60 research outputs found

    The use of self-report measures to examine changes in perception in response to fittings using different signal processing parameters

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    Clinicians have long used self-report methods to assess hearing aid benefit. However, there are fewer data as to whether self-report instruments can be used to compare differences between signal processing settings. This study examined how self-perceived performance varied as a function of modifications in signal processing using two self-report measures. Data were collected as part of a double-blind randomised crossover clinical trial. Participants were fit with two fittings: mild processing (slow time constants, disabled frequency lowering) and strong processing (fast time constants, frequency lowering enabled). The speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing (SSQ) questionnaire and the Effectiveness of Auditory Rehabilitation (EAR) questionnaire were collected at multiple time points. Older adults with sensorineural hearing loss who had not used hearing aids within the previous year participated (49 older adults were consented; 40 were included in the final data analyses). Findings show that listeners report a difference in perceived performance when hearing aid features are modified. Both self-report measures were able to capture this change in perceived performance. Self-report measures provide a tool for capturing changes in perceived performance when hearing aid processing features are modified and may enhance provision of an evidence-based hearing aid fitting

    Multi-level engineering facilitates the production of phenylpropanoid compounds in tomato

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    Phenylpropanoids comprise an important class of plant secondary metabolites. A number of transcription factors have been used to upregulate-specific branches of phenylpropanoid metabolism, but by far the most effective has been the fruit-specific expression of AtMYB12 in tomato, which resulted in as much as 10% of fruit dry weight accumulating as flavonols and hydroxycinnamates. We show that AtMYB12 not only increases the demand of flavonoid biosynthesis but also increases the supply of carbon from primary metabolism, energy and reducing power, which may fuel the shikimate and phenylalanine biosynthetic pathways to supply more aromatic amino acids for secondary metabolism. AtMYB12 directly binds promoters of genes encoding enzymes of primary metabolism. The enhanced supply of precursors, energy and reducing power achieved by AtMYB12 expression can be harnessed to engineer high levels of novel phenylpropanoids in tomato fruit, offering an effective production system for bioactives and other high value ingredients

    Analysis of human MDM4 variants in papillary thyroid carcinomas reveals new potential markers of cancer properties

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    A wild-type (wt) p53 gene characterizes thyroid tumors, except for the rare anaplastic histotype. Because p53 inactivation is a prerequisite for tumor development, alterations of p53 regulators represent an alternative way to impair p53 function. Indeed, murine double minute 2 (MDM2), the main p53 negative regulator, is overexpressed in many tumor histotypes including those of the thyroid. A new p53 regulator, MDM4 (a.k.a. MDMX or HDMX) an analog of MDM2, represents a new oncogene although its impact on tumor properties remains largely unexplored. We estimated levels of MDM2, MDM4, and its variants, MDM4-S (originally HDMX-S) and MDM4-211 (originally HDMX211), in a group of 57 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), characterized by wt tumor protein 53, in comparison to matched contra-lateral lobe normal tissue. Further, we evaluated the association between expression levels of these genes and the histopathological features of tumors. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed a highly significant downregulation of MDM4 mRNA in tumor tissue compared to control tissue (P < 0.0001), a finding confirmed by western blot on a subset of 20 tissue pairs. Moreover, the tumor-to-normal ratio of MDM4 levels for each individual was significantly lower in late tumor stages, suggesting a specific downregulation of MDM4 expression with tumor progression. In comparison, MDM2 messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein levels were frequently upregulated with no correlation with MDM4 levels. Lastly, we frequently detected overexpression of MDM4-S mRNA and presence of the aberrant form, MDM4-211 in this tumor group. These findings indicate that MDM4 alterations are a frequent event in PTC. It is worthy to note that the significant downregulation of full-length MDM4 in PTC reveals a novel status of this factor in human cancer that counsels careful evaluation of its role in human tumorigenesis and of its potential as therapeutic target

    Harnessing citizen science through mobile phone technology to screen for immunohistochemical biomarkers in bladder cancer

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    Background: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is often used in personalisation of cancer treatments. Analysis of large data sets to uncover predictive biomarkers by specialists can be enormously time-consuming. Here we investigated crowdsourcing as a means of reliably analysing immunostained cancer samples to discover biomarkers predictive of cancer survival. Methods: We crowdsourced the analysis of bladder cancer TMA core samples through the smartphone app ‘Reverse the Odds’. Scores from members of the public were pooled and compared to a gold standard set scored by appropriate specialists. We also used crowdsourced scores to assess associations with disease-specific survival. Results: Data were collected over 721 days, with 4,744,339 classifications performed. The average time per classification was approximately 15 s, with approximately 20,000 h total non-gaming time contributed. The correlation between crowdsourced and expert H-scores (staining intensity × proportion) varied from 0.65 to 0.92 across the markers tested, with six of 10 correlation coefficients at least 0.80. At least two markers (MRE11 and CK20) were significantly associated with survival in patients with bladder cancer, and a further three markers showed results warranting expert follow-up. Conclusions: Crowdsourcing through a smartphone app has the potential to accurately screen IHC data and greatly increase the speed of biomarker discovery

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    Virus-templated silica nanoparticles

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    An engineered variant of the plant virus, Cowpea mosaic virus, can template the controlled fabrication of silica nanoparticles of ≈30-nm diameter under environmentally benign conditions at ambient temperature and in aqueous solvent. This is the first reported mineralization of the external surface of a cage-like viral bionanoparticle

    Cell specificity of Manganese-enhanced MRI signal in the cerebellum

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) resolution continues to improve, making it important to understand the cellular basis for different MRI contrast mechanisms. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) produces layer-specific contrast throughout the brain enabling in vivo visualization of cellular cytoarchitecture, particularly in the cerebellum. Due to the unique geometry of the cerebellum, especially near the midline, 2D MEMRI images can be acquired from a relatively thick slice by averaging through areas of uniform morphology and cytoarchitecture to produce very high-resolution visualization of sagittal planes. In such images, MEMRI hyperintensity is uniform in thickness throughout the anterior-posterior axis of sagittal sections and is centrally located in the cerebellar cortex. These signal features suggested that the Purkinje cell layer, which houses the cell bodies of the Purkinje cells and the Bergmann glia, is the source of hyperintensity. Despite this circumstantial evidence, the cellular source of MRI contrast has been difficult to define. In this study, we quantified the effects of selective ablation of Purkinje cells or Bergmann glia on cerebellar MEMRI signal to determine whether signal could be assigned to one cell type. We found that the Purkinje cells, not the Bergmann glia, are the primary of source of the enhancement in the Purkinje cell layer. This cell-ablation strategy should be useful for determining the cell specificity of other MRI contrast mechanisms

    Completion of the Total Synthesis of Several Bioactive Sarpagine/Macroline Alkaloids including the Important NF-κB Inhibitor <i>N</i><sub>4</sub>-Methyltalpinine

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    The unification of the general synthetic strategy regarding the important and emerging group of C-19 methyl-substituted sarpagine/macroline alkaloids has culminated in the completion of the total synthesis of several bioactive alkaloids. Key transformations include an ACE-Cl mediated late-stage N(4)-demethylation and an anhydrous acid-mediated intramolecular quaternary hemiaminal formation between a tertiary amine and an aldehyde function to allow efficient access to several biologically important alkaloids from this group. Herein, the enantiospecific total synthesis of the first known sarpagine/macroline alkaloid with NF-κB inhibitory activity, N(4)-methyltalpinine (as a chloride salt), as well as the anticancer alkaloids talpinine, O-acetyltalpinine, and macrocarpines F–G, are described