10,967 research outputs found

    Ultrasonic Grain Refinement of Magnesium and Its Alloys

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    Local Moment Instability of Os in Honeycomb Li2.15Os0.85O3.

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    Compounds with honeycomb structures occupied by strong spin orbit coupled (SOC) moments are considered to be candidate Kitaev quantum spin liquids. Here we present the first example of Os on a honeycomb structure, Li2.15(3)Os0.85(3)O3 (C2/c, a = 5.09 Å, b = 8.81 Å, c = 9.83 Å, β = 99.3°). Neutron diffraction shows large site disorder in the honeycomb layer and X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicates a valence state of Os (4.7 ± 0.2), consistent with the nominal concentration. We observe a transport band gap of Δ = 243 ± 23 meV, a large van Vleck susceptibility, and an effective moment of 0.85 μB, much lower than expected from 70% Os(+5). No evidence of long range order is found above 0.10 K but a spin glass-like peak in ac-susceptibility is observed at 0.5 K. The specific heat displays an impurity spin contribution in addition to a power law ∝T(0.63±0.06). Applied density functional theory (DFT) leads to a reduced moment, suggesting incipient itineracy of the valence electrons, and finding evidence that Li over stoichiometry leads to Os(4+)-Os(5+) mixed valence. This local picture is discussed in light of the site disorder and a possible underlying quantum spin liquid state

    Remote Aerial Mapping Spectrometer

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    According to the EPA, harmful algal blooms may occur more frequently in coastal areas like the Chesapeake Bay due to warming waters and increased nutrient pollution. Algal blooms cause aquatic dead zones which damage the ecosystem and can produce toxins which are dangerous to animals and humans. Continual environmental monitoring is required to research algal blooms and to prevent harm to residents and industries. We researched technologies to locate harmful algal blooms and found spectroscopic remote surveying an effective approach. A material’s wavelength-dependent reflectance reveals its material composition. Unfortunately, existing methods which can map spectral characteristics are lacking. Field researchers with handheld spectrometers may analyze nearby vegetation’s identity and health but surveying a large area is time-consuming. Alternatively, hyperspectral cameras mounted to aircraft and satellites can gather data from a wide region but are cost prohibitive for local studies and provide limited spatial resolution. We designed a spectral mapping sensor payload for mounting on unmanned aerial vehicles. The Remote Aerial Mapping Spectrometer (RAMS) adapts to any aircraft able to carry its low weight because it is self-powered and includes all necessary sensors. It scans its surroundings with a laser rangefinder and spectrometer with a long-focus lens. RAMS monitors the orientation of its sensor package and computes a three-dimensional map of nearby material signatures. This graphical representation of localized spectra will assist in charting harmful algal blooms but also monitor forests threatened by invasive species and provide pinpoint agricultural analytics. RAMS makes environmental data richer and more cost-effective than current techniques.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1191/thumbnail.jp

    Substitutions in the redox-sensing PAS domain of the NifL regulatory protein define an inter-subunit pathway for redox signal transmission

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    The Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) domain is a conserved a/ß fold present within a plethora of signalling proteins from all kingdoms of life. PAS domains are often dimeric and act as versatile sensory and interaction modules to propagate environmental signals to effector domains. The NifL regulatory protein from Azotobacter vinelandii senses the oxygen status of the cell via an FAD cofactor accommodated within the first of two amino-terminal tandem PAS domains, termed PAS1 and PAS2. The redox signal perceived at PAS1 is relayed to PAS2 resulting in conformational reorganization of NifL and consequent inhibition of NifA activity. We have identified mutations in the cofactor-binding cavity of PAS1 that prevent 'release' of the inhibitory signal upon oxidation of FAD. Substitutions of conserved ß-sheet residues on the distal surface of the FAD-binding cavity trap PAS1 in the inhibitory signalling state, irrespective of the redox state of the FAD group. In contrast, substitutions within the flanking A'a-helix that comprises part of the dimerization interface of PAS1 prevent transmission of the inhibitory signal. Taken together, these results suggest an inter-subunit pathway for redox signal transmission from PAS1 that propagates from core to the surface in a conformation-dependent manner requiring a flexible dimer interface

