125 research outputs found

    Critical convergences

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    Thinking through two objects – a focus group and a photograph – this essay suggests that ethnographic critique is not separate from but constitutive of global health. Social science representations, from data and focus groups to ethnographic descriptions and clinical snapshots, not only analyze, unpack, or depict global health; they also constitute it as a field of intervention and to define certain spaces, particularly clinical ones, as exemplary global health sites. This co-constitutive role complicates ethnographic critiques that see their role as primarily destabilizing global health facts. Rather, by drawing on feminist approaches to ethnography and critique, I suggest that convergences between ethnographic and global health knowledge stem from historical alignments through which anthropology and global health alike emerged and have come to circulate. These convergences point to the need for a ‘non-innocent’ critique of global health that centers the disciplinary complicity between, and methodological adjacency of, social science and global health

    Histopathological study on the effect of rice herbicides on grass carp (Ctenopharyngodan idella)

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    A pot culture experiment followed by field experiments were conducted at Annamalai University Experimental Farm, to optimize the age of fingerlings to be released along with rice herbicides and to study the effect of rice herbicides on fish histopathology. Fingerlings of size 4 - 5 cm, when released 12 days after herbicide application was observed to be safe with 100% survival. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodan idella) fingerlings were exposed to rice herbicides butachlor 1.5 kg ha-1, oxyfluorfen 0.25 kg ha-1 and thiobencarb 1.5 kg ha-1, 12 days after their application in the respective fields. To observe the impact of herbicides on the  histopathology of the fish, the fingerlings were collected from the field trenches treated with herbicides at 15, 30 and 45 days after releasing into the field. The changes observed in the gill tissues are cartilagenous hyperplasia of gill rays, proliferation of lamellar epithelium and vacuolation of cytoplasm of lining epithelium, focal loss of lamellar epithelium and congestion of blood spaces. The changes in muscle tissues are swelling and necrosis of muscle fibres. The changes in liver tissues are congestion of sinosoids, congestion of central vein and proliferation of the bile ductular epithelium.Key words: Histopathology, grass carp, rice-fish farming, herbicidal impact


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    Penerapan Business Process Reengineering Dalam Rangka Cost Reduction Guna Mendukung Startegi Generik Cost Leadership Pada Unit Media Business PT. X Di Sidoarjo

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    Saat ini situasi persaingan dalam industri kaset audio kosong semakin meningkat dengan adanya krisis mata uang yang menyebabkan semakin banyaknya badan usaha pesaing dari luar negeri dan didukung dengan penyebaran teknologi yang pesat. Adanya penurunan permintaan pasar terhadap kaset yang disebabkan karena adanya compact disc yang mulai menggantikan kaset kosong semakin membentuk lingkungan persaingan yang semakin ketat. Setiap badan usaha yang bergerak dalam industri kaset audio kosong memiliki persaingan dalam harga serta kualitas dari magnetic tape. Media Business yang bergerak dalam industri kaset audio merupakan salah satu business unit pada PT "X". Media Business memiliki keunggulan bersaing yang dapat dipertahankan dalam hal biaya serta kualitas magnetic tape. Oleh karena itu Media Business mengadopsi strategi generik cost leadership. Aspek kritis dalam strategi tersebut adalah dengan mengelola karakteristik cost dari suatu produk dengan memperhatikan pula karakteristik kualitasnya. Adanya tekanan dari para pesaing serta semakin menurunnya permintaan menyebabkan Media Business harus lebih berhati-hati dalam mengelola karakteristik cost dari produknya. Media Business dihadapkan pada tantangan bagaimana memproduksi kaset audio kosong dengan cost yang lebih rendah tetapi kualitas yang sama. Setelah diteliti lebih lanjut ternyata Media Business dalam kegiatan operasionalnya menganut spesialisaSi yang terdiri dari bermacam-macam fungsi atau departemen. Hal ini menimbulkan birokrasi yang rumit sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Adanya penekanan pada spesialisasi menyebabkan kegiatan operasionalnya terdiri dari proses-proses yang kompleks dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang sederhana, · sehingga menimbulkan pemakaian tenaga kerja yang banyak dan setelah dianalisa temyata kurang efisien

