27 research outputs found

    Editorial: Food of the future: Algae and aquaculture

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    Food and feed shortage are serious problems challenging the sustainable development of human society. Besides, food-related health is becoming an emerging topic attracting researchers' attentions...Peer reviewe

    Nusproizvodi semenske dorade crne (Brassica Nigra) i bele (Sinapis Alba) slačice kao hrana za životinje - mogućnosti i opasnosti

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    The agri-food industry generates thousands of tons of by-products such as skins, peels, seeds, leaves and other inedible fractions. Such by-products usually cause environmental issues due to their large amounts and high water activity promoting microbial development. Food by-products can be readily recycled and utilized as a source of fuel, feed and fertilizer. Therefore, it seems logical and feasible to turn food by-products into animal feeds. The purpose of this study is to produce a new animal feed compound by extruding by-products of black and white mustard seeds production. After extrusion, the feed compound obtained was dried and stored in two manners: under ambient conditions and in a climate chamber under accelerated conditions of high temperature and air humidity. Our objective was to examine the oxidative stability of the feed compound produced, and to compare the properties of black and white mustard seed extrudates.Semenska proizvodnja stvara ogromne količine prehrambenog otpada svake godine, kao što su polomljenia zrna, ljuske, nejestivi delovi biljke, kao i delovi neadekvatnih senzornih i nutritivnih karakteristika. Jednostavan način za smanjenje količine semenskog 'otpada' ogleda se u što masovnijoj upotrebi u daljim ciklusima prerade. S obzirom na samo poreklo sirovina, kao najlogičniji i najjednostavniji vid dalje upotrebe odbačenih semenskih nusproizvoda nameće se proizvodnja hrane za životinje. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio da se ispita mogućnost upotrebe nusproizvoda semenske dorade crne i bele slačice u proizvodnji novog hraniva za ishranu životinja uz primenu tehnološkog postupka ekstrudiranja. Imajući u vidu hemijski sastav sirovine, nakon ekstrudiranja pristupljeno je ispitivanju je skladišne stabilnosti proizvedenih ekstrudata, praćenjem oksidativnih promena masne faze proizvoda. Proizvedeno hranivo je osušeno i skladišteno na dva načina. Prva grupa uzoraka skladištena je na sobnim uslovima temperature i vlažnosti vazduha, dok je druga grupa uzoraka skladištena u klima komori pri ubrzanim uslovima povišene temterature (65°C) i vlažnosti vazduha (φ = 70%). Sledeći parametri sukcesivno su praćeni tokom perioda skladištenja: mikrobiološki status uzoraka, peroksidni broj kao merilo primarne oksidacije proizvoda i supstance reaktivna sa tiobarbiturinskom kiselinom (Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances - TBARS) i anisidinski broj kao merilo sekundarne oksidacije proizvoda. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na to da proizvedeni ekstrudati pokazuju značajan potencijal kao novo hranivo za životinje. Visok sadržaj proteina, a u isto vreme i masti, svrstavaju ekstrudirane nusproizvode slačice u proteinsko-energetska hraniva. Poredeći ova dva parametra sa vrednostima konvencionalnih hraniva, može se reći da su oba ekstrudata slična ekstrudiranoj soji. Međutim, ono što predstavlja problem, jeste visok sadržaj celuloze (preko 20% u oba ekstrudata), što je značajan limitirajući faktor u ishrani životinja. Za proizvedene ekstrudate karakterističan je visok sadržaj nezasićenih masnih kiselina. Ograničenje u nesmetanoj upotrebi ovih ekstrudata u ishrani životinja predstavlja visok sadržaj eruka kiseline, jedinjenu poznatom po svom antinutritivnom dejstvu, a koji ekstrudiranjem nije bilo moguće smanjiti. Takođe je utvrđeno da je ekstrudat proizveden od nusproizvoda crne slačice stabilniji od ekstrudiranih nusproizvoda bele slačice

    The influence of essential oils on the properties of biopolymer films based on wild flax (Camelina sativa L.)

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    The aim of this work was the activation of biopolymer material based on wild flax cake (Camelina Sativa) with eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils added in different concentrations (0.5%, 1% and 2%). The wild flax cake, left over after the cold pressing of the oil, was used to obtain biopolymer films. To obtain active packaging, essential oils were added to this biopolymer material and the influence of the addition of essential oils on the physico-chemical, mechanical, barrier and biological properties of biopolymer films based on wild flax cake was examined. The obtained results showed the most significant influence on water vapor permeability. The control sample had a water vapor permeability value of 5.43 g/m 2 h, while in the sample with 2% added eucalyptus essential oil, this value was 3.14 g/m 2 h. Antioxidant activity was also confirmed in the control sample without added essential oils (60.10%), but with the addition of 2% eucalyptus essential oil, this value increased to 78.54%. Eucalyptus essential oil proved to be more effective than rosemary oil on the investigated properties of the films. The addition of essential oils to biopolymer films broadens the spectrum of functional properties, including the improvement of mechanical, barrier and biological properties

