46 research outputs found

    Cardiac dysfunction evoked by ECG and echocardiography changes and release of cardiac biomarkers in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage.: Case presentation and literature review

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    The invisible brain-heart link has been observed and described for centuries now, although a greater interest in the matter has been manifested over the past several decades, especially in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). We present the case of a patient with aSAH and signs of cardiac injury evoked by ECG changes and elevated cardiac enzymes. Furthermore, we reviewed current medical literature by searching the international database PubMed for recent articles on the subject of cardiac biomarkers, ECG and echocardiography changes in the setting of SAH. Our analysis of the selected articles, published between 2012 and 2018, revealed that 22 are patient population studies, 16 are case studies and 6 are reviews of the literature. The most common ECG changes were prolonged QTc andnonspecific ST/T-wave changes. Echocardiography changes included regional wall-motion abnormalities, typically involving the base of the heart (neurogenic stunned myocardium), yet there was also the scenario of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (stress cardiomyopathy), which affects the apex of the heart. There is a significant statistical association of elevated levels of troponin and NT-proBNP with a bad outcome after SAH, and we should always keep in mind the dramatic scenario of misdiagnosing the cerebral haemorrhage and treating for a coronary syndrome instead. Therefore, the management of aSAH requires a close cooperation between neurosurgeons, intensivists, cardiologists and radiologists in high volume centres

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage mimicking acute myocardial infarction: Case presentation

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    We present a patient with a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) on the computed tomography and electrocardiogram changes compatible with myocardial infarction. SAH is a medical emergency, but it can be initially misdiagnosed. Diagnosis may be delayed due to atypical presentations of SAH and this may endanger the life of the patient. Electrocardiogram abnormalities have been described previously in SAH and may obscure the correct diagnosis

    Analysis of the romanian rural agri-food potential

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    In Romania, agriculture is the most vulnerable part of the economy, as about 30% of the country's population works in this sector. What minimizes the overall performance of the agricultural sector are subsistence farms, so that labor and land are used below their economic potential. The lack of competitiveness is generated by the excess of the agricultural labor force, to which is added the lack of capital and the inadequate training of the farmers. This results in an imbalance in the ratio between very low incomes and activities. The paper is based on statistical research on the degree of rural development of the commune under analysis, the diagnosis of the mentioned rural area, the SWOT analysis of the commune and the 2030 vision from the point of view of rural development. Regarding rural development, the policy focuses on three key points: environment, agri-food economy, extended rural economy. For this reason, the seven criteria of rural development representative for the diagnosis of the rural area were taken into account, according to which the Banca commune, Vaslui county was included in a specific category from the rural development point of view. The SWOT analysis of the rural area complements the highlighted characteristics and makes possible an overview, summary, of the agri-food potential, development opportunities and combating the existing problems. Finally, the 2030 vision captures the need to implement an agri-food strategy in order to develop economically, ecologically, territorially, socially in order to ensure agri-food safety and security

    Anesthetic challenges in patients with ankylosing spondylitis requiring lower limb surgery – A case report and literature review

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    Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the global top health burdens and patients affected by it frequently require surgery related to disease progression, such as orthopedic surgery. These patients may prove difficult to manage from an anesthetic standpoint, regardless of the anesthetic technique employed, mainly given the potential for difficult airway access and related comorbidities. We present the case of a 52-year-old male posted for urgent cemented total hip arthroplasty with associated bilateral pulmonary fibrosis and an anticipated difficult airway in whom regional anesthesia was performed with satisfactory results, with a favorable intraoperative and postoperative course. The literature review explores the anesthetic techniques employed when a tailored approach is required in managing patients with ankylosing spondylitis

    Considerations regarding the profile of tourists from Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai Spa Destination, Romania

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    Background: Amid the exponential development of the tourist industry in general and spa tourism in particular that characterises the beginning of the century, the knowledge of tourists' perception regarding the destination image is of utmost importance in order to enhance competitiveness. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of tourists from Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai (Romania) about this spa area, in order to establish the profile of the tourist interested in this destination. Material and methods: Data was collected by applying a questionnaire (face-to-face technique), structured on eleven questions regarding the degree of knowledge of the destination, the habits of tourist consumption and the perception of the quality-price ratio according to tourist consumption. Results: Research results indicate a high degree of satisfaction among tourists regarding the destination. They declare themselves satisfied with most services and this determines their quite frequent return and spending an extended period of time at the destination. Conclusions: As a result, due to the qualitative and quantitative services and tourists' positive perception, Baile Felix - Baile 1 Mai area is one of the most significant spa tourist destinations in Romania.Bihor Destination Management Agenc

