248 research outputs found

    Деякі аспекти процесу соціалізації старшокласників у загальноосвітній школі

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    (uk) У статті уточнюється структура процесу соціалізації; описуються рівні соціалізації старшокласників, їх змістовні характеристики; виділяються основні компоненти в структурі соціалізації.(ru) В статье уточняется структура процесса социализации; описываются уровни социализации старшеклассников, их содержательные характеристики; выделяются основные компоненты в структуре социализации

    Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Dy 2

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    Composite polymer electrolyte films containing various concentrations of nano-Dy2O3 (1.0 to 4.0%) in PVA + sodium citrate (90 : 10) are synthesized adopting solution cast method and are characterized using FTIR, XRD, SEM, and DSC techniques. The investigations indicate that all components are homogenously dispersed. Films containing 3% of nano-Dy2O3 are more homogenous and less crystalline, and the same is supported by DSC studies indicating the friendly nature to ionic conductivity. Transference number studies reveal that the major charge carriers are ions. With the increase in % of nano-Dy2O3, the conductivity increases and reaches maximum in 3% film with a value of 1.06 × 10−4 S/cm (at 303 K). Further, the conductivity of the film increases with raise in temperature due to the hopping of interchain and intrachain ion movements and fall in microscopic viscosity at the matrix interface of the film. Electrochemical cells are fabricated using these films with the configuration “anode (Mg + MgSO4)/[PVA (90%) + Na3C6H5O7 (10%) + (1–4% nano-Dy2O3)]/cathode (I2 + C + electrolyte),” and various discharge characteristics are evaluated. With 3% nano-Dy2O3 film, the maximum discharge time of 118 hrs with open-circuit voltage of 2.68 V, power density of 0.91 W/kg, and energy density of 107.5 Wh/kg are observed. These findings reflect the successful adoption of the developed polymer electrolyte films in electrochemical cells

    Physico-chemical studies of micelle formation on sepia cartilage collagen solutions in acetate buffer and its interaction with ionic and nonionic micelles

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    Sepia cartilage collagen (pepsin-extracted) in acetate buffer (pH = 2.98) forms micelles at a particular concentration below which they do not normally form. The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the collagen was determined in buffer as well as in SDS, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Tween-80 micellar environments at different temperatures. Mutual interaction of collagen micelles with the ionic and nonionic micelles through the formation of the mixed micelle concept has also been found. The cmc of collagen decreased in the presence of SDS and Tween-80 micelles whereas it increased in the presence of CTAB micelles. This clearly suggests that the micelle formation of collagen is facilitated by the presence of SDS and Tween-80 and hindered by CTAB micelles. The various thermodynamic parameters were estimated from viscosity measurements and the transfer of collagen into the micelles of various surfactants and the reverse phenomenon was analyzed. This analysis has also been modelled conceptually as a different phase and the results have supported the above phenomenon. Our thermodynamic results are also able to predict the exact denaturation temperature as well as the structural order of water in the collagen in various environments. The hydrated volumes, Vh, of collagen in the above environments and intrinsic viscosity were also calculated. The low intrinsic viscosity, [η], of collagen in an SDS environment compared to buffer and other surfactant environments suggested more workable systems in cosmetic and dermatological skin care preparations. The one and two-hydrogen-bonded models of this collagen in various environments have been analyzed. The calculated thermodynamic parameters varied with the concentration of collagen. The change of thermodynamic parameters from coil-coil to random-coil conformation upon denaturation of collagen were calculated from the amount of proline and hydroxyproline residues and compared with viscometric results. Thermodynamic results suggest that the stability of the collagen in the additive environments is in the following order: SDS > Tween-80 > buffer > CTAB

    An optimal power flow solution to deregulated electricity power market using meta-heuristic algorithms considering load congestion environment

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    In this article, the Improved Mayfly Algorithm (IMA) is used as an upgraded form of the Mayfly Algorithm (MA), featuring simulated binary crossover and polynomial mutation operators replacing the arithmetic crossover and standard distribution mutation operators of the MA. With MA, IMA's achievements and significance are acknowledged. The algorithms achieve a final best solution for the investigated objective functions of the optimal power flow problem in a deregulated electrical power market under different load conditions. The overall load of the power system varies between half of the base load (-50%) and twice the base load (+100%). The investigated objective functions are associated with the financial worth of generators, dissipation of active power in transmission lines, variation of voltage magnitudes at the system bus, and voltage stability index at the load bus of the power system networks. The result achieved by GA, PSO, MA and IMA are attained using the IEEE-30 bus test system in a deregulated power system. Investigations are conducted on the best solutions for each objective function; offers of generators and bids of loads; generator sales and load purchases; and system revenues associated with different load scenarios. The simulated outcomes have confirmed that IMA would triumph over GA, PSO and MA