    Cold-pressed camelina cake as a source of essential fatty acids in animal nutrition

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    The demand for alternative sources of energy and protein in animal nutrition has notably increased in recent decades. Camelina seed and its by-products from oil manufacturing have gained much attention due to the high nutritional value. Therefore, the present paper focuses on determination of fatty acid content in the cold-pressed camelina cake and thus evaluation of its potential as a valuable source of essential fatty acids in animal feeding. For that purpose, camelina cakes were obtained as a by-product from the coldpressed oil production. Two genotypes of camelina seed (Camelina sativa) (NS Zlatka and NS Slatka) were used in this study. The obtained results showed that both cakes had high content of lipids, while NS Zlatka demonstrated higher lipid content (16.1%) than NS Slatka (14.8%). Both camelina cakes had similar content of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Among SFA, the most dominant was palmitic acid, followed by stearic, arachidic and myristic acid. Oleic acid and eicosenoic were predominant in MUFA. Eruca acid was found in camelina cakes at the amount of 3.0 and 3.3% for NS Slatka and NS Zlatka, respectively. Over half of the total fatty acids in camelina cakes were constituted of PUFA, of which the highest share were linoleic (n-6) and α-linolenic acid (n-3)

    Nutritive value of Serbian camelina genotypes as an alternative feed ingredient

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    Camelina has been used from ancient times, but recently has re-emerged as a valuable plant with the potential for successful replacement of conventional oilseed crops. The utilisation of camelina and its by-products in animal feed is a matter of scientific study due to their excellent nutritional potential. The present study aimed to investigate the nutritive value of two Serbian camelina seed genotypes (NS Zlatka and NS Slatka) as a potential alternative to commonly used oilseed crops in animal feeding. For that purpose proximate composition, fatty acid profile, amino acid profile and tocopherols were analysed. The study also included the investigation of the content of anti-nutritive compounds that can adversely affect the nutritional value of feed. The results showed that camelina seeds had a high amount of proteins (around 28%), amino acids and γ- tocopherols. Camelina genotypes were characterized by unique fatty acids composition, with its oil consisting of approximately 57% polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which the highest proportions were α-linolenic acid (~37%) and linoleic acid (~17%). An optimal ratio of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids (0.5) was also reported in this study. The concentration of anti-nutritional factors and heavy metals in camelina seeds was below the maximum set limit for feedstuff. To conclude, the investigated Serbian camelina genotypes can be used as a valuable source of proteins, essential fatty acids and tocopherols in animal nutrition and has a great potential to replace conventional oilseedsLanik se gaji još od davnina, ali u poslednje vreme ponovo postaje predmet interesovanja zbog svog potencijala da zameni konvencionalne uljarice. Usled izvrsnog nutritivnog potencijala, iskorišćenje lanika i njegovih sporednih proizvoda prerade u hrani za životinje predstavlja predmet naučnih studija. Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje nutritivne vrednosti semena dva srpska genotipa lanika (NS Zlatka i NS Slatka) kao potencijalne zamene uobičajeno korišćenih uljarica u ishrani životinja. U tu svrhu, rađene su analize hemijskog sastava, određivan je masnokiselinski i aminokiselinski profil kao i sadržaj tokoferola. Takođe, određivan je i sadržaj antinutritivnih materija koje mogu da umanje kvalitet hrane za životinje. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da seme lanika sadrži značajnu količinu proteina (oko 28%), aminokiselina i γ-tokoferola. Pokazano je da ispitivani genotipovi lanika poseduju karakterističan masnokiselinski sastav, pri čemu je ulje sadržalo oko 57% polinezasićenih masnih kiselina od kojih su najzastupljenije bile αlinolenska (~37%) i linolna (~17%) kiselina. Takođe je utvrđen i optimalni odnos n-6 i n3 masnih kiselina (0.5). Sadržaj antinutritivnih materija i teških metala u semenu lanika bio je ispod maksimalne dozvoljene granice za hranu za životinje. Zaključak ovog istraživanja je da se ispitani srpski genotipovi lanika mogu koristiti kao vredan izvor proteina, esencijalnih masnih kiselina i tokoferola u ishrani životinja, kao i da poseduju potencijal da postanu zamena konvencionalnih uljarica

    A review of possibilities for control of Salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria in pig feed

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    Each category of pigs is susceptible to diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, which negatively reflects on animal health, farm production results or meat quality. Animal feed is one of the potential reservoirs of pathogenic bacteria and infection source of domestic animals. Salmonella spp. is major microbiological hazard in animal feed. Thus, there is importance for implementation of strategies for preventing feed contamination with Salmonella, by minimizing dust, maximizing hygiene of space and processing equipment in feed mills and implementing control measures in each stage of feed production. Existing Salmonella feed contamination can be eliminated by conditioning and later different heat treatments (pelleting, extrusion, expansion) in production process while changing physical structure of the feed (coarsely or finely ground mash or pellets) can influence on conditions for Salmonella development in gastrointestinal tract of pigs. Contamination of feed by pathogenic bacteria and conditions for their development can be also controlled by addition of acidifiers, prebiotics, probiotics and, more recently, essential oils of plant origin, into feed. Various strategies for prevention of feed bacterial contamination, processes for feed decontamination, as well as possibilities for controlling pathogenic bacteria, especially Salmonella, in pig feed were presented and discussed in this article

