1,352 research outputs found

    English as a Medium of Instruction in Community School: Boon or Bane, a Case Study of Nepal

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    The main aim of this research paper is focused on the present debatable issue of Nepalese academia whether the use of English as a medium of instruction in community school is judicious or not. In this research, both the primary and secondary data are used to complete this research. The data are gathered through the questionnaire and interview. For the Primary sources of data twenty-five teachers were selected from the community schools by using purposive sampling procedure. From this study, it is justified that the use of English as a medium of instruction in community schools is beneficial. The use of English helps the progress of the students rather it hampers in their learning activities. The social assumption of Nepalese people that English as medium of instruction as in the private boarding school could make the student excellent has been proved correct. The government should provide all training, courses and infrastructure for the community school for instruction in English medium

    Women under Patriarchy: A Postcolonial Feminist Critique of Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel

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    This research paper is focused on the exploration of female exploitation in Wole Soyinka's The Lion and the Jewel in the context of postcolonial Nigeria. This paper tries to explore how Wole Soyinka posits postcolonial and feminist rebellion in his play. It explores female suppression and also depicts the failure of postcolonial and feminist resistance to colonial principles. Like colonialists, postcolonialists and feminists overlook the different kinds of injustice and harassments women undergo in the non- Western world, which is also called the Third World. The text also shows how the female suppression and exploitation continues even after the abolition of colonial rule in Nigeria. The researcher has taken the text The Lion and The Jewel of Soyinka as a primary source of data for the qualitative research; and the postcolonial feminism has been used as a theoretical tool for the analysis of the text

    Existential Maturity of Savitri in the Dark Room by R. K. Narayan

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    This article is mainly focused on the protagonist Savitri of the novel: The Dark Room by R.K. Narayan and how she is alienated from herself, from society and from the world and about her quest for marital identity. Savitri also goes through the crisis of discontent to the quest for happiness. Savitri of the ancient legend is a paragon of virtue and courage who confronts even Death to save her husband is finally victorious. Ironically, unlike the legendary Savitri, Narayan’s Savitri chooses to leave home, husband and children once she comes to know of her husband’s infidelity. Contrary to the legend, Savitri is just an ordinary, amiable, housewife. She abandons her gambler and drunkard husband and her family. But her independence proves detrimental to Savitri’s familial peace. Narayan skillfully portrays her every action and in his ironic subtle fashion puts across the artificiality behind it. Keywords: Existence, anxiety, alienation, existential struggle, choice of freedom, frustratio

    Effectiveness of Content–based Instruction in Teaching Reading

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    This research paper examines the “Effectiveness of Content-Based Instruction in Teaching Reading.” The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of content-based instruction in teaching reading. This study was conducted in Shree Jalpa Devi Secindary School Kamalbazar, Achham (Nepal). The students of grade 9 were taken as the sample of the study. First, I administered a pre-test using the test items in the beginning and on the basis of the result of pre- test, experimental teaching was started. Three progressive tests were administered in the interval of seven class periods each. I taught for 25 days using content-based instruction method. The action research was conducted to find out the strengths and weaknesses of content-based instruction on teaching reading. After the completion of teaching, a post-test was administered .The results of both the tests were compared to determine the effectiveness of content-based instruction on teaching reading. Content-based instruction was found to be effective in teaching reading

    Structure-Function Studies Of The Serotonin Type -3 Receptor Ligand -Binding Domain

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2005The serotonin type-3 receptor (5-HT3R) is widely distributed in peripheral and central nervous systems. This pentameric protein is a member of the Cys-loop superfamily of ligand gated ion channels and plays a role in mediating physiological processes in nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems. The ligand-binding domain of this receptor is extracellularly located and is composed of multiple putative loop structures. Based on structural and sequence homology with other members of the superfamily, it has been proposed that at least six such loops (loops A to F) contribute to the ligand-binding domain. Binding of agonist initiates a conformational change which is transduced to the channel, leading to channel opening (gating). The aim of this study was to elucidate the contribution of residues in loops B and E to the mechanism of channel gating in the 5-HT3R. To this end, the three critical tyrosine residues in the loop E region were characterized employing site-directed mutagenesis, electrophysiological studies as well as radio-ligand binding assays involving two structural classes of 5-HT3R agonists. In addition, structure/function analysis of the loop B region was carried out alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Experimental data were correlated with molecular modeling studies. These studies show that the hydroxytryptamine and phenylbiguanide class of compounds utilize different mechanisms of ligand binding and gating in the 5-HT3R. Studies involving the loop B reveal that this region plays a critical role in ligand binding and channel gating. Data obtained from comparison of ground state and agonist-bound models of the 5-HT 3R was correlated with biochemical data. Taken together, these data suggest that agonist interaction with loop B region probably initiates a conformational wave that results in intra- and inter- subunit hydrogen bonding interactions. Our data suggest that these interactions play a critical role in agonist-induced channel opening