    Biosorption potential of dead and living Arthrobacter viscosus biomass in the removal of Cr(VI): Batch and column studies

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    Batch experiments were conducted with dead and living Arthrobacter viscosus biomass for Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution. Both dead and living cells successfully reduced Cr(VI) to Cr(III) from aqueous solution in highly acidic pH (pH 1 and 2) with an efficiency of 100% for aqueous solutions having the initial concentrations of Cr(VI) lower than 100 mg/L. Langmuir isotherm and kinetic models based on reduction could simulate chromium removal at 5 and 8 g/L biosorbent dosages and in highly acidic pH conditions (pH = 1-2). Further, the potential use of the Arthrobacter viscosus biomass was examined in an open system, where Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution was performed by a bacterial biofilm supported on a new type of polyethylene supports. The experiment showed a favorable uptake of chromium ions bound to the biomass, of 20.37 mg/g, with high potential for scaling up. This study showed that the reduction of toxic Cr(VI) to the less toxic Cr(III) by Arthrobacter viscosus, in batch and continuous modes is an efficient and promising technique for wastewaters polluted with chromium.This paper was elaborated with the support of BRAIN project Doctoral scholarships as an investment in intelligence - ID 6681, financed by the European Social Found and Romanian Government and with the support of a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0559, Contract 265/2011. H. Figueiredo is thankful to “FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” for the financial support through the concession of PhD grant SFRH/BD/28201/2006.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Lucrarea de faţă reprezintă un prim demers de conştientizare cu privire la o dimensiune a violenţei manifestate în special în rândul copiilor şi tinerilor – cyberbullying, violenţa în spaţiul virtual. În contextul erei digitale, al societăţii contemporane care se defineşte şi redefineşte continuu în acord cu evoluţia tehnologiei, într-o lume care se construieşte, se destramă şi se reconstruieşte permanent din spatele monitoarelor, în şcoala nativilor digitali care se formează cu pre­dilecţie prin apel la oceanul de informaţii oferite prin acces la Internet, agresivitatea capătă proporţii nebănuite cu efecte devastatoare. Primul pas în soluţionarea problemei constă în recunoaşterea sa, în definirea corectă a tuturor faţetelor sale, în identificarea factorilor declanşatori.CYBERBULLYING – VIOLENCE IN THE DIGITAL ERAThis paper represents a first approach for raising the awareness regarding a dimension of violence manifested especially among children and youngsters – cyberbullying, violence in virtual environment. In the context of the digital era, of the contemporary society that defines and redefines itself constantly according to the technological evolution, in a world that builds itself, crumbles and rebuilds itself from behind the monitors, in a school of the digital natives that develop themselves especially by using the ocean of information offered through the Internet, the aggressiveness gets enormous proportions with devastating effects. The first step in solving the problem is to admit its existence, to define correctly all its aspects, to identify the triggers.</p

    Heat transfer vs environmental impact of modern façade systems

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    The paper makes an in-sight analysis of four actual steel-intensive envelope solutions existing on the market adaptable to steel structural systems. The solutions enable flexible modular construction, fast fabrication and erection times and easy disassembling. The analyses consider the heat transfer analysis including phase shift, amplitude attenuation and temperature amplitude ratio and the energy balance analysis. Considering the sustainability approach, the study is completed by an environmental impact analysis on Life-Cycle, by considering the production and end-of life stages. Although the selected systems from similar thermal resistances, the results show a certain variation of analysed parameters such as amplitude attenuation and temperature amplitude ratio (TAV). The energy balance analysis shows that the heating, solar gain and hot water preparation are responsible for the supplied energy. The emitted house energy break-down is almost equally shared among transmission, ventilation and sewage energies. The Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis proves that the end-of-life of the systems play an important role in the environmental impact of analysed systems, reversing the initial ranking of systems

    Congenital Heart Disease Requiring Maintenance of Ductus Arteriosus in Critically Ill Newborns Admitted at A Tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Introduction: Congenital heart diseases (CHD) have been reported to be responsible for 30 to 50% of infant mortality caused by congenital disabilities. In critical cases, survival of newborns with CHD depends on the patency of the ductus arteriosus (PDA), for maintaining the systemic or pulmonary circulation. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy and side effects of PGE (prostaglandin E) administration in newborns with critical congenital heart disease requiring maintenance of the ductus arteriosus