3,367 research outputs found

    Temperature inversion in granular fluids under gravity

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    We study, via hydrodynamic equations, the granular temperature profile of a granular fluid under gravity and subjected to energy injection from a base. It is found that there exists a turn-up in the granular temperature and that, far from the base, it increases linearly with height. We show that this phenomenon, observed previously in experiments and computer simulations, is a direct consequence of the heat flux law, different form Fourier's, in granular fluids. The positive granular temperature gradient is proportional to gravity and a transport coefficient μ0\mu_0, relating the heat flux to the density gradients, that is characteristic of granular systems. Our results provide a method to compute the value μ0\mu_0 for different restitution coefficients. The theoretical predictions are verified by means of molecular dynamics simulations, and the value of μ0\mu_0 is computed for the two dimensional inelastic hard sphere model. We provide, also, a boundary condition for the temperature field that is consistent with the modified Fourier's law.Comment: Submitted to Physica

    Isolation of a trypsin inhibitor from alfalfa meal

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1959 R3

    Media Influence and Third-Person Effect on Perception Formation About Immigrants in the State of New York

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    The present study examines hostile media bias and the third-person effect in those with anti-immigrant sentiments and those with pro-immigrant sentiments to determine the variables that influence their beliefs about immigrants and immigration in the state of New York. Based on McKeever, Riffe, & Dillman’s (2012) survey conducted in North Carolina, this study builds on their results to evaluate if factors such as geographic location, concentration of immigrants, or political inclinations can change the results. Five-hundred respondents from New York State participated in a survey about their attitudes concerning immigrants and immigration. Results confirm that those with anti-immigrant sentiment will perceive a hostile bias in the media towards the pro-immigrant side, and that each group will perceive media as an influencer and persuasive medium opposed to their attitudes. Also, the results showed that time watching or reading news does not correlate with anti-immigrant sentiment, and that knowledge about immigrants and immigration issues does not mitigate perception or biases

    Effect of graphene substrate on the SERS Spectra of Aromatic bifunctional molecules on metal nanoparticles

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    The design of molecular sensors plays a very important role within nanotechnology and especially in the development of different devices for biomedical applications. Biosensors can be classified according to various criteria such as the type of interaction established between the recognition element and the analyte or the type of signal detection from the analyte (transduction). When Raman spectroscopy is used as an optical transduction technique the variations in the Raman signal due to the physical or chemical interaction between the analyte and the recognition element has to be detected. Therefore any significant improvement in the amplification of the optical sensor signal represents a breakthrough in the design of molecular sensors. In this sense, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) involves an enormous enhancement of the Raman signal from a molecule in the vicinity of a metal surface. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of a monolayer of graphene oxide (GO) on the distribution of metal nanoparticles (NPs) and on the global SERS enhancement of paminothiophenol (pATP) and 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4MBA) adsorbed on this substrate. These aromatic bifunctional molecules are able to interact to metal NPs and also they offer the possibility to link with biomolecules. Additionally by decorating Au or Ag NPs on graphene sheets, a coupled EM effect caused by the aggregation of the NPs and strong electronic interactions between Au or Ag NPs and the graphene sheets are considered to be responsible for the significantly enhanced Raman signal of the analytes [1-2]. Since there are increasing needs for methods to conduct reproducible and sensitive Raman measurements, Grapheneenhanced Raman Scattering (GERS) is emerging as an important method [3].Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Causes of embryonic mortality in Espadarana prosoblepon (Anura: Centrolenidae) from Costa Rica

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    Causes of embryonic mortality in Espadarana prosoblepon (Anura: Centrolenidae) from Costa Rica. Members of the family Centrolenidae—commonly known as “glass frogs”—exhibit arboreal egg-laying behavior, depositing their clutches on riparian vegetation. Few studies have investigated specific causes of mortality during embryonic stages, perhaps the most vulnerable stage during the anuran life cycle. The Emerald Glass Frog, Espadarana prosoblepon, was used as a case study to investigate the causes of embryonic mortality in a species with short-term (i.e., less than 1 day) parental care. The specific sources of mortality of eggs of E. prosoblepon were quantified and overall rates of survival (hatching success) were estimated. Nineteen egg clutches were transferred from permanent outside enclosures to the wild. Clutch development was monitored daily until hatching; five mortality causes were quantified: desiccation, failure to develop, fungal infection, predation, and “rain-stripped.” The main causes of mortality were predation (often by katydids and wasps) and embryos stripped from the leaf during heavy rains. The results were compared to those of previous studies of centrolenids exhibiting parental care, and discussed in the context of the importance of the natural history data for these frogs with regard to understanding the evolutionary history of parental care in glass frogs.Causas de mortalidade embrionária em Espadarana prosoblepon (Anura: Centrolenidae) da Costa Rica. Membros da família Centrolenidae—comumente conhecidos como “pererecas-de-vidro”—exibem o comportamento arborícola de postura de ovos, depositando suas desovas na vegetação ripária. Poucos estudos investigaram causas específicas de mortalidade durante estágios embrionários, talvez o estágio mais vulnerável durante o ciclo de vida dos anuros. A perereca-de-vidro-esmeralda, Espadarana prosoblepon, foi usada em um estudo de caso para investigar as causas da mortalidade embrionária em uma espécie com curto período de cuidado parental (menos de 1 dia). As causas específicas de mortalidade de ovos de E. prosoblepon foram quantificadas e as taxas gerais de sobrevivência (sucesso de incubação) foram estimadas. Dezenove desovas foram transferidas de recintos externos permanentes para a natureza. O desenvolvimento da desova foi monitorado diariamente até a eclosão; foram quantificadas cinco causas de mortalidade: dessecamento, falha no desenvolvimento, infecção fúngica, predação e retirada pela chuva. As principais causas de mortalidade foram a predação (geralmente por gafanhotos e vespas) e embriões arrancados da folha durante fortes chuvas. Os resultados foram comparados com os de estudos anteriores de centrolenídeos que exibem cuidados parentais e discutidos no contexto da importância dos dados da história natural para essas pererecas no que diz respeito à compreensão da história evolutiva do cuidado parental em pererecas-de-vidro

