10 research outputs found

    Negligencia médica y la responsabilidad civil del médico veterinario en la legislación peruana, 2022

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    La investigación titulada “Negligencia médica y la responsabilidad civil del médico veterinario en la legislación peruana, 2022” tuvo como objetivo central analizar la responsabilidad civil por negligencia médica veterinaria en la legislación peruana, 2022. La presente investigación se da por existir un vacío legal en nuestra legislación a pesar de las múltiples negligencias del médico veterinario en el ejercicio de sus funciones; a comparación de otros países en el cual se encuentra regulado el resarcimiento al dueño del animal frente a una mala práctica. Asimismo, la investigación presenta un enfoque cualitativo, tipo básico, diseño de teoría fundamentada y nivel descriptivo. El escenario de estudios se realizó en la ciudad de Lima, constó de abogados del poder judicial y estudio de abogados, en cuanto a los participantes, se tuvieron 10 abogados especialistas que fueron los partícipes del procedimiento Se empleó como herramienta de recolección de datos la guía de entrevista y la guía de análisis documental. De lo investigado que no se considere a los animales como bienes muebles para poder llegar a una indemnización por responsabilidad civil, teniendo en consideración el derecho comparado. Respecto a la indemnización que se buscaría sobre la mala praxis que realicen las veterinarias: el caso de que un médico veterinario por negligencia en sus funciones provoque la muerte del animal o un menoscabo grave de su salud física o psíquica, tanto su propietario como quienes convivan con el animal tienen derecho a que la indemnización comprenda la reparación del daño moral causado

    Integral analysis of environmental and economic performance of combined agricultural intensification & bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region

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    Agricultural intensification is a key strategy to help meet increasing demand for food and bioenergy. It has the potential to reduce direct and indirect land use change (LUC) and associated environmental impacts while contributing to a favorable economic performance of the agriculture sector. We conduct an integral analysis of environmental and economic impacts of LUC from projected agricultural intensification and bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region in 2030. We compare three agricultural intensification scenarios (low, medium, high) and a reference scenario, which assumes a business-as-usual development of agricultural production. The results show that with current inefficient management or with only very little intensification between 26% and 93% of the existing natural vegetation areas will be converted to agricultural land to meet increasing food demand. This results in the loss of biodiversity by 53% and increased water consumption by 111%. In the medium and high scenarios, the intensification allows meeting increased food demand within current agricultural lands and even generating surplus land which can be used to produce bioenergy crops. This results in the reduction of biodiversity loss by 8-13% with medium and high levels of intensification compared to the situation in 2018. Also, a positive economic performance is observed, stemming primarily from intensification of cattle production and additional energy crop production. Despite increasing irrigation efficiency in more intensive production systems, the water demand for perennial crops and cattle production over the dry season increases significantly, thus sustainable management practices that target efficient water use are needed. Agricultural productivity improvements, particularly for cattle production, are crucial for reducing the pressure on natural areas from increasing demand for both food products and bioenergy. This implies targeted investments in the agricultural sector and integrated planning of land use. Our results showed that production intensification in the Orinoquia region is a mechanism that could reduce the pressure on natural land and its associated environmental and economic impacts

    The GHG emissions and economic performance of the Colombian palm oil sector; current status and long-term perspectives

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    Increasing oil palm plantations, both for obtaining crude palm oil (CPO) and for the production of biobased products, have generated growing concern about the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on the environment. Colombia has the potential to produce sustainable biobased products from oil palm. Nevertheless, national GHG emissions have not yet been reported by this sector. Achieving the collection of the total primary data from the oil palm sector, in Colombia, entails a tremendous challenge. Notwithstanding, for this study, the data collection of 70% of the production of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) was achieved. Therefore, current situation of CPO production in Colombia is analyzed, including 1) GHG emissions calculation, 2) net energy ratio (NER), and 3) economic performance. Moreover, the analysis includes two future scenarios, where the CPO production chain is optimized to reduce GHG emissions. Future scenario A produces biodiesel (BD), biogas, cogeneration, and compost; while future scenario B produces BD, biogas, cogeneration, and pellets. The methodology, for all the scenarios, includes life-cycle assessment and economic analysis evaluation. The results show a significant potential for improving the current palm oil production, including a 55% reduction in GHG emissions. The impact of land-use change must be mitigated to reduce GHG emissions. Therefore, a sustainable oil palm expansion should be in areas with low carbon stock or areas suitable/available to the crop (e.g., cropland, pastureland). Avoiding the deforestation of natural forests is required. Besides, crop yield should be increased to minimize the land use, using biomass to produce biobased products, and capture biogas to reduce methane emissions. In the biodiesel production life-cycle, the NER analysis shows the fossil energy consumed is lower than the renewable energy produced. Regarding the economic performance, it shows that in an optimized production chain, the capital expenditure and operational expenditure will decrease by approximately 20%

    A review of key international biomass and bioenergy sustainability frameworks and certification systems and their application and implications in Colombia

