42 research outputs found

    An Unusual Case of Campylobacter jejuni Gastroenteritis Presenting with Acute Reversible Encephalopathy in an Immunocompetent Host

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    Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis is the most frequent organism associated with acute infectious diarrhea worldwide. (e clinical presentation involves fever, diarrhea, rigors, and myalgias. Other extraintestinal symptoms that have been described involve delirium and other neurological complications, and the most well-known is Guillain-Barr´e, where there is cross-reactivity between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. Despite previously described multiple neurological complications, there is a lack of clinical data on the association of Campylobacter-related gastroenteritis with acute encephalopathy in immunocompetent patients. (e type of population, immunocompetent stage, and unfamiliarity with the clinical presentation makes this a challenging diagnosis for clinicians. We report a case of Campylobacter gastroenteritis associated with acute encephalopathy in an immunocompetent patient

    Evaluación de vulnerabilidad sísmica aplicando el método de Benedetti y Petrini de la catedral Virgen de las Nieves de Yurimaguas-2022

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    La investigación “Evaluación de vulnerabilidad sísmica aplicando el método de Benedetti y Petrini de la catedral Virgen de las Nieves de Yurimaguas - 2022”, tiene como objetivo identificar el grado de vulnerabilidad sísmica que presenta la catedral empleando el método italiano. Siendo la metodología de tipo aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo debido a que se realizara una recolección de datos, en cuanto a nuestro diseño, es cuantitativo de tipo no experimental ya que no manipulamos nuestras variables, siendo la variable independiente el método de Benedetti - Petrini, y como variable dependiente la vulnerabilidad sísmica. Se realizo una estimación de cada parámetro, donde se obtuvo los siguientes resultados, en la torre central nos da un total de 80 KWi correspondiente a una media - baja vulnerabilidad. La torre lateral 72.5 KWi correspondiente a una vulnerabilidad baja, la nave central nos dio un total de 227.5 KWi clasificando a una vulnerabilidad media - alta y por ultimo las naves laterales nos da un total de 186.25 KWi clasificando a una vulnerabilidad media - baja. Ya que fue la nave central quien resalto, recomendamos reforzar con cruces de san Andrés y de manera general en toda la estructura resanar las grietas

    Comportamiento clínico del embarazo en adolescentes de 15 a 19 años atendidas en el Programa de Atención Prenatal del Centro de Salud Ramón Guillén del municipio de Boaco. Primer semestre 2020

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    Objetivo: El presente estudio fue realizado para determinar el comportamiento clínico del embarazo en adolescentes de 15 a 19 años atendidas en el Programa de Atención Prenatal del Centro de Salud Ramón Guillén del municipio de Boaco, durante el primer semestre de 2020. Diseño Metodológico: Estudio con un enfoque cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, con una muestra de 136 adolescentes embarazadas. Resultados: El 60.3 % tenían de 17 a 19 años, escolaridad secundaria en el 51.5%. La mayoría tenían unión de hecho estable con el 63.2%, católicas en un 50.0% de la muestra y procedencia rural del 58.1%. Un 64.0% iniciaron relaciones sexuales entre los 14 a 16 años, con una pareja sexual (68.4%). El 61.0% indicó antecedentes de ITS, un 68.4% no utilizaban ningún método anticonceptivo. El 64.0% eran primigestas, siendo captadas en APN antes de las 12 semanas de gestación, teniendo en un 39.0% de 3 a 4 controles prenatales. El 60.3% de las adolescentes no tuvieron el deseo de ser madres. Un 41.9% presentaron complicaciones durante el embarazo, siendo en mayor frecuencia las infecciones de vías urinarias (45.6%). El 65.4% del embarazo de las adolescentes la vía de finalización del embarazo fue vaginal. Palabras Clave (embarazo adolescente – control prenatal)

    Murine For a Bad Time: Prehospital Factor Associations With Murine Typhus Related ICU Admission

