67 research outputs found

    Trends in ischemic heart disease and stroke death ratios in brazilian women and men

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    OBJECTIVE: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in women and men in Brazil, but the trends for the death ratios for ischemic heart disease and stroke in women and men remain unknown. METHOD: In this study, the trends for the death ratios among women and men who were over 30 years of age were analyzed from 1980 to 2005. Data were collected for both the Brazilian population and the metropolitan area of São Paulo. Estimates of the population size and data for mortality were then obtained from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and the Ministry of Health. The risk for death was adjusted using a direct method. RESULTS: Death rates due to cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease, and stroke have declined in both Brazil and the metropolitan region of São Paulo. A linear regression analysis revealed a similar trend for ischemic heart disease and demonstrated a male/female ratio of 1.653 ± 0.001 (r=0.228; p=0.262) in Brazil and 1.763 ± 0.008 (r=0.863;

    Infarto agudo do miocárdio na cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica: relato de dois casos com coronárias sem lesões obstrutivas

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    This report describes two patients with chronic Chagas' Heart Disease who developed clinical and laboratorial signs of myocardial infarction. Both patients presented sudden oppressive chest pain, without precipitating factor. In the first case, the highest MB-CK value was 65 IU, 22 hours after the beginning of the pain. On the second case, it was 77 IU at 18 hours after the beginning of the pain. In both cases ECG changes suggesting non-transmural infarction were present. The 99mTc PYP myocardial scintigram of the first case was positive. Coronary angiograms performed on the 18th and 9th day, respectively, after the acute infarction did not display obstructive lesions. Possible mechanisms causing myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries in Chagas' Disease may include: embolic event's, particularly when there is associated congestive heart failure; coronary thrombosis and coronary spasms.São relatados dois pacientes com doença de Chagas, forma cardíaca crônica, que desenvolveram Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio (IAM). Ambos, apresentaram dor precordial súbita em opressão, sem fatores precipitantes. No primeiro o pico de CKMB foi 65 U após 22 horas do início da dor e no segundo foi de 77U após 18 horas. O ECG em ambos evidenciou apenas alterações sugerindo IAM não transmural. A cintilografia miocárdica com 99mTc-PYP foi positiva no primeiro caso. ¹ coronariografia realizada respectivamente no 16.º e 9.° dia não evidenciou lesões obstrutivas. São discutidos os possíveis mecanismos de IAM com coronárias sem lesões obstrutivas na doença de Chagas tais como: eventos embolíticos, trombóticos e espásticos

    Long-Term Prospective Study of the Influence of Estrone Levels on Events in Postmenopausal Women with or at High Risk for Coronary Artery Disease

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    Background. The link between endogenous estrogen, coronary artery disease (CAD), and death in postmenopausal women is uncertain. We analyzed the association between death and blood levels of estrone in postmenopausal women with known coronary artery disease (CAD) or with a high-risk factor score for CAD. Methods. 251 postmenopausal women age 50–90 years not on estrogen therapy. Fasting blood for estrone and heart disease risk factors were collected at baseline. Women were grouped according to their estrone levels (<15 and ≥15 pg/mL). Fatal events were recorded after 5.8 ± 1.4 years of followup. Results. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed a significant trend (P = 0.039) of greater all-cause mortality in women with low estrone levels (<15 pg/mL). Cox multivariate regression analysis model adjusted for body mass index, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history, and estrone showed estrone (OR = 0.45; P = 0.038) as the only independent variable for all-cause mortality. Multivariate regression model adjusted for age, body mass index, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, family history, and estrone showed that only age (OR = 1.06; P = 0.017) was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality. Conclusions. Postmenopausal women with known CAD or with a high-risk factor score for CAD and low estrone levels (<15 pg/mL) had increased all-cause mortality

    Skeletonized coronary arteries: pathophysiological and clinical aspects of vascular calcification

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    The role of calcification in coronary artery disease is gaining importance, both in research studies and in clinical application. Calcified plaque has long been considered to be the most important atherosclerotic plaque within the arterial tree and frequently presents a challenge for percutaneous intervention. Current investigations have shown that plaque calcification has a dynamic course that is closely related to the magnitude of vascular inflammation. Numerous inflammatory factors synthesized during the early stages of atherosclerosis induce the expression and activation of osteoblast-like cells localized in the arterial wall that produce calcium. There is no doubt that the role of these factors in calcification associated with coronary artery disease could be a crucial strategic point in prevention and treatment. A number of diagnostic imaging methods have been developed in recent years, but their performance needs to be improved. In this context, we undertook an update on coronary calcification, focusing on physiopathology, clinical implications, and imaging techniques

    Monocitose é um marcador de risco independente para a doença arterial coronariana

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    Reseña de la obra de George L. MOSSE: Soldados caídos. La transformación de la memoria de las guerras mundiales, traducción de Ángel Alcalde, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2016 [ed. original en inglés de 1990], 310 pp. ISBN: 978-84-16515-39-4. A cargo de Claudio Hernández Burgos

    In comparison to the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy, a treadmill stress test is a viable, efficient and cost effective option to predict cardiovascular events in elderly patients

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    OBJETIVO: Definir o valor prognóstico e a custo-efetividade do teste ergométrico (TE) em comparação à cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com dipiridamol (DIP) em indivíduos com > 75 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, consecutiva e prospectivamente, 66 pacientes (40% homens), com média de idade de 81 ± 5 anos. Desses pacientes, 57% eram hipertensos, 38% eram dislipidêmicos e 28%, diabéticos. O protocolo de Bruce para rampa foi adaptado, obtendo-se o valor prognóstico do TE pelo escore de Duke. RESULTADOS: A duração do TE, o porcentual da freqüência cardíaca máxima preconizada e o duplo produto no pico do exercício foram, respectivamente, de 7 ± 3 minutos, 95 ± 9% e 24.946 ± 4.576 (bpm x mmHg). O TE e a DIP apresentaram resultados positivos para isquemia miocárdica similares (21% vs 15%, respectivamente). A concordância entre os testes foi de 88% (Kappa 0,63, p 75 years of age. METHODS: Consecutive and prospective assessment of 66 patients (40% male) aged 81 ± 5 years of which 57% were hypertensive, 38% had dyslipidemia and 28% were diabetics. The Bruce protocol was adapted for a tilt treadmill and the TST prognostic value was obtained using the Duke treadmill score. RESULTS: The TST duration, recommended maximum heart rate percentage and double product at peak exercise were respectively: 7 ± 3 minutes, 95 ± 9% and 24,946 ± 4,576 (bpm x mmHg). The TST and DIP presented similar positive results for myocardial ischemia (21% vs 15%, respectively). The correlation between the tests was 88% (Kappa 0.63, p<0.01). During 685 ± 120 days of follow-up, nine major events occurred: 6 deaths, 2 acute coronary syndromes and 1 myocardial revascularization. The variables associated with the major events were: age (83 ± 6 vs 80 ± 4 years; p=0.048), male gender (78% vs 33%; p=0.02), ST segment depression (1 ± 1 mm vs 0.25 ± 0.6 mm; p= 0.01), high or intermediate risk determined by the Duke treadmill score - combined in one group (44% vs 2%; p=0.001) and abnormal DIP (44% vs 10%, p= 0.02). CONCLUSION: For this elderly population, the TST was an efficient and viable option with a similar diagnostic value in comparison to the DIP. However, the TST was more accurate in the prediction of major events and offers a lower cost