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    This document presents the results of an analysis of the key sustainability certification systems applicable to biomass and bioenergy. A review was made of the state-of-the-art sustainability frameworks at the international level. The improvements that have been made in these standards in recent years to reduce social, environmental and economic impacts were identified. In addition, it was determined how some of the initiatives analyzed were implemented in a country such as Colombia, where the establishment of a bio-based economy is being carried out. It was noted that most of the certification systems analyzed have been updated in the last two years. The main adjustments made to the standards are based on criteria developed by the European Commission through the Renewable Energy Directive (EU2015/1513). For environmental issues, it was found that the key update was the inclusion of the indirect land-use change (ILUC). Another key issue addressed is the obligation to calculate and publish the GHG emissions generated annually. Social issues have increased the focus on food security of the population regarding local areas of influence such as the price of the family food basket and food supply. Regarding economic issues, the requirement for a business plan is highlighted to contribute to the economic viability of a certified company. Colombia is one of the countries in the world where the basic conditions support a future sustainable bio-based products sector. Not only does the country have a large amount of land suitable for cultivation, but the land does not require the forests deforestation. However, it must be borne in mind that in a megadiverse country like Colombia, a joint effort (integration) is required between the application of strict laws for the protection of natural resources and the use of certification systems for sustainable products

    Economía informal y otras formas de producción y trabajo atípico Estudios para el caso de México

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    El entorno mexicano actual enfrenta varios retos en el ámbito del desarrollo. La creciente inequidad en la distribución de la riqueza y la disminución de oportunidades para las personas u organizaciones más vulnerables han propiciado un ambiente hostil en el cual desarrollarse económica y socialmente resulta cada vez más difícil. En otro sentido, la corrupción ha mostrado una de sus peores facetas, mermando ya no sólo la economía de la población, sino también su calidad de vida, seguridad, salud e incluso su vida. A esta problemática interna, hay que agregar distintas presiones provenientes del exterior, tanto derivadas de cambios políticos que enrarecen el ambiente internacional, como de la influencia de organismos multilaterales y un crecimiento global limitado, los cuales inciden en la política económica y social de México no siempre con los resultados más favorables

    Integral analysis of environmental and economic performance of combined agricultural intensification & bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region

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    Agricultural intensification is a key strategy to help meet increasing demand for food and bioenergy. It has the potential to reduce direct and indirect land use change (LUC) and associated environmental impacts while contributing to a favorable economic performance of the agriculture sector. We conduct an integral analysis of environmental and economic impacts of LUC from projected agricultural intensification and bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region in 2030. We compare three agricultural intensification scenarios (low, medium, high) and a reference scenario, which assumes a business-as-usual development of agricultural production. The results show that with current inefficient management or with only very little intensification between 26% and 93% of the existing natural vegetation areas will be converted to agricultural land to meet increasing food demand. This results in the loss of biodiversity by 53% and increased water consumption by 111%. In the medium and high scenarios, the intensification allows meeting increased food demand within current agricultural lands and even generating surplus land which can be used to produce bioenergy crops. This results in the reduction of biodiversity loss by 8-13% with medium and high levels of intensification compared to the situation in 2018. Also, a positive economic performance is observed, stemming primarily from intensification of cattle production and additional energy crop production. Despite increasing irrigation efficiency in more intensive production systems, the water demand for perennial crops and cattle production over the dry season increases significantly, thus sustainable management practices that target efficient water use are needed. Agricultural productivity improvements, particularly for cattle production, are crucial for reducing the pressure on natural areas from increasing demand for both food products and bioenergy. This implies targeted investments in the agricultural sector and integrated planning of land use. Our results showed that production intensification in the Orinoquia region is a mechanism that could reduce the pressure on natural land and its associated environmental and economic impacts

    Integral analysis of environmental and economic performance of combined agricultural intensification & bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region

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    Agricultural intensification is a key strategy to help meet increasing demand for food and bioenergy. It has the potential to reduce direct and indirect land use change (LUC) and associated environmental impacts while contributing to a favorable economic performance of the agriculture sector. We conduct an integral analysis of environmental and economic impacts of LUC from projected agricultural intensification and bioenergy production in the Orinoquia region in 2030. We compare three agricultural intensification scenarios (low, medium, high) and a reference scenario, which assumes a business-as-usual development of agricultural production. The results show that with current inefficient management or with only very little intensification between 26% and 93% of the existing natural vegetation areas will be converted to agricultural land to meet increasing food demand. This results in the loss of biodiversity by 53% and increased water consumption by 111%. In the medium and high scenarios, the intensification allows meeting increased food demand within current agricultural lands and even generating surplus land which can be used to produce bioenergy crops. This results in the reduction of biodiversity loss by 8-13% with medium and high levels of intensification compared to the situation in 2018. Also, a positive economic performance is observed, stemming primarily from intensification of cattle production and additional energy crop production. Despite increasing irrigation efficiency in more intensive production systems, the water demand for perennial crops and cattle production over the dry season increases significantly, thus sustainable management practices that target efficient water use are needed. Agricultural productivity improvements, particularly for cattle production, are crucial for reducing the pressure on natural areas from increasing demand for both food products and bioenergy. This implies targeted investments in the agricultural sector and integrated planning of land use. Our results showed that production intensification in the Orinoquia region is a mechanism that could reduce the pressure on natural land and its associated environmental and economic impacts