    Influence of dietary carrot and paprika on egg physical characteristics and yolk color

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    For many consumers egg yolk color is a very important characteristic of egg quality. Since hens are not able to synthesize coloring pigments, the intensity of the yolk color depends directly on the content and profile of pigmenting carotenoids present in their feed. The aim of this study was to assess the combined pigmenting effect of paprika and carrot and their ability to achieve egg yolks in the desired color range. Biological tests lasted for 30 days and were conducted on 180 Lohmann Brown layers. The laying hens were divided in six groups. Every group was assigned to one of six possible treatments, control 1 (C1) treatment without any pigments added, control 2 (C2) treatment with synthetic pigments added and four experimental diets (D1, D2, D3, D4) with the addition of natural color sources (paprika and carrot). After experimental period collected eggs were analyzed regarding physical characteristics of eggs, content of β-carotene and yolk color of eggs. Obtained results has shown that dried carrot and milled paprika can successfully replace synthetic pigments, with no negative effects on physical characteristics of produced eggs, egg yolk color, acceptability or β-carotene content

    Camelina, minor oil crop with multiple use as food and feed

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    Lanik je uljana biljna vrsta koja daje rentabilne prinose, čak i u nepovoljnijim uslovima za gajenje. Bolje podnosi sušu u odnosu na većinu drugih uljarica. Sa visokim prinosom ulja jedinstvenog kvaliteta, seme lanika je bogato polinezasićenim masnim kiselinama i predstavlja dragoceni izvor ω-3 i ω-6 masnih kiselina. Trend korišćenja proteina iz biljnih izvora je uslovio efikasnije korišćenje sačme lanika i njegovu upotrebu u ishrani.Camelina is an oil crop which provides profitable yields, even in unfavorable growing conditions. It tolerates drought better than most other oilseed crops. With a high yield of oil of unique quality, camelina is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and is a valuable source of ω-3 i ω-6 fatty acids. The trend of using proteins from plant sources has conditioned the better use of camelina meal and its use in nutritio

    From the sea to aquafeed: A perspective overview

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    Aquaculture has been one of the fastest-growing food production systems sectors for over three decades. With its growth, the demand for alternative, cheaper and high-quality feed ingredients is also increasing. Innovation investments on providing new functional feed alternatives have yielded several viable alternative raw materials. Considering all the current feed ingredients, their circular adaption in the aquafeed manufacturing industry is clearly of the utmost importance to achieve sustainable aquaculture in the near future. The use of terrestrial plant materials and animal by-products predominantly used in aquafeed ingredients puts a heavily reliance on terrestrial agroecosystems, which also has its own sustainability concerns. Therefore, the aquafeed industry needs to progress with functional and sustainable alternative raw materials for feed that must be more resilient and consistent, considering a circular perspective. In this review, we assess the current trends in using various marine organisms, ranging from microorganisms (including fungi, thraustochytrids, microalgae and bacteria) to macroalgae and macroinvertebrates as viable biological feed resources. This review focuses on the trend of circular use of resources and the development of new value chains. In this, we present a perspective of promoting novel circular economy value chains that promote the re-use of biological resources as valuable feed ingredients. Thus, we highlight some potentially important marine-derived resources that deserve further investigations for improving or addressing circular aquaculture

    Impact of Using Oilseed Industry Byproducts Rich in Linoleic and Alpha-Linolenic Acid in Ruminant Nutrition on Milk Production and Milk Fatty Acid Profile

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    Milk contains more than 400 different fatty acids, some of which play a positive role in promoting human health. The profile of fatty acids in milk can be enhanced by providing animals with plant-based resources that possess feeding characteristics adequate for favorable changes in the fatty acid composition and increasing healthy fatty acids in milk. This review summarizes the available 41 research studies on the utilization of oilseed industry byproducts rich in linoleic acid (hemp, pumpkin, sunflower) and alpha-linolenic acid (camelina and linseed) in dairy cow, sheep, and goat nutrition; their impact on milk production characteristics; and potential to improve fatty acid composition of milk through the diet. This review illustrates that incorporating byproducts into the diet for dairy ruminants generally does not have any adverse effects on both milk production and composition. A similar trend of improvement in milk fatty acid profile was observed when ruminants were fed diets supplemented with camelina, linseed, and sunflower byproducts, while no significant changes were noted with pumpkin byproducts. Hempseed byproducts showed potential for use as an alternative ingredient in dairy ruminant diets. Nevertheless, more in-depth research investigating the inclusion of selected byproducts is required before valid conclusions can be drawn regarding their value