391 research outputs found

    Tensor products and regularity properties of Cuntz semigroups

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    The Cuntz semigroup of a C*-algebra is an important invariant in the structure and classification theory of C*-algebras. It captures more information than K-theory but is often more delicate to handle. We systematically study the lattice and category theoretic aspects of Cuntz semigroups. Given a C*-algebra AA, its (concrete) Cuntz semigroup Cu(A)Cu(A) is an object in the category CuCu of (abstract) Cuntz semigroups, as introduced by Coward, Elliott and Ivanescu. To clarify the distinction between concrete and abstract Cuntz semigroups, we will call the latter CuCu-semigroups. We establish the existence of tensor products in the category CuCu and study the basic properties of this construction. We show that CuCu is a symmetric, monoidal category and relate Cu(A⊗B)Cu(A\otimes B) with Cu(A)⊗CuCu(B)Cu(A)\otimes_{Cu}Cu(B) for certain classes of C*-algebras. As a main tool for our approach we introduce the category WW of pre-completed Cuntz semigroups. We show that CuCu is a full, reflective subcategory of WW. One can then easily deduce properties of CuCu from respective properties of WW, e.g. the existence of tensor products and inductive limits. The advantage is that constructions in WW are much easier since the objects are purely algebraic. We also develop a theory of CuCu-semirings and their semimodules. The Cuntz semigroup of a strongly self-absorbing C*-algebra has a natural product giving it the structure of a CuCu-semiring. We give explicit characterizations of CuCu-semimodules over such CuCu-semirings. For instance, we show that a CuCu-semigroup SS tensorially absorbs the CuCu-semiring of the Jiang-Su algebra if and only if SS is almost unperforated and almost divisible, thus establishing a semigroup version of the Toms-Winter conjecture.Comment: 195 pages; revised version; several proofs streamlined; some results corrected, in particular added 5.2.3-5.2.

    Computation of biochemical pathway fluctuations beyond the linear noise approximation using iNA

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    The linear noise approximation is commonly used to obtain intrinsic noise statistics for biochemical networks. These estimates are accurate for networks with large numbers of molecules. However it is well known that many biochemical networks are characterized by at least one species with a small number of molecules. We here describe version 0.3 of the software intrinsic Noise Analyzer (iNA) which allows for accurate computation of noise statistics over wide ranges of molecule numbers. This is achieved by calculating the next order corrections to the linear noise approximation's estimates of variance and covariance of concentration fluctuations. The efficiency of the methods is significantly improved by automated just-in-time compilation using the LLVM framework leading to a fluctuation analysis which typically outperforms that obtained by means of exact stochastic simulations. iNA is hence particularly well suited for the needs of the computational biology community.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, conference proceeding IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) 201

    Abstract bivariant Cuntz semigroups

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    We show that abstract Cuntz semigroups form a closed symmetric monoidal category. Thus, given Cuntz semigroups S and T, there is another Cuntz semigroup JS, TK playing the role of morphisms from S to T. Applied to C*-algebras A and B, the semigroup JCu(A),Cu(B)K should be considered as the target in analogues of the UCT for bivariant theories of Cuntz semigroups. Abstract bivariant Cuntz semigroups are computable in a number of interesting cases. We explore its behaviour under the tensor product with the Cuntz semigroup of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras and the Jacelon-Razak algebra. We also show that order-zero maps between C*-algebras naturally define elements in the respective bivariant Cuntz semigroup

    Traces on ultrapowers of C*-algebras

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    Using Cuntz semigroup techniques, we characterize when limit traces are dense in the space of all traces on a free ultrapower of a C*-algebra. More generally, we consider density of limit quasitraces on ultraproducts of C*-algebras. Quite unexpectedly, we obtain as an application that every simple C*-algebra that is (m,n)-pure in the sense of Winter is already pure. As another application, we provide a partial verification of the first Blackadar-Handelman conjecture on dimension functions. Crucial ingredients in our proof are new Hahn-Banach type separation theorems for noncancellative cones, which in particular apply to the cone of extended-valued traces on a C*-algebra.Comment: 47 pages; minor changes, included further reference

    Efficient parallelization of polyphase arbitrary resampling FIR filters for high-speed applications

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    This article describes a method for increasing the sampling rate of efficient polyphase arbitrary resampling FIR filters. An FPGA proof of concept prototype of this architecture has been implemented in a Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA which is able to convert the sampling rate of a signal from 500 MHz to 600 MHz. This article compares this new architecture with other best known efficient resampling architectures implemented on the same FPGA. The area usage on the FPGA shows that our proposed implementation is very proficient in high bandwidth applications without requiring significantly more resources on the FPGA. A theoretical calculation of the resampling error introduced on a modulated data stream is provided to evaluate the new architecture against other existing resampling architectures
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