42 research outputs found

    Resveratrol Modulates Oxidative Status in Rose Bengal Photosensitized Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells

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    Eye exposure to high light intensities can produce a photochemical damage to retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), leading to severe pathologies. RPE D407 cells treated with Resveratrol (RSV, 100 μM, 24h) +/- photosensitizer Rose Bengal (RB, 500 nM, 1h) were exposed to green LED light. Cell viability and level of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced after exposure to green light +/- RB were evaluated by MTT, respectively ROS assays. Spectrophotometric methods were used to determine GSH level and enzyme activities (CAT, SOD, GPx). Green LED light alone reduced cell viability with 30%, but a 40% reduction was observed in the presence of RB. RSV proved to have a strong positive impact, with a 20% increase in the viability of D407 cells exposed to green LED light. Viability of D407 cells exposed to green LED light +/+ RB in the presence of RSV remained unchanged comparing to corresponding control. RSV blocked the intracellular ROS production, stimulated or restored the antioxidant enzymes activities and increased the level of reduced GSH in cells exposed to green LED light +/- RB. Our data came to support the potential use of RSV as protecting agent of retina’s antioxidant defence system in light-induced stress

    The Effect of Clay Type on the Physicochemical Properties of New Hydrogel Clay Nanocomposites

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    This study focuses on the investigation of clay type effect on the final properties of semi-interpenetrated Salecan/poly(methacrylic acid)/clay hydrogel nanocomposites. Previous studies have indicated that the presence of clay in polymer composites leads to better swelling capacity and mechanical properties as functions of clay type. On the other hand, Salecan, which is a water soluble extracellular polysaccharide, was proved to assure greater flexibility to hydrogels. These properties recommend clay and Salecan for semi-interpenetrated hydrogels preparation with specific application in biomedicine. The purpose was to determine the most suitable type of clay as well as Salecan influence for developing the desired water retention/delivery ability and mechanically enhanced semi-interpenetrating polymer network (SIPN) nanocomposites. For our investigations, we have chosen commercially available montmorillonite (ClNa) and different commercial organomodified clay (Cl30B, Cl20A and Cl15A). Several analyses results (FTIR, TGA, DMA, XRD, microscopy and swelling studies) demonstrated that not only the presence of Salecan but also the clay type influenced the structure and properties of the final nanocomposites

    Antiproliferative Activity of Anthocyanins Pure Extracts from Mulberries and Raspberries on HeLa and A2780 Human Cancer Cell Lines

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    Red berries are important sources of bioactive compounds and they are known to provide unique health benefits. Lately, it has been proved that anthocyanins have health benefits against degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to characterize the anthocyanin content of anthocyanins pure extracts (APEs) obtained from raspberries (Rubus sp.) and mulberries (Morus sp.) and to evaluate their antiproliferative effect in vitro. Upon chromatographic analysis, three anthocyanins were identified in purified extracts of mulberries (M-APEs), with cyanidin-3-O-glucoside being more abundant. On the other hand, purified extracts of raspberries (R-APEs) contained 2 anthocyanins, both identified as cyanidin-derivatives. The in vitro test demonstrated that APEs decreased the proliferation on both HeLa and A2780 human cancer cell lines in a dose dependent manner, demonstrating that these two different berries are both rich sources of anthocyanins and are able to exert antiproliferative proprieties toward cervical and ovarian cancer

    Comparative FEM study about various posts used on endodontically treated teeth

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    Objectives. The aim of the present study was to analyze comparatively, through the finite element method (FEM), the biomechanical behavior of different types of devices used to increase the resistance of restorations on endodontically treated teeth, upon the experimental application of a force of 350N. Materials and methods. We studied comparatively three types of posts, respectively: fiberglass post, cast post from Cr-Co-Mo alloy and prefabricated titanium post. Three irretrievable extracted teeth for periodontal reasons were endodontically treated and then specifically prepared for cementation of this devices. The teeth were scanned at a radio-diagnostic center, and the obtained DICOM files were processed with MIMICS and 3-matic and then subjected to finite element analysis with ANSYS. Results. From the 48 simulations carried out for the case of all-ceramic crown coverage, the use of titanium post is associated with 25 situations in which maximum or minimum values appear, the use of cast post presents 12 situations in which maximum or minimum values are developed, the use of fiberglass posts is associated with 10 simulations where maximum or minimum values occur, and in one case the deformations are equal. Regarding the use of the zirconium oxide crown, the results are comparable. Conclusions. The presence of zirconium oxide crowns generally produces less valuable stresses and deformations at the level of the components. The stress and strain values are lowest when using fiberglass posts, followed closely by cast post and far behind by titanium post. In all simulated situations, the limit values of stresses and strains are mostly recorded at the tooth root, which is susceptible to fracture in case of parafunctional forces, followed by the three devices themselves and the covering crowns

    Multicentric Atrial Strain COmparison between Two Different Modalities: MASCOT HIT Study

