4,866 research outputs found

    One Thousand and One Bubbles

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    We propose a novel strategy that permits the construction of completely general five-dimensional microstate geometries on a Gibbons-Hawking space. Our scheme is based on two steps. First, we rewrite the bubble equations as a system of linear equations that can be easily solved. Second, we conjecture that the presence or absence of closed timelike curves in the solution can be detected through the evaluation of an algebraic relation. The construction we propose is systematic and covers the whole space of parameters, so it can be applied to find all five-dimensional BPS microstate geometries on a Gibbons-Hawking base. As a first result of this approach, we find that the spectrum of scaling solutions becomes much larger when non-Abelian fields are present. We use our method to describe several smooth horizonless multicenter solutions with the asymptotic charges of three-charge (Abelian and non-Abelian) black holes. In particular, we describe solutions with the centers lying on lines and circles that can be specified with exact precision. We show the power of our method by explicitly constructing a 50-center solution. Moreover, we use it to find the first smooth five-dimensional microstate geometries with arbitrarily small angular momentum.Comment: 33 pages. v2: typos correcte

    Is the Precession of Mercury\u27s Perihelion a Natural (Non-Relativistic) Phenomenon?

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    The general theory of relativity claims that the excess of precession of the planetary orbits has its origin in the curvature of space-time produced by the Sun in its near vicinity. In general relativity, gravity is thought to be a measure of the curvature of spacetime when matter is present. By arguing that free falling particles follow geodesies inside gravitational fields, Schwarzschild\u27s solution to Einstein\u27s field equations explains that when space-time is approximately flat (weak aravitational pull of the Sun), the planetary orbits describe minute precessions which, for Mercury, agrees well with observation. This brief paper explains, first by elaborating on pure special relativity arguments, and second, by considering another solution to Newton\u27s gravitational law, that Mercury\u27s orbital precession does not necessarily demonstrate the unique validity of general relativity

    El saldo a favor arrastable del credito tributario por reinversion y como seguir siendo utilizada por las universidades privadas societarias

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación, la autora tuvo como finalidad la determinación de la manera en el que el saldo a favor arrastrable del crédito tributario por reinversión, podría seguir siendo utilizado por las universidades privadas societarias. Al respecto, el saldo a favor arrastrable que se hizo mención líneas arriba, tuvo su origen el 08 de noviembre de 1996 al promulgarse el Decreto Legislativo N° 882, mediante el cual se otorga el beneficio del crédito tributario por reinversión a las instituciones educativas particulares que invirtiesen en el sector educación mediante becas, fomento de investigación e infraestructura. Es así que utilizando dicho crédito tributario, las instituciones educativas particulares ganaron año a año lograban satisfacer su impuesto a la renta, e incluso contaba con un excedente de éste último, es decir, un saldo a favor de la institución que reinvirtió. Sin embargo, el 03 de julio del 2014 se promulgó la Ley N° 30220 “Nueva Ley Universitaria”, en cuyo reglamento se condiciona el beneficio tributario de reinversión a que la universidad privada societaria se encuentre acreditada integralmente. A causa de esto, las universidades no podrán continuar beneficiándose con dicho crédito. Tomando en cuenta lo expuesto, se desarrolló esta investigación básica descriptiva documentaria, para así demostrar que aplicando la teoría del derecho adquirido sobre el saldo a favor, éstas si puede ser reconocidas por SUNAT.In this research, the author had the purpose of determining the way in which the balance in favor of the reinvestment tax credit could still be used by private corporate universities. In this respect, the drawable balance mentioned above, originated on November 8, 1996 upon the enactment of Legislative Decree No. 882, which grants the benefit of the tax credit for reinvestment to private educational institutions To invest in the education sector through scholarships, research and infrastructure development. Thus, by using this tax credit, the individual educational institutions earned year after year were able to satisfy their income tax, and even had a surplus of the latter, that is, a balance in favor of the institution that reinvested. However, on July 3, 2014, Law No. 30220 ""New University Law"" was enacted, in which the tax benefit of reinvestment is conditional upon the private corporate university being fully accredited. Because of this, universities will not be able to continue to benefit from such credit. Taking into account the above, this basic descriptive documentary research was developed, to demonstrate that applying the acquired right theory on the balance in favor, these can be recognized by SUN AT.Tesi

    The Effect of Summarizing Narrative Texts to Improve Reading Comprehension

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    This study demonstrates the effect of summaries of narrative texts to improve reading comprehension. This study consisted of sixty elementary school students who had evident reading comprehension deficiencies, especially in narrative texts. This study is a pre-experimental study with a mixed design. Qualitative and quantitative instruments were applied to meet the purpose of this study. The instruments included pretest and post-test, rubric, learning log, survey, a checklist to measure the students’ development and progress, and their perspectives towards this innovation. Results indicated an improvement in students’ reading comprehension. Post-test means increased from 5.96 in the pretest to 9.10. The checklist also proved that students included the required elements in their summaries. Students indicated in the learning logs that they would extend this strategy to other subjects, and they had to reread and identify the most crucial information to summarize.  The study has implications for teachers and learners since it can bring positive considerations about the importance of using summaries to improve reading comprehension

    Classifying vocabulary in Google Sheets to improve word recognition and reading comprehension in EFL learners: an action research study

