20 research outputs found

    How Do People in Asia and the Pacific Migrate Legally for Work? An Overview of Legal Frameworks: GATS Mode 4, PTAs and Bilateral Labour Agreements

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    This paper examines the patchwork of multilateral, regional and bilateral legal instruments through which migrants from Asia and the Pacific currently legally cross borders in search of employment. It concludes that the existing frameworks are very inadequate: in almost all the multilateral and preferential agreements focusing predominantly on trade (GATS Mode 4 and Preferential Trade Agreement), countries have made binding commitments only with respect to the temporary entry of high-skilled service providers.International Migration, Trade in Services, GATS Mode 4, Preferential Trade Agreements, Bilateral Labour Agreements

    Achieving the Trade Targets of Millennium Development Goal 8-Status in the Least Developed Countries of Asia and the Pacific

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    This paper examines the progress made so far in achieving the trade targets of Millennium Development Goal 8 ("Building a Global Partnership for Development") with respect to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Asia and the Pacific. The paper uses data from the OECD, WTO and UNDP, among others, to measure the MDG indicators 8.6, 8.7, and 8.9 with respect to these countries, thereby quantifying some of the impacts in these countries of recent global and national policy changes in the areas of market access, tariff preferences for LDCs and Aid for Trade. This paper concludes that while the market access commitments of the Hone Kong WTO Ministerial Declaration of 2005 have largely been met and LDCs of the Asia-Pacific benefit disproportionately from Aid for Trade, the overall share of LDC exports as a part of total world exports has not increased over the past decade. In its conclusion, this paper suggests that other factors such as non-tariff barriers and product competitiveness play a significant role and should become polic priorities of better targeted Aid for Trade.MDG 8, least developed countries (LDCs), Asia, Pacific, market access, tariff-free, quota-free, MDG indicators 8.6, 8.7 and 8.9, supply capacity, aid for trade

    Achieving the trade targets of Millennium Development Goal 8: Status in the least developed countries of Asia and the Pacific

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    This paper examines the progress made so far in achieving the trade targets of Millennium Development Goal 8 (“Building a Global Partnership for Development”) with respect to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Asia and the Pacific. The paper uses data from the OECD, WTO and UNDP, among others, to measure the MDG indicators 8.6, 8.7 and 8.9 with respect to these countries, thereby quantifying some of the impacts in these countries of recent global and national policy changes in the areas of market access, tariff preferences for LDCs and Aid for Trade. This paper concludes that while the market access commitments of the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial Declaration of 2005 have largely been met and LDCs of the Asia-Pacific benefit disproportionately from Aid for Trade, the overall share of LDC exports as a part of total world exports has not increased over the past decade. In its conclusion, this paper suggests that other factors such as non-tariff barriers and product competitiveness play a significant role and should become policy priorities of better targeted Aid for Trade.MDG 8; least developed countries (LDCs); Asia; Pacific; market access; tariff-free; quota-free; MDG indicators 8.6, 8.7 and 8.9; supply capacity; aid for trade

    Achieving the trade targets of Millennium Development Goal 8: Status in the least developed countries of Asia and the Pacific

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    This paper examines the progress made so far in achieving the trade targets of Millennium Development Goal 8 (“Building a Global Partnership for Development”) with respect to the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) of Asia and the Pacific. The paper uses data from the OECD, WTO and UNDP, among others, to measure the MDG indicators 8.6, 8.7 and 8.9 with respect to these countries, thereby quantifying some of the impacts in these countries of recent global and national policy changes in the areas of market access, tariff preferences for LDCs and Aid for Trade. This paper concludes that while the market access commitments of the Hong Kong WTO Ministerial Declaration of 2005 have largely been met and LDCs of the Asia-Pacific benefit disproportionately from Aid for Trade, the overall share of LDC exports as a part of total world exports has not increased over the past decade. In its conclusion, this paper suggests that other factors such as non-tariff barriers and product competitiveness play a significant role and should become policy priorities of better targeted Aid for Trade

    Pseudo-Journals and Pseudo-Conferences: the Characteristics and Preventive Measures

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    Les fouilles de la cour de l'ancienne prison de Saint-Antoine : une vision renouvelée de la Genève antique

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    Die zwischen 1987 und 1990 durchgeführten Ausgrabungen brachten auf einer Fläche von etwa 1600 m2 ein in Terrassen gegliedertes gallo-römisches Quartier zum Vorschein. Dort, wo in der Spätlatenezeit ein Graben ausgehoben worden ist, errichtet man zwischen 20 und 40 n.Chr. einen grossen Peristylbau. Seine Ausdehnung sowie die reichen Wandmalereien des 3. pompeijanischen Stils weisen auf ein bedeutendes Gebäude hin, bewohnt von einer wohl bereits stark romanisierten städtischen Oberschicht. Zwischen 50 und 70 n.Chr. stürzt der Peristylbau ein. An seine Stelle tritt ein Gebäude, dessen ebenerdige Räume als Keller oder Lagerraum dienen, gewohnt wird vermutlich im ersten Stock. Dieses Haus fällt in der 2. Hälfte des 2. Jahrhunderts einer Brandkatastrophe zum Opfer, in der auch zwei Menschen umkommen. Der eine trug ein Ringknaufschwert, das wohl in der Scheide steckte, sowie einige Münzen auf sich ; die jüngste Münze wurde 175-176 geprägt. Trotz seiner zentralen Lage wird dieses Gelände nach dem Brand nicht wieder überbaut. Ein Verteidigungsgraben durchschneidet es in der 2. Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts, und in spätrömischer Zeit wird ein Teil des grossen Friedhofes hier angelegt