31 research outputs found

    What Really Divides Us

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    Acertos, Erros e Equívocos de Autocompreensão da Teoria dos Princípios

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    ACERTOS, ERROS E EQUÍVOCOS DE AUTOCOMPREENSÃO DA TEORIA DOS PRINCÍPIOS*  EINSICHTEN, IRRTÜMER UND SELBSTMISSVERSTÄNDNIS DER PRINZIPIENTHEORIE  INSIGHTS, ERRORS AND SELF-MISCONCEPTIONS OF THE THEORY OF PRINCIPLES  Ralf Poscher**  RESUMO: A teoria dos princípios é multifacetada. Sua expressão inicial contém um importante argumento contra as teorias positivistas de aplicação do Direito. Como teoria do Direito, ela falha em seu esforço de reivindicar uma diferença estrutural entre regras e princípios. Ela também falha como teoria metodológica que reduz a aplicação jurídica à subsunção e à ponderação. Ela se autocompreende de forma equivocada quando concebida como dogmática especial dos direitos fundamentais. Seu aspecto mais promissor poderia ser sua contribuição para uma teoria da argumentação mais abrangente. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Teoria dos princípios. Acertos. Equívocos teóricos. Teoria da argumentação jurídica. Teoria da aplicação do Direito. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Theorie der Prinzipien ist vielfältig. Ihr ursprünglicher Ausdruck enthielt ein wichtiges Argument gegen die positivistischen Theorien der Rechtsanwendung. Als Rechtstheorie scheitert sie an ihren Bemühungen einen strukturellen Unterschied zwischen Regeln und Prizipien zu erreichen. Sie verfehlt auch als methodische Theorie, die die Rechtsanwendung auf Subsumtion oder Abwägung reduziert. Sie verkennt sich selbst, wenn sie als eine spezielle Dogmatik der Grundrechte konzipiert wird. Ihr viel versprechendster Aspekt könnte ihr Beitrag zu einer umfassenderen Theorie der juristischen Argumentation sein. SCHLÜSSELWÖRTER: Prinzipientheorie. Einsichten. Theoretische Missverständnisse. Theorie der juristischen Argumentation. Theorie der Rechtsanwendung.  ABSTRACT: The theory of principles is multifaceted. Its initial expression contained an important argument against positivist theories of adjudication. As a legal theory, it fails in its effort to claim a structural difference between rules and principles. It also fails as a methodological theory that reduces adjudication to subsumption or balancing. It misunderstands itself when it is conceived as a special doctrinal theory of fundamental rights. Its most promising aspect could be its contribution to a more comprehensive theory of legal argumentation. KEYWORDS: Theorie of principles. Insights. Theorethical misconceptions. Theory of Legal Argumentation. Theory of Adjudication.* Publicação original: POSCHER, Ralf. Einsichten, Irrtürmer und Selbstmissverständnis der Prinzipientheorie. (In) SIECKMANN, Jan-R. (Org.) Die Prinzipientheorie der Grundrechte. Studien zur Grundrechtstheorie Robert Alexys. Nomos, 2007. P. 59-79. Traduzido por Pablo Castro Miozzo, doutorando em Direito pela Universidade de Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Alemanha, com autorização do autor.** Professor titular de Direito Público, História Constitucional e Filosofia do Direito, diretor do Departamento de Filosofia do Direito da Universidade de Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Alemanha. Possui doutorado e livre-docência (Habilitation) em Direito pela Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Alemanha

    Gewahrsam als letztes Mittel gegen die „Letzte Generation“?