    Screening Model for CO2 Miscible Flooding

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    CO2 MIST (Carbon Dioxide Miscible Flooding Screening Tool) is designed to provide an inexpensive and reliable method in screening carbon dioxide flooding (CO2). CO2 flooding can be considered one of the methods which offer the potential of additional oil recovery. The parameters and key factors that help in mobilizing reservoir oil and influence the whole process of CO2 flooding are discussed. These parameters are recognized and thus are converted into a screening tool using Excel-VBA that would help enable proper reservoir modeling of the whole process. Key points in the choice of miscible flooding are also described in this report by portraying its advantages. The model would then be further analyzed and compared to field data so that the program will be deemed suitable for practical and field use

    A Network Design Optimization For Small Sized Institute Of Higher Learning : A Feasibility Study At Cosmopoint College Melaka

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    This project is intended to address research to find the network design optimization for small sized category Institute of Higher Learning (IHL). The IHLs in Malaysia is categorized based on the number of student that actively registered. The Ministry Of Higher Education (MOHE) through its MyQuest evaluation standard state that the small sized Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) is refer to IHL that consist the number of student below 600 (MOHE, 2015). Most private IHL and some of Polytechnic College come under this category. When referring to the network design for this category of IHL, most of the network implementation or computer network setup for these IHLs was done by vendors and all information on network design blueprint is not kept by the college or the institution itself which arise problem or a hard work when any expansion and maintenance needed. The research depicts from the idea that small IHL need a guidance in optimizing and developing the best suited network design in order to improve the network performance. Generally, Network manager faces plenty of challenges in the form of retaining raised availability, excellent performance, and protection. Present educational institution give a lot more consideration to information technology facilities to improve their students learning experience. Student is an asset to education work of area. Performance Analysis in the network have many metrics such as throughput, delay, and bandwidth. The throughput, network failure, delay and latency is measure on current network and survey is taken to find any weakness relative to the network. The analysis is made to current network layout to find foe any improvement. Once the layout is redesign, the test for the same variable is made to find an enhancement and to ascertain that current network layout need an optimization for the performance to increase

    First field observation of a Thalassodendron ciliatum bed on the Nazareth Bank, Mascarene Plateau

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    Field note - N/


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    As an emerging subfield of medical anthropology with roots in histories and geographies of colonial and international health, critical global health studies reflects both changing modes of health practice and the centering of critique as a core anthropological endeavor. This special section seeks to analyze and reflect on the meanings, valences, affects, and entailments of anthropological critique, taking the rise of global health and flourishing of global health ethnography as key sites of investigation. Each of the contributing pieces is oriented around a global health object or technology

    Marine mollusc (Mollusca: Gastropoda and Bivalvia) diversity of the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks, Mascarene Plateau

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    Marine molluscs are among the largest assemblages of the animal kingdom and inhabit the marine environment from the intertidal zone to the deep sea. This study reports the diversity of marine molluscs (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) collected from sediments at 19 stations (SS) at the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks during the EAFNansen expedition in May 2018. Sampling was carried out using the five hydraulic Van Veen grabs mounted on a Video-Assisted Multi-Sampler (VAMS). The mollusc shells were morphologically identified using established procedures and published guides. Shannon-Wiener diversity (H’) and Pielou’s evenness (J) indices were used to assess the diversity of the molluscs at each station. A total of 56 genera of marine gastropods belonging to 34 families, and 40 genera of bivalves from 16 families were recorded. The SS8 station at the Saya de Malha Bank had the highest diversity at a depth of 79 m for Gastropoda and Bivalvia, while SS1 harbored the highest overall molluscan diversity. At the Nazareth Bank, highest gastropod diversity was recorded at SS44, while SS43 had the highest bivalve and overall molluscan diversity. This study provides new information on the molluscan diversity at the Saya de Malha and Nazareth Banks
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