formation as well as those that influence the propensity of individuals to support the secession.. We undertake econometric survey analysis for the Basque Country using a bivariate probit model and publicly available data from the Spanish Centre for Sociological Research. Our results suggest evidence of a common determination of national identity and political preferences for the secession of the Basque Country consistently with Akerloff and Kranton model.basque country, secession, national identity, imagined community

    Treballs pràctics en les sessions presencials i l’autoaprenentatge en el màster d’automàtica i robótica del departament d’ESAII

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    Robust H8 design for resonant control in a CVCF inverter application over load uncertainties

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    CVCF (constant voltage, constant frequency) inverters are electronic devices used to supply AC loads from DC storage elements such as batteries or photovoltaic cells. These devices are used to feed different kinds of loads; this uncertainty requires that the controller fulfills robust stability conditions while keeping required performance. To address this, a robust H8 design is proposed based on resonant control to track a pure sinusoidal voltage signal and to reject the most common harmonic signals in a wide range of loads. The design is based on the definition of performance bounds in error signal and weighting functions for covering most uncertainty ranges in loads. Experimentally, the H8 controller achieves high-quality output voltage signal with a total harmonic distortion less than 2%Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reset control for DC-DC converters: an experimental application

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Power converters in grid connected systems are required to have fast response to ensure the stability of the system. The standard PI controllers used in most power converters are capable of fast response but with significant overshoot. In this paper a hybrid control technique for power converter using a reset PI + CI controller is proposed. The PI + CI controller can overcome the limitation of its linear counterpart (PI) and ensure a fast flat response for power converter. The design, stability and cost of feedback analysis for a DC-DC boost converter employing a PI + CI controller is explored in this work. The simulation and experimental results which confirm the fast, flat response will be presented and discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sa Drassana

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