23 research outputs found

    Genomic mid-range inhomogeneity correlates with an abundance of RNA secondary structures

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomes possess different levels of non-randomness, in particular, an inhomogeneity in their nucleotide composition. Inhomogeneity is manifest from the short-range where neighboring nucleotides influence the choice of base at a site, to the long-range, commonly known as isochores, where a particular base composition can span millions of nucleotides. A separate genomic issue that has yet to be thoroughly elucidated is the role that RNA secondary structure (SS) plays in gene expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present novel data and approaches that show that a mid-range inhomogeneity (~30 to 1000 nt) not only exists in mammalian genomes but is also significantly associated with strong RNA SS. A whole-genome bioinformatics investigation of local SS in a set of 11,315 non-redundant human pre-mRNA sequences has been carried out. Four distinct components of these molecules (5'-UTRs, exons, introns and 3'-UTRs) were considered separately, since they differ in overall nucleotide composition, sequence motifs and periodicities. For each pre-mRNA component, the abundance of strong local SS (< -25 kcal/mol) was a factor of two to ten greater than a random expectation model. The randomization process preserves the short-range inhomogeneity of the corresponding natural sequences, thus, eliminating short-range signals as possible contributors to any observed phenomena.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We demonstrate that the excess of strong local SS in pre-mRNAs is linked to the little explored phenomenon of genomic mid-range inhomogeneity (MRI). MRI is an interdependence between nucleotide choice and base composition over a distance of 20–1000 nt. Additionally, we have created a public computational resource to support further study of genomic MRI.</p

    Epigenetically active chromatin in neonatal iWAT reveals GABPα as a potential regulator of beige adipogenesis

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    BackgroundThermogenic beige adipocytes, which dissipate energy as heat, are found in neonates and adults. Recent studies show that neonatal beige adipocytes are highly plastic and contribute to &gt;50% of beige adipocytes in adults. Neonatal beige adipocytes are distinct from recruited beige adipocytes in that they develop independently of temperature and sympathetic innervation through poorly defined mechanisms.MethodsWe characterized the neonatal beige adipocytes in the inguinal white adipose tissue (iWAT) of C57BL6 postnatal day 3 and 20 mice (P3 and P20) by imaging, genome-wide RNA-seq analysis, ChIP-seq analysis, qRT-PCR validation, and biochemical assays.ResultsWe found an increase in acetylated histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27ac) on the promoter and enhancer regions of beige-specific gene UCP1 in iWAT of P20 mice. Furthermore, H3K27ac ChIP-seq analysis in the iWAT of P3 and P20 mice revealed strong H3K27ac signals at beige adipocyte-associated genes in the iWAT of P20 mice. The integration of H3K27ac ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analysis in the iWAT of P20 mice reveal epigenetically active signatures of beige adipocytes, including oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial metabolism. We identify the enrichment of GA-binding protein alpha (GABPα) binding regions in the epigenetically active chromatin regions of the P20 iWAT, particularly on beige genes, and demonstrate that GABPα is required for beige adipocyte differentiation. Moreover, transcriptomic analysis and glucose oxidation assays revealed increased glycolytic activity in the neonatal iWAT from P20.ConclusionsOur findings demonstrate that epigenetic mechanisms regulate the development of peri-weaning beige adipocytes via GABPα. Further studies to better understand the upstream mechanisms that regulate epigenetic activation of GABPα and characterization of the metabolic identity of neonatal beige adipocytes will help us harness their therapeutic potential in metabolic diseases

    Tumor suppressive role of sestrin2 during colitis and colon carcinogenesis

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    The mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathways are critical regulators of intestinal inflammation and colon cancer growth. Sestrins are stress-inducible proteins, which suppress both mTORC1 and ER stress; however, the role of Sestrins in colon physiology and tumorigenesis has been elusive due to the lack of studies in human tissues or in appropriate animal models. In this study, we show that human SESN2 expression is elevated in the colon of ulcerative colitis patients but is lost upon p53 inactivation during colon carcinogenesis. In mouse colon, Sestrin2 was critical for limiting ER stress and promoting the recovery of epithelial cells after inflammatory injury. During colitis-promoted tumorigenesis, Sestrin2 was shown to be an important mediator of p53’s control over mTORC1 signaling and tumor cell growth. These results highlight Sestrin2 as a novel tumor suppressor, whose downregulation can accelerate both colitis and colon carcinogenesis

    Iron Uptake via DMT1 Integrates Cell Cycle with JAK-STAT3 Signaling to Promote Colorectal Tumorigenesis

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    Dietary iron intake and systemic iron balance are implicated in colorectal cancer (CRC) development, but the means by which iron contributes to CRC are unclear. Gene expression and functional studies demonstrated that the cellular iron importer, divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), is highly expressed in CRC through hypoxia-inducible factor 2alpha-dependent transcription. Colon-specific Dmt1 disruption resulted in a tumor-selective inhibitory effect of proliferation in mouse colon tumor models. Proteomic and genomic analyses identified an iron-regulated signaling axis mediated by cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), JAK1, and STAT3 in CRC progression. A pharmacological inhibitor of DMT1 antagonized the ability of iron to promote tumor growth in a CRC mouse model and a patient-derived CRC enteroid orthotopic model. Our studies implicate a growth-promoting signaling network instigated by elevated intracellular iron levels in tumorigenesis, offering molecular insights into how a key dietary component may contribute to CRC