    On set difference of maximal cyclic subgroups of a pp-group

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    Let GG be a finite group. For maximal cyclic subgroups M,NM, N of GG, we denote by d(M,N)\text{d}(M,N) the minimum of number of elements in the set differences MNM {\setminus} N and NMN {\setminus} M. The difference number δ(G)\delta(G) of GG is defined as the maximum of d(M,N)\text{d}(M,N) as MM and NN vary over every pair of maximal cyclic subgroups of GG. Whereas, the power graph ΓG\Gamma_G of GG is the undirected simple graph with vertex set GG and two distinct vertices are adjacent if one of them is a positive power of the other. A connected graph Γ\Gamma is said to be cyclically separable if it has a vertex set whose deletion results in a disconnected subgraph with at least two components containing cycles. In this paper, we derive a relationship between the difference number and the power graph of a group. We prove that for a finite pp-group GG, δ(G)3\delta(G) \geq 3 if and only if ΓG\Gamma_G is cyclically separable

    Ali Smith’s Girl Meets Boy: Exploration of Homosexuality

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    The present research paper is the extensive analyses of Ali Smith’s seminal novel Girl Meets Boy by applying Queer Theory as a tool. As a qualitative research, this paper is the study of queer behavior of characters of the fiction which questions over the established heterosexual social conceptions. The authoritative concept of heterosexual bond has been challenged with the idea of queerness or homosexual bond. The character Anthea and Robin cross the social life of heterosexuality and got the freedom physically and sexually in their lesbian love. As revolutionary characters, they question over the dominant narrative of heterosexuality and create a new test for readers. This fiction portrays the myth of sexual minorities in a new way. Their sexual behavior portrays shifting notion of sexuality because of awareness of gender biasness. It also proves that the identity is cultural construct and the characters have created distinct identity going against the so called socially established sexual behaviours

    Os impactos psicológicos adversos da tecnologia digital: criticando esta bela vida de Schulman a partir de insights pós-modernos