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    Introduction: University students had problems understanding texts. This study aimed at analyzing the effects of classifying vocabulary into parts of speech through Google Sheets to improve students’ word recognition and its incidence in reading comprehension. It analyzes the students’ perspectives on learning vocabulary.  Method: The study used an action research method, pre-post surveys, and pre-post tests were applied. Results: The findings proved that classifying “parts of speech” facilitated the improvement of reading comprehension skills, with an effect size of d=0.81. Second, it confirmed that knowing vocabulary form raises students’ awareness to identify and classify words correctly. Third, the application of the study changed positively participants’ perspectives regarding learning vocabulary. Conclusion: Therefore, due to Ecuadorian learners’ need in training and to the little literature about parts of speech, the positive results of this action research can be a venue to reduce those gaps.Introdução: Estudantes universitários tiveram problemas para entender textos. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos da classificação do vocabulário em partes do discurso por meio do Google Planilhas para melhorar o reconhecimento de palavras dos alunos e sua incidência na compreensão da leitura. Além disso, o estudo analisou as perspectivas dos estudantes sobre o vocabulário de aprendizagem. Metodologia: O estudo utilizou um método de pesquisa-ação, foram aplicadas um pré e pós questionário e um pré e pós teste. Resultados: Os resultados provaram que a classificação de "partes do discurso" facilitou a melhoria das habilidades de compreensão leitora, com um tamanho de efeito de d = 0,81. Segundo, confirmou que conhecer o formulário de vocabulário aumenta a conscientização dos alunos para identificar e classificar as palavras corretamente. Terceiro, a aplicação do estudo mudou positivamente a perspectiva dos participantes em relação a aprendizagem de vocabulário.  Conclusão: Portanto, devido à necessidade de treinamento dos alunos equatorianos e à pouca literatura sobre partes do discurso, os resultados positivos dessa pesquisa-ação podem ser uma oportunidade para reduzir essas lacunas

    Preparation of an environmentally friendly lead adsorbent. A contribution to the rational design of heavy metal adsorbents

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    This work described the preparation and characterization of water insoluble chitosan derivatives as lead adsorbents. In highly regioselective reactions, N-substituted crosslinked chitosan derivatives were obtained by crosslinking native chitosan with mucic and adipic acid (a polyhydroxylated and a non-functionalized diacid of the same length chains). The crosslinking degree of the chitosan modified with adipic acid was significantly higher than that crosslinked with mucic acid (0.446 and 0.316, respectively), while the degree of substitution was almost the same (approximately 80 %). Lead adsorption isotherms were constructed at different temperatures and adjusted to well-known models, obtaining the best fit to the experimental data with Langmuir model. The lead adsorption capacity of new materials was greater than many of the adsorbents described in literature (76.3 and 69.7 mg g−1 for chitosan modified with mucic and adipic acid, respectively). Moreover, thermodynamic parameters were calculated, and results showed that the lead adsorption on the derivatives was spontaneous, exothermic, and governed by chemical interaction. Besides, kinetic studies were performed and adjusted to well-known models. The pseudo-second order kinetic equation was the one that most appropriately described the lead adsorption on the new materials. Results were consistent with the strong electrostatic attraction established between the lead cations and the free carboxylate groups of the derivatives.Fil: Rossi, Ezequiel. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Avila Ramirez, Jhon Alejandro. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Errea, María Inés. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Ingeniería Química; Argentin

    El costeo de la mano de obra directa y su influencia en la rentabilidad de CHR Hansen S. A., Ate, 2019

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    La presente tesis de investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar que “EL COSTEO DE LA MANO DE OBRA DIRECTA Y SU INFLUENCIA EN LA RENTABILIDAD DE CHR HANSEN S.A., ATE, 2019”, la importancia de llevar un adecuado control de los costos de la mano de obra en una empresa especializada en el proceso de sembrío de productos agrícola y la comercialización de los mismos, los llevo a implementar un adecuado control del tareo de los procesos de sembrío, proceso de mata, protección de racimo y cosecha. Como indican los autores de tema sobre contabilidad de costos, en caso de Lepadatu (2015) una administración debe de detallar todos los costos que se involucran en el proceso de manufactura, además de llevar a cabo un método adecuado del costeo de mano de obra es ideal para una adecuada gestión contable y de costos de ventas, control de precios de ventas y tener resultados económicos financieros esperados. Teniendo en cuenta todos los conceptos de costos y aplicados a los Estados Financieros y respaldado por los indicadores de rentabilidad aplicados, se llega a la conclusión que el costo de mano de obra directa, influye en la rentabilidad de CHR Hansen SA., Ate, 2019

    Diagnóstico situacional y propuesta de lineamientos formales de gestión en la empresa Moto Repuestos & AB S.A.C – Piura 2013

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el nivel de eficacia del proceso administrativo y proponer lineamientos formales para orientar al área directiva en la gestión de la empresa Moto Repuestos & AB S.A.C Piura-2013. La población de esta investigación está conformada por los setenta trabajadores de la empresa. El instrumento utilizado en esta investigación es la encuesta aplicada a los trabajadores y gerentes de la Moto Repuestos & AB S.A.C, la información se ha procesado a través del programa SPSS versión 20. Luego del análisis se efectuó la propuesta de Lineamientos Formales de Gestión, obteniendo como resultados el nivel de eficacia de cada dimensión las cuales son planificación nivel regular; la organización y dirección nivel regular, sin embargo están mejor valorados que el resto de aspectos. En cuanto al control, el promedio es mucho menor que el resto, lo que equivale a un nivel deficiente. En general el promedio de toda la gestión se acerca a los dos puntos, lo que equivale a un nivel regular. A través de la misma se logró proponer el cambio de gestión y organización debido a la creación de Manual de procedimientos, Reglamento Interno de Trabajo, Misión, Visión, Objetivos, Organigrama