    Image_1_Epigenetically active chromatin in neonatal iWAT reveals GABPα as a potential regulator of beige adipogenesis.jpg

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    BackgroundThermogenic beige adipocytes, which dissipate energy as heat, are found in neonates and adults. Recent studies show that neonatal beige adipocytes are highly plastic and contribute to >50% of beige adipocytes in adults. Neonatal beige adipocytes are distinct from recruited beige adipocytes in that they develop independently of temperature and sympathetic innervation through poorly defined mechanisms.MethodsWe characterized the neonatal beige adipocytes in the inguinal white adipose tissue (iWAT) of C57BL6 postnatal day 3 and 20 mice (P3 and P20) by imaging, genome-wide RNA-seq analysis, ChIP-seq analysis, qRT-PCR validation, and biochemical assays.ResultsWe found an increase in acetylated histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27ac) on the promoter and enhancer regions of beige-specific gene UCP1 in iWAT of P20 mice. Furthermore, H3K27ac ChIP-seq analysis in the iWAT of P3 and P20 mice revealed strong H3K27ac signals at beige adipocyte-associated genes in the iWAT of P20 mice. The integration of H3K27ac ChIP-seq and RNA-seq analysis in the iWAT of P20 mice reveal epigenetically active signatures of beige adipocytes, including oxidative phosphorylation and mitochondrial metabolism. We identify the enrichment of GA-binding protein alpha (GABPα) binding regions in the epigenetically active chromatin regions of the P20 iWAT, particularly on beige genes, and demonstrate that GABPα is required for beige adipocyte differentiation. Moreover, transcriptomic analysis and glucose oxidation assays revealed increased glycolytic activity in the neonatal iWAT from P20.ConclusionsOur findings demonstrate that epigenetic mechanisms regulate the development of peri-weaning beige adipocytes via GABPα. Further studies to better understand the upstream mechanisms that regulate epigenetic activation of GABPα and characterization of the metabolic identity of neonatal beige adipocytes will help us harness their therapeutic potential in metabolic diseases.</p

    Pancreatic HIF2α Stabilization Leads to Chronic Pancreatitis and Predisposes to Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm

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    Tissue hypoxia controls cell differentiation in the embryonic pancreas, and promotes tumor growth in pancreatic cancer. The cellular response to hypoxia is controlled by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) proteins, including HIF2α. Previous studies of HIF action in the pancreas have relied on loss-of-function mouse models, and the effects of HIF2α expression in the pancreas have remained undefined. Methods: We developed several transgenic mouse models based on the expression of an oxygen-stable form of HIF2α, or indirect stabilization of HIF proteins though deletion of von Hippel-Lindau, thus preventing HIF degradation. Furthermore, we crossed both sets of animals into mice expressing oncogenic KrasG12D in the pancreas. Results: We show that HIF2α is not expressed in the normal human pancreas, however, it is up-regulated in human chronic pancreatitis. Deletion of von Hippel-Lindau or stabilization of HIF2α in mouse pancreata led to the development of chronic pancreatitis. Importantly, pancreatic HIF1α stabilization did not disrupt the pancreatic parenchyma, indicating that the chronic pancreatitis phenotype is specific to HIF2α. In the presence of oncogenic Kras, HIF2α stabilization drove the formation of cysts resembling mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) in humans. Mechanistically, we show that the pancreatitis phenotype is linked to expression of multiple inflammatory cytokines and activation of the unfolded protein response. Conversely, MCN formation is linked to activation of Wnt signaling, a feature of human MCN. Conclusions: We show that pancreatic HIF2α stabilization disrupts pancreatic homeostasis, leading to chronic pancreatitis, and, in the context of oncogenic Kras, MCN formation. These findings provide new mouse models of both chronic pancreatitis and MCN, as well as illustrate the importance of hypoxia signaling in the pancreas

    Hepatic hepcidin/intestinal HIF-2α axis maintains iron absorption during iron deficiency and overload

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    Iron-related disorders are among the most prevalent diseases worldwide. Systemic iron homeostasis requires hepcidin, a liver-derived hormone that controls iron mobilization through its molecular target ferroportin (FPN), the only known mammalian iron exporter. This pathway is perturbed in diseases that cause iron overload. Additionally, intestinal HIF-2α is essential for the local absorptive response to systemic iron deficiency and iron overload. Our data demonstrate a hetero-tissue crosstalk mechanism, whereby hepatic hepcidin regulated intestinal HIF-2α in iron deficiency, anemia, and iron overload. We show that FPN controlled cell-autonomous iron efflux to stabilize and activate HIF-2α by regulating the activity of iron-dependent intestinal prolyl hydroxylase domain enzymes. Pharmacological blockade of HIF-2α using a clinically relevant and highly specific inhibitor successfully treated iron overload in a mouse model. These findings demonstrate a molecular link between hepatic hepcidin and intestinal HIF-2α that controls physiological iron uptake and drives iron hyperabsorption during iron overload