12,806 research outputs found


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    The Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) microstructure is the path in which the input gases, namely, hydrogen and compressed air, will follow through in the process of obtaining energy from the polymer electrode membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system. The efficiency of the conversion is dependent on the microstructure model of the materials used in making this gas diffusion layer (GDE or gas diffusion electrode (GDE). For every change in microstructure dimension, hence the electrical output obtained will be affected. Therefore, controlling the MEA microstructure in its fabrication is an imperative step in producing a good MEA. The controlling parameters used are the surface area of micro pore inside the Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL). The methods of BET are utilized in the study of surfaces, respectively; while the single stack fuel cell simulation is used in obtaining the current-voltage relationship. Results of the analyses showed that the current MEA Fuel Cell increasing as well as increasing surface area GDL. Whereas, surface area GDL is one of the parameter control to get GDL appropriate. Keywords: surface area, cell potential fuel cell I

    Pembangunan modul pembelajaran kendiri pendidikan alam sekitar bagi pelajar sekolah menengah

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    Kajian ini adaiah bertujuan untuk meniiai sejauhmana Modul Pembeiajaran Kendiri Pendidikan Aiam Sekitar dapat membantu guru dan peiajar sekolah menengah daiam proses pengajaran dan pembeiajaran dari aspek kesesuaian isi kandungan, kesesuaian aktiviti, tahap keboiehiaksanaan dan mesra pengguna. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 20 orang guru dan 50 orang peiajar di Sekoiah Menengah Teknik Batu Pahat yang dipilih secara rawak. Untuk kajian ini instrumen yang digunakan ialah jenis soal selidik di mana penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan kepada persepsi responden terhadap Modul Pembeiajaran Kendiri Pendidikan Alam Sekitar. Data-data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis 7?ie;!ggHHa/raH &af!'sf;ca/ Packages For socz'a/ & f e / : c e j (SP-S^ i^er^zoH 77.0 yang melibatkan skor min, peratus dan ujian t. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kesesuaian isi kandungan modul (skor min= 3.19), kesesuaian aktiviti (skor min = 3.18), tahap keboiehiaksanaan (skor min = 3.17) dan ciri-ciri mesra pengguna (skor min = 3.20) adaiah pada tahap yang tinggi. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara guru dan peiajar terdapat kesesuaian isi kandungan, kesesuaian aktiviti, keboiehiaksanaan dan ciri-ciri mesra pengguna. Oleh itu, hasil kajian menunjukkan Modul Pembeiajaran Kendiri Pendidikan Alam Sekitar ini dapat membantu pensyarah dan peiajar daiam proses pengajaran dan pembeiajaran

    Development of accident prediction model by using artificial neural network (ANN)

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    Statistical or crash prediction model have frequently been used in highway safety studies. They can be used in identify major contributing factors or establish relationship between crashes and explanatory accident variables. The measurements to prevent accident are from the speed reduction, widening the roads, speed enforcement, or construct the road divider, or other else. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an accident prediction model at federal road FT 050 Batu Pahat to Kluang. The study process involves the identification of accident blackspot locations, establishment of general patterns of accident, analysis of the factors involved, site studies, and development of accident prediction model using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applied software which named NeuroShell2. The significant of the variables that are selected from these accident factors are checked to ensure the developed model can give a good prediction results. The performance of neural network is evaluated by using the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The study result showed that the best neural network for accident prediction model at federal road FT 050 is 4-10-1 with 0.1 learning rate and 0.2 momentum rate. This network model contains the lowest value of MAPE and highest value of linear correlation, r which is 0.8986. This study has established the accident point weightage as the rank of the blackspot section by kilometer along the FT 050 road (km 1 – km 103). Several main accident factors also have been determined along this road, and after all the data gained, it has successfully analyzed by using artificial neural network


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    The fabrication of MEA is conducted using an in-house robotic sprayer machine capable of adjusting its X-Y motions. The MEA produced was analyzed for porosity; distributions pore and water flux using BET and SEM based on the water permeability methodology. The results of the MEA shown that the pore geometry of MEA has a tortuocity parameter which is greater than the MEA's thickness while the permeability coefficient parameter of water is 9.10'5 gcm'1men-1psia'1 or the tortuocity of 2. These results were then compared to the ones available from the commercial MEA

    The relationship between self-concept and communication skills towards academic achievement among secondary school students in Johor Bahru

