388 research outputs found

    Modification of Learning Media to Improve Learning Keys Effectiveness on Lempar Lembing, Classroom Action Research in Class X Sman 2 Painan

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    This situation and condition has been going on for quite a while and the school until this moment has not been able to fulfill the means of the disc to sufficient limits or ideal conditions, for example by a ratio of 1: 2 (1 disc for 2 persons). This is understandable, because schools have a lot of needs and almost all have a high level of urgency to meet by the school. So demanding schools to provide discs in accordance with ideal conditions, is unrealistic and can further lead to unfavorable climate and climate in schools. &nbsp

    Optically reconfigurable unit cell for Ka-band reflectarray antennas

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    The effects of ginger on fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A-I and malondialdehyde in type 2 diabetic patients

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    Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder, causes many complications such as micro- and macro-vascular diseases. Anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic and anti-oxidative properties of ginger have been noticed in several researches. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of ginger on fasting blood sugar, Hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A-I, and malondialdehyde in type 2 diabetic patients. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial, a total of 41 type 2 diabetic patients randomly were assigned to ginger or placebo groups (22 in ginger group and 19 in control group), received 2 g/day of ginger powder supplement or lactose as placebo for 12 weeks. The serum concentrations of fasting blood sugar, Hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A-I and malondialdehyde were analyzed before and after the intervention. Ginger supplementation significantly reduced the levels of fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I and malondialdehyde in ginger group in comparison to baseline, as well as control group, while it increased the level of apolipoprotein A-I (p<0.05). It seems that oral administration of ginger powder supplement can improves fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein A-I, apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I and malondialdehyde in type 2 diabetic patients. So it may have a role in alleviating the risk of some chronic complications of diabetes. © 2015 by School of Pharmacy Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services

    Atrial Fibrillation Stratification via Fibrillatory Wave Characterization Using the Filter Diagonalization Method

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    We use the Filter Diagonalization Method (FDM), a harmonic inversion technique, to extract f-wave features in electrocardiographic (ECG) traces for atrial fibrillation (AF) stratification. The FDM detects f-wave frequencies and amplitudes at frame sizes of 0.15 seconds. We demonstrate our method on a dataset comprising of ECG recordings from 23 patients (61.65 ± 11.63 years, 78.26% male) before cryoablation; 2 paroxysmal AF, 16 early persistent AF (12 months duration). Moreover, some of these patients received adenosine to enhance their RR intervals before ablation. Our method extracts features from FDM outputs to train statistical machine learning classifiers. Tenfold cross-validation demonstrates that the Random Forest and Decision Tree models performed best for the pre-ablation without and with adenosine datasets, with accuracy 60.89 ± 0.31% and 59.58% ± 0.04%, respectively. While the results are modest, they demonstrate that f-wave features can be used for AF stratification. The accuracies are similar for the two tests, slightly better for the case without adenosine, showing that the FDM can successfully model short f-waves without the need to concatenate f-wave sequences or adenosine to elongate RR intervals

    Production of hybrid macro/micro/nano surface structures on Ti6Al4V surfaces by picosecond laser surface texturing and their antifouling characteristics

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    The development of surfaces which reduce biofouling has attracted much interest in practical applications. Three picosecond laser generated surface topographies (Ti1, Ti2, Ti3) on titanium were produced, treated with fluoroalkylsilane (FAS), then characterised using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle measurements and white light interference microscopy. The surfaces had a range of different macro/micro/nano topographies. Ti2 had a unique, surface topography with large blunt conical peaks and was predominantly a rutile surface with closely packed, self-assembled FAS; this was the most hydrophobic sample (water contact angle 160°; ΔGiwi was −135.29 mJ m−2). Bacterial attachment, adhesion and retention to the surfaces demonstrated that all the laser generated surfaces retained less bacteria than the control surface. This also occurred following the adhesion and retention assays when the bacteria were either not rinsed from the surfaces or were retained in static conditions for one hour. This work demonstrated that picosecond laser generated surfaces may be used to produce antiadhesive surfaces that significantly reduced surface fouling. It was determined that a tri-modally dimensioned surface roughness, with a blunt conical macro-topography, combined with a close-packed fluoroalkyl monolayer was required for an optimised superhydrophobic surface. These surfaces were effective even following surface immersion and static conditions for one hour, and thus may have applications in a number of food or medical industries

    Prostacyclin mimetics inhibit DRP1-mediated pro-proliferative mitochondrial fragmentation in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare cardiopulmonary disorder, involving the remodelling of the small pulmonary arteries. Underlying this remodelling is the hyper-proliferation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells within the medial layers of these arteries and their encroachment on the lumen. Previous studies have demonstrated an association between excessive mitochondrial fragmentation, a consequence of increased expression and post-translational activation of the mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1), and pathological proliferation in PASMCs derived from PAH patients. However, the impact of prostacyclin mimetics, widely used in the treatment of PAH, on this pathological mitochondrial fragmentation remains unexplored. We hypothesise that these agents, which are known to attenuate the proliferative phenotype of PAH PASMCs, do so in part by inhibiting mitochondrial fragmentation. In this study, we confirmed the previously reported increase in DRP1-mediated mitochondrial hyper-fragmentation in PAH PASMCs. We then showed that the prostacyclin mimetic treprostinil signals via either the Gs-coupled IP or EP2 receptor to inhibit mitochondrial fragmentation and the associated hyper-proliferation in a manner analogous to the DRP1 inhibitor Mdivi-1. We also showed that treprostinil recruits either the IP or EP2 receptor to activate PKA and induce the phosphorylation of DRP1 at the inhibitory residue S637 and inhibit that at the stimulatory residue S616, both of which are suggestive of reduced DRP1 fission activity. Like treprostinil, MRE-269, an IP receptor agonist, and butaprost, an EP2 receptor agonist, attenuated DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fragmentation through PKA. We conclude that prostacyclin mimetics produce their anti-proliferative effects on PAH PASMCs in part by inhibiting DRP1-mediated mitochondrial fragmentation

    Reduction of seafood processing wastewater using technologies enhanced by swim–bed technology

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    The increasing growth of the seafood processing industries considerably requires more industrial process activities and water consumption. It is estimated that approximately 10–40 m3 of wastewater is generated from those industries for processing one-tonne of raw materials. Due to limitations and regulations in natural resources utilization, a suitable and systematic wastewater treatment plant is very important to meet rigorous discharge standards. As a result of food waste biodegradability, the biological treatment and some extent of swim-bed technology, including a novel acryl-fibre (biofilm) material might be used effectively to meet the effluent discharge criteria. This chapter aims to develop understanding on current problems and production of the seafood wastewater regarding treatment efficiency and methods of treatment

    Recurrent post-partum coronary artery dissection

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    Coronary artery dissection is a rare but well-described cause for myocardial infarction during the post-partum period. Dissection of multiple coronary arteries is even less frequent. Here we present a case of recurrent post-partum coronary artery dissections. This unusual presentation poses unique problems for management. A 35 year-old female, gravida 3 para 2, presented with myocardial infarction 9 weeks and 3 days post-partum. Cardiac catheterization demonstrated left anterior descending (LAD) dissection but an otherwise normal coronary anatomy. The lesion was treated with four everolimus eluting stents. Initially the patient made an unremarkable recovery until ventricular fibrillation arrest occurred on the following day. Unsynchronized cardioversion restored a normal sinus rhythm and repeat catheterization revealed new right coronary artery (RCA) dissection. A wire was passed distally, but it was unclear whether this was through the true or false lumen and no stents could be placed. However, improvement of distal RCA perfusion was noted on angiogram. Despite failure of interventional therapy the patient was therefore treated conservatively. Early operation after myocardial infarction has a significantly elevated risk of mortality and the initial dissection had occurred within 24 hours. This strategy proved successful as follow-up transthoracic echocardiography after four months demonstrated a preserved left ventricular ejection fraction of 55-60% without regional wall motion abnormalities. The patient remained asymptomatic from a cardiac point of view