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    This study aims to examine the psychological effects of digital technology on individuals by analyzing the characters of Jake and Daisy in This Beautiful Life. It also focuses on how the postmodern trend of imbibing the ethos and spirit of late capitalist consumer culture and the commodification of subjectivity put extreme pressure on individuals, leading to their disintegration and degeneration. The study uses the theoretical ideas and insights of leading postmodern theorists, such as Arthur Kroke and David Kroke, to analyze the harmful effects of the postmodern trend of simulating double identity in excess. It explores the causes of the psychic deviations and disintegration of Jake and Daisy within the postmodern context. This research is a qualitative analysis of the novel by using a postmodern theoretical framework to analyze the characters of Jake and Daisy and their actions and choices in the novel. The study finds that the harsh psychological effects of digital technology are evident in the characters of Jake and Daisy. Their unrestrained involvement in the postmodern trend of imbibing the ethos and spirit of late capitalist consumer culture leads to the degeneration and decadence of their psychic integrity. Meanwhile, Daisy's mundane and monotonous life leads her to construct fantasies in her mind, leading her to embark on a sporadic spree of murdering her close friends. The study concludes that the postmodern trend of imbibing the ethos and spirit of late capitalist consumer culture and the commodification of subjectivity have a detrimental effect on individuals' psychological well-being. The lack of postmodern trend to erase the boundary between the normal and the abnormal exacerbates the situation, leading individuals to become cruel and violent.Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar los efectos psicológicos de la tecnología digital en los individuos, analizando los personajes de Jake y Daisy en This Beautiful Life. También se enfoca en cómo la tendencia posmoderna de absorber el ethos y el espíritu de la cultura de consumo del capitalismo tardío y la mercantilización de la subjetividad ejercen una presión extrema sobre los individuos, lo que lleva a su desintegración y degeneración. El estudio utiliza las ideas teóricas y los conocimientos de los principales teóricos posmodernos, como Arthur Kroke y David Kroke, para analizar los efectos nocivos de la tendencia posmoderna de sobresimular las identidades duales. Explora las causas de las desviaciones psíquicas y la desintegración de Jake y Daisy en el contexto posmoderno. Esta investigación es un análisis cualitativo de la novela utilizando un marco teórico posmoderno para analizar los personajes de Jake y Daisy y sus acciones y elecciones en la novela. El estudio concluye que los graves efectos psicológicos de la tecnología digital son evidentes en los personajes de Jake y Daisy. Su participación desenfrenada en la tendencia posmoderna de absorber el ethos y el espíritu de la cultura de consumo del capitalismo tardío conduce a la degeneración y decadencia de su integridad psíquica. Mientras tanto, la vida mundana y monótona de Daisy la lleva a construir fantasías en su mente, lo que la lleva a embarcarse en una ola esporádica de asesinar a sus amigos cercanos. El estudio concluye que la tendencia posmoderna de absorber el ethos y el espíritu de la cultura de consumo del capitalismo tardío y la mercantilización de la subjetividad tiene un efecto perjudicial sobre el bienestar psicológico de los individuos. La falta de la tendencia posmoderna de borrar el límite entre lo normal y lo anormal exacerba la situación, llevando a los individuos a volverse crueles y violentos.Este estudo tem como objetivo examinar os efeitos psicológicos da tecnologia digital sobre os indivíduos, analisando os personagens de Jake e Daisy em This Beautiful Life. Ele também enfoca como a tendência pós-moderna de absorver o ethos e o espírito da cultura de consumo do capitalismo tardio e a mercantilização da subjetividade exercem extrema pressão sobre os indivíduos, levando à sua desintegração e degeneração. O estudo usa as ideias teóricas e percepções dos principais teóricos pós-modernos, como Arthur Kroke e David Kroke, para analisar os efeitos nocivos da tendência pós-moderna de simular identidade dupla em excesso. Explora as causas dos desvios psíquicos e da desintegração de Jake e Daisy no contexto pós-moderno. Esta pesquisa é uma análise qualitativa do romance usando um referencial teórico pós-moderno para analisar os personagens de Jake e Daisy e suas ações e escolhas no romance. O estudo conclui que os severos efeitos psicológicos da tecnologia digital são evidentes nos personagens de Jake e Daisy. Seu envolvimento desenfreado na tendência pós-moderna de absorver o ethos e o espírito da cultura consumista do capitalismo tardio leva à degeneração e decadência de sua integridade psíquica. Enquanto isso, a vida mundana e monótona de Daisy a leva a construir fantasias em sua mente, levando-a a embarcar em uma onda esporádica de assassinato de seus amigos íntimos. O estudo conclui que a tendência pós-moderna de absorver o ethos e o espírito da cultura de consumo do capitalismo tardio e a mercantilização da subjetividade têm um efeito prejudicial no bem-estar psicológico dos indivíduos. A falta da tendência pós-moderna de apagar a fronteira entre o normal e o anormal agrava a situação, levando os indivíduos a se tornarem cruéis e violentos

    Teachers’ Assumptions on Teaching English Grammar for Lower-secondary Level Students (A Case Study of Nepal)

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    Teaching grammar is one of the aspects of language teaching. From the past, different methods, like teaching from rules, teaching from examples, teaching through texts have been used to teach grammar in Nepal. So, this research was prepared to study the teachers’ assumption for teaching English grammar at lower secondary level in Nepal. The issue of teaching prepositions, articles, tense, tags, causative verbs and subject verb agreement are raised in this research. In this research, both the primary and secondary sources of data were used. Questionnaires were used to collect the data for the research. The result shows that most of the teachers use inductive ways to teach grammar lessons or they used student-centered techniques. It also concludes that the level of the learners, context and nature of the text also make the teachers to select the method for teaching