190 research outputs found

    Comparative study between intramedullary interlocking nailing and minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis for distal tibia extra-articular fractures

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    Background: Treatment of distal tibia fractures poses significant challenge to orthopedic surgeon because of poor blood supply and paucity of soft tissue coverage. There is considerable controversy regarding the superior option of treatment for distal tibia fracture between the minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) technique and intramedullary interlocking (IMIL) nailing for extra-articular distal tibia fractures. The aim of our study is to compare the functional outcome between the two treatment methods.Methods: This was the prospective comparative study of 50 patients with distal third tibia fractures divided into two groups. First group of patients were treated with MIPPO technique while second group of patients were managed by IMIL nailing. Patients were followed up in outpatient department to assess the functional outcomes, malunion, delayed union, non-union, superficial and deep infection between the two groups.Results: Average time taken by patients for full weight bearing in group A was 17.6 weeks as compared to 16.7 weeks in group B. All patients were able to bear weight prior to complete union of fracture. By the process of weight bearing, we believed that it would promote secondary bone healing. On taking X-rays during follow up of included patients starting of radiological union was observed carefully by looking for bridging callus, haziness of fracture line. Appearance of callus was taken average time of 12.5 weeks in group A and 12.1 weeks in group B.Conclusions: Both procedures have shown the reliable method of fixation for distal extra-articular tibia fractures preserving the soft tissue, bony vascularity and fracture hematoma that provide a favourable biological environment for fracture healing. Considering the results of the study, we have slightly more preference for the MIPPO technique

    Intra and extraarticular localized pigmented villonodular synovitis

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    A 28 year old woman had a history of knee trauma and presented with unilateral knee acute swelling and pain symptoms with sudden onset, which was there from last 2 years. She had been treated for seronegative rheumatoid patient for 1 year. Recent expansion of the LPVNS (localized pigmented villonodular synovitis) caused the development of a tender palpable soft tissue mass in the anterolateral aspect of the knee and acute reduced mobility. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging of the knee revealed the presence of only the soft tissue mass and mild degenerative changes. Open synovectomy was performed successfully to excise the mass. Intraoperatively, macroscopic features of the bright brown inflamed synovium suggested LPVNS, which was confirmed histopathologically. Postoperatively, the symptoms of limited mobility and pain were appreciably relieved. Recurrence was not observed during the clinical follow up at 1, 6 or 18 months after surgery. Here, we reported the unique case of localized pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee in a misdiagnosed patient with intra and extraarticular lesion, which might be attributed to the history of knee trauma and the focal defect of the lateral patellar retinaculum. Open synovectomy effectively relieved the symptoms of limited mobility and pain and no recurrence was observed prior to 18 months postoperatively. To reduce misdiagnosis, MRI examinations are recommended for all patients suspected of having PVNS, including those who have a history of hyperuricemia

    Management outcomes in pubic diastasis: our experience with 19 patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pubic diastasis, a result of high energy antero-posterior compression (APC) injury, has been managed based on the Young and Burguess classification system. The mode of fixation in APC II injury has, however, been a subject of controversy and some authors have proposed a need to address the issue of partial breach of the posterior pelvic ring elements in these injuries.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study included a total of 19 patients with pubic diastasis managed by us from May 2006 to December 2007. There was a single patient with type I APC injury who treated conservatively. Type II APC injuries (13 patients) were treated surgically with symphyseal plating using single anterior/superior plates or double perpendicularly placed plates. Type III injuries (5 patients) in addition underwent posterior fixation using plates or percutaneous sacro-iliac screws. The outcome was assessed clinically (Majeed score) and radiologically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean follow-up was for 2.9 years (6 months to 4.5 years). Among the 13 patients with APC II injuries, the clinical scores were excellent in one (7.6%), good in 6 (46.15%), fair in 4 (30.76%) and poor in 2 (15.38%). Radiological scores were excellent in 2 (15.38%), good in 8 (61.53%), fair in 2 (15.38%) and poor in one patient (7.6%). Among the 5 patients with APC III injuries, there were 2 patients each with good (50%) and fair (50%) clinical scores while one patient was lost on long term follow up. The radiological outcomes were also similar in these. Complications included implant failure in 3 patients, postoperative infection in 2 patients, deep venous thrombosis in one patient and bladder herniation in one of the patients with implant failure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is no observed dissimilarity in outcomes between isolated anterior and combined symphyseal (perpendicular) plating techniques in APC II injuries. Single anterior symphyseal plating along with posterior stabilisation provides a stable fixation in type III APC injuries. Limited dissection ensuring adequate intactness of rectus sheath is important to avoid long term post-operative complications.</p

