23 research outputs found

    Sistem Rekrutmen Pejabat Struktural Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Aparatur (Studi pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Probolinggo)

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    Tugas pemerintah bukan hanya mengurusi politik dan korupsi saja, tetapi juga memberikan kesejahteraan dan pelayanan yang baik bagi masyarakat secara adil dan merata tidak terkecuali dengan pemerintah daerah. Karena itu dalam usaha memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, pemerintah daerah harus dapat menyediakan sumber daya aparatur yang berkualitas, sehubungan dengan kesiapan aparatur pemerintah dalam melayani masyarakat maka mekanisme dalam sistem rekrutmen Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam jabatan struktural perlu dilakukan dengan profesional dan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku sehingga terbentuklah suatu perilaku pejabat yang memiliki kredibilitas baik serta dapat mewujudkan penyelenggaraan program pemerintah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian desrkriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem rekrutmen pejabat struktural, kualitas pejabat struktural dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan rekrutmen di Pemerintah Kabupaten Probolinggo. Instrumen yang digunakan peneliti adalah pedoman wawancara, catatan lapangan dan peneliti sendiri. Kemudian yang terakhir adalah analisis dan meliputi: data kondensasi , penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Kesimpulan yang peneliti peroleh dalam pembahasan bahwa peran pemerintah daerah dalam peningkatan kualitas sumber daya aparatur melalui rekrutmen pejabat struktural di Kabupaten Probolinggo masih belum sepenuhya memenuhi persyaratan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pemerintah Kabupaten Probolinggo perlu menjalankan kemitraan strategis dengan seluruh stakeholder yang ada dan mengoptimalkan PP no 11 tahun 2017

    Recursive trimmed filter in eliminating high density impulse noise from digital image

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    Advances in technology have made it easier to share media over the Internet. In the process of media sharing, a media may receive noise or interference that results in loss of information. In this paper, a new method to remove Salt and Pepper noise from images based on recursive method will be presented. The first stage is to recognize the noise from the damaged image, the damaged pixels will be replaced by the mean of the surrounding window, the difference with other methods is the use of recursive approach that aims to minimize the size of the window in the recovery process

    Edukasi Pemrograman WEB Fundamental Sebagai Ilmu Wajib Era Industri 4.0

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    Edukasi secara harfiah merupakan aktivitas manusia dalam menerima hal yang baru. Ketertarikan terhadap sesuatu seperti ilmu, budaya, bahkan peradaban diawali dengan pengenalan serta pendekatan melalui metode-metode tertentu. Salah satu bentuk edukasi yang relevan dengan perkembangan industri terbaru (industri 4.0) dapat diberikan pada kalangan akademik adalah edukasi pemrograman web. Website atau biasa disebut "web" merupakan halaman-halaman digital yang terdapat dalam sebuah audio-visual yang didalamnya mengandung informasi. Pemrograman web adalah proses atau cara mengeksekusi instruksi pada komputer yang terhubung ke Internet untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu. Dalam pembuatan website, ada 4 komponen penting yang harus dikuasai yakni Hypertext Markup Languange (HTML), Cascade Style Sheet (CSS), serta untuk tingkat lanjut yaitu bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database. Pelaksanaan Edukasi dilaksanakan dalam skema pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada Universitas Islam Indragiri dimana peserta dalam kegiatan ini adalah mahasiswa aktif pada Universitas tersebut. Beberapa hal yang dapat disimpulkan pada pelatihan ini adalah antusiasme peserta dalam pemaparan teoritis dan mudahnya peserta dalam memahami hingga mengimplementasikan secara praktek. Mayoritas peserta dalam kegiatan ini memiliki rentang usia 18-22 tahun

    Pelaksanaan Bauran Promosi pada Produk Beras untuk Meningkatkan Omzet Penjualan (Studi Pada PT. Nazar Bahana Persada)

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    Rice is the main food for the population of Indonesia. Many types of rice products have been marketed. The more diverse rice products are, the more promotion is needed to inform the advantages of a rice product compared to others. PT. Nazar Bahana Persada is one of the companies that produce rice products, but still uses traditional methods of marketing their products. PT. Nazar Bahama Persada must be able to improve the promotion strategy carried out so that it will increase its sales turnover. The method used in this study is a descriptive method that will provide an overview of the implementation of the promotion mix on rice products. The data used are primary data through observation and interviews and secondary data in the form of virgin obtained from the company. The promotion mix implemented by PT Nazar Bahana Persada is personal selling, direct marketing, advertising and also implementing CRS. The promotional impact applied by the company to the sale of rice products in 2017 increased by 44.75%, while the sales turnover increased by 50.41%

    Enkripsi dan Dekripsi Data Menggunakan Garis Telapak Tangan

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    This paper discuss the use of hand lines to encrypt and decrypt the data. Encryption and decryption of data are important in the the world of information technology. Encryption is the process of securing an information with the aim of making the information unreadable or not easily understand without the help of specialized knowledge (the key). Decryption is the process of returning a result of information that had been encrypted with the aim to make the information can be read or understood with the help of specialized knowledge (the key). It’s need a unique key to encrypt and decrypt an information. The use of palm lines can serve as a unique key. To make the palms line to be a necessary key, users palms line image needed. The images will be processed and analyzed with edge detection method to determine the pattern of palm lines. Furthermore, the results of the drawing process will be used to make histogram to determine a number or value. The numbers or values can be used as a reference key to encrypt the data using encryption algorithm which has been made