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    The article reviews empirical studies which emphasize that the relationship of self-concept and interpersonal communication skills to academic achievement. 320 students from eight schools in Johor Bahru were picked at random using the simple random method. The assessment instruments used in this study were the “Tennessee Self??Concept Scale” (TCS) and “Interpersonal Communication Skills Inventory” (ICSI). The reliability level of the assessment instruments is 0.7498 (TSCS) and 0.7587 from the pilot study done on a group of twenty respondents. The data was analyzed using the Pearson’s correlation and descriptive statistics. The students’ levels of dimension of self-concept (physical, personal, moral and ethic, behavior, social satisfaction and identity) and interpersonal communication skills were identified. The students’ PMR examination results were used as the academic achievement indicator. The results indicated that the majority of the students possessed the moderate level of self-concept and interpersonal communication skills. Self-concept was found to correlate quite significantly with interpersonal communication skills but it was found that self-concept does not correlate significantly with academic achievement. Suggestions were put to improve the students’ interpersonal communication skills and their self-concept. One of the suggestions is that communication skills should be introduced as a subject in the school curriculum from the primary level. This will not only develop a student’s self-confidence but also enhance his self-concept

    Peran Komite Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah

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    One form of actualization in Indonesian education was the establishment of a body called School Committee that replaced the existence of the Education Organizing Body (BP3), stipulated through the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 044/U/2002 dated April l2, 2002. The name of BP3 was changed to the School Committee due to the need for full community involvement in improving the quality of education. One of the objectives of the school committee is to increase the responsibility and participation of the community in the implementation of education in the education unit. In this present study, the focuses were on the process and the mechanism of the formation of the madrasah (Islamic school) committee organization, the planning carried out by the madrasah committee in improving the quality of madrasah education, and the implementation of the madrasah committee programs in improving the quality of education in Aceh Besar District. This study employed qualitative research methods. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Findings showed that the process and the mechanism in forming the madrasah committee in Aceh Besar District were based on the decision of the Ministry of Education on the establishment of community-based organizations, including by mutual deliberations or meetings held every 3 years in a transparent, accountable, and democratic manner, and by involving the community as an education unit partner. Further, the planning of the madrasah committee in improving the quality of madrasah education was carried out by establishing the structure of the committee and holding regular meetings with madrasahs and the community every three months or at the end of each semester, and also by preparing and organizing religious and national holidays together with other madrasahs. In addition, the madrasah committee programs were well implemented in Aceh Besar, as seen from the involvement of all elements from both madrasahs as the organizers of the activities and the community as the provider of advice and input. The programs included the religious and extracurricular programs in collaboration with the sub-districts and district of Aceh Besar

    Upaya Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Melalui Model Problem Based Learning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi kelas terutama keaktifan siswa selama proses pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa pada materi matriks dengan menggunakan model problem based learning pada pembelajaran mode daring. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas dan dianalisis menggunakan metode statistika deskriptif. Data tentang keaktifan siswa dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan data tentang hasil belajar siswa diperoleh melalui tes tertulis setelah proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan model problem based learning dapat meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa dan hasil belajar siswa secara signifikanThis study aims to improve classroom conditions, especially student activeness during the learning process and student learning outcomes on matrix material using a problem-based learning model in online mode learning. This research design used a classroom action research design and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Data about student activeness were collected through observation sheets during the learning process and data on student learning outcomes were obtained through written tests after the learning process took place. The results of this study indicate that using a problem-based learning model can significantly improve student learning activity and student learning outcomes

    Xylene isomerization over zeolite catalysts

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    Paraxylene is used as a raw material for the production of the synthetic fibers. The production of paraxylene can be obtained by isomerization of xylene using zeolites as catalyst. At equilibrium, the mixture of xylene contains 24% para, 24% ortho and 52% of metaxylene. The objective of this experiment is to access the effectiveness of several zeolite catalysts for the isomerization of xylene. The study was carried out using micro reactor packed with zeolite (0.5g). In this work, the activity and selectivity of the catalyst in the isomerization of xylene depend on the type of zeolite used. HZSM-5 catalyst gives higher activity and selectivity over other type of zeolite


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    Education is an effort which is done by people to develop their self competence through a process of learning. Teacher certification program in Indonesia mandated by the Law Number 14, year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers (or the so called Teachers Law) is an effort by Indonesian government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Certified teachers are believed to perform better than teachers who have not been certified. People assume that they have enough competencies in teaching. In fact, many teachers do not follow the process of teacher certification program fairly. There are some cases of deceit done by the teacher certification program participants. However, the finding suggests no impact of the certification on student’s performance, it may confirm some concerns that the certification’s objective is not oriented to teacher’s performance, but more to their living standard, as reflected by their student’s achievement that does not make any progress.  Therefore, we need to create a better solution on how to improve the teacher certification program. Such improvement in the system can be developed by experts in greater detail but in any case, they need to have characteristics, at the fullest extent, of a performance-based system
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