1,353 research outputs found

    Thermal Conductivity of Liquids

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    Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Metals

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    A Relation Between Velocity of Sound in Liquids and Molecular Volume

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    A Low Pressure Expansion Cloud Chamber

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    An Empirical Relation for Alpha Disintegration Energies for Medium-Heavy Elements

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    Profitability of Cotton on a Pest Management Continuum in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh

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    The plant protection response of farmers in the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh has been examined with particular reference to the adoption of Bt cotton varieties and IPM components. The farmers have been found to follow a wide range of practices to manage the insect pests in cotton. The use of chemical insecticides has accounted for, about 37 per cent of the total variable costs. No significant reduction in plant protection expenditure has been recorded on adoption of Bt varieties without IPM practices. The adoption of IPM practices, however, has led to reduced use of insecticides and increased profitability. The saving on plant protection chemicals has more than compensated the cost of adopting IPM components. Consequently, the net returns have been found increased considerably from cotton cultivation.Crop Production/Industries,

    Correlations of projectile like fragments in heavy ion reactions at Fermi energy

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    Correlations between pairs of projectile-like fragments, emitted by the system 16O+197Au{^{16}O}+{^{197}Au} at the laboratory bombarding energy of 515 MeV, have been studied under two stipulated conditions: (1) at least one member of the pair is emitted at an angle less than the grazing angle for the system, (2) both the members of the pair are emitted at angles larger than the grazing angle. A surprisingly large difference, by more than an order of magnitude, is found between the correlations for the two cases. This observation could be explained on the basis of a simple semi-classical break up model. Further analysis of the variation of the charge correlation function with the difference in the nuclear charges of the correlated pair showed trends which are consistent with an "inelastic break up process", in which the projectile breaks up at the radius of contact, in such a way that, one fragment (preferably the lighter) is emitted to one side within the grazing angle, while the other orbits around the target nucleus for a while and emerges on the other side, at a negative scattering angle, much like in a deep inelastic scattering.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures accepted by Eurp. Physics Journal

    Bending of Composite Plates-I

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    The problems of bending of aelotropic incompressible composite circular blocks into elliposidal shell have been studied following the method of Seth, et al. and a particular case has been obtained

    On the morphology of Bostrychia tenella (Vahl) J. Agardh

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    Boergesen (1937) reported Bostrychia tenella (Va hI.) J. Ag. from Indian waters. Some details regarding the morphology of the alga are available to some extent by the works of Montagne(1828).Falken\>"rg (1901). Post (1936). Tseng(1942)and Joly (1954) . The detailed structure of the alga and the development of the reproductive structures are not known completely. Advantage was taken of the occurrence of Bostrychia tenella in the Gulf of Mannar at Mandapam to study the morphology of the species both from living specimans and from material fixed in 4% formalin and forma lin -acatic-alcohol. Suitable preparations were stained in eosine and mounted in glycerine for microscopic examination. Sometimes the material had to be softened by placing in 1 % acetic acid or 1 % lithium chloride solution. While thin sections were used frequantly. most datails could be observed on whole mounts and squashes of suitable pieces of the thallus of the alga


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    This paper deals with musical noise result from perceptual speech enhancement type algorithms and especially wiener filtering. Although perceptual speech enhancement methods perform better than the non perceptual methods, most of them still return annoying residual musical noise. This is due to the fact that if only noise above the noise masking threshold is filtered then noise below the noise masking threshold can become audible if its maskers are filtered. It can affect the performance of perceptual speech enhancement method that process audible noise only. In order to overcome this drawback here proposed a new speech enhancement technique. It aims to improve the quality of the enhanced speech signal provided by perceptual wiener filtering by controlling the latter via a second filter regarded as a psychoacoustically motivated weighting factor. The simulation results shows that the performance is improved compared to other perceptual speech enhancement method