    Thermal stabilization ability of polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanofillers

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    Electronic version of an article published as "Plastics research online", 17 December 2012 The polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanofillers examined in this study provided little or no improvement to the thermal properties of melt-blended acrylonitrile butadiene styrene polymer composites.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Los ejercicios de core como opción terapéutica para el manejo de dolor de espalda baja

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    Los problemas de espalda son una causa frecuente de consulta médica, acarrean múltiples gastos para los sistemas de salud, por concepto de medicamentos, servicios e incapacidades. El National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) señala que los síntomas en la espalda baja incluyen, dolor muscular, de tipo disparo o dolor punzante, flexibilidad limitada, disminución del rango de movimiento, o incapacidad para mantenerse erguidoDe acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el dolor lumbar es una causa importante de discapacidad y se produce en proporciones similares en todas las culturas, interfiere con la calidad de vida y el rendimiento en el trabajo. Este artículo analiza los ejercicios del core como una opción de intervención para el dolor de espalda baja, en cuanto a su descripción, sus efectos sobre el dolor, la función y otras variables de cualidades físicas

    Factores asociados a anemia en gestantes hospitalizadas del Hospital San José

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    Objective: To identify the factors associated with anemia in pregnant women hospitalized in the gynecology and obstetrics service of the "San José" Callao-Lima hospital. Material and methods: observational, analytical, cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection.  Results: we found a prevalence of 78.9% of anemia in pregnant women. Pregnant women in the 1st trimester had a higher percentage of anemia (38.6%) (p = 0.00); 54.6% of pregnant women under 30 years old had anemia (p = 0.01), the odds for age was 2.2; Pregnant women with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 were the ones with the highest percentage of anemia (36.3%) (p = 0.29); The multiparous pregnant women were the ones that presented greater anemia (61.7%) (p = 0.03), the odds for parity was 1.83; pregnant women without NPC had a higher percentage of anemia (64.9%) (p = 0.00), the calculated odds were 0.03; pregnant women who did NOT present preeclampsia and eclampsia obtained a higher percentage of anemia, 59.1% and 71.4% respectively. The pregnant women who did present an intergenetic period are the ones with the greatest anemia (56.3%) (p = 0.00), the calculated odds were 5.52 (95% CI (3.16 - 9.65)). Conclusions: The factors that were significantly associated with anemia were maternal age, gestational age, parity, prenatal controls and the intergenetic period. In contrast, factors that were not significantly associated were pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, and body mass index.  Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la anemia en gestantes hospitalizadas en el servicio de ginecobstetricia del hospital “San José” Callao-Lima. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico, transversal con recolección de datos en forma retrospectiva. Resultados: encontramos una prevalencia del 78,9% de anemia en gestantes. Las gestantes en el 1er trimestre tuvieron mayor porcentaje de anemia (38,6%)( p=0,00);  54,6% de las gestantes menores de 30 años tuvieron anemia (p=0,01),  el odds para la edad fue de 2,2; las gestantes con IMC de 25 a 29,9 fueron las que presentaron mayor porcentaje de anemia (36,3%) (p=0,29); las gestantes multíparas fueron las que presentaron mayor anemia (61,7%) (p=0,03), el odds para paridad fue de 1,83; las gestantes sin CPN tuvieron mayor porcentaje de anemia (64,9%) (p=0,00), el odds calculado fue de 0,03; las gestantes que NO presentaron preeclampsia y eclampsia obtuvieron un mayor porcentaje de anemia, 59,1% y 71,4% respectivamente. Las gestantes que Si presentaron periodo intergenésico son las que tuvieron mayor anemia (56,3%) (p=0,00), el odds calculado fue de 5,52 (IC 95% (3,16 – 9,65)). Conclusiones: Los factores que se asociaron significativamente a la anemia fueron la edad materna, la edad gestacional, la paridad, los controles prenatales y el periodo intergenésico. Por el contrario, los factores que no se asociaron significativamente fueron la preeclampsia, la eclampsia y el índice de masa corporal

    ¿qué hay de la integración básico-clínica?

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    Ha sido un tema del cual se ha hablado mucho, quedándose en la mayoría de los casos en ese estado de sólo teoría y propósitos pero nada o muy poco en la práctica, sin hacerse presente institucionalmente en el proceso formativo y tampoco, lo que es preocupante, en el desempeño profesional. En el plan de carácter formativo, persiste aún el viejo esquema de las dos áreas separadas, básicas y clínicas, funcional y geográficamente, como si no hubiera relación conceptual entre ellas, como si no obedeciera a un solo perfil de tipo transcurricular en procura de objetivos comunes, o mejor, de logros, tanto en la fase cognoscitiva, como en la psicomotora y en la afectiva, con un mismo lenguaje, con directrices académicas claras, correspondiendo siempre a los permanentes avances en el campo de la salud en favor de nuestra comunidad, con referencias mundialmente reconocidas y aceptadas dentro del contexto científico