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    Introduction: Across South Texas rates of murine typhus related hospitalization have been on the rise (1). Murine typhus is flea borne febrile illness caused by the bacterium Rickettsia typhi. Murine typhus is easily treated with doxycycline but is commonly underdiagnosed (2). Rarely murine typhus can cause hospitalization and ICU admission (3). To gain a greater understanding of the clinical course of severe murine typhus, our team has set out to identify novel clinical findings associated severe murine typhus courses. Methods: Medical records were obtained from adults with suspected murine typhus admitted to Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance in Edinburg, Texas, between 01/01/2010 to 05/31/2020. Authors performed manual chart review on the patients meeting the inclusion criteria and documented aspects of the patient’s medical history. Descriptive statistics were calculated with a χ2 test, were P values =0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: We enrolled 198 hospitalized adults with suspected murine typhus in our study, 22 requiring ICU admission. No statistically significant relationships were found between ICU admission and PMH indications of: CKD, T2D, HTN, CAD or liver disease. Our results did not show significant relationships between ICU admission and sex, age, or insurance status. Conclusion: Our study did not identify statistically significant relationships between adults admitted to the ICU with suspected murine typhus and health history. The findings of our study may be useful for clinicians who practice in regions endemic to murine typhus. Our team will continue to attempt to identify clinical and laboratory findings associated with a more severe disease course of murine typhus

    Pyronaridine exerts potent cytotoxicity on human breast and hematological cancer cells through induction of apoptosis

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    The potent antimalarial drug pyronaridine (PND) was tested for its potential as an anticancer drug. After exposing cancerous (17) and non-cancerous (2) cells to PND for 72 hr, PND was found to exhibit consistent and potent cytotoxic activity at low micromolar (μM) concentrations that ranged from 1.6 μM to 9.4 μM. Moreover, PND exerted a significant selective cytotoxicity index (SCI) on five out of seven breast cancer cell lines tested, with favorable values of 2.5 to 4.4, as compared with the non-cancerous breast MCF-10A cell line. By using the same comparison, PND exhibited a significant SCI on three out of four leukemia/lymphoma cell lines with promising values of 3.3 to 3.5. One breast cancer and one leukemia cell line were tested further in order to determine the likely mode of action of PND. PND was found to consistently elicit phosphatidylserine externalization, mitochondrial depolarization, and DNA fragmentation, in both the triple negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer and HL-60 leukemia cell lines. In addition, PND treatment altered cell cycle progression in both cancer cells. Subsequent DNA mobility-shift assays, UV-Visible spectroscopic titrations, and circular dichroism (CD) experiments revealed that PND intercalates with DNA. The findings presented in this study indicates that PND induces apoptosis and interfered with cell cycle progression of cancer cell lines and these results indicate that this drug has the potential as a repurposed drug for cancer therapy

    Implementation of a Quality Improvement Project for Medical Reconciliation: Outcomes in a Primary Care Residency Clinic

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    Background: Medication reconciliation is the process of creating the most accurate list of medications a patient is taking and comparing it against the physician’s admission, and discharge orders. It is an effective intervention to prevent drug-related events which are the leading cause of medical errors. Medical reconciliation training promotes patient safety and is imperative for a better transition of care. Methods: We implemented a quality improvement project to promote awareness of medication reconciliation. We aimed to increase compliance of medication to 80% in 3 months and maintain it through March 2021. Our interventions consisted in reminders to prompt residents to perform medication reconciliation. As an independent reviewer, our clinic manager shared a monthly metric reports for the number of missed medication reconciliations. Results: Prior to our intervention, our percentage of medication reconciliation was 62% (August 2020). Following our intervention, the compliance increased to 82% in November 2020 and, in December, it peaked at 90%. At the end of our intervention, medication reconciliation plateaued at 85% (April 2021). Conclusions: Our quality improvement project increased resident and staff awareness of medication reconciliation. We maintained medication reconciliation above 80% from January 2021 to March 2021. In addition, we identified barriers in the process that were not recognized before including issues related with equipment, workflow and environment. Our intervention allowed for accountability because residents were monthly informed about their own performance. Our initiative allowed for development and self-improvement during training which, ultimately, might result in less medical errors

    Plan de negocio para evaluar la viabilidad económica financiera de la creación de una empresa de soluciones de agrotecnología para empresas dedicadas al cultivo de la uva

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    El presente trabajo de investigación desarrolla el plan de negocio para evaluar la viabilidad económica financiera de la creación de una empresa de soluciones de agro-tecnología para empresas dedicadas al cultivo de la uva, puntualmente para la región de Ica. Como alcance se plantea elaborar un modelo de negocio que combina las capacidades de las tecnologías IoT, Big Data y Machine Learning para entregar una solución que pueda predecir la aparición de plagas. Para este fin se utilizó como herramienta Lean Start Up que, dada las características de los usuarios del sector, facilita la validación iterativa con los actores del sector y poder así entregar como resultado una solución que aumente la productividad y les agregue valor. En el alcance se considera también conocer el nivel de aceptación del uso de tecnologías de 4ta generación y definir el mercado potencial para su adopción en las empresas dedicadas al cultivo de la uva de mesa; asimismo elaborar los planes de marketing, operaciones y tecnología, administración y recursos humanos y financiero y se determina la viabilidad económica financiera del modelo propuesto