    A Conceptual Frame Work of Supply Chain Integration for Competitive Advantage

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    Growth as one of the key preconditions to survive in the market is forcing companies to compete on international markets and at the same time defend domestic market share from international competitors. The result of that is increased complexity of supply chains, pressure to decrease cost and improve service level. To cope with the complexity and increased customer requirements, active management of the supply chain is a prerequisite. As supply chain is a network of three or more entities directly involved in the upstream and downstream flows of products, services, finance and information from a source to a customer, management of it is a complex task. There is significant evidence from literature that the effective implementation of integrated supply chain management (SCM) has the potential to generate significant improvements in the performance of firms. The higher levels of SCM practice can lead to enhanced competitive advantage and improved organizational performance. In order to achieve efficient supply chain integration for the processes or activities; the organizations should recognize and understand all the integration challenges of supply chain. The aim of this paper is to investigate previous research studying the relationship between supply chain integration and performance and understand the importance of supply chain integration for competitive position of organization. Address the challenges encountered in integration of supply chain. Propose a conceptual frame work to reap the potential benefits of effective supply chain integration

    Preemptive Routing & Intrusion Detection for MANETs

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    An ad-hoc network will often change rapidly in topology, this courses for routes in the network to often disappear and new to arise. The Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol(AODV), is based on the principle of discover routes as needed. In this paper we will extend the definition of AODV with the ability to discover multiple routes to a host and switch between them, if an active route is becoming weak and there is a risk that it will disappear. We will refer to it as pre-emptive AOMDV . We will show that the performance of pre-emptive AOMDV do handle changes in topology better than AODV it self. To show the effect of extending AODV, the suggested protocol is implemented in a simulator. Performance enhancements will be presented from different scenarios, to compare pre-emptive AOMDV with the ordinary AODV. In this paper we also focus on intrusion detection based on Finite State Machine and cache memory in ad hoc networks. Security is one of the most important issues in current networks. The most common cases of attacks in mobile Ad hoc networks can be drop of routing packets and changes in the incoming packets which aims at disrupting the network routing and overall network reduce performance. The presented approach based on FSM focuses at recognizing the malicious nodes within the network in a fast and accurate way, then it deals with rapid introduction of the malicious nodes to other nodes in the network to prevent sending multiple packets and drop and packet change. Finally, we will show the significant improvement in comparison with others, we simulated our methods by NS2 software

    Nano-Pr 2

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    Varying concentrations of nano-Pr2O3 doped in “PVA + Sodium Citrate (90 : 10)” polyelectrolyte films are synthesized using solution cast technique and the films are characterized adopting FTIR, XRD, SEM, and DSC methods. The film with 3.0% of nano-Pr2O3 content is more homogenous and possesses more amorphous region that facilitate the deeper penetration of nanoparticles into the film causing more interactions between the functional groups of the polymeric film and nano-Pr2O3 particles and thereby turning the film more friendlily to the proton conductivity. The conductivity is maximum of 7 × 10−4 S/cm at room temperature for 3.0% nano-Pr2O3 film and at that composition, the activation energy and crystallinity are low. With increase in temperature, the conductivity is increasing and it is attributed to the hopping of interchain and intrachain ion movements and furthermore decrease in microscopic viscosity of the films. The major charge carriers are ions and not electrons. These films are incorporated successfully as polyelectrolytes in electrochemical cells which are evaluated for their discharge characteristics. It is found that the discharge time is maximum of 140 hrs with open circuit voltage of 1.78 V for film containing 3% of nano-Pr2O3 and this reflects its adoptability in the solid-state battery applications

    Synthesis and characterization of stable ZnO nanoparticles using imidazolium-based ionic liquids and their applications in esterification reaction

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    ZnO nanoparticles have been synthesized from zinc acetate using 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate as capping agent under microwave irradiation condition in a very short period of time and characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and NH3-TPD analysis. The ZnO NPs have been used as a solid reusable acid catalyst for esterification of carboxylic acids with alcohols

    Life cycle assessment comparison of point-of-use water treatment technologies: solar water disinfection (SODIS), boiling water, and chlorination

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    Numerous different point-of-use (POU) water treatment technologies exist that can remove, reduce or inactivate microbial pathogens present in untreated drinking water. However, there have been uncertainties as to which technology is best suited to rural populations. Environmental impacts of these technologies can bring further threats to rural communities, so the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach is frequently used to compare different POU water treatment technologies. The present study uses LCA to compare three treatment options: solar water disinfection (SODIS) using a Transparent Jerrycan (TJC), boiling, and chlorination. A life cycle inventory database is created for each stage, calculating the embodied energy and transportation energy considering daily reliance for all the technologies. Direct carbon dioxide emission at the point of use of energy/fuel, particulate matter formation and smog formation analysis can help to implement the most appropriate technology. The life-cycle assessment in this study indicates that when considering the environmental impact associated with providing sufficient safe drinking water for a family of six over a period of 6 months, SODIS has been found to have better sustainability credentials as a water treatment technology (6.0 kg CO2e per functional unit) with low contribution in all the three impact categories, followed by chlorination (9.8 kg CO2 e per functional unit) and boiling water (6808 kg CO2e per functional unit)