101 research outputs found

    Método para el aprendizaje de entornos y lenguajes de programación basado en prototipado ágil

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    Este artículo describe un método de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de un lenguaje de programación y entornos de desarrollo asociados. Este procedimiento de aprendizaje está basado en el desarrollo de un proyecto de cierta complejidad a partir de prototipos incrementales de baja complejidad. El método se inspira en principios del proceso de Desarrollo Rápido de Aplicaciones y de la metodología Desarrollo Ágil de Software. Para alcanzar un efectivo aprendizaje se emplean técnicas como programación en pareja, integración continua, refactorización, etc. Los alumnos, de tercer curso de ingeniería informática, cuentan con una base previa en metodología de la programación orientada a objetos y con un dominio medio de algún otro lenguaje de programación. Este método evita el estudio exhaustivo de los elementos y estructuras del lenguaje de programación, así como de su API. El aprendizaje se basa en el desarrollo guiado y supervisado de prototipos de complejidad incremental, quedando en manos de los grupos alumnos el perfeccionamiento de los prototipos y su integración en un proyecto único. En todo el proceso se introduce el uso de herramientas CASE para la definición y seguimiento de requisitos, el diseño rápido y su ágil desarrollo y prueba. La experiencia se ha desarrollado en la asignatura Herramientas y Entornos de programación durante 3 cursos en la Escuela Superior de Informática de Ciudad Real de las Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.SUMMARY - This paper describes an educational method for programming languages and tools. The learning process is based on the development of a project integrating incremental simple prototypes. The method combines principles of rapid application development (RAD) and Agile Software Development methodology. Some learning techniques are used such as pair programming, continuous integration, and refactoring. The students of computer engineering (undergraduates in their third-year), had knowledge in object-oriented methodology and they mastered some other programming language. This method avoids the exhaustive study of the elements and structures of the programming language and its APIs. The learning process is based on the supervised development of prototypes with incremental complexity. Students have to improve these prototypes and integrate them into a whole project. Throughout the process we introduce the use of CASE tools for defining and monitoring requirements, the rapid design and agile development and testing. The experience has been developed in the course Programming Tools and Environments during three years at the School of Computer Science in Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)Peer Reviewe

    MoMo: A Framework Proposal for Patient Mobile Monitoring

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    In this paper, a patient mobile monitoring enabling framework is presented. To this end, biometric devices (e.g. glucometers, blood pressure meters) are used to send data to the mobile phone via technologies such as NFC or Bluetooth among others. These data are complete by the doctor for the patient control. An ontological architecture has been built up to allow the cataloguing of the framework elements. An ontological classification of the patient profile and modules definition are presented. Moreover, as study case, these ontologies are implemented for chronic diseases, based on the monitoring and control of the convalescent person. Also, we present a predictive model to allow the control of the patient history based on analysis of past situation that allow predicting situation in a certain moment (variation on vital signs). In general, MoMo (Mobile Monitoring) Framework provides a solution to patients " mobile monitoring based on mobile and biometrics devices.In this paper, a patient mobile monitoring enabling framework is presented. To this end, biometric devices (e.g. glucometers, blood pressure meters) are used to send data to the mobile phone via technologies such as NFC or Bluetooth among others. These data are complete by the doctor for the patient control. An ontological architecture has been built up to allow the cataloguing of the framework elements. An ontological classification of the patient profile and modules definition are presented. Moreover, as study case, these ontologies are implemented for chronic diseases, based on the monitoring and control of the convalescent person. Also, we present a predictive model to allow the control of the patient history based on analysis of past situation that allow predicting situation in a certain moment (variation on vital signs). In general, MoMo (Mobile Monitoring) Framework provides a solution to patients " mobile monitoring based on mobile and biometrics devices

    Mobile system for medical control of chronic diseases through intelligent devices

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    The ageing of the population is a factor that in the future will increase the percentage of dependent people, given that there is a close relationship between dependence and age. When patients are in a health care environment, it is often isolated from their social environment; a situation which greatly complicates the medical follow-up, either complicated patient privacy. In this paper, we present a solution, through an application, which allows the patients monitoring, integrating the use of mobile phones in their activities. Through this device the patient keep updated all your medical information, from the reading of their vital signs, diet control, administration of medications, physical analyses, recommendations and others monitoring modules. We have evaluated the application in a group of patients. This application is evaluated in design, functionality and utility like efficiency.The ageing of the population is a factor that in the future will increase the percentage of dependent people, given that there is a close relationship between dependence and age. When patients are in a health care environment, it is often isolated from their social environment; a situation which greatly complicates the medical follow-up, either complicated patient privacy. In this paper, we present a solution, through an application, which allows the patients monitoring, integrating the use of mobile phones in their activities. Through this device the patient keep updated all your medical information, from the reading of their vital signs, diet control, administration of medications, physical analyses, recommendations and others monitoring modules. We have evaluated the application in a group of patients. This application is evaluated in design, functionality and utility like efficiency

    An Architecture for Development of Ambient Assisted Living Applications: a Case Study in Diabetes

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    Advances in sensors, mobile and embedded devices have made possible patient monitoring and provided medical treatments and other assistance in health care. Aging populations will benefit from reduced costs and improved health care through assisted living based on these technologies. In this paper we present a monitoring and control architecture allow control of a patient’s disease trough mobile and biometric devices. Our architecture is based on an Ambient Assisted Living control that provides different modules organized in a final application embedded in the mobile devices. This application is compounded by aspects like control of measurement, data obtained and representation, generation of suggestions, prevention, and education control. We have explored the architecture by developing a final application and implementing them in a prototype system. Our system shows the feasibility and opportunity of an open approach to ambient assisted living architecture.Advances in sensors, mobile and embedded devices have made possible patient monitoring and provided medical treatments and other assistance in health care. Aging populations will benefit from reduced costs and improved health care through assisted living based on these technologies. In this paper we present a monitoring and control architecture allow control of a patient’s disease trough mobile and biometric devices. Our architecture is based on an Ambient Assisted Living control that provides different modules organized in a final application embedded in the mobile devices. This application is compounded by aspects like control of measurement, data obtained and representation, generation of suggestions, prevention, and education control. We have explored the architecture by developing a final application and implementing them in a prototype system. Our system shows the feasibility and opportunity of an open approach to ambient assisted living architecture

    Achieving Adaptive Augmented Reality through Ontological Context-Awareness applied to AAL Scenarios

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    This paper presents a proposal for supporting daily user needs by simple interactions with the environment through an augmented-reality perspective that applies proactive adaptation through knowledge representation using ontologies. The proposed architecture (i-ARA) uses principles of the Semantic Web that endow context-awareness and user personalization. In addition, these types of services allow the supervision and management of what is happening in the environment and, consequently, improve the information offered to users. The architecture has been used to implement applications using iPhone technology and has been applied to illustrative scenarios, including Ambient Assisted Living.This paper presents a proposal for supporting daily user needs by simple interactions with the environment through an augmented-reality perspective that applies proactive adaptation through knowledge representation using ontologies. The proposed architecture (i-ARA) uses principles of the Semantic Web that endow context-awareness and user personalization. In addition, these types of services allow the supervision and management of what is happening in the environment and, consequently, improve the information offered to users. The architecture has been used to implement applications using iPhone technology and has been applied to illustrative scenarios, including Ambient Assisted Living

    Using a Communication Model to Collect Measurement Data through Mobile Devices

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    Wireless systems and services have undergone remarkable development since the first mobile phone system was introduced in the early 1980s. The use of sensors in an Ambient Intelligence approach is a great solution in a medical environment. We define a communication architecture to facilitate the information transfer between all connected devices. This model is based in layers to allow the collection of measurement data to be used in our framework monitoring architecture. An overlay-based solution is built between network elements in order to provide an efficient and highly functional communication platform that allows the connection of a wide variety of devices and technologies, and serves also to perform additional functions such as the possibility to perform some processing in the network that may help to improve overall performance.Wireless systems and services have undergone remarkable development since the first mobile phone system was introduced in the early 1980s. The use of sensors in an Ambient Intelligence approach is a great solution in a medical environment. We define a communication architecture to facilitate the information transfer between all connected devices. This model is based in layers to allow the collection of measurement data to be used in our framework monitoring architecture. An overlay-based solution is built between network elements in order to provide an efficient and highly functional communication platform that allows the connection of a wide variety of devices and technologies, and serves also to perform additional functions such as the possibility to perform some processing in the network that may help to improve overall performance

    Context Cookies

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    In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in order to support people carrying out their everyday life activities in a natural way. Therefore, it is necessary to know the entities in the environment and to consider new interaction schemas with them. This paper proposes an autonomous and lively mechanism to refresh the context information while users interact with the environment using Near Field Communication technology. Context Cookies is the name of the mechanism that captures situation changes and provides awareness dynamically.In an ambient intelligence world, devices work in order to support people carrying out their everyday life activities in a natural way. Therefore, it is necessary to know the entities in the environment and to consider new interaction schemas with them. This paper proposes an autonomous and lively mechanism to refresh the context information while users interact with the environment using Near Field Communication technology. Context Cookies is the name of the mechanism that captures situation changes and provides awareness dynamically

    PIViTa: Taxonomy for Displaying Information in Pervasive and Collaborative Environments

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    In the years ahead, there are increasing demands for ubiquitous and continuous access to information and interactive devices embedded into a physical context are proliferated. Users need support for getting required information anywhere and anytime, therefore, we cannot study advances in Ambient Intelligence and Information Visualization separately, it is necessary to consider the relevant features for displaying information into intelligent environments. A taxonomical approach can make another step towards understand the design space of information visualization in intelligent environments by extracting crucial characteristics.In the years ahead, there are increasing demands for ubiquitous and continuous access to information and interactive devices embedded into a physical context are proliferated. Users need support for getting required information anywhere and anytime, therefore, we cannot study advances in Ambient Intelligence and Information Visualization separately, it is necessary to consider the relevant features for displaying information into intelligent environments. A taxonomical approach can make another step towards understand the design space of information visualization in intelligent environments by extracting crucial characteristics

    Ontological Context-Awareness for Adaptive Augmented Reality

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    This paper presents a proposal for supporting daily user needs by simple interactions with the environment through an augmented-reality perspective and applying proactive adaptation through knowledge representation using ontologies. The proposed architecture (i-ARA) makes use of principles of Semantic Web that endow context-awareness and user personalization. In addition, this kind of services allows the supervision and management of what is happening at the environment and, in consequence, to improve information offered to users. The architecture has been used to implement applications using iPhone technology and applied to illustrative scenarios.This paper presents a proposal for supporting daily user needs by simple interactions with the environment through an augmented-reality perspective and applying proactive adaptation through knowledge representation using ontologies. The proposed architecture (i-ARA) makes use of principles of Semantic Web that endow context-awareness and user personalization. In addition, this kind of services allows the supervision and management of what is happening at the environment and, in consequence, to improve information offered to users. The architecture has been used to implement applications using iPhone technology and applied to illustrative scenarios