64 research outputs found

    Permanently installed rope monitoring in conveyor systems

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    A permanently installed rope monitoring system can help to avoid unplanned downtimes and increase the safety level. The aim here is to set up a rope monitoring system that helps to monitor the hoisting rope as a critical component and to minimise downtimes in the context of "predictive maintenance". The already applied magnetic inductive rope testing can be used as a testing method. The paper deals with the topic of integrating such a permanently installed testing device, its use and evaluation strategies, and it identifies possibilities for new business areas for rope testing

    Die modernen Medien der Weimarer Republik

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung der während der Weimarer Republik modernen - neuen - Medien nachgezeichnet. Ein Schwerpunkt bildet dabei das entstehende Medium Rundfunk, das in der Weimarer Republik zum ersten Mal der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht wurde und während dieser Zeit eine zahlenmäßig vorher noch von keinem Medium erreichte Verbreitung gewann. Daneben werden auch die Photographie und die Film-Wochenschauen behandelt

    Decision-making in blackjack : an electrophysiological analysis

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    Previous studies have identified a negative potential in the event-related potential (ERP), the error-related negativity (ERN), which is claimed to be triggered by a deviation from a reward expectation. Furthermore, this negativity is related to shifts in risk taking, strategic behavioral adjustments, and inhibition. We used a computer Blackjack gambling task to further examine the process associated with the ERN. Our findings are in line with the view that the ERN process is related to the degree of reward expectation. Furthermore, increased ERN amplitude is associated with the negative evaluation of ongoing decisions, and the amplitude of the ERN is directly related to risk-taking and decision-making behavior. However, the findings suggest that an explanation exclusively based on the deviation from a reward expectation may be insufficient and that the intention of the participants and the importance of a negative event for learning and behavioral change are crucial to the understanding of ERN phenomena

    Improved Energy-Momentum Currents in Metric-Affine Spacetime

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    In Minkowski spacetime it is well-known that the canonical energy-momentum current is involved in the construction of the globally conserved currents of energy-momentum and total angular momentum. For the construction of conserved currents corresponding to (approximate) scale and proper conformal symmetries, however, an improved energy-momentum current is needed. By extending the Minkowskian framework to a genuine metric-affine spacetime, we find that the affine Noether identities and the conformal Killing equations enforce this improvement in a rather natural way. So far, no gravitational dynamics is involved in our construction. The resulting dilation and proper conformal currents are conserved provided the trace of the energy-momentum current satisfies a (mild) scaling relation or even vanishes.Comment: 14p

    Mass and Spin of Poincare Gauge Theory

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    We discuss two expressions for the conserved quantities (energy momentum and angular momentum) of the Poincar\'e Gauge Theory. We show, that the variations of the Hamiltonians, of which the expressions are the respective boundary terms, are well defined, if we choose an appropriate phase space for asymptotic flat gravitating systems. Furthermore, we compare the expressions with others, known from the literature.Comment: 16 pages, plain-tex; to be published in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Laboratory VIS–NIR reflectance measurements of heated Vesta regolith analogs: Unraveling the spectral properties of the pitted impact deposits on Vesta

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    Pitted impact deposits on Vesta show higher reflectance and pyroxene absorption band strengths compared to their immediate surroundings and other typical Vestan materials. We investigated whether heating to different temperatures for different durations of Vestan regolith analog materials can reproduce these spectral characteristics using mixtures of HEDs, the carbonaceous chondrite Murchison, and terrestrial analogs. We find no consistent spectral trend due merely to temperature increases, but observed that the interiors of many heated samples show both higher reflectance and pyroxene band I strength than their heated surfaces. With electron probe microanalysis, we additionally observe the formation of hematite, which could account for the higher reflectance. The presence of hematite indicates oxidation occurring in the sample interiors. In combination with heat, this might cause the increase of pyroxene band strengths through migration of iron cations. The effect grows larger with increasing temperature and duration, although temperature appears to play the more dominant role. A higher proportion of Murchison or the terrestrial carbonaceous chondrite analog within our mixtures also appears to facilitate the onset of oxidation. Our observations suggest that both the introduction of exogenic material on Vesta as well as the heating from impacts were necessary to enable the process (possibly oxidation) causing the observed spectral changes

    Quantitative dual-energy CT as a nondestructive tool to identify indicators for fossilized bone in vertebrate paleontology

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    Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) is an imaging technique that combines nondestructive morphological cross-sectional imaging of objects and the quantification of their chemical composition. However, its potential to assist investigations in paleontology has not yet been explored. This study investigates quantitative DECT for the nondestructive density- and element-based material decomposition of fossilized bones. Specifically, DECT was developed and validated for imaging-based calcium and fluorine quantification in bones of five fossil vertebrates from different geological time periods and of one extant vertebrate. The analysis shows that DECT material maps can differentiate bone from surrounding sediment and reveals fluorine as an imaging marker for fossilized bone and a reliable indicator of the age of terrestrial fossils. Moreover, the jaw bone mass of Tyrannosaurus rex showed areas of particularly high fluorine concentrations on DECT, while conventional CT imaging features supported the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. These findings highlight the relevance of radiological imaging techniques in the natural sciences by introducing quantitative DECT imaging as a nondestructive approach for material decomposition in fossilized objects, thereby potentially adding to the toolbox of paleontological studies
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