66 research outputs found

    Right to education in international law

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    The article considers the issue of the right to education at the international law. The development of the right to education and the current international instruments which protect the right to education in international law are shown by the author. Generally recognized principles of international law in the field of education determined by international instruments are presented in the paper

    About the Perturbing Factors Influence in the Spacecraft Motion Simulation Model

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    Abstract The new simulation model of the spacecraft's center of mass motion with taking into account of gravitational potentials of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun is presented in this paper. The simulation model was created on the basis of analysis of the present mathematical models of gravitational potentials of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun and different methods of numeral calculation. Influence of the Earth's atmosphere, which causes the spacecraft motion deceleration, was taken into account. By means of the created simulation model the analysis of the environment perturbation factors influencing on the spacecraft motion trajectory was carried out. It has been revealed that deviation of the calculated orbit from the given one depends on orbit height, and this dependence has been defined. The estimation of relative influence of the moments of various forces on the mass center motion was carried out

    Implementation of international standards in the sphere of higher education to national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The article considers the international standards adopted by United Nation Organization in the sphere of higher education. During the analysis of the international instruments the authors have made the conclusion that higher education is considered as the right of everyone to higher education from the aspect of its availability and accessibility. Besides, the right to education refers the development of human personality and dignity and involves theoretical and practical directivity. The authors have come to the conclusion that national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan conforms to international standards in the sphere of higher education but there are some contradictions within the national acts themselves


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    The article presents a study of the corruption perception and the involvement of SMEs in corruption practices. The main goal of the paper is to provide an analysis of corruption perception of the SMEs representatives, its parts and research methodology to provide an adequate picture and analysis of corruption of the Kazakhstan. For obtaining a comparative picture, we interviewed 500 representatives of SMEs and 500 civil servants. We used a mass survey (face-to-face) method. The results show that the presence of “gap” between perception of corruption and degree of the respondents’ involvement in corrupt practices. The respondents believe that corruption is widespread, but they themselves were rarely involved in corrupt practices. The key message is that the SMEs representatives consider this problem to be acute, but they are not ready to talk about their own experience in this regard

    Ways to Enhance Students’ Learning Activities in the Context of Higher Education

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    The article aims to study scientific and methodological features of the ways to enhance students’ learning activities in the context of higher education. The study's theoretical significance is derived from the in-depth analysis of the development of students' learning activity. The study offers the framework of characteristics for the concept of “students' learning (cognitive) activity". The main used methods were: analysis, peer-assessment, self-assessment. The interview method was used to make a cognitive profile of the participants, taking into account their psychological characteristics. The authors developed and scientifically tested educational model based on module curricula and interactive teaching methods to enhance students' learning activity. The authors also reflected the dynamic of the learning activity of the students with disabilities participating in the experiment. The results proved the effectiveness of the developed model of enhancing students' learning activity by using interactive teaching methods. It was concluded that the module curricular and active teaching methods help enhance students with disabilities' learning activity and make them more responsible in respect to the results of their study

    Безопасность новых режимов профилактического лечения туберкулеза и приверженность к их соблюдению по данным Республики Казахстан

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    The objective: to assess the safety and compliance with new regimens for preventive treatment of drug susceptible and drug resistant tuberculosis.Subjects and Methods. The study was carried out in Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan; 182 patients from the groups facing the high risk of developing active tuberculosis received preventive tuberculosis treatment with new regimens: 71 patients were treated with isoniazid and rifampicin for 3 months (3 HR), 55 - with isoniazid and rifapentine for 1 month (1 HR), 56 - with levofloxacin for 6 months (6 Lfx).Results. During treatment with regimens 3 HR, 1 HP, 6 Lfx, no adverse events of severity degree 3-4 developed , while adverse events of severity degree 1-2 were rare and relieved. The patient-oriented approach to the organization of preventive chemotherapy made it possible to achieve high treatment completion rates: in the group receiving 3 HR, it was 97.2% of cases, in the group receiving 1 HP - 96.4%, and in the group receiving 6 Lfx - 82.2%.Цель исследования: оценка безопасности и приверженности к соблюдению новых режимов профилактического лечения лекарственно чувствительного и лекарственно устойчивого туберкулеза.Материалы и методы. Исследование выполнено в г. Алматы Республики Казахстан; новые режимы профилактического лечения туберкулеза получили 182 пациента из групп высокого риска развития активного туберкулеза: 71 – изониазид и рифампицин в течение 3 месяцев (3 HR), 55 – изониазид и рифапентин 1 месяц (1 НР), 56 – левофлоксацин 6 месяцев (6 Lfx).Результаты. При приеме режимов 3 HR, 1 HP, 6 Lfx нежелательных явлений 3-4 степени тяжести не наблюдалось, нежелательные явления 1-2 степени токсичности встречались редко и были купированы. Пациентоориентированный подход организации превентивной химиотерапии позволил достигнуть высоких показателей завершения лечения: в группе, получавшей 3 HR, в 97,2% случаев, 1 HP – в 96,4% и 6 Lfx – в 82,2%

    2023 ESC Guidelines for the management of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes

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