    Dinámicas de aprendizaje organizacional en empresas de consultoría / Dynamics of organizational learning in consulting companies

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    La Consultoría es un servicio profesional basado en conocimientos, habilidades y experiencias, que proporciona servicios de asesoría especializada a las empresas para la solución de problemas. El objetivo de este estudio, fue explicar la gestión de la Consultoría empresarial y las tendencias para optimizar su función. El Diseño de investigación fue no experimental y el estudio fue transeccional o transversal explicativo, de tipo documental basado en fuentes de información primarias y secundarias relacionadas con el tema. El estudio concluye que la gestión del conocimiento acumulado por las empresas consultoras a lo largo de los años, es invaluable y es la piedra angular de sus servicios por lo que su transferencia a las empresas que los contratan implican procesos ampliamente analizados porque involucran políticas, normas, procesos, técnicas (conocimiento explícito) como base de sus conocimientos para mejorar su presencia en el ambiente de negocios.

    Gestión estratégica del conocimiento basado en la consultoría de servicios: Gestão estratégica do conhecimento baseada em serviços de consultoria

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    Este documento presenta un análisis preliminar del comportamiento de las organizaciones en el mercado. Su objetivo es identificar la percepción de los Empresarios respecto a la contratación de servicios de consultoría para explicar de qué manera su competitividad depende de la gestión del conocimiento. Para ello, se expone la problemática interna que sugiere la necesidad de conocimientos, los servicios de consultoría, el Perfil de los consultores e iniciativas del Gobierno Federal para respaldar las operaciones de las empresas en el mercado, así como la necesidad por regirse a un código ético que norme las conductas de las partes: Empresas-Consultores

    El Marketing Verde como proceso de aprendizaje para las organizaciones: O Marketing Verde como processo de aprendizagem para as organizações

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    El marketing verde es un conjunto de actividades orientadas a satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores con productos cuyos procesos de fabricación no afecten el medio ambiente. Con estas actividades se crea conciencia, se impulsa el desarrollo de nuevos productos, el uso de tecnologías sostenibles y se disminuye la contaminación e impactos negativos. Este documento presenta una aproximación al Marketing Interno, cuyo objetivo fue identificar y explicar la percepción de los consumidores para proponer estructuras de información que promuevan su transición hacia hábitos de consumo sustentables. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental y el estudio explicativo con enfoque cuantitativo aplicado a una muestra de 103 sujetos en la Ciudad de Tijuana, B. C., México. Los resultados destacan la sensibilización por un mejor planeta y la necesidad de información en el empaque de los productos sobre el impacto en el medio ambiente

    Forage Quality of Cereal–Common Vetch at Different Age and Proportions

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    Cereal plant age at harvesting and the proportion of vetch in the harvested forage from cereal-common vetch mixtures might influence total forage quality. The objectives were to determine forage of a forage mixture cereal-vetch, from cereal harvested at two development stages and vetch at different proportion. Cereals were oats and triticale, cultivars: Chihuahua, Bicentenario and Siglo XXI, the last two were triticale; cereal development stages at harvest were: 50% flowering and hard grain. Vetch was harvested at two development stages: 100% flowering and pod formation, while vetch proportions in the forage mix were: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0. Forage quality measures were: crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE) and dry matter digestibility (DMD). Statistical analysis was by linear regression; cereal cultivar was a categorical variable. Models developed showed a R2≥0.7871. As vetch proportion increased in the mix so did CP while NDF decreased, CP increased from 9.2 to 17.5% and 9.2 to 14.4% and NDF decreased from 71.4 to 57.6% and 79.1 to 58.9%, as vetch proportion increased, when cereal was harvested at 50% flowering and grain hard, respectively. OM and EE showed small changes over vetch proportion and cereal development stage. DMD showed major (p\u3c 0.05) changes with cereal development stage at harvesting. It was concluded that forage quality of cereal-vetch mix depends on vetch proportion and stage of development of the cereal at the time of harvest