    Placental damages from ultrasonic changes to histopathological findings in maturing placenta in pregnancy complicated with hypertension: an observational clinical study

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    Background: The development of mild hypertension or preeclampsia at or near term is associated with minimal maternal and neonatal morbidities. Obstetric ultrasound provides a cornerstone to other modalities used for assessing hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Placental architecture is modified in PE and eclampsia. This study was designed to detect the placental changes in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and correlation with ultrasonic and histopathological changes.Methods: The study group comprised of 42 patients with pregnancy complicated with hypertension with period of gestation above 20 weeks and B.P. more than 140/90 mm of Hg measured on two occasions 6 hours or more apart. The control group consists of 42 normotensive patients matched with age and parity. One ultrasonic examination was performed between 28 weeks and 34 weeks and another after 34 weeks till term. Apart from routine parameters i.e. BPD, AC, FL, Amniotic fluid index, EBW and gestational age routine placental grading were performed according to the classification proposed by Grannum and associates. To evaluate perinatal outcome following measurement were studied birth weight immediately after delivery, mode of delivery, perinatal morbidity and mortality, APGAR score, presence of fetal distress.Results: In 97.62% cases (41 out of 42) of control group showed Grade–II changes as opposed to 57.14% of cases (24 out of 42) in study group before 34 weeks. All 21 cases in study group showing Grade ‘III’ changes before 34 weeks had infarction, calcification, increased syncytial knots, fibrinoid necrosis from 95.23 to 100% of these cases showed all these changes. Only 2 cases (9.52%) showed perivascular hemorrhage having Grade ‘III’ before 34 weeks.Conclusions: Accelerated maturation of placenta in pregnancy complicated with hypertension are more common in the hypertensive group. Increased histopathological degenerative changes e.g. calcification, fibrinoid necrosis etc., are more marked even before 34 weeks of gestation in hypertensive group

    Clinical and functional outcome of isolated posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fractures treated by open reduction and internal fixation

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    Background: PCL ligament avulsion fracture injuries constitute about 3-20% of all the knee injuries. Isolated posterior cruciate ligament injuries are uncommon and often go undiagnosed in acutely injured knees. fracture. In the long run they cause severe functional disability of the knee joint. There is no consensus concerning the optimal surgical treatment approach for these injuries. Our study was to assess the functional and clinical outcome of isolated PCL avulsion fractures with open reduction and internal fixation.Methods: This is a prospective study of 27 patients with isolated PCL avulsion fractures, done in the department of orthopaedics in RNT medical college over a 2-year period. All were treated with open reduction and internal fixation with 4 mm cannulated cancellous screw and washer. Postoperatively, patient leg was immobilized in posterior POP slab for 2 weeks, allowing toe touch weight bearing. All patients were regularly followed-up. 3 cases of post operative wound infection were detected.Results: Of the 27 patients, there were 19 males and 8 females. All the cases showed good fracture union in an average of 12 weeks post operatively. In the first 6 weeks, all of them acquired an average knee flexion of 90 degrees and by 3 months, all of them had 125 degrees of free flexion possible.2 cases showed negative posterior draw sign. The knee scoring system assessment showed 21 cases of excellent result, 4 cases of good result and 2 cases of fair result.Conclusions: Though rare, PCL avulsion fractured are to be managed properly and treated surgically. PCL tibial avulsion fractures treated through Burk and Schaffer approach with open reduction and internal fixation produces good results

    Standard practice in the treatment of unstable pelvic ring injuries: an international survey