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    Two methods are currently available for left atrial (LA) strain measurement by speckle tracking echocardiography, with two different reference timings for starting the analysis: QRS (QRS-LASr) and P wave (P-LASr). The aim of MASCOT HIT study was to define which of the two was more reproducible, more feasible, and less time consuming. In 26 expert centers, LA strain was analyzed by two different echocardiographers (young vs senior) in a blinded fashion. The study population included: healthy subjects, patients with arterial hypertension or aortic stenosis (LA pressure overload, group 2) and patients with mitral regurgitation or heart failure (LA volume–pressure overload, group 3). Difference between the inter-correlation coefficient (ICC) by the two echocardiographers using the two techniques, feasibility and analysis time of both methods were analyzed. A total of 938 subjects were included: 309 controls, 333 patients in group 2, and 296 patients in group 3. The ICC was comparable between QRS-LASr (0.93) and P-LASr (0.90). The young echocardiographers calculated QRS-LASr in 90% of cases, the expert ones in 95%. The feasibility of P-LASr was 85% by young echocardiographers and 88% by senior ones. QRS-LASr young median time was 110 s (interquartile range, IR, 78-149) vs senior 110 s (IR 78-155); for P-LASr, 120 s (IR 80-165) and 120 s (IR 90-161), respectively. LA strain was feasible in the majority of patients with similar reproducibility for both methods. QRS complex guaranteed a slightly higher feasibility and a lower time wasting compared to the use of P wave as the reference


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    Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is the most severe complication in patients treated with oral anticoagulants (OACs). Duration of anticoagulant therapy and poor anticoagulation control are important factors for hemorrhagic risk. Our purpose is to provide a review of meta-analyses regarding epidemiological data of intracranial hemorrhage, pathogenic conditions associated with IHC in patients treated with OACs, the role of clinical evaluation, data about prognostic and evolution of IHC and the general measures of the IHC treatment


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    Nutrition epitomizes the whole range of physiological processes of absorbtion and decomposition of food in the body, as required for growth and development. The debates on the feeding trends are topical, a large number of scientifi c boards and international committees fully concentrate on the impact of correct feeding on growth and harmonious development, starting even from intrauterine life. The progressive introduction of half solid and solid food in the infant’s diet after 4-6 months, gradually replacing the milk meals previously administered is known as diversifi ed (complementary) feeding. The latest recommendations of the ESPGHAN Committee (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) regarding the moment of switching from an exclusively milk diet to a diet which includes other foods is included in the period of time between week 17 and 26. The compliance and the collaboration of the family with the doctors are of paramount importance. Considering the present day open access to a lot of information, sometimes without any scientifi c basis, we believe it is opportune to review briefl y the main aspects of the complementary feeding according to the recommendations in the field


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    Deficitul de fier este definit ca o stare în care nu există un nivel corespunzător de fier necesar pentru a menţine funcţiile normale fiziologice ale organismului. Anemia este o problemă globală de sănătate publică, de proporţiile unei epidemii, care afectează atât ţările în curs de dezvoltare cât şi ţările dezvoltate, cu consecinţe majore pentru sănătatea umană, precum şi dezvoltarea socială şi economică. În prezent, deficitul de fier şi în special anemia prin carenţă de fier rămâne una dintre deficienţele nutriţionale cele mai grave şi importante din lume. Fiecare grupă de vârstă este vulnerabilă. Sugarii, copiii mici, preşcolarii şi adolescenţii prezintă un risc mai mare de a dobândi deficit de fier, de aceea Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a elaborat un pachet cuprinzător de măsuri de sănătate publică care abordează toate aspectele legate de un deficit de fier şi anemia feriprivă. În încercarea de a diminua prevalenţa deficitului de fier şi a anemiei feriprive, Societatea Europeană de Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie şi Nutriţie Pediatrică (The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition-ESPGHAN) a sintetizat în 2014 recomandările utilizate şi în prezent privind profilaxia marţială


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    Nutriţia reprezintă totalitatea proceselor fi ziologice de asimilare şi degradare a alimentelor care au loc într-un organism, necesare creşterii şi dezvoltării. Se menţin de actualitate discuţiile asupra tendinţelor în alimentaţie, numeroase societăţi ştiinţifi ce şi comitete internaţionale dedicându-şi atenţia asupra impactului pe care alimentaţia corectă o are asupra creşterii şi dezvoltării armonioase, începând încă din viaţa intrauterină. Introducerea progresivă în alimentaţia sugarului, după vârsta de 4-6 luni, a alimentelor semisolide şi solide, ce înlocuiesc treptat prânzurile de lapte administrate anterior este cunoscută sub denumirea de alimentaţie diversifi cată (complementară). Ultimele recomandări ale Comitetului ESPGHAN (European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) privind momentul trecerii de la o alimentaţie exclusiv lactată la una care să conţină şi alte alimente sunt pentru intervalul de vârstă cuprins între săptămânile 17-26. O importanţă primordială o are complianţa şi colaborarea familiei cu medicii. Având în vedere posibilitatea ac - tuală de a accesa numeroase informaţii, uneori fără o bază ştiinţifi că, am considerat oportună o scurtă trecere în revistă a principalelor aspecte ale unei alimentaţii diversifi cate conform recomandărilor de specialitate


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    Iron deficiency is defined as a condition in which there is not an adequate iron level necessary to maintain the normal physiologic functions. Having the magnitude of epidemics, anemia is a global public health problem, which affects both the emerging countries and the developed ones, with major consequences for human health and for social and economic development. Nowadays, iron deficiency and especially iron-deficiency anemia, remains one of the most severe and important nutritional deficiencies. Each group of age is vulnerable. Infants, small children, pre-school children and teenagers show a higher risk of iron deficiency. Accordingly, the World Health Organization developed an ample package of public health measures that approaches all the aspects related to iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia. Trying to diminish the prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia, the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) has synthesized in 2014 the recommendations used also at present for martial prophylaxis