    The Smart Fishery System Based On Web Remote Sensing

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    The fishery sector is a core part for the Indonesian economy. but the issue of climate change make a fishing expedition to be useless, because sometimes many natural phenomena that occur but are not known by the fishermen. That’s why their fishery productivity are not maximal. In developed countries, maybe this problem can be solved easily. In the developed countries this problem can be solved easily. But for developing countries likes Indonesia, their traditional fishermen with limited technology can’t solve that problem, So that’s why we build this concept for Indonesian fishermen to help them face their limited technology. The analitical data about meeting point of the current wave of hot and cold water, the chlorophyll concentrate ,and the fish area will be maintained at back end. The system will retrieve the information based on the interaction with the user, which will be the fisherman in this case. The first part explains the definition of the smart fishery system and its benefits. Secondly we talk about another paper that have a related work with this system. The third part shows that the methodology of the smart fishery system. The fourth part shows the explanation of how fishermen use the system. Finally, we show the general description of the smar

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Minat Beli Pengguna Shopee Di Karangduren Sawit Boyolali

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    Ramadhan Bima Kuncara / A210160040. Accounting Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta 2020. The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the effect of service quality on consumer buying interest at Shopee.co.id; 2) the influence of trust on consumer buying interest at Shopee.co.id, and 3) the simultaneous influence of service quality and trust on consumer purchase intention at Shope.co.id. This research uses a quantitative survey method. The population in this study is a resident of Karangduren Sawit Boyolali who has a buying interest in Shopee. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling. The research sample was obtained by 60 respondents. The required data is obtained through a questionnaire or questionnaire. The results showed 1) there was an influence between service quality on the purchase interest of Shopee users in the village of Karangduren Sawit Boyolali, 2) there was an influence between trust on the purchase interest of Shopee users in the village of Karangduren Sawit Boyolali, and (3) there was a simultaneous influence between service quality, and trust in consumer buying interest in Shopee. The coefficient of determination test results show that the variables of service quality and trust can contribute to increasing shopee consumer buying interest

    Evaluasi Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Karakter Prodi PGMI FTK UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

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    Tujuan dalan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa jurusan PGMI angkatan 2014 dalam memilih mata kuliah pilihan, (2) mengetahui faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa jurusan PGMI angkatan 2014 dalammemilih mata kuliah pilihan jurusan. Penenlitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan memberi kuesioner yang harus diisi mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah pendidikan karakter. Responden penelitian adalah mahasiswa PGMI FTK UIN Antasari tahun angkatan 2014, sedangkan yang menjadi sample dalam tahapan uji coba adalah mahasiswa PGMI FTK UIN Antasari angkatan 2015.Hasil penelitian memaparkan (1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa jurusan PGMI angkatan 2014 dalam memilih mata kuliah pilihan jurusan PGMI UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, antara lain orang tua, teman sebaya, genderm kepribadian (minat dan motivasi), citra perguruan tinggi,prospek pekerjaan. (2) faktor yang dominan mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa jurusan PGMI angkatan 2014 adalah faktor gender dan prospek pekerjaan. Presentase 43 mahasiswa atau sebesar 57,3% memilih bahwa mata kuliah pendidikan karakter untuk semua jenis kelamin. Presentase prospek pekerjaan sebesar 42 mahasiswa atau 56% memilih setuju bahwa pendidikan karakter bermanfaat untuki pekerjaan di masa depan

    A random exploration based fast adaptive and selective mean filter for salt and pepper noise removal in satellite digital images

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    The digital image is one of the discoveries that play an important role in various aspects of modern human life. These findings are useful in various fields, including defense (military and non-military), security, health, education, and others. In practice, the image acquisition process often suffers from problems, both in the process of capturing and transmitting images. Among the problems is the appearance of noise which results in the degradation of information in the image and thus disrupts further processes of image processing. One type of noise that damages digital images is salt and pepper noise which randomly changes the pixel values to 0 (black) or 255 (white). Researchers have proposed several methods to deal with this type of noise, including median filter, adaptive mean filter, switching median filter, modified decision based unsymmetric trimmed median filter, and different applied median filter. However, this method suffers from a decrease in performance when applied to images with high-intensity noise. Therefore, in this research, a new filtering method is proposed that can improve the image by randomly exploring pixels, then collecting the surrounding pixel data from the processed pixels (kernel). The kernel will be enlarged if there are no free-noise pixels in the kernel. Furthermore, the damaged pixels will be replaced using the mean data centering statistic. Images enhanced using the proposed method have better quality than the previous methods, both quantitatively (SSIM and PSNR) and qualitatively

    Optimization of Fuzzy Social Force Model Adaptive Parameter using Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot Navigation Control

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    The Social Force Model (SFM) is a popular navigation technique for mobile robots that is primarily used to simulate pedestrian movement. The SFM method's drawback is that several parameter values, such as gain, k, and impact range, σ, must be determined manually. The reaction of the SFM is frequently inappropriate for certain environmental circumstances as a result of this manual determination. In this paper, we propose employing the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS), whose rules are optimized using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to manage the value of the gain, k, parameter adaptive. The relative distance, d, and relative angle, α, concerning the robot's obstacle are the inputs for the FIS. The test results using a 3-D realistic CoppeliaSim demonstrated that the learning outcomes of FIS rules could provide adaptive parameter values suitable for each environmental circumstance, allowing the robot to travel smoothly is represented using the robot’s heading deviation which decreasing by and reaching the goal 1.6 sec faster from the starting point to the goal, compared to the SFM with the fixed parameter value. So that the proposed method is more effective and promising when deploying on the real robot implementation