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    PURPOSE Unstable pelvic ring injury can result in a life-threatening situation and lead to long-term disability. Established classification systems, recently emerged resuscitative and treatment options as well as techniques, have facilitated expansion in how these injuries can be studied and managed. This study aims to access practice variation in the management of unstable pelvic injuries around the globe. METHODS A standardized questionnaire including 15 questions was developed by experts from the SICOT trauma committee (Société Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopédique et de Traumatologie) and then distributed among members. The survey was conducted online for one month in 2022 with 358 trauma surgeons, encompassing responses from 80 countries (experience > 5 years = 79%). Topics in the questionnaire included surgical and interventional treatment strategies, classification, staging/reconstruction procedures, and preoperative imaging. Answer options for treatment strategies were ranked on a 4-point rating scale with following options: (1) always (A), (2) often (O), (3) seldom (S), and (4) never (N). Stratification was performed according to geographic regions (continents). RESULTS The Young and Burgess (52%) and Tile/AO (47%) classification systems were commonly used. Preoperative three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) scans were utilized by 93% of respondents. Rescue screws (RS), C-clamps (CC), angioembolization (AE), and pelvic packing (PP) were observed to be rarely implemented in practice (A + O: RS = 24%, CC = 25%, AE = 21%, PP = 25%). External fixation was the most common method temporized fixation (A + O = 71%). Percutaneous screw fixation was the most common definitive fixation technique (A + O = 57%). In contrast, 3D navigation techniques were rarely utilized (A + O = 15%). Most standards in treatment of unstable pelvic ring injuries are implemented equally across the globe. The greatest differences were observed in augmented techniques to bleeding control, such as angioembolization and REBOA, more commonly used in Europe (both), North America (both), and Oceania (only angioembolization). CONCLUSION The Young-Burgess and Tile/AO classifications are used approximately equally across the world. Initial non-invasive stabilization with binders and temporary external fixation are commonly utilized, while specific haemorrhage control techniques such as pelvic packing and angioembolization are rarely and REBOA almost never considered. The substantial regional differences' impact on outcomes needs to be further explored

    Of cattle, sand flies and men : a systematic review of risk factor analyses for South Asian visceral leishmaniasis and implications for elimination

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    Background: Studies performed over the past decade have identified fairly consistent epidemiological patterns of risk factors for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the Indian subcontinent. Methods and Principal Findings: To inform the current regional VL elimination effort and identify key gaps in knowledge, we performed a systematic review of the literature, with a special emphasis on data regarding the role of cattle because primary risk factor studies have yielded apparently contradictory results. Because humans form the sole infection reservoir, clustering of kala-azar cases is a prominent epidemiological feature, both at the household level and on a larger scale. Subclinical infection also tends to show clustering around kala-azar cases. Within villages, areas become saturated over a period of several years; kala-azar incidence then decreases while neighboring areas see increases. More recently, post kalaazar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) cases have followed kala-azar peaks. Mud walls, palpable dampness in houses, and peridomestic vegetation may increase infection risk through enhanced density and prolonged survival of the sand fly vector. Bed net use, sleeping on a cot and indoor residual spraying are generally associated with decreased risk. Poor micronutrient status increases the risk of progression to kala-azar. The presence of cattle is associated with increased risk in some studies and decreased risk in others, reflecting the complexity of the effect of bovines on sand fly abundance, aggregation, feeding behavior and leishmanial infection rates. Poverty is an overarching theme, interacting with individual risk factors on multiple levels. Conclusions: Carefully designed demonstration projects, taking into account the complex web of interconnected risk factors, are needed to provide direct proof of principle for elimination and to identify the most effective maintenance activities to prevent a rapid resurgence when interventions are scaled back. More effective, short-course treatment regimens for PKDL are urgently needed to enable the elimination initiative to succeed

    Common variants in CLDN2 and MORC4 genes confer disease susceptibility in patients with chronic pancreatitis

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    A recent Genome-wide Association Study (GWAS) identified association with variants in X-linked CLDN2 and MORC4 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci with Chronic Pancreatitis (CP) in North American patients of European ancestry. We selected 9 variants from the reported GWAS and replicated the association with CP in Indian patients by genotyping 1807 unrelated Indians of Indo-European ethnicity, including 519 patients with CP and 1288 controls. The etiology of CP was idiopathic in 83.62% and alcoholic in 16.38% of 519 patients. Our study confirmed a significant association of 2 variants in CLDN2 gene (rs4409525—OR 1.71, P = 1.38 x 10-09; rs12008279—OR 1.56, P = 1.53 x 10-04) and 2 variants in MORC4 gene (rs12688220—OR 1.72, P = 9.20 x 10-09; rs6622126—OR 1.75, P = 4.04x10-05) in Indian patients with CP. We also found significant association at PRSS1-PRSS2 locus (OR 0.60; P = 9.92 x 10-06) and SAMD12-TNFRSF11B (OR 0.49, 95% CI [0.31–0.78], P = 0.0027). A variant in the gene MORC4 (rs12688220) showed significant interaction with alcohol (OR for homozygous and heterozygous risk allele -14.62 and 1.51 respectively, P = 0.0068) suggesting gene-environment interaction. A combined analysis of the genes CLDN2 and MORC4 based on an effective risk allele score revealed a higher percentage of individuals homozygous for the risk allele in CP cases with 5.09 fold enhanced risk in individuals with 7 or more effective risk alleles compared with individuals with 3 or less risk alleles (P = 1.88 x 10-14). Genetic variants in CLDN2 and MORC4 genes were associated with CP in Indian patients

    Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use in early acute respiratory distress syndrome : Insights from the LUNG SAFE study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Background: Concerns exist regarding the prevalence and impact of unnecessary oxygen use in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We examined this issue in patients with ARDS enrolled in the Large observational study to UNderstand the Global impact of Severe Acute respiratory FailurE (LUNG SAFE) study. Methods: In this secondary analysis of the LUNG SAFE study, we wished to determine the prevalence and the outcomes associated with hyperoxemia on day 1, sustained hyperoxemia, and excessive oxygen use in patients with early ARDS. Patients who fulfilled criteria of ARDS on day 1 and day 2 of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure were categorized based on the presence of hyperoxemia (PaO2 > 100 mmHg) on day 1, sustained (i.e., present on day 1 and day 2) hyperoxemia, or excessive oxygen use (FIO2 ≥ 0.60 during hyperoxemia). Results: Of 2005 patients that met the inclusion criteria, 131 (6.5%) were hypoxemic (PaO2 < 55 mmHg), 607 (30%) had hyperoxemia on day 1, and 250 (12%) had sustained hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use occurred in 400 (66%) out of 607 patients with hyperoxemia. Excess FIO2 use decreased from day 1 to day 2 of ARDS, with most hyperoxemic patients on day 2 receiving relatively low FIO2. Multivariate analyses found no independent relationship between day 1 hyperoxemia, sustained hyperoxemia, or excess FIO2 use and adverse clinical outcomes. Mortality was 42% in patients with excess FIO2 use, compared to 39% in a propensity-matched sample of normoxemic (PaO2 55-100 mmHg) patients (P = 0.47). Conclusions: Hyperoxemia and excess oxygen use are both prevalent in early ARDS but are most often non-sustained. No relationship was found between hyperoxemia or excessive oxygen use and patient outcome in this cohort. Trial registration: LUNG-SAFE is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02010073publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Why Are Outcomes Different for Registry Patients Enrolled Prospectively and Retrospectively? Insights from the Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF).

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    Background: Retrospective and prospective observational studies are designed to reflect real-world evidence on clinical practice, but can yield conflicting results. The GARFIELD-AF Registry includes both methods of enrolment and allows analysis of differences in patient characteristics and outcomes that may result. Methods and Results: Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and ≥1 risk factor for stroke at diagnosis of AF were recruited either retrospectively (n = 5069) or prospectively (n = 5501) from 19 countries and then followed prospectively. The retrospectively enrolled cohort comprised patients with established AF (for a least 6, and up to 24 months before enrolment), who were identified retrospectively (and baseline and partial follow-up data were collected from the emedical records) and then followed prospectively between 0-18 months (such that the total time of follow-up was 24 months; data collection Dec-2009 and Oct-2010). In the prospectively enrolled cohort, patients with newly diagnosed AF (≤6 weeks after diagnosis) were recruited between Mar-2010 and Oct-2011 and were followed for 24 months after enrolment. Differences between the cohorts were observed in clinical characteristics, including type of AF, stroke prevention strategies, and event rates. More patients in the retrospectively identified cohort received vitamin K antagonists (62.1% vs. 53.2%) and fewer received non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (1.8% vs . 4.2%). All-cause mortality rates per 100 person-years during the prospective follow-up (starting the first study visit up to 1 year) were significantly lower in the retrospective than prospectively identified cohort (3.04 [95% CI 2.51 to 3.67] vs . 4.05 [95% CI 3.53 to 4.63]; p = 0.016). Conclusions: Interpretations of data from registries that aim to evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of patients with AF must take account of differences in registry design and the impact of recall bias and survivorship bias that is incurred with retrospective enrolment. Clinical Trial Registration: - URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov . Unique identifier for GARFIELD-AF (NCT01090362)