12,381 research outputs found

    Reusing Human Resources Management Standards for Employment Services

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    Employment Services (ESs) are becoming more and more important for Public Administrations where their social implications on sustainability, workforce mobility and equal opportunities play a fundamental strategic importance for any central or local Government. The EU SEEMP project aims at improving facilitate workers mobility in Europe. Ontologies are used to model descriptions of job offers and curricula; and for facilitating the process of exchanging job offer data and CV data between ES. In this paper we present the methodological approach we followed for reusing existing human resources management standards in the SEEMP project, in order to build a common “language” called Reference Ontology

    The Galactic plane at faint X-ray fluxes - II. Stacked X-ray spectra of a sample of serendipitous XMM-Newton sources

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    We have investigated the X-ray spectral properties of a sample of 138 X-ray sources detected serendipitously in XMMNewtonXMM-Newton observations of the Galactic plane, at an intermediate to faint flux level. We divide our sample into 5 subgroups according to the spectral hardness of the sources, and stack (i.e. co-add) the individual source spectra within each subgroup. As expected these stacked spectra show a softening trend from the hardest to the softest subgroups, which is reflected in the inferred line-of-sight column density. The spectra of the three hardest subgroups are characterized by a hard continuum plus superimpose Fe-line emission in the 6--7 keV bandpass. The average equivalent width (EW) of the 6.7-keV He-like Fe-Kα\alpha line is 17032+35^{+35}_{-32} eV, whereas the 6.4-keV Fe-K fluorescence line from neutral iron and the 6.9-keV H-like Fe-Lyα\alpha line have EWs of 8925+26^{+26}_{-25} eV and 8129+30^{+30}_{-29} eV respectively, i.e. roughly half that of the 6.7-keV line. The remaining subgroups exhibit soft thermal spectra. Virtually all of the spectrally-soft X-ray sources can be associated with relatively nearby coronally-active late-type stars, which are evident as bright near-infrared (NIR) objects within the X-ray error circles. On a similar basis only a minority of the spectrally-hard X-ray sources have likely NIR identifications. The average continuum and Fe-line properties of the spectrally-hard sources are consistent with those of magnetic cataclysmic variables but the direct identification of large numbers of such systems in Galactic X-ray surveys, probing intermediate to faint flux levels, remains challenging.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Changes in hydrodynamic, structural and geochemical properties in carbonate rock samples due to reactive transport

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    Reactive transport plays an important role in the development of a wide range of both anthropic and natural processes affecting geological media. To predict the consequences of reactive transport processes on structural and hydrodynamic properties of a porous media at large time and spatial scales, numerical modeling is a powerful tool. Nevertheless, such models, to be realistic, need geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic data inputs representative of the studied reservoir or material. Here, we present an experimental study coupling traditional laboratory measurements and percolation experiments in order to obtain the parameters that define rock heterogeneity, which can be altered during the percolation of a reactive fluid. In order to validate the experimental methodology and identify the role of the initial heterogeneities on the localization of the reactive transport processes, we used three different limestones with different petrophysical characteristics. We tracked the changes of geochemical, structural and hydrodynamic parameters in these samples induced by the percolation of an acid fluid by measuring, before and after the percolation experiment, petrophysical and hydrodynamic properties of the rocks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La construcción de la figura de Aquiles como héroe épico en Fuegos de Marguerite Yourcenar

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    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar la manera en que se construye la figura de Aquiles en Fuegos (1935) de Marguerite Yourcenar y cómo esa caracterización se relaciona con aquella que se puede observar en Ilíada. Los términos en que se dan los vínculos entre el texto de Yourcenar y la tradición clásica actualizan el código heroico, dando lugar a nuevas interpretaciones del mitoThis paper is an analysis of Achilles' characterization in Feux, written by Marguerite Yourcenar in 1935. Its aim is to observe how the image of the hero is related with Homer's Iliad. The dialogue between the yourcenarian text and the classical tradition updates the heroic code, which makes possible new interpretations of the myth

    An evaluation of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union in the area of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP)

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    The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, during the first semester of 2002, came at a singular time for the development of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). Despite the important progress achieved by previous presidencies, numerous challenges remained, and the work towards the achievement of the Helsinki Headline Goal by 2003 was obviously the most notable one. The declaration of the European Council at Laeken in December 2001, making ESDP operational, immediately encouraged some member states to put forward the need to commit in the shortest term the EU’s crisis management capabilities in the Balkans. But the disagreement of some countries on the issue of the participation of NATO’s European allies in ESDP continues to hinder progress in this direction. Nevertheless, Spain has conducted a very fruitful Presidency, achieving very substantial progress in many aspects and launching initiatives that complement the mandate received in Laeken. In order to have a clear picture of the achievements of the Spanish Presidency in the field of ESDP, it is important to begin with a very brief description of the situation at the end of the Belgian Presidency

    Profilaxis de las enfermedades tromboembólicas en pacientes hospitalizados

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    La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) y el tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) son relativamente frecuentes en pacientes hospitalizados, tanto médicos como quirúrgicos, incluidos pacientes que han sido recientemente dados de alta, constituyendo un importante problema a nivel de salud pública. El objetivo principal de esta revisión se basa en determinar la definición y características de estas enfermedades, así como las posibles opciones existentes referentes a la prevención y profilaxis de las mismas en pacientes hospitalizados. Para ello es importante que enfermería adquiera los conocimientos necesarios y así poder llevar a cabo una correcta administración del tratamiento farmacológico prescrito junto con la aplicación de medidas físicas y mecánicas que prevengan dicha patología. A su vez, también es importante destacar el apoyo psicológico y la educación para la salud que realizan estos profesionales con los pacientes y cuidadores, siendo éstos también de vital importancia en la prevención y transcurso de estas patologías.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí