592 research outputs found

    The application of satellite generated data and multispectral analysis to regional planning and urban development

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    Fishery and biology of white sardine, Escualosa thoracata (Valenciennes) at Versova, Bombay

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    Gill net fishery exclusively for the white sardine, Escualosa thoracata, which started in mid-eighties at Versova, is described. During 1987-88 to 1991-92 periods, the annual average landing of the species was 202.2 tons with year to year fluctuations. The peak fishing season was during April-May. The size range of the species in the gill net was 41-105 mm and the von Bertalanffy growth parameters, L. and K, estimated by the ELEFAN program were 110 mm and 1.8 per year. The length-weight relationship was W=0.000001508 L(super 3.3946) for the males and W=0.000002561 L(super 3.2706) for the females. The food consisted of copepods, cladocerans and crustacean larvae. The size at maturity for the females was 82 mm and spawning took place during October - February period. The sex-ratio showed equal proportion except during January, July and October when females dominated in the catch

    New All-Weather Fishery Harbour For Veraval

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    Veraval forms one of the major fish landing centres of the Saurashtra coast. The all-weather fishery harbour plan was approved and the World Bank sanctioned Rs. 342 milhon for constructing one each at Veraval and Mangrol. In Veraval the execution of the project was initiated in the year 1977-'78 by the Fisheries Terminus Division(FTD) of the Department of Fisheries

    Identification of signature and primers specific to genus Pseudomonas using mismatched patterns of 16S rDNA sequences

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    BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas, a soil bacterium, has been observed as a dominant genus that survives in different habitats with wide hostile conditions. We had a basic assumption that the species level variation in 16S rDNA sequences of a bacterial genus is mainly due to substitutions rather than insertion or deletion of bases. Keeping this in view, the aim was to identify a region of 16S rDNA sequence and within that focus on substitution prone stretches indicating species level variation and to derive patterns from these stretches that are specific to the genus. RESULTS: Repeating elements that are highly conserved across different species of Pseudomonas were considered as guiding markers to locate a region within the 16S gene. Four repeating patterns showing more than 80% consistency across fifty different species of Pseudomonas were identified. The sub-sequences between the repeating patterns yielded a continuous region of 495 bases. The sub-sequences after alignment and using Shanon's entropy measure yielded a consensus pattern. A stretch of 24 base positions in this region, showing maximum variations across the sampled sequences was focused for possible genus specific patterns. Nine patterns in this stretch showed nearly 70% specificity to the target genus. These patterns were further used to obtain a signature that is highly specific to Pseudomonas. The signature region was used to design PCR primers, which yielded a PCR product of 150 bp whose specificity was validated through a sample experiment. CONCLUSIONS: The developed approach was successfully applied to genus Pseudomonas. It could be tried in other bacterial genera to obtain respective signature patterns and thereby PCR primers, for their rapid tracking in the environmental samples

    Using Machine Learning Techniques to Classify and Predict Static Code Analysis Tool Warnings

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    This paper discusses our work on using software engineering metrics (i.e., source code metrics) to classify an error message generated by a Static Code Analysis (SCA) tool as a true-positive, false-positive, or false-negative. Specifically, we compare the performance of Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Random Forests, and Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER) over eight datasets. The performance of the techniques is assessed by computing the F-measure metric, which is defined as the weighted harmonic mean of the precision and recall of the predicted model. The overall results of the study show that the F-measure value of the predicted model, which is generated using Random Forests technique, ranges from 83% to 98%. Additionally, the Random Forests technique outperforms the other techniques. Lastly, our results indicate that the complexity and coupling metrics have the most impact on whether a SCA tool with generate a false-positive warning or not

    Fishermen's ingenuity in utilizing thermocole for making fishing crafts at Satpati (Maharashtra)

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    The ingenious traditional fishers of Satpati(Maharashtra) designed and fabricated fishing crafts uusing cheap thermocole(polyurethene)

    Resident phenotypically modulated vascular smooth muscle cells in healthy human arteries.

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    Vascular interstitial cells (VICs) are non-contractile cells with filopodia previously described in healthy blood vessels of rodents and their function remains unknown. The objective of this study was to identify VICs in human arteries and to ascertain their role. VICs were identified in the wall of human gastro-omental arteries using transmission electron microscopy. Isolated VICs showed ability to form new and elongate existing filopodia and actively change body shape. Most importantly sprouting VICs were also observed in cell dispersal. RT-PCR performed on separately collected contractile vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and VICs showed that both cell types expressed the gene for smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SM-MHC). Immunofluorescent labelling showed that both VSMCs and VICs had similar fluorescence for SM-MHC and αSM-actin, VICs, however, had significantly lower fluorescence for smoothelin, myosin light chain kinase, h-calponin and SM22α. It was also found that VICs do not have cytoskeleton as rigid as in contractile VSMCs. VICs express number of VSMC-specific proteins and display features of phenotypically modulated VSMCs with increased migratory abilities. VICs, therefore represent resident phenotypically modulated VSMCs that are present in human arteries under normal physiological conditions

    Atlas on the Elasmobranch fishery resources of India

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    The elasmobranchs represented by sharks, skates (sawfishes,guitar fishes) and rays are an important group of demersal fishes which are exploited for multifarious uses of their various body parts such as the meat, fins, liver, teeth and the hide. While shark fins are considered as a delicacy fetching increased export market, their liver oil is utilized in pharmaceutical industry. Shark teeth is used for ornamental purposes and their hide for a variety of leather products. This increased commercial demand coupled with their characteristic life history pattern including slow growth rate, delayed maturation, long reproductive cycle, low fecundity and long life span and their trans-boundary migration pattern make them susceptible to over fishing. Because of this background, of late there had been a growing international awareness over the conservation and management of the elasmobranch stocks. This in turn necessitates an understanding of resource characteristics and eco-biological features of different species of sharks, skates and ray

    Unusual catch of Thread-fin breams by trawl net at Veraval

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    The thread - fin breams, locally known as 'Lal machala' constitute 0.6 to 12.39% of the total catch during the different months of their landing at Veraval. The thread-fin breams form an important demersal fishery resource at Veraval. During the mid September to October beginning, the trawlers brought a heavy catch (estimated to be about 2.400 tonnes) of Nemipterus spp. and the observations were recorded during that period. In the catches two species viz. N. mesoprion and N. japonicus were recorded, where N. Mesoprion dominated (94.55%). Biological observations and economical status was also studied

    A Novel Disulfide-Rich Protein Motif from Avian Eggshell Membranes

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    Under the shell of a chicken egg are two opposed proteinaceous disulfide-rich membranes. They are fabricated in the avian oviduct using fibers formed from proteins that are extensively coupled by irreversible lysine-derived crosslinks. The intractability of these eggshell membranes (ESM) has slowed their characterization and their protein composition remains uncertain. In this work, reductive alkylation of ESM followed by proteolytic digestion led to the identification of a cysteine rich ESM protein (abbreviated CREMP) that was similar to spore coat protein SP75 from cellular slime molds. Analysis of the cysteine repeats in partial sequences of CREMP reveals runs of remarkably repetitive patterns. Module a contains a C-X4-C-X5-C-X8-C-X6 pattern (where X represents intervening non-cysteine residues). These inter-cysteine amino acid residues are also strikingly conserved. The evolutionarily-related module b has the same cysteine spacing as a, but has 11 amino acid residues at its C-terminus. Different stretches of CREMP sequences in chicken genomic DNA fragments show diverse repeat patterns: e.g. all a modules; an alternation of a-b modules; or an a-b-b arrangement. Comparable CREMP proteins are found in contigs of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and in the oviparous green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). In all these cases the long runs of highly conserved modular repeats have evidently led to difficulties in the assembly of full length DNA sequences. Hence the number, and the amino acid lengths, of CREMP proteins are currently unknown. A 118 amino acid fragment (representing an a-b-a-b pattern) from a chicken oviduct EST library expressed in Escherichia coli is a well folded, highly anisotropic, protein with a large chemical shift dispersion in 2D solution NMR spectra. Structure is completely lost on reduction of the 8 disulfide bonds of this protein fragment. Finally, solid state NMR spectra suggest a surprising degree of order in intact ESM fibers