A Network Design Optimization For Small Sized Institute Of Higher Learning : A Feasibility Study At Cosmopoint College Melaka


This project is intended to address research to find the network design optimization for small sized category Institute of Higher Learning (IHL). The IHLs in Malaysia is categorized based on the number of student that actively registered. The Ministry Of Higher Education (MOHE) through its MyQuest evaluation standard state that the small sized Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) is refer to IHL that consist the number of student below 600 (MOHE, 2015). Most private IHL and some of Polytechnic College come under this category. When referring to the network design for this category of IHL, most of the network implementation or computer network setup for these IHLs was done by vendors and all information on network design blueprint is not kept by the college or the institution itself which arise problem or a hard work when any expansion and maintenance needed. The research depicts from the idea that small IHL need a guidance in optimizing and developing the best suited network design in order to improve the network performance. Generally, Network manager faces plenty of challenges in the form of retaining raised availability, excellent performance, and protection. Present educational institution give a lot more consideration to information technology facilities to improve their students learning experience. Student is an asset to education work of area. Performance Analysis in the network have many metrics such as throughput, delay, and bandwidth. The throughput, network failure, delay and latency is measure on current network and survey is taken to find any weakness relative to the network. The analysis is made to current network layout to find foe any improvement. Once the layout is redesign, the test for the same variable is made to find an enhancement and to ascertain that current network layout need an optimization for the performance to increase

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