    Beautification of the Gateway Corridors and Historical Downtown of Columbus, Texas

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    This report presents “Master Plan and Landscape Improvement Plan for the Gateway Corridors in the City of Columbus, Texas”. It is a service-learning project funded by the City of Columbus, Texas through the Texas Target Communities Program and completed by a class of 23 undergraduates in Land 312 from the landscape architecture program at Texas A&M University during the spring semester 2020. The purpose of the project was to enhance the city’s gateway image and visitors’ first impression of the city, improve visitors’ sense of arrival sequence to the historical downtown district, and strengthen the linkage between Hwy 71, downtown area and Colorado River

    Epidemiología molecular y análisis filogenético de la infección por el virus del papiloma humano en mujeres con lesiones cervicales y cáncer en la región litoral del Ecuador

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    The aim of the present study was to gather information regarding the molecular epidemiology of Human papillomavirus (HPV) and related risk factors in a group of women with low- and high-grade cervical lesions and cancer from the coastal region of Ecuador. In addition, we studied the evolution of HPV variants from the most prevalent types and provided a temporal framework for their emergence, which may help to trace the source of dissemination within the region. We analyzed 166 samples, including 57 CIN1, 95 CIN2/3 and 14 cancer cases. HPV detection and typing was done by PCR-sequencing (MY09/MY11). HPV variants and estimation of the time to most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) was assessed through phylogeny and coalescence analysis. HPV DNA was found in 54.4% of CIN1, 74.7% of CIN2/3 and 78.6% of cancer samples. HPV16 (38.9%) and HPV58 (19.5%) were the most prevalent types. Risk factors for the development of cervical lesions/cancer were the following: three or more pregnancies (OR = 4.3), HPV infection (OR = 3.7 for high-risk types; OR = 3.5 for HPV16), among others. With regard to HPV evolution, HPV16 isolates belonged to lineages A (69%) and D (31%) whereas HPV58 isolates belonged only to lineage A. The period of emergence of HPV16 was in association with human populations (tMRCA = 91. 052 years for HPV16A and 27. 000 years for HPV16D), whereas HPV58A preceded Homo sapiens evolution (322. 257 years). This study provides novel data on HPV epidemiology and evolution in Ecuador, which will be fundamental in the vaccine era.Fil: Bedoya Pilozo, Cesar H.. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral; Ecuador. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Medina Magües, Lex G.. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral; EcuadorFil: Espinosa García, Maylen. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Sánchez, Martha. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Parrales Valdiviezo, Johanna V.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Molina, Denisse. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Ibarra, María A.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Quimis Ponce, María. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: España, Karool. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Párraga Macias, Karla E.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Cajas Flores, Nancy V.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Solon, Orlando A.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; Ecuador. Universidad Agraria del Ecuador; EcuadorFil: Robalino Penaherrera, Jorge A.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Salud Pública; EcuadorFil: Chedraui, Peter. Hospital Gineco-Obstétrico Enrique C. Sotomayor; EcuadorFil: Escobar, Saul. Universidad Católica de Guayaquil; EcuadorFil: Loja Chango, Rita D.. Universidad Católica de Guayaquil; EcuadorFil: Ramirez Morán, Cecibel. Universidad Católica de Guayaquil; EcuadorFil: Espinoza Caicedo, Jasson. Universidad Católica de Guayaquil; EcuadorFil: Sánchez Giler, Sunny. Universidad Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas; EcuadorFil: Limia, Celia M.. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri; CubaFil: Alemán, Yoan. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri; CubaFil: Soto, Yudira. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri; CubaFil: Kouri, Vivian. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri; CubaFil: Culasso, Andrés Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Departamento de Microbiología, Inmunología y Biotecnología. Cátedra de Virología; ArgentinaFil: Badano, Ines. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación; Ecuador. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y Naturales. Laboratorio de Biología Molecular Aplicada; Argentin