17 research outputs found

    Odontogenic Cysts of upper jaw an analysis

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    This article attempts to analyze all cases of odontogenic cysts involving upper jaw who presented at Stanley Medical college during 2007 – 2012. This article analyzes the incidence of these cystsduring the above said period, age of occurence, sex prediliction if any, clinical presentations and optimal treatment modality. Common complaints with which patients presented to our Institutionwas swelling over jaw, next was loosening of dentition, paresthesia. 30 patients had presented with cysts involving upper jaw out of which 29 were females and one was male. All these patientsunderwent surgical removal of the cystic lesion.

    Improving citations of published articles

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    Higher educational institutions are ranked according to the number of citations received for their published work. More the citations better is the ranking. Every researcher hence looks to improve the citation score for their published work. This article attempts to review the various options a researcher has in improving citations. Studies reveal that better the visibility greater is the citation score

    Thyroglossal cyst our experience

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    This study shares our experiences in managing patients with thyroglossal cysts. These are common midline tumors of neck. Characteristically these masses move on protrusion of tongue due to their intimate relationship with hyoid bone. Adults commonly presented with this lesion eventhough literature review suggests it to be common in children. All these patients underwent surgerybecause of the presence of mass rather than any symptoms. All 30 patients taken up in this study had a normal functioning thyroid in the normal position in addition to the cystic lesion.

    Secondary Tuberculosis of Tonsil case report and literature review

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    A case report of secondary tuberculosis of tonsil is being discussed along with review of published literature. This report attempts to draw attention to the fact that Tuberculosis is resurgentdespite excellent chemotherapeutic drugs available. This could be probably due to wide spread drug resistance, Immune deficiency states like Diabetes and HIV. Diagnosis of this condition needsa high index of suspicion. Biopsy should be performed in all these patients to rule out coexistant malignancy. Even though oral cavity is highly resistant to tuberculous infection due to the inherentbactericidal effect of saliva still cases of tuberculosis tonsil continue to be reported in developing countries like India.

    Preventing nerve damage during thyroid surgeries

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    Thyroid sugery is a potential risk for vital nerves which include recurrent laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve. Out of these two damage to recurrent laryngeal nerve leaves the patient with a hoarse voice. Situation is more disastrous if recurrent laryngeal nerve is damaged on both sides during total thyroidectomy. This leads to bilateral abductor paralysis condeming the patient to life long tracheostomy. This article discusses various preventive steps that can be taken while performing thyroidectomies to avoid injury to recurrent laryngeal nerves. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Thyroglossal cyst our experience

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    This study shares our experiences in managing patients with thyroglossal cysts. These are common midline tumors of neck. Characteristically these masses move on protrusion of tongue due to their intimate relationship with hyoid bone. Adults commonly presented with this lesion eventhough literature review suggests it to be common in children. All these patients underwent surgery because of the presence of mass rather than any symptoms. All 30 patients taken up in this study had a normal functioning thyroid in the normal position in addition to the cystic lesion. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Coral reef fishes of Gulf of Mannar, S.E of India

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    The coral reef ecosystem supports a wide variely of flora and fauna and Gulf of Mannar is one of its kind, located in the south-east of India. It comprises 21 islands along the 140 km stretch between Tuticorin and Rameswaram

    Medical Management of Fungal Sinusitis

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    Medical therapy constitutes an useful adjunct to surgery in the management of fungal sinusitis.Drugs used include both antifungal and steroids in the form of systemic / topical sprays. In certain cases medical treatment administered prior to surgery reduces the size of polypi making it easily operable. Commonly medical management is used during the follow up period after surgery in order to reduce the rate of recurrence. The aim of this article is to review the currently publishedliterature in this topic.

    Fungal sinusitis An Overview

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    Fungal infections of nose and paranasal sinuses are getting common these days. Nose and paranasalsinuses being constantly exposed to environmental insults causing them to be infected. With increasing incidence of diseases like HIV and life style disorders like Diabetes Mellituscompromises host immunity, that it is no wonder that the incidence of fungal infections involving the nose and sinuses are on the rise. In addition the incidence of fungal infections inimmunocompetent persons are also on the rise. This article attempts to review the published literature available on this topic concurrently along with our experience on this subject. In Indianscenario the incidence of fungal infections involving the nasal cavity has shown an increase. There is also a significant increase in the incidence of fungal infections involving the nose and sinuses even in immunocompetent individuals. Increased use of advanced imaging techniques like CT scan, MRI, and Nasal endoscopes have increased the awareness of Rhinologist to this disease spectrum.