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    The hand of Midas: When concepts turn legal, or deflating the Hart-Dworkin debate

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    O Direito compartilha muitos de seus conceitos com outras áreas do discurso. Que a maioria desses conceitos possui um significado jurídico específico quando usado dentro do Direito é um fato linguístico bem estabelecido. O Direito desenvolve suas próprias concepções de conceitos que compartilha com outras disciplinas. Assim como o Rei Midas, que transformava tudo o que tocava em ouro, o Direito transforma seus conceitos em jurídicos. A razão profunda para a qualidade de Midas do Direito está na especificidade da prática jurídica, de seus métodos, de seus padrões doutrinários e de seu ambiente institucional. Isso vale também para a área em que conceitos compartilhados desencadearam uma das principais controvérsias na teoria jurídica: a relação entre conceitos jurídicos e morais. Dworkin, inicialmente, atacou a tese da separação de Hart com a observação de que o Direito emprega princípios morais em casos difíceis. Os positivistas têm lutado desde então para acomodar essa observação. No entanto, se o Direito tem uma qualidade de Midas, todo o debate se esvazia. Mesmo em casos difíceis, o Direito aplica concepções jurídicas acerca de conceitos que compartilha com a moralidade. Estas são especificamente jurídicas e não devem ser confundidas com concepções morais.Palavras-chave: Teoria do Direito, Positivismo, debate Hart-Dworkin, Direito e moralidade, decisão.The law shares many of its concepts with other areas of discourse. That most of these concepts have a specific legal meaning when used inside the law is a well established linguistic fact. The law develops its own conceptions of concepts it shares with other disciplines. Like King Midas, who turned anything he touched into gold, the law turns its concepts into legal ones. The deep reason for the Midas quality of the law lies in the specificity of the legal practice, its methods, doctrinal standards, and institutional setting. This holds also for the one area where shared concepts have triggered one of the main controversies in legal theory: the relation of legal and moral concepts. Dworkin initially attacked Harts separation thesis with the observation that the law employs moral principles in hard cases. Positivists have struggled ever since to accommodate this observation. But if the law has a Midas quality the whole debate deflates. Even in hard cases, the law applies legal conceptions of concepts it shares with morality. These conceptions are specifically legal and not to be confounded with their moral counterparts.Keywords: Legal theory, Positivism, Hart-Dworkin debate, Law and morality, adjudication

    Unscharfe Grenzen im Umwelt- und Technikrecht

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    Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen die Logik schwieriger Grenzziehungen im Umwelt- und Technikrecht aus juristischer, philosophischer, sozial- und ingenieurswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Sie sind aus der interdisziplinären Tagung "Unscharfe Grenzen im Umwelt- und Technikrecht" hervorgegangen, die im März 2011 an der RWTH Aachen stattgefunden hat

    Eingriffsschwellen im Recht der inneren Sicherheit. Ihr System im Licht der neueren Verfassungsrechtsprechung

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    In German police law the traditional legal threshold for imposing security measures was the existence of a “concrete danger”. The police could only intervene if it they could demonstrate the likelihood that a given situation would lead to a damage of legally-protected rights or institutions. Starting in the 1990s and reinforced by a number of new security regulations after 9/11, the focus on national security in German administrative law has shifted away from this traditional approach and toward a more pre-emptive approach. An increasing number of precautionary measures, using new information-gathering techniques and devices, have been introduced to facilitate data mining and processing. Many traditional legal standards are in danger of being undermined by the increasing predominance of the precautionary principle. The principle of proportionality, for example, is at risk of losing its grip if the mining of certain personal data is set in relation to the prevention of massive terrorist attacks. In a remarkable series of decisions, the German Federal Constitutional Court has struck down laws and administrative measures of the police and secret service agencies which placed too much emphasis on the precautionary principle. Besides requiring procedural safeguards, the Court has insisted on material standards for achieving an appropriate balance among the relevant thresholds for imposing a security measure, the intensity of the intrusion into fundamental rights and the security interests at stake. The scaling of the intensity of various intrusions and the scaling of various security interests do not pose significant problems. However, the process of establishing thresholds involving various types of judgments concerning the probability of damage, such as general threat levels, different forms of danger assessments, and risks, is not yet well understood. This article analyzes various thresholds in the light of theories of probability to establish a system of thresholds which will comport with the constitutional requirements that have emerged from recent decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court