997 research outputs found

    Empowerment of Indigenous Women and Social Exclusion in Combating Poverty in the State of Veracruz Mexico

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    In Mexico, the Productive Organization Program for Indigenous Women (POPMI) seeks the empowerment of productive capacities in indigenous women. Our study analyzes POPMI outreach, focusing our attention on women beneficiaries who present a high degree of social exclusion and multidimensional poverty in the State of Veracruz. In the study area, the 542 indigenous women benefited in POPMI, presented a condition of multidimensional poverty and a degree of social exclusion: very high, high and medium, they represent only 22.19% of the total beneficiaries of this program In 2010, since at the state level a total of 2,243 indigenous women were cared for. The results show that the localities where the condition of multidimensional poverty and very high, medium and high levels of social exclusion have been excluded in the coverage of POPMI

    SERS study of different species of p-aminothiophenol adsorbed on silver nanoparticles

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    In the present work we have focused the discussion on the experimental and theoretical SERS spectra of the organic compound pATP recorded on silver colloids. The huge SERS of pATP on metal substrates is significantly different from its ordinary Raman spectra due to the formation of a new specie namely p,p’ –dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB). The features of the SERS spectra of pATP are strongly dependent on many factors as i.e. the laser power density or the laser wavelength but there are still important aspects to understand as, for example, the effect of the concentration that has already been studied before by our group. In this case we have analyzed the effect of the concentration at different wavelengths on the SERS spectra of pATP on silver nanoparticles.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Fundamentals and Applications of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)

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    When a molecule is adsorbed on some metallic nanostructured surfaces such as silver, copper or gold, it can undergo an enormous enhancement of the Raman signal giving rise to the so called Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS). The high sensitivity of this effect allows an accurate structural study of adsorbates at very low concentrations. The SERS effect has historically been associated with the substrate roughness on two characteristic length scales. Surface roughness on the 10 to 100 nm length scale supports localized plasmon resonances which are considered as the dominant enhancement mechanism of SERS (Electromagnetic Enhancement Mechanism: SERS-EM). It is usually accepted that these electromagnetic resonances can increase the scattered intensity by an average factor of ca. 104 to 107. A secondary mechanism often thought to require atomic scale roughness is referred to as Charge Transfer (CT) Enhancement Mechanism (SERS-CT). This mechanism involves the photoinduced transfer of an electron from the metal to the adsorbate or vice versa and involves new electronic excited CT states which result from adsorbate–substrate chemical interactions. It is also estimated that such SERS-CT mechanism can enhance the scattering cross-section by a factor of ca. 10 to 102. These two mechanisms can operate simultaneously, depending on the particular systems and experimental conditions, making difficult to recognize each one and to estimate their relative magnitude in a particular spectrum.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evolución histórica de la rentabilidad de la agricultura y el tambo en el sur de Santa Fe períodos 1993-94 a 2004-05

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    El presente trabajo analiza económicamente las actividades tambo y agricultura en el sur de la provincia de Santa Fe. El período de análisis comprende los ciclos agrícolas de la serie 1993/94-2004/05. El modelo agrícola está caracterizado por la superficie ocupada por las actividades más representativas y sus correspondientes rendimientos, en siete departamentos del área de estudio. Igual criterio se utiliza para calcular la productividad del tambo. Los ingresos y los costos se actualizan por el Índice de Precios Internos al por Mayor al mes de abril de 2005. El tambo resultó ser una actividad competitiva con la agricultura, tanto a nivel de Margen Bruto como de Ingreso Neto en varios períodos. Los resultados históricos presentan un comportamiento influenciado por las oscilaciones de las variables macroeconómicas o de carácter no modificable por el productor (tipo de cambio, precios de exportación de la leche, precios de los granos, demanda externa, etc.). La diversificación productiva, implementando planteos mixtos, junto al aumento de la productividad, podría aprovechar las oportunidades que se ofrezcan en el futuro, además de influir favorablemente en el sostenimiento de los agrosistemas.The objective of this work was to provide an economic analysis of agriculture and dairy farms in southern Santa Fe (Argentine). The period analyzed includes the agricultural seasons in the 1993/94 - 2004/05 series. The agricultural model was defined on the basis of an area devoted to the most representative activities and their yields in seven departaments in southern Santa Fe. The same criterion was used to calculate the profitability of dairy farms. Incomes and costs were updated up to April 2005 by the Wholesale Internal Prices Index. Dairy farms were found to be competitive as compared to agriculture, both at Gross Profit and Net Profit obtained in several periods. Historical results showed a behaviour influenced by fluctuations in macroeconomic variables, that cannot be modified by the producer (rate of exchange, milk export prices, grain prices, external demand and so on). Therefore, it would be advisable to diversify production, applying mixed schemes in which greater diversification along with higher productivity would take advantage of future opportunities as well as favouring impact on the sustainability of agricultural systems.Soybean fixes atmospheric nitrogen through mutualistic symbiosis with Brdyrizobium japónicum y/o Sinorhizobium, by means of Nitrogen Biological Fixation (FBN). High yields and high soil nitrogen reserves are obtained by species that nodulate vigorously and fix nitrogen efficiently, when combined with simple agronomics strategies like the inoculation of seed. When naturalized population reaches 102 - 103 cells per gram, there is a great nodule occupation competition and therefore nodulation is depressed. This study compares the behaviour of different soybean inoculants with soil naturalized population on the nodulation, growth and yield parameters in Cañada de Gómez and Clason, Santa Fe, Argentina. A combination of laboratory, green house and field trials was used to evaluate nodulation in a typic Argiudol soil containing 105 naturalized cells per gram. Commercial inoculants containing 109 viable cells per product unit were also used. Infectivity values were over 80% in all cases. Nodulation percentages and dry weights of plants grown in green house showed no significant differences. The number of nodules per plant was higher in Clason (55,9) than is Cañada de Gómez (34,4), probably due to the difference in nitrate content (72 and 103 ppm respectively). Nevertheless, nodulation differences did not affect plant growth and yield, in any of localities

    Desarrollo de las competencias de la asignatura de matemática en los alumnos y alumnas de los primeros y segundos años de bachillerato del Instituto Nacional de San Marcos, Municipio de San Marcos

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    La presente investigación constituye un estudio de cómo la metodología utilizada por el docente influye en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la matemática en los alumnos del Bachillerato del Instituto Nacional de San Marcos de San Salvador en el escolar correspondiente al 2008. El estudio se realizó con alumnos de los primeros y segundos anos del Instituto Nacional de San Marcos que residen en sus alrededores pertenecientes al distrito del municipio de San Jacinto. La investigación se realizó con el propósito de indagar sobre la metodología basada en competencias que están siendo aplicadas por los docentes en la asignatura de la matemática durante el año escolar como actividades preparatorias que permitan para la Prueba de aptitudes y Aprendizajes PAES. La importancia de la investigación radica en el hecho de que la matemática es una asignatura de mayor complejidad en el aprendizaje es por ello el de trabajar en esta área para desarrollar en los alumnos y alumnas el dominio de las competencias de la matemática requeridos en su nivel académico y lograr con ello su aprendizaje. Por lo que con esta investigación propone una propuesta para fortalecer la enseñanza de la matemática dándole un mayor aplicación a las competencias dirigidas a esta asignatura

    Modeling the effect of the electrode potential in SERS by electronic structure calculations.

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    Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), due to the ability of greatly intensify the weak Raman signal of molecules adsorbed to metal surfaces, has proven to be a very useful tool to investigate changes in the electronic structure of metal-molecule surface complex. A deep knowledge of the electronic structure of these metal-molecule hybrid systems is key in electrochemistry, catalysis, plasmonics, molecular electronics, and in the development of selective and ultra-sensitive analytical sensors. The origin of this huge enhancement in SERS is due to two contributions: the electromagnetic (EM), related to surface plasmons, and the chemical mechanism, due to resonant charge transfer (CT) process between the adsorbate and the metal (CTSERS). Unfortunately, the SERS implies very complex phenomena where the molecule and the metal nanoparticle are involved. This fact makes challenging to build realistic theoretical models that take into account both the metal and the molecule at quantum level. We propose a methodology, based on DFT and ab initio electronic calculations, to simulate the effect of the electrode potential on the absorption, on the charge transfer states energies, and on the electronic excitations in metal-molecule hybrid systems from a microscopic point of view. This methodology consists on the prediction of Raman intensities from ab initio calculations of the geometries or the energy gradients at the excited states Franck-Condon point, bringing the possibility to predict the intensities in CTSERS as well as in resonance Raman without the need to know the excited state geometries, not always feasible to compute. The microscopic model adopted to mimic the effect of the interphase electric potential consist in a molecule adsorbed to a linear silver cluster [Agn-Adsorbate]q, were n is the number of silver atoms, and the total charge of the system (q) is zero for n=2 and q=±1 for n=1, 3 and 7.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy of thiobenzoic acid on metal nanoparticles

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    Molecules adsorbed on some metal surfaces such as silver, copper and gold, can exhibit enormous Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS). The SERS effect has historically been associated with substrate roughness on two characteristic length scales [1,2]. Surface roughness on the 10 to 100 nm length scale supports the electromagnetic resonances which are the dominant mechanism of enhancement. A second mechanism often thought to require atomic scale roughness, is referred to as the chemical enhancement mechanism. This second mechanism involves the creation of new electronic excited states which result from adsorbate–substrate chemical interactions. These two mechanisms operate simultaneously making it difficult to isolate the role and magnitude of each one. In this work the SERS spectra of thiobenzoic acid (TBA) adsorbed on several silver colloids are recorded by using different excitation wavelengths. Taking advantage of the fact that SERS spectroscopy is both, surface selective and highly sensitive, we have attempted to determine the molecular structure of the surface complex once TBA is adsorbed on the metal. The analysis of the vibrational wavenumbers of the Raman and SERS spectra suggests that this molecule shows unidentate coordination to the silver surface through the sulphur atom. In order to confirm this conclusion DFT calculations have been carried out for different TBA-silver complexes concluding that the unidentate coordination is the most likely interaction of TBA on the metal surface. Wavelength-scanned SERS excitation spectroscopy involves the measurement of SERS signal by using several excitation wavelengths and it was recognized as a useful tool for checking the mechanisms responsible for the SERS enhancement [3]. We have studied the effect of the wavelength within the SERS spectra of TBA on silver colloid prepared by different methods and we have analyzed the intensity of the 8a vibrational mode of TBA recorded at about 1590 cm-1. The intensity of this mode is noticeably higher in the spectrum recorded with the 514.5 nm line (Fig. 1). This result is attributed to the presence of a resonant Raman effect associated to a photoinduced charge-transfer process when using the most energetic excitation line. Finally, it is important to mention the high affinity of TBA for the silver surfaces what allows for a detection limit estimated to be 0.01 microM.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluación de los parámetros físicos y químicos de las briquetas obtenidas con la maquina briquetadora construida en FAREM-Estelí

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    El propósito fundamental de esta investigación es evaluar los parámetros físicos y químicos de las briquetas elaboradas en Farem-Estelí. Es una investigación cuantitativa según su enfoque, con un nivel de profundidad según su tipología: exploratoria, descriptiva. Se elaboraron siete briquetas de diferentes sustratos forestales. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: La evaluación de eficiencia que se determinó mediante la prueba de ebullición de agua (WBT por sus siglas en inglés) versión 4.2.2., se midieron las emisiones de monóxido de carbono (CO) y se calculó el poder calorífico de los diferentes tipos de briquetas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que estas briquetas emiten menos emisiones de gases contaminantes al ambiente que la leña, la eficiencia térmica fue de aproximadamente un 92% en tres de las briquetas evaluadas, la leña obtuvo una eficiencia entre 45 y 63%. Se concluye que la elaboración de las briquetas fue exitosa con una excelente compactación, la briqueta de Granza 50% + Aserrín fino 25% + Papel 12.5% + flor de pino 12.5% es la mejor opción según la evaluación siendo esta la que emite menores cantidades de CO que son casi nulas obteniendo una eficiencia térmica de 92% puesto que su consumo especifico es bajo con tan solo 143 gramos por litro de agua

    Creencias y actitudes del uso de dispositivo intrauterino en mujeres en edad fértil del Centro de Salud José Napoleón García Nandasmo Masaya en el período comprendido de Enero a Junio del año 2016

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    El presente estudio creencias y actitudes del uso de dispositivo intrauterino en mujeres en edad fértil del centro de salud José Napoleón García Nandasmo Masaya, tiene como propósito u objetivo principal identificar y descubrir las diferentes creencias y actitudes que tienen las mujeres en edad fértil, tomando en cuenta a pacientes que estén activas en sus controles de planificación familiar, para así conocer si estas creencias influyen o no en las actitudes que tendrán las mujeres, para el uso del dispositivo intrauterino. Por lo tanto podemos evidenciar que de la muestra de 105 participantes la edad predominante fue el grupo entre 20 a 34 años de edad con un 71%, de estas el 10.5% utilizan este método en cambio el 89.5% no lo utiliza, de esto se obtiene que según los mitos y tabúes el 5% cree que se encarna al útero, un 2% provoca dolor a la pareja al tener relaciones sexuales y provocara cáncer, con el 1% él bebe nacerá con la T de cobre adherida al cuerpo y ocasiona embarazos fuera de la matriz, esto según las que si utilizan este método, en cuanto a las que no lo portan opinaron que un 20% provoca cáncer y embarazos fuera de la matriz, un 19% se encarna en el útero y causa dolor a la pareja al tener relaciones sexuales, un 7% él bebe nace con la T de cobre adherida al cuerpo, y según sus beneficios solo el 4% de las que portan el DIU creen conocer algunos de ellos, el 9.5% de las que no lo portan creen conocer algunos beneficios. Por lo tanto, concluimos con estas evidencias en que aún existen muchas creencias erróneas y muy poco conocimiento del dispositivo intrauterino, he aquí la razón por la cual no exista una actitud positiva ante la utilización de este